TER General Board

It's hard to take anything you say seriously
tankbinding 16 Reviews 127 reads

How long have you building your "character" on these boards? You really think you have "enemies", "friends" and "frenemies" here on the TER "Discussion Boards"? That whole concept seems absurd to me.  

Brother - were you a gamer before become a TER board troll? Does your mom still bring you sandwiches down to the basement while you are "playing" on TER? She's probably getting a little old for that don't you think?

Having 10 free hours a day and wasting 10 hours a day on this board are entirely different things (and the later is nothing to brag about). I realise that your status and sense of self worth in "life" comes from your standing here - that's why you so ruthlessly and relentlessly defend the dogma you spew out all day...

Tell us another story grandpa - please!!

I came across provider on TER (will remain anonymous), young, independent, full service including Greek.  
My concern is for her safety: I reached out and inquired about a date.  She had no system of verification, reference checks, nothing.  

I realize not every single provider uses verification system either, but I wish they would, for their own safety.  As a hobbyist, obtaining references is not rocket science, yeah you actually have to Think about it, but it's nothing we should complain about.

Am I wrong to ask?  I'm concerned for her safety, there's a lot of sick men out there that prey on women and children, so I thought I'd say something.

and if you did, did you tell her your concerns about screening?

If you are only telling us, who already know the ropes, and not her, than you are being no more helpful than when you admonished the rest of us for your own bad behavior where it came to last minute cancellations.

I hate to say this, but you reek of "New guy" someone who's new to the business himself, but still wants to tell everyone  about the few lessons you have learned so far. Why don't you and SashaBenjamin go start your own board for fellow newbies? You two act like you were just made for each other.

six-your-old that wants to show everyone in the room the new toy he pulled out of the cereal box.  

The one who is so proud about the "poopy he just made" lol

and in other news, it was reported that once again the sun rose this morning in the east. Hard to believe, isn't it? lol

Remember that one review? The board seems to love shit reviews.  

I've seen threads telling people rape was bad. Who didn't know?

Years ago I researched a provider honestly can't recall who it may have even been. We must have exchanged emails, email had a first and last name. First and last name came back to a FB page with a pic of her and a BF.  

I thought it may have been a fake page.

I never said nothing, and lost interest for some reason.

Once a provider shows you a boyfriend photo, its hard to fuck her without seeing that face in your mind.  We ALL lost interest in that situation.

1) no, I did not end up scheduling yet, had to postpone a couple weeks due to logistics;
2) sorry for your misunderstanding, I wasn't admonishing the anonymous young woman;
3) I'm reaching out to our community in an attempt to help out a young woman. As we both know, I do not have expert opinions or a wealth of experience to offer.
4) can you recommend a website for general safety tips for the hobby?  Somewhere it's written: "screen potential clients"..

validation from the "community" in order to help out a provider that is doing something dangerous?  I help out a lot of providers, mostly by PM, but I don't feel the need to come here and get permission first.  If you're that much of a wimp that you can't just tell her, then PM her name and I'll tell her for you.  Jeesh!  Get a pair!

...lol, I did tell her.  Told her I thought screening was something she should do to protect herself, etc.., she said thank you, etc...

Look at it from her perspective: I'm a John, we've never even met, and we're still working on scheduling our first appointment.  Doesn't exactly put me in a position to be handing out advice, obviously right?

Again, I'm thinking about her safety.  Without screening, the odds go up that some wacko's gonna show up one night.  That's what I thought anyway, but I don't know that, so I reached out

GaGambler120 reads

A board that you should most definitely start READING, but not on which you should be making admonishing OPs.

I appreciate your desire to help, but you don't really think things through and "considering the source" I can think of a couple of reasons that you could have possibly gotten it all wrong regarding this young lady. For all we know she is not inexperienced and you could have easily given her all the information she needed with which to screen you without you ever knowing it.


I have asked this of you before and I will ask it again PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, resist the urge to be Captain Save-a-ho until you have enough experience yourself to know if your advice is wanted, needed or even valid. Leave the "advice giving" to the veterans, and just stick to phrasing your "advice" in the form of an actual question that the vets can help you with and stop trying to tell the rest of us what to do. If you hadn't noticed, you're going to get a LOT of push back when you try telling the entire board what to do after only having been here for such a short time. It's the same reason SashaBenjamin got such a tough reception and to prove we aren't sexists around here, it's the reason you are getting so much abuse.

Lousy Point: "Leave the advice-giving to the veterans".  Lousy because I wasn't giving advice of any kind, not here.  If you still have your panties up in a bunch over my post from last week, I don't know what to tell you, get help man....

