TER General Board

It's all part of the GFE fantasy.
JakeFromStateFarm 295 reads

The money goes in an envelope so you can think it's a real date.  It's called a donation because it's actually voluntary.  You didn't have to pay to fuck her.  You just really wanted to give her money.  I have done this so many times I don't want to be called a monger.  I want to be called a philanthropist.

Can we agree that the donation should be rendered upon arrival? Preferably NOT in an envelope and left in clear sight?  

Yes? No? What are your thoughts?

GaGambler579 reads

Most of the time, ok over 90% of the time when seeing a provider for the first time I do exactly that. I usually drop the donation on the dresser or nightstand while I am getting undressed to take a shower.

There are times when things seem a bit sketchy, that I put off both dropping the donation and getting undressed until I feel at ease with the situation, but once I am comfortable enough to get undressed I am also comfortable enough to leave the donation where she can see it.

With a woman that I have seen a few times I might deviate from this, or in countries where P4P is legal, I often reserve payment until AFTER the session as it's the custom for guys who know what they are doing to not pay until after. In some countries negotiation is considered the norm as is pay after services are rendered, to not do so doesn't make the woman think you are a nice guy, but often has the exact opposite effect and you look inexperienced, stupid and not a man worth deserving of a 100% effort.

since when? Stopped going to church waaaay back.
Now if you're referring to the respective toll to drive
down a slippery hiway, gotta pay first to play.  

I still find that some women are so charged up when  
I enter the room that it's game on with no time for anything but to fight for my life. I usually let them go
thru my pants, take what they deserve and leave me enough for cigarettes.  

Ok, most if this is bullshit. I don't smoke. Sometime I leave the money before and sometime after. I've never stiffed anyone ever. .. except with Mr. Stiffy

-- Modified on 7/30/2016 6:03:53 PM

If it was done to my preference I would hand the cash in an envelope at the start and she would count it there and then so misunderstanding can't happen in regards to payment.

Funny story. On the ladies site she stated she wanted the money left on the sink in the bathroom not in an envelope on arrival. So I got there excused myself to rinse off (I bathed right before coming) to make double sure I was squeaky clean. Before I got in the shower I dropped off her $600 on the sink removing it from the envelope as requested.  

After the shower, we got busy. At the end of the agreed apon time I got dressed, and left. I never check to see if she collected it or not. Half hour after I  left I got a call, saying I forgit to pay her. I went back looked where I left the money, and there it was.

Apparently she forgot she put that on her site and apparently most guys can't or don't read her site or something. Anyway with my method that whole mess could have been avoided. But seeing how embarrassed she was made it worth the drive. We both was laughing at it.

I always place the envelope, marked "donation" on the nearest table or counter top upon arrival. Sometimes this is after the lady and I have exchanged pleasantries, kisses, etc at the door. I even still do this with ladies I've seen many times, just as a matter of habit and protocol.

GaGambler578 reads

I know that if you end up in the same room with LE you are toast no matter what you do, but why make it even easier to convict you?

Putting donation on the front of the envelope is one of the dumbest ideas I have heard.

printed it or wrote it in cursive?  
Cursive is becoming a lost art  
as the keyboard has just about  
made writing by hand as obsolete
as counting with your fingers ...  
uhhh, uhhh ... what was my point?  
Oh yea, never mind. Dumb idea? ✔

Note to self: Disregard GaG's classless post as his opinion on how I do things is completely of no interest to me. My practice has worked just fine for several hundred dates with well-reviewed, totally safe ladies. Actually many have commented they like the big smiley face I place just beneath "Donation" too!!  End of conversation for me; not planning on any public debate over something so trivial.

JakeFromStateFarm419 reads

Because if you'd been busted you would have sealed your own fate.  Putting "Donation" on the envelope serves NO purpose.  Perhaps, if you want to curry favor, you could just stick to the smiley faces.
And are you really calling all of us "classless" who simply use a blank envelope?  If so, great, because you've just insulted 99.9% of mongers.
Welcome to the BSU Club.

GaGambler472 reads

That doesn't mean it's not reckless and stupid to do so.

I'll take classless over stupid any day of the week.

I suppose next we'll here about some other dumbass who puts "payment for sexual services to Suzy Rottencrotch" on his envelopes.

I always put the donation in a greeting card & put it in a plain site location as soon as we greet each other, I never write anything on the card.

... as it seems there are many who want the money in and envelope.  I will do that on the first visit, and while I sometimes get a little card for someone I really know well, most of the time I just donate without the envelope after the first visit.  

