TER General Board

It's not LE you have to worry about...
mrfisher 108 Reviews 79 reads

It's family, friends, your boss, etc.  

To that end, avoid SM, and if you must, be sure your hobby activities are on a computer with completely different IP address, carrier, etc.  
even then, they may connect the dots.

In today’s cyber world do you really think you can remain totally anonymous?’
Don’t kid yourself about remaining anonymous especially when it comes to LE
If you use a computer you have an IP address
And if you use email you’re on record forever
I guess you could use a library computer to beat the IP addresss

You can be anonymous enough. Cops only have so much time and resources. And contestable court cases based on information gained illegally in violation the US constitution are usually beyond a police forces abilities to do based on lack of resources alone. Then add in the fact it will be highly contestable in court, and likely fruitless, the desire isn't there, again usually. Yes being completely anonymous IS impossible, but if you are not drawing attention to yourself, and you screen your dates, odds are you are anonymous enough, at least as far as LE is concerned. Your wife might be another matter completely. There is no limits on how far some women scorned can go. Some bitches be crazy.

souls_harbor55 reads

A third party record is useless as criminal evidence -- no proof on how it was created.  

Just got done with a guy on another thread who said he knows his info isn't being stored by a website because he's never heard about it being leaked.  That's the level of (un)awareness a lot of people are using the internet with, and you need to be an opsec pro (and probably a hermit) to operate in a way in which your covert activities NEVER meet your real identity.    

Minimizing one's exposure is still something people should do, though.  

It's family, friends, your boss, etc.  

To that end, avoid SM, and if you must, be sure your hobby activities are on a computer with completely different IP address, carrier, etc.  
even then, they may connect the dots.

NewbieOne66 reads

Reality is triangulation of data is the most effective way to map a person to a digital fingerprint... for example the device browser url and geo and be enough to say this person had this fingerprint and that same fingerprint was used in these 5 places .. let’s say TER p411 Gmail and SM

So some tips to avoid fingerprints  
The most secure thing you can do is be disciplined use one and only one device for this and never use it for anything else.. burner smart phone is an option. In particular never access FB from the same device you got to TER with....
Use a VPN every time
Use a good browser (Brave or the new Firefox)
Disable all scripts trackers cookies etc   Configurations with in browsers can be put on lockdown  use noscript adblocker etc as well  
Ditch everything Google related (gmail chrome)
If you want to increase peer to peer (client to provider) use encryption like what’s available in WhatsApp and proton mail....
Fight for decriminalization move to Carson city or out of the country (lol)

I wish TER had a non browser version you could hit .. does it ?

Use tails with tor browser through a tor VPN. Type in the url of the site you are visiting rather than using a search engine, or if you must use a search engine use DuckDuckGo.

Any PGP email is fine, but I wish there were better and more compatible encryption apps for texts.

TOR is great, but as soon as you use it on a company-provided laptop you will get busted!  It's easier just to have a small laptop that you use for nothing else.... so its MAC address is a dead end.

There is a portable version of TOR, too. You install it on a USB (thumb) drive and run it using any compatible computer.  TOR run from the stick should leave no residue on the computer. I think that TOR, the program, does not need to grab program resources from the computer so there is no trail there, either. The temp files and everything else are created on the thumb drive, not on the hard drive of the computer.

Posted By: hey mikey
Re: Simpler yet...
TOR is great, but as soon as you use it on a company-provided laptop you will get busted!  It's easier just to have a small laptop that you use for nothing else.... so its MAC address is a dead end.

SpectreNBond62 reads

....stays in Vegas.  Unfortunately today, what is online stays forever.

But, you can be smart and not attract attraction to yourself by not doing stupid things. If you belong to every social media on the planet and relentless blabber on them, then you will attract attention.

In a nutshell no but you can always mitigate risk...

Posted By: fundeer

In today’s cyber world do you really think you can remain totally anonymous?’  
 Don’t kid yourself about remaining anonymous especially when it comes to LE  
 If you use a computer you have an IP address  
 And if you use email you’re on record forever  
 I guess you could use a library computer to beat the IP addresss

Don't you have to show an ID, or a library card (which is tied to your ID) to use a computer in a library?  

I'm not as paranoid as some others around here, but if I was, I certainly wouldn't feel that using a library computer would give me anonymity.  