Great Point-"For all we know she is not inexperienced and you could have easily given her all the information she needed"
   spot on, for all you know or I know, she could be LE, or clever and slick, or imagine if she was a "bot"!?!?!?  lol...

I connected with a young provider via TER offering full service, including Greek.  She has no screening procedure, nothing at all.  As a hobbyist, I'm concerned for the young lady's safety and well being.

"AM I WRONG TO ASK?"  I'm thinking about the young provider here, as well as any other providers/hobbyists who we may connect with via this discussion.

There's a great phrase, "assumption is the mother of all f#$!-ups!"  While I assumed that screening was standard operating procedure, thought I'd ask.  If anyone has a website they can recommend for safety precautions for our hobby, I'd love to hear about it, thanks everyone

JakeFromStateFarm116 reads

Then date only guys who are members there, because they've already been screened by that site.  She should limit herself to guys with at least 4 or 5 OKs, meaning they've been seen by that many other P411 girls who can vouch for them as being safe.

Thanks JakeFromStateFarm, much appreciated.  Any idea if there's somewhere I can direct her to?  A website, discussion thread, etc...that simply states, "providers should screen clients?"  

Just how do you know you didn't unknowingly give her enough info to screen you?


You freely admit you are hardly an expert in these matters. It's VERY possible she screened you through your phone number, TER handle or any one of a hundred different ways that a newbie like yourself might not know about.  I am not say that this is definitely the case, only that a newbie like yourself would have no way of knowing.


Obviously the girl knows enough to be on TER, the rest is only guesswork, something I doubt you are qualified to do.


As for a website, TER is the best resource I can think of where it comes to learning "safety precautions" for the hobby, and it against TER rules to name any competing review sites that also have screening tips.

That makes sense, it being against TER policies to list competing sites on the discussion thread.  Was hoping there was a magical bible out there with the 10 commandments: 1) use a condom; 2) screen potential clients;...

Our relationship is limited to her being a provider I found on TER, and I a hobbyist listed on TER.  We've never met, and still attempting to schedule 1st appointment.  So I'm not exactly in a position to be giving advice.

How do I know she hadn't already screened me?  I don't.  I'm pretty sure she didn't as she was unable to bring up my whitelist on TER despite me talking her through it for awhile, but again, the point of the post was asking if screening is something all providers should do, and if there's a website to reference this.

Don't thank that smug douchebag... He is not here to help anyone. You ever notice he knows everything, about everything?!?

He fancies himself king troll - just because he has 10 hours everyday to hang out and give his blowhard opinions on everything!!

GaGambler165 reads

I actually have a lot more than that if I want to.  

You most likely are a wage slave who's time is not his own. I might have business obligations, but with no wife and no boss, I can spend as much time here as I want. Sucks to be you, doesn't it? lmao

How is that "seducing" providers working out for you? I have a question for you considering you named two different posters as your biggest critics, me being one of course and the other being my "frenemy"  BigPapasan. I have been dying to know, which one of us do you dislike the most? I am betting it is me, but I'd like to hear it from the moron's mouth. lol

I secretly wish I was Asian in my mid-sixties with a make believe life - LOL

Go clean your gun Grandpa Gambler and try not to make believe shoot yourself in the foot hahahahahahahahahaha...

Tell us another story please!!!

and isn't your turn to tell us another "I seduced a provider by NOT fucking her" story?

How long have you building your "character" on these boards? You really think you have "enemies", "friends" and "frenemies" here on the TER "Discussion Boards"? That whole concept seems absurd to me.  

Brother - were you a gamer before become a TER board troll? Does your mom still bring you sandwiches down to the basement while you are "playing" on TER? She's probably getting a little old for that don't you think?

Having 10 free hours a day and wasting 10 hours a day on this board are entirely different things (and the later is nothing to brag about). I realise that your status and sense of self worth in "life" comes from your standing here - that's why you so ruthlessly and relentlessly defend the dogma you spew out all day...

Tell us another story grandpa - please!!

Did you give her a number registered to you or your wife? If you did there are ways to get all your personal information down to where you went to high school. There are tons of way to screen.

Though, I don't recall saying you were arguing with anyone. Tankbinding though is trying to undermine  sound information. I was just pointing out while an asshole as Tankbinding pointed out, GaGambler was correct.

Hmmm.... maybe you should think before typing. Nah, that just wouldn't be fun. Keep on speaking minus thought.

I didn't comment at all the nonsense you speak of - not undermining anyone's genius post about cell phones...

Keep it up scoed - you're killing it!!!  :))

GaGambler is a complete asshole. I am not defending his numerous personality flaws nor the aggressive nature in many of his posts. But just stating he had a legitimate point. I am defending his point not the asshole it came from.

Now as to my nonsense, go for it. Have fun.