Posted By: sasha2cute
Can we agree that the donation should be rendered upon arrival? Preferably NOT in an envelope and left in clear sight?  
 Yes? No? What are your thoughts?

Cash, big bills (less bulky), up front for new friends,  no envelope necessary xo

Posted By: Joe Christmas
... as it seems there are many who want the money in and envelope.  I will do that on the first visit, and while I sometimes get a little card for someone I really know well, most of the time I just donate without the envelope after the first visit.    
Posted By: sasha2cute
Can we agree that the donation should be rendered upon arrival? Preferably NOT in an envelope and left in clear sight?    
  Yes? No? What are your thoughts?

I'll remember that ;)

Posted By: Erin Keevy
Cash, big bills (less bulky), up front for new friends,  no envelope necessary xo  
Posted By: Joe Christmas
... as it seems there are many who want the money in and envelope.  I will do that on the first visit, and while I sometimes get a little card for someone I really know well, most of the time I just donate without the envelope after the first visit.    
Posted By: sasha2cute
Can we agree that the donation should be rendered upon arrival? Preferably NOT in an envelope and left in clear sight?    
   Yes? No? What are your thoughts?

Skyfyre698 reads

It's like calling for a consensus on what is minimum requirements for GFE!

I never understand the "nod, nod, wink, wink" aspects of this hobby. It's still a business. Why not just spell out the preferred payment and method on the ad? or for that matter when the deal is struck?

I've seen ads that spelled out EXACTLY how payment is to be handled. If a provider has a preference just state so. Otherwise the hobbyist would do whatever he feels comfortable with

Yes payment when arrived but I don't care if it's in an envelope or not?  Just count it.

I always pay after and it has never been an issue

Funny. Many ladies prefer it discretely in an envelope per their instructions on their websites.

I try to do this as much as possible. I may get a blank card and it gives me the opportunity to write a quick thank you note.

if it is a first time encounter I don't mind if she checks it. If we have seen one another many many times the ladies I see don't even bother checking it until after I leave.  

I don't pay afterward as again most ladies are clear on their sites that donation is up front. I usually tip up front ad well. One can tip afterward, but when I have seen a lady a few times and know she has excellent reviews I know my session will be well worth a tip for her.

in their sites end, donations up front envelope is optional.  
I don't visit ladies from BP in my area, to many bad eggs, cash and dash era and druggies. I could see how a guy might want to pay afterward in that situation, but I prefer strong independent,  established ladies.

Posted By: sasha2cute
Can we agree that the donation should be rendered upon arrival? Preferably NOT in an envelope and left in clear sight?  
 Yes? No? What are your thoughts?

souls_harbor476 reads

Putting it in an envelope is for the provider's peace of mind.  She thinks someone waving a wad of cash at her might be LE.

For a client it doesn't matter.  If you show up at a LE sting you are getting arrested whether the cash is in your hand, in an envelope, in your pocket or out in the car.   The form and manner of payment is irrelevant to a soliciting conviction.  What matters is intent.  And since you showed up to a p4p session, on go the silver bracelets.

Good luck with getting any thing out of a provider and if you do you may be ruff by her pimp.

but i was there for a date.  is it really that easy to get a conviction?

Posted By: souls_harbor

 For a client it doesn't matter.  If you show up at a LE sting you are getting arrested whether the cash is in your hand, in an envelope, in your pocket or out in the car.   The form and manner of payment is irrelevant to a soliciting conviction.  What matters is intent.  And since you showed up to a p4p session, on go the silver bracelets.

GaGambler561 reads

That just happens to have EXACTLY the amount of money that's on her hooker ad that you responded to, you can bet your ass you are getting convicted.

There are some really dumb myths regarding P4P that somehow people who should know better want to believe, The "envelope" being some kind of protection from LE is one of the dumbest.

not arguing, just wondering.
every escort likes to use the line- money for time, sex is free.  

hey, for real, i was just here to chat with the girl because i'm lonely.  

that line really doesn't work? I imagine I'd be seeing more johns in the local news if it didn't.

...if I don't put it in a plain white envelope how can I draw a happy face on it?

I always draw the happy face right under the word "DONATION"!!! 😀

Posted By: lopaw
...if I don't put it in a plain white envelope how can I draw a happy face on it?

My site is clear...
BUT ONLY to those who take the time to read it!

First time, I definitely get a little uncomfortable if the guy can't get this part right as I wonder why this request was too much to comprehend -- however I do keep in mind that not all newbies ever visit my site- most use the 2 vouch sites---

After I have met somebody once, as long as he leaves the money- I don't care where or how!!!!