How could you knot no thet, U dunse?

One way to hide your tracks include:

1) Buy a laptop and use it for NOTHING ELSE, EVER, PERIOD.  This means the units MAC address does not leave a trail back you to you.
2) NEVER EVER use this laptop from your home or office IP address. EVER!
3) Preferably use this laptop only at public locations that uses a dynamic IP.
4) Run Window Washer or MAC washer daily, preferably every time you exit the laptop.
5) NEVER use a smart phone to access anything hobby related. Never take your smart phone to meet an escort.
6) Use a burner phone, that you switch-out periodically, and never store personal information on it.
7) Delete the burner after every meeting, remove battery, and store it in a way that's not likely to be discovered. (I use a case of ammunition, inside a gun safe.)
8) Use an email account not tied EVER to your real life. Use a completely fake name.  
9) Resist the urge to write anything down on paper, EVER, not even when out of town.
10) Avoid using your laptop or a public computer any place with a video camera that can be used to cross reference you and the MAC/IP/email address.
11) Recognize that if your SO is the suspicious type, the PI she hires will likely figure out what you're doing.
13) Be prepared to take long absences from the fun to cover tracks well.

All this cloak and dagger shit gives me a fucking headache. lol

Of the thirteen suggestions you have made I follow exactly ZERO of them and I haven't had any issues, but I am happily divorced and own my own business so I have no need to fear being exposed as a whore monger. Actually everyone already knows I am a whore mongering pig so outing me would be like "discovering" water is wet.

Sounds like a Maxwell Smart schedule. I  had about 5 months of overlap between starting to be a whore monger again and separating from ex number 2. The marriage was done , it just took me a few months (actually years) to grow a pair.  

I refuse to live a life with guilt and shame. I have no guilt about play for pay, but I sure don't want to be sneaking around someone who believes that I am being faithful to an agreement.
It's just a too freaking complicated way to live for me.

But, to each his own. Everyone's situation and self care is different.

Follow your Heart  💖  and let your Conscious be your guide...or Your Wallet..  Xoxo

LOL, while I agree with you on some level, I was merely answering the OP's question of how to remain anonymous. While I don't do follow most of these suggestion either, this type of dedication to security is what's necessary for a married guy to successfully keep their mongering hidden.  The reality is that most guys are too lazy to even try -- and this is why they get caught with a phone number or email address in their wallet or on the seat of their car. A guy who tries a bit to not get caught will likely be successful... I know I have for a long time.

I think the issue is that most married mongers don't want to get divorced, and they don't want their kids/employers/employees to know they are pigs.  ;)

Someone like Highway boy who is an IT executive.

Like Secret Agent Man,  or Maxwell Smart. 🕵️‍♂️.   & .. A good laugh is good for your health..🤗

How do folks feel about being tracked by providers or clients?
Example picture or hidden pixels in email or web form that leaks data to the sender/web owner  

I get the why , I am just on the fence about how I feel  about it.  It’s easy enough to get around but I wonder if a client blocked them a provider might get concerned about tools they are using being bypassed....

Another reason p411 is a must

Thoughts appreciated

In my real life, smart phone, email, etc. all seem to be linked up even when I don't want them to be. I use CC cards on my phone to pay at checkouts. I was ASSURED (hah!) that the store doesn't get my phone info and it is just a regular CC payment, but from a phone, not a piece of plastic. Every time I walk near or into the store, I get a message: "Take a picture of This Store?" "Weekly deals at This Store." and so on.  
I see it as a bit of a leap frog game. As they monitor all of us more and more, we get lost in the increasingly HUGE amounts of data. Then, they improve the tools for filtering the data and we're easier to find again. Then, they come up with another "trick" to get more tracking data, contact data, phone call data, SMS data, did you scratch your ass data, ... and the amount of data they collect explodes further.  Then there is another leap on the data analysis end. ... Then, they come and take us away, one by one.
I think that as long as no one is actively looking for you, you are just buried in the Big Data. Once someone starts actively looking for you or your phone number or something specific, it's around 7.1 milliseconds until they have a complete record of your life, down to when you last changed your socks.
I hate it.

Posted By: AllbSure
Re: Related but slightly off topic
How do folks feel about being tracked by providers or clients?  
 Example picture or hidden pixels in email or web form that leaks data to the sender/web owner

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