TER General Board

It's most definitely NOT about the gut for me
redsox2017 7 Reviews 2945 reads
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How many reviews do you all prefer a provider to have before you'll meet up with her? If you see a great ad of a new or newer provider, what do you look for to help you feel safe meeting her, especially if she has no reviews yet? What are some red flags and green lights for you?

ReadyFreddie069 15 Reviews 251 reads
2 / 27

I don't have any strict guidelines when it comes to the number of reviews. It is more of just a gut feeling for me. I will see a provider who only has 1 review if I feel the review was legitimate, and it gives me the essential information I need to know whether I am going to have a great time. I know you can't always tell if the review is legit, but if she has a presence on the internet and the review tells me enough details, then I can pull the trigger. I wish I could be more specific, but I google numbers and check websites and reviews.  

By the way, I just recently found a newer provider who has no reviews who I am going to see as soon as I am able. She has a professionally done website, and it is really well done. She has posted in the Ad Boards in the Chicago area, and I love her pictures and price. I am willing to try her out because I can tell she is probably high caliber and looking to get reviews and a following.

micktoz 41 Reviews 259 reads
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many reviews.  And at least some of those reviews must be by reviewers with a history of well reviewed ladies. I won't see ladies with P411 accounts and no reviews.  
I've broken those rules twice. But, both the ladies were referred to me by guys with a lot of reviews.

For my own safety, I won't break my protocols.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 183 reads
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Adventurous and in the mood to TOFTT,  then she doesn't need any, but under normal circumstances, three or four.  I usually discount the first one because its often a shill review to get her started, unless its from someone that I know.  

-- Modified on 5/8/2017 10:17:24 PM

redsox2017 7 Reviews 183 reads
5 / 27

What has your experience generally been in TOFTT? Was she what you expected? What did you require at minimum to feel comfortable enough to TOFTT?

Hpygolky 206 Reviews 299 reads
6 / 27

I've TOFTT on many occasions. There really isn't a "number" of reviews that I look for. If I like the ad, I'll google her number and email account. If I see she that has multiple of ads with different pictures, then I'm gone. If she responds to my inquires with the "Babe, honey, sweetie" then I'll probably bail.....But it's mostly gut or a feeling I'll get.
But in a perfect world, 3-5 reviews would seal the deal....I know why didn't I say that sooner...lol

lopaw 29 Reviews 142 reads
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...before I take the plunge, tho I have been the first for a few girls that I knew as strippers before they were providing. Oh the sacrifices that I make!  ;)

I have also dabbled with some massage places and individual masseuses that I found (unreviewed) on BP with good results. But overall I stick with the ladies here on TER.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 241 reads
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and I would say it runs about 50-50 on whether she exceeds my expectations.  The real joy of TOFTT is finding an undiscovered gem, and keeping it to yourself for a few weeks and repeating two or three times before she gets "discovered" and starts getting 9/9 reviews consistently, her dance card fills up, and it gets much more difficult to book a time a works for me.  I have had my share of these discoveries, and it makes it worth seeing the clunkers that go with the TOFTT territory, at least IMO.  

mrfisher 108 Reviews 185 reads
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I grew up in the hobby world without the internet or TER to guide me.  Therefore, I'm comfortable seeing someone without reviews if I detect good vibes from whatever sources I can find.

On the other hand, a novice would be foolish to see an unreviewed gal given the plethora of reviewed gals he (or she) has to choose from.

As for the number, most hobbyists seem to feel that 6 within the last couple of years by reviewers who have written several reviews is about right.

MasterZen 33 Reviews 265 reads
10 / 27

Stick to providers with at least 3-5 reviews fromm guys with multiple reviews. TER reviews are not the only reviews, nor only way to research a woman... they are simply the easiest and most direct way.

For experienced guys, there are many other methods.

Stay safe and gain some experience before venturing out on your own with someone without reviews.