In my mind, I NEVER want to actually see the cash so I definitely appreciate it being in an envelope of some sort.

Does my job pay me before I work no.
It depends on how well review each one is for example a whitelisted guy see a chance taker provider with low and ripoff reviews would be expected to pay at the end. I have pay at end an at begging I seem to get better service if I pay at end.  
A highend provider well review going to want to be paid first because she can get it.  

Prepaid gas is gone. -Gas pumps usually work
Non funed brokerage accounts are gone.- this was a convience that long gone
Lawyer want retainers. - even thought that are the best at sueing that want there money
Ebay sellers want to be paid first. - ebay will refund the buyer in min if the seller does ship.
Pizza delivery-going pre paid
As the low end provider become more ripoffs paying first will go away if more guy ripoff paying first will become more of a standard.  
Either way the hobby works best the more people are honest other provider will leave johns will leave.

I just go with the providers' preference if they make it known on their ad or website.  All the providers I've dealt with so far in the U.S. have wanted the donation on arrival, left in clear sight with no explicit discussion.  But most of them also specified that they want it in a plain white envelope.  What do I care if it's in an envelope or not?  If the lady wants an envelope, she gets an envelope.  My first stop is the bathroom, which lets them check it without the awkwardness of me watching them do it.  If a provider doesn't specify anything on her ad/website, I just go with what I perceive to be the majority rule for U.S. providers: on arrival, clear sight, no discussion, in plain white envelope.  

If you have a strong preference for no envelope or any other etiquette, you should definitely make it known on your ad and website.  But don't be surprised at the percentage of clients that probably don't bother to read it.

BTW, the preference for white rather than yellow or any other color has always amused me.  Why would that matter?  How does a yellow or green or blue or red or whatever-colored envelope cause a problem?  An envelope left in a conspicuous location is not any more or less conspicuous because of the color...

if any.  It establishes that you will follow instructions & that promotes confidence that you'll follow other important instructions in bed.    
Once we've met, I usually leave the donation behind when we dress.  It's old school but is a nicity...  part of the GF illusion.
In practice, I actually have the correct donation separate, held together with a paper clip.  When I undress, like at home, I empty my pockets on the corner of the dresser with my clothes.  It's the first thing out of my pockets, goes on the bottom of the pile.  When I re-dress, it is silently left behind.  I don't "watch" the donation after it's left.  With the back & forth of dressing & using the bathroom, (with Fav ladies) while I have never observed it being picked up; sometimes it's still there as I take my leave & other times it's already gone.  

I prefer 'after' because I like to keep the illusion going as much as possible.

Review her site most of them I see ter review or not have at least 10 site some put up by her friends. So don't review ask her I don't ask anything I won't ask my wife to do.

Posted By: harborview
if any.  It establishes that you will follow instructions & that promotes confidence that you'll follow other important instructions in bed.    
 Once we've met, I usually leave the donation behind when we dress.  It's old school but is a nicity...  part of the GF illusion.  
 In practice, I actually have the correct donation separate, held together with a paper clip.  When I undress, like at home, I empty my pockets on the corner of the dresser with my clothes.  It's the first thing out of my pockets, goes on the bottom of the pile.  When I re-dress, it is silently left behind.  I don't "watch" the donation after it's left.  With the back & forth of dressing & using the bathroom, (with Fav ladies) while I have never observed it being picked up; sometimes it's still there as I take my leave & other times it's already gone.    
 I prefer 'after' because I like to keep the illusion going as much as possible.    

Nother words even if I out the donation I just write a bad review and look for some that hopefully be repeat some day.

Dfusethesituation350 reads

I find that historically my sessions gone best when there is no mention of the donation.  By that point I have read her ad, emailed/P411/or TER PM'd her and if there is any confusion of actual session costs, I would hope that she has told me her rate.  I have and never will rip-off a provider as I believe they are providing a service and it is my moral duty to come through on my end of the bargain.  My donation is normally in an envelope, either laid down prior to the start or waiting to be deployed.  I actually read the providers expectations, and if she is one that states her uncomfortableness in asking for said donation then it is placed in clear site as soon as I enter the room.  At times I have meet with providers who engage in conversation as soon as I enter the room, then sex happens and they never make mention of it. But I make it a point to not forget.

I'm not fussy about it, but I do like seeing some bills. Plus, if he's paying with a stack of crisp, fresh bills, I don't want an envelope blocking that new bill aroma from being released into the air.  The smell of paper and engraving ink wakes my clit right up.;)

You must get soaking wettt if the guy  
brings crisp new Benjamins and ruffles
them up right before touching your *****

Of course, he'd wash his hands first if he's
a gentleman.  