Please realize you are sounding a lot like GaGambler in your tone and manner. But unlike his posts on this thread I haven't seen a worthwhile useful point other than GaGambler is an asshole. And well stating "GaGambler is an asshole" is up there with thing like, "water is wet" in shocking worthwhile news. Everyone and everything knows this. It hardly needed saying. Hell, not even GaGambler disputes this fact.

I don't disagree with you at all - what's this thread about anyway?!?

Yes they would be crazy not to extensively screen. Some suggestions:
1. Colleague Referrals (TER Whitelist, P411 OK's etc.). Don't forget to personally connect with previous providers to get the between the lines info.
2. Leverage Screening Services that allow newbies to give work and personal info safely.
3. Establish a rapport with potential clients through email communication to make sure they are a "good fit" (I never understood providers thinking this is a waste of time as I think it could be a critical safety consideration).
4. Have a Bad-Ass pimp on hand to put a hurting on any assholes that slip through 1-3 (*Remember GrandpaGambler has a tricked out walker that fires Ruffie darts, tear gas and ninja stars), so tell your pimp to be careful with him)...

I began this thread sharing my story.  I contacted a provider, listed on TER with 1 review, and inquired about a date.  I started by giving her my TER info, I'm white-listed, and she didn't know what I was talking about.  She explained she didn't have a screening process...

JakeFromStateFarm, CamilleUK, SashaBenjamin, and now yourself are the only ones who actually responded to the thread in a meaningful way.

When Jake and Camille find out you're putting them in the same class as SashaB and Tank, there will be hell to pay.  Just sayin.

I'm just here to give a few of my favourites shit for being such pompous know-it-all pricks...

I really don't have any interest in the TER troll board hierarchy - Just Sayin

How has this denigrated to the position it is now at? Why can't people just SOMETIMES assume that the lines they are trying to read between are less important that what is actually there!

To the OP, if you don't know where to steer this lady and she is open to help you can tell her to PM me and I'll offer some 101 advice as a starting point. If she is not interested though just leave it be and step away...

C x

Thank you Camille.  I may book with her in a couple weeks, and she may be comfortable then.  Just thought I'd reach out to get opinions on screening procedures, I'm thinking of safety

Is about a girl you haven't even seen yet?  WHO has too much time in their hands?

1) yes, I do have too much time on my hands, and should spend it more wisely moving forward
2) how about you?  Is this a good way for You to spend your time?
3) I mentioned 4 hours ago, when you were active on the this thread, I had not booked with her
4) No, this is not about a girl I haven't met.  It's a general concern for provider/hobbyist safety.  I think that's a worthwhile topic for us to discuss as a community.

HappyChanges90 reads

did not denigrate to an all out shit show. I probably would not read them.

JakeFromStateFarm140 reads

So please forgive Conan when he points out that your use of "denigrated" is incorrect.  Denigrate means to speak ill of.  Conan believes you meant to say "deteriorated," which means, er, went to shit.  LOL.
Keep Calm and Carry On.

Whatever happened to inicky....

Busted. It was late and now it's early. I'm crap at a lot of things when I'm over tired if it doesn't involve kissing 😜

Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm
Re: Oh, my, Camille, it is not often Conan The Grammarian gets to correct a Brit in her native tongue!
So please forgive Conan when he points out that your use of "denigrated" is incorrect.  Denigrate means to speak ill of.  Conan believes you meant to say "deteriorated," which means, er, went to shit.  LOL.  
 Keep Calm and Carry On.

-- Modified on 6/24/2017 11:36:11 PM

can i come and play in the sandbox too??

Sure, come ion in, have some fun.  You know what?  Since I'm feeling friendly, I'll even cut you a deal: I'll waive the admission fee, if you find me, preferably Boston but anywhere will do,  an 18 y/o spinner shorter than 4'9' and skinny who likes Greek travels!

spotty of the year award or what?

Maybe he drives a dump truck and is just itching to join the save-a-ho club.  

Craft. If she doesn't screen , she probably doesn't feel the need to yet. You did say she's young , she may also be newer. Screening isn't something you learn right off the bat (well not for me). Hopefully she takes your advice and sees things differently .

I take the threat providers face seriously, I'd hate to find out she got hurt, or wound up dead.  

I'm asking for it.  I have to believe there is a place she can go where someone will tell her, "you should screen clients before making an appointment."  

And no, not telling her to following the TER PO thread, or any thread, I'm thinking there's got to be something simple I can show her.  Not just, me telling her "oh sweetie you need to screen" you follow?

There are No "Shoulds".
Each girl runs their business as they see fit.

I'm sure she's got a computer.
All the information is right there for her.

Words don't Teach.
Only Experience Teaches.

You assume too much and you should be concerned about her being young for you own sake.

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