Senator.Blutarsky 231 reads
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Being the adventurous fellow that I am, she doesn't need any. Especially, if she has a P411 account.  

I wasn't always this carefree. I was much more cautious when I started out and would like to see at least a half dozen reviews with at least one from a veteran reviewer. Once you've been here a while, you develop an ability to read the tea leaves.

OliviaJones95 See my TER Reviews 243 reads
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This is such an interesting thread. I have been a provider for about a year now and I just received my first review... Do you think it has hindered my business so far?

If I must say so myself... my website it killer. Lots of personality and photos... after seeing a client they cant believe I don't have any reviews. Review culture makes me nervous as I pride myself on a private experience.  

how does a provider go about asking a client to be a future reference? is that not asking a lot  



hiddenhills 143 Reviews 277 reads
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There are a lot of clients who wait until a provider has a number of reviews. What that number is, is hard to say.  
If you read the newbie board, it could be 5 or 10 reviews by veteran reviewers.  

As far as how to ask for a review. That's easy, at the end of the session, just ask if your client would be kind enough to write a review. If they say no, don't make a fuss, and be prepared for clients to agree to write a review, but not follow through.
Posted By: OliviaJones95
Re: curious... great thread  
This is such an interesting thread. I have been a provider for about a year now and I just received my first review... Do you think it has hindered my business so far?  
 If I must say so myself... my website it killer. Lots of personality and photos... after seeing a client they cant believe I don't have any reviews. Review culture makes me nervous as I pride myself on a private experience.  
 how does a provider go about asking a client to be a future reference? is that not asking a lot  

GaGambler 191 reads
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One review is plenty for me, and if both her pics and her ad grabs me AND I am reasonably assured I am not walking into a sting, IOW someone I find either on P 411 or a TER post or ad, I am more than willing to TOFTT.

Actually most of my "action" of late is strictly TOFTT, as I now live in "Hooker Siberia" (to borrow a phrase) and I see mainly SB's who by very definition have no reviews.

GaGambler 216 reads
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If she has a "gut" I am not seeing her, no matter how many reviews she has. lol

but all kidding aside. A single review by a credible reviewer is more than enough for me, and if I see a girl who "does it for me" and she has no reviews, but has an ad on TER or P 411, along with a professionally done website, that's usually enough for me too.

vantheman666 10 Reviews 245 reads
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I was doing this before I discovered TER, and I can smell bullshit from a mile away.  The only reason I generally stick with the reviewed ladies is the simple fact that they know what's expected of them professionally, while newbie girls will pull crap like leaving after 20 minutes when you paid for an hour, just because you popped once.

STPhomer 176 Reviews 144 reads
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It totally depends on who does the review(s). If a too good to be true lady has a few unbelievably great reviews but all those reviews are by individuals with no other reviews or board histories I figure she indeed is to good to be true and pass.
But if a lady has even a single review from a TER member with a solid board presence  I'd have no prob seeing her.

I'll consider a lady with zero reviews if she is endorsed by one of my faves or recommended by a TER member I trust.

I've made a few exceptions over the years and trusted my instincts and was glad that I did. But those decisions were the result of email exchanges with the lady , not just a seductive ad.

Fancy8888 See my TER Reviews 203 reads
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Posted By: redsox2017

How many reviews do you all prefer a provider to have before you'll meet up with her? If you see a great ad of a new or newer provider, what do you look for to help you feel safe meeting her, especially if she has no reviews yet? What are some red flags and green lights for you?

John_Laroche 194 reads
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I typically just enter a minimum of 2 reviews (along with other more important criteria).

But if I'm perusing ads and a woman strikes my fancy, I don't care about reviews unless they are to convince me that she's not LE or a rip-off.

I've met numerous massage providers who have not been reviewed. I've also met some (but fewer) escorts with no reviews or just 1. I don't mind TOFTT as far as performance goes. Although I don't keep statistics, I haven't found an obvious correlation between number of reviews (or minimum number) and how great of a time I've had.  

