TER General Board

It's not just THIS question
GaGambler 595 reads

He has a history of making posts/questions like this, such as his OP yesterday alluding to his worry about agency women being pimped.

I am with you though in re to asking these kinds of questions, it just doesn't occur to me to stick my nose into a providers personal business, I will however stick my nose into her personal places, especially the warm wet ones.

For providers only, feel free to alias:

Tell me about your first time providing for money.  Not a review of the session, but how you felt about it during and immediately after.  Terrifying, exhilarating, empowering, horrible, better than a lot of your dates, ???

I was really lucky and the guy was a complete gentleman :). I wasn't as nervous and uncomfortable as I thought it would be. When I left I felt really good. I had a bunch of money, I really enjoyed my self and it was just all around a enjoyable experience. I'm sure I can speak for most providers when I say that we really enjoy seeing " gentlemen "  
Thank you to all the guys that take pride in being a gentleman !!!  
Xoxo kayden

my first time...well. 'Empowering' is putting it lightly. I left thinking...well, ok, I can do this. Felt, well, very natural, at least to me.

I'm also the most gentleman-est guy on the planet. :D

hotplants732 reads

I can't quite put my finger on it...but with this question after your last, I'm getting a guilty 'save-a-ho' vibe from you. Like you want to be assured that you're not, somehow, exploiting the providers you hire.

Are you this worried (or curious) about customer service representatives  that spend all day listening to pissed-off customers yelling at them about things over which they have absolutely not control? 'Cause, if there was ever a brutal job....

And maybe I'm reading too much between the lines. But, all of this need to 'rescue' women from work they have voluntarily chosen to do is annoying

GaGambler679 reads

It unfortunately seems to be a quite common malady here, it must be hard to really enjoy yourself when carrying around all that guilt.

I put it in the category of Duplicitouslust, who also has a fascination with the motivations of these women.  I get it.  It's fascinating.  But the fascination makes some of us want to pry into the minds of providers.  I understand it but it also can get a bit creepy.  Personally, I never ask questions like this. I enjoy their company on a number of levels and simply let them tell me what they want about themselves.
Then I take it with a big grain of salt.

GaGambler596 reads

He has a history of making posts/questions like this, such as his OP yesterday alluding to his worry about agency women being pimped.

I am with you though in re to asking these kinds of questions, it just doesn't occur to me to stick my nose into a providers personal business, I will however stick my nose into her personal places, especially the warm wet ones.

hotplants706 reads

obviously, this approaches oversimplification but: it's a job. it pays the bills.  

There are any number of things I 'could' do for work. I chose to do the work that pays me the most money; even though that type of work is low(er?) on the list of  "all of the really cool things I could do  to pay the bills".  

My motivations are not that fascinating (or unique)

There's a pathology with these guys who are fascinated by these "soiled doves."  They want to know why they are such sluts.  It's a turn-on for them.  Sometimes when they write (especially dupy) you can almost hear them splooging on their keyboards.
Hell, I don't understand it so I don't see why you would either.

GaGambler537 reads

can't fathom the thought that prostitutes are living, breathing human beings first, and sex workers second. I think some of them really must think that you hang upside down in your closet like bats in between sessions. I mean they honestly treat you women like you are from another planet. I am constantly amazed at just how clueless  some guys can be.

I used to see a FBSM 42 year old lady that was dynamite.  She retired and I started visiting her partner, a 19 y.o. who is a very sweet if naive girl who didn't know what she was doing in screening, etc.  She told me a long sad story after a session that just got me thinking about lack of alternative employment.

Not trying to save anybody from anything, just trying to be able to make informed moral decisions for myself and part of that is not to support pimping, some agencies, etc.

The dude was pretty hot, and we had the exact same sense of humor so we were cracking each other up. On the down side, homeboy was a pounder. I had bruises in some really unexpected places. All in all, I honestly didn't feel too different afterwards.

However, it ought to read, "If he toned down his pounding about THREE quarters..." That leaves 1/4, but if he only toned down ONE quarter, you'd be stuck with 3/4.

Guys have to pay proper attention to the arithmetic of this kind of stuff, ESPECIALLY when talking to women.
I'm sure when you were in school you realized pretty quickly that a woman's Math grade usually matched her cup size.
So... Especially when dealing with D-cups or larger, you can bet they won't be very good with the numbers.

Ah yes, of anyone ever I can remember him.

My bff had started working for a service, and coaxed/tempted me with promises of making what she was...
My first appointment was an outcall, the man was not what I would consider my type physically, and not very alpha disposition wise... (dare I whisper...  he was a MANGINA....)  
He had the cash upfront, no issues.  
We both got undressed, some cbj & then cowgirl. He was done in less time than it takes to sing two verses & the chorus.
2 minutes later, he happily started getting dressed, after washing up.
I was kind of blinking my eyes, like, "That's it?"  
(That was how little work I had to do??? Hell, I'd had worse in my civvie life.)

I thanked him profusely, he gave me a hug & a wink, said our parting farewell's & I damn near skipped out to my driver's car (which this case, we had arranged with the agency for it to be my bff that time, simply to be my wing-man, jic.) We were squealing & screeching like a couple of cheerleaders who finally figured out that some chicks actually get PAID for this.

Now, that isn't every call- however, the worst of it happened with agencies, so for providers 1st time, YMMV although I'm going to have to logically assume (IMO): most of them had to have had it halfway decently the first time for them to have voluntarily stuck with this line of work.  

My bff had a bad incident that shook her so bad (a sting scare) that she turned back civvie!

Florida_Evans845 reads

The guy reminded me of fat bastard from the Austin Powers movie.  I found him unappealing in every way.  Then again, it may have been because he was my first hobby experience and ANYONE would've been pretty awful.  I was very nervous to put it mildly, and had no exhilaration afterwards.  I drove home and scrubbed my body with hot water and bleach.

I mean, you had some other types you could enjoy eventually, didn't you?

Posted By: Florida_Evans
 The guy reminded me of fat bastard from the Austin Powers movie.  I found him unappealing in every way.  Then again, it may have been because he was my first hobby experience and ANYONE would've been pretty awful.  I was very nervous to put it mildly, and had no exhilaration afterwards.  I drove home and scrubbed my body with hot water and bleach.

Florida_Evans734 reads

If that same guy walked in the door today, I'd rock his world and find some way to enjoy the session.  Then I would take a normal shower, warm water, mild soap.

Patient, appreciative of my company and he even tipped me!!! Although I started with an agency... I would say exhilarating because of the mystery that is carried throughout all the dates (even now)...

Providers, did the client know or suspect that it was your first time?

Clients:  Same except the reverse.

I never told the gal she was my first, but I suspect she suspected on account of how loud the sound of my knees shaking together was.

although I'm sure I was obviously a total noob. She was not, over 100 reviews here. Of course I didn't even know about TER at the time... I just called a gal at a number a friend gave me. Fantastic experience, and she gave me my first explanation of how this world works and how to stay safe.

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