Tarheel10 49 Reviews 209 reads
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have solid good reviews.She has to have more than one..preferably 4 or 5 at least. Hopefully her reviews are from guys or gals that have a board presence on this site...
I normally only see gals that have a P411 account.

keystonekid 114 Reviews 161 reads
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newbies is that newbies should only see well-reviewed ladies (5 or 6 reviews from established reviewers). Newbies usually haven't gained the experience to spot the fakes, ROB, in it for the money only and how fast can I get him?her to cum so I can leave crowd.  

2648667 31 Reviews 281 reads
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Should review, just saying. Maybe there should be a different term for it. Shooting blind, maybe? LoL

GaGambler 215 reads
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It really is more of a matter of "taking one for myself" but no one would know what I meant if I called it "TOFM"

So, just like ATF really doesn't mean "All time" favorite and should more accurately be "current favorite" I guess I am stuck with calling it TOFTT.  

Ironically we had a TOFTT club in Atlanta a good ten years ago. A small group of us would come up with a list of likely candidates that at least three of us were interested in, had no reviews, and had  current ads/websites. Once we agreed on the list each one of us would take a turn TOFTTing and then reporting back to the group as to whether the new girl was worth it or not. The rest of the guys wrote actual reviews about the new finds, I of course only reported back to our little group.

justsauce16 4 Reviews 235 reads
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You might have luck with said flighty indie girls by doing some DATY after you pop once, so there's no break in the action.

perfectstorm 19 Reviews 242 reads
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I always tell newbies to look for providers with at least 6 reviews with at least half of them coming from reviewers who have written at least 5 or 6 reviews themselves. I think that is a good rule for newbies. Newbies should not TOFTT.

However, I am not a newbie, and personally I have TOFTT many times. Sure, finding a lady with reviews (even just one review), makes things a little easier in knowing what to expect in my session, but I don't require them. I do look for reviews (And not just here on TER--there are many other review sites), but if I don't find any and I am still thinking about seeing the lady I rely on a lot of other factors, and research. One of those things is just communication with her, and how she responds to me. If I get a good feeling, I will book a session, but it usually takes a few back and forth texts or emails. I have met some true gems while TOFTT. Some have become regulars and ave also had a few not so good sessions, but in all the years of doing this (from way before there was a TERr even an internet), I have never been robbed, mugged, beaten by a pimp, or arrested.

trex44 9 Reviews 167 reads
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Sorry, couldn't resist.

Usually, I like to see 2-3 quality reviews by someone who has some review history. Like GaG, I live in a provider desert and I have to travel hours to a decent sized city to have any chance of quality providers.  It helps to have some comfort level before I begin the process to find a playmate, as I'm usually not able to play spontaneously.

Having said all that, I've participated in the p4p world, off and on, since 1992 and well before inter webs, review culture and having some sense of community. Also, having been in sales for decades, I've gotten pretty good at reading people, so I can generally suss out who might be compatible.

i'm a big fan of meet & greets to help the process along. The face-to-face element is quite helpful in finding someone with whom I connect. It allows me get a feel (yes, I know ;) for the provider and she can do the same with me.

I did this with a provider who intrigued me but she had only one review here. I met with her at a M&G, we hit it off and we've had multiple sessions.  

I don't recommend this for new participants to p4p -- follow the above advice and stick with well-reviewed, established providers until you've gained some confidence in your abilities.

GoogleWasMyIdea 175 reads
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My philosophy

If I'm using reviews to decide to meet or not, I want at least three reviews from random TER members, though I might go for it based on one review from one of the reviewers (there are maybe five in my area) who's taste lines up with mine.

If my gut just says go for it (which is rare but has happened) I don't need any reviews, but do need some kind of significant history like a pattern of ads or participation in forums just to be (fairly) sure she's legit.  


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