Ok GaGa .... ***** ....  it's a fuck board ... PUSS

A lady ask for the donation. Place it where she can watch you upon arrival, envelope or not. I feel nervous throughout the date if a gentleman doesn't and wonder if he's going to "forget" his cash in his car.

What's the context. If you're indie and it's a new client then yes, that should be a good protocol.

If you're a regular then your past should be sufficient and it really doesn't matter -- assuming the client is a proven contributor. This is also the case when there's an agency/booker involved. I almost never leave the donation at the start of the date these days -- mostly because we move into the date and it would spoil things to interrupt the activities. Qualifying almost never as maybe 30% of the time.  

That said, I also don't have any issue when I get a hint (or plane statement) that they want things settled first (there are often many reasons for that beside the question of honestly).

is provide the donation within the first minute or so.  The only time I use an envelope is if the provider specifically states to do so.  I have read that some clients provide the donation after services rendered.  I understand why some decide that but I prefer to do it after exchanging pleasantries as mentioned.

after entering and getting a nice hug (and hopefully dfk) while i open the refreshment i traditionally bring, i will casually pull the envelope out of my suit coat (i always wear a suit*) and drop it on the kitchen/bar counter.  i always make sure the lady is watching me (we are usually conversing at this point...small talk to break the ice).

once, one new lady was so damn hot we began to make out on the sofa, and she had to remind me about the donation.  i was very embarrassed!  lol!

and another time, with one of my regular atfs whom i had seen for a couple of years at that point, we got all the way through the first round in bed when i remembered to get out the envelope.  i apologized, but much to my delight my friend of many years said "don't worry, i trust you."  she is still my favorite lady.

i enjoy the envelope, it was the sop when i first started 10 years ago and i still enjoy the tradition.  also it's a great way for me to last minute check that i have the right amount before i leave the house.  

at and the beginning of the session always puts the lady at ease.

* another lady once told me that suits are to women as lingerie is to men.  so i always wear a suit to my assignations.  recently one girl told me she hated to take it off of me, i looked so handsome.  but luckily she overcame her momentary adversity.

if you handed me a stuffed envelope, you'd still
have your suit on when I left ...lol

Reminds me of Angie Dickinson's famous line  
on the Johnny Carson show when asked about
shy she dresses up, was it for men? Her answer  
was sooo hot ... "I dress up for other women ....  
and undress for men" ... who knew? She was a
hooker, too. Pass me an envelope Peter!

...up valuable time getting undressed and dressed again.  Here's a helpful tip to save time - wear clip-on ties!

who says i'm the one taking it off?

You post the adds for a good rate like 300 a hour with 2 hour min pay if she layoff if she sent home for misconduct than pay her on real time of $5 a min. Buy a time clock. Interview respondents. Make it well know you pay fair. Get her ssn# send her a w-2 pay her match ssn if you take more than 30 hours you have to buy her obomacare and pay unemployment when you stop.

Posted By: sasha2cute
Can we agree that the donation should be rendered upon arrival? Preferably NOT in an envelope and left in clear sight?  
 Yes? No? What are your thoughts?

I am calling you Riptard for now on.

Posted By: ripmany
You post the adds for a good rate like 300 a hour with 2 hour min pay if she layoff if she sent home for misconduct than pay her on real time of $5 a min. Buy a time clock. Interview respondents. Make it well know you pay fair. Get her ssn# send her a w-2 pay her match ssn if you take more than 30 hours you have to buy her obomacare and pay unemployment when you stop.  
Posted By: sasha2cute
Can we agree that the donation should be rendered upon arrival? Preferably NOT in an envelope and left in clear sight?    
  Yes? No? What are your thoughts?

I make donations to charities and worthy causes. When I see a provider I pay a fee for a service.

I always chuckle that we go to such lengths to call this a business but won't call it a fee for service.  Granted, some providers have been very charitable with me but... a donation?   Trust me, that doesn't change anything lol.

But I'm much more about having a good time - not about making policy for someone else :)  If we're going to call it a donation then I'll go along.  But if we stopped, that would be progress lol.


I agree, but follow the client's lead. If they say donation, I do the same in the event that the term "payment" is off-putting to them for whatever reason. However, I suspect some are saying "donation" as a courtesy to me for the same reason.

JakeFromStateFarm296 reads

The money goes in an envelope so you can think it's a real date.  It's called a donation because it's actually voluntary.  You didn't have to pay to fuck her.  You just really wanted to give her money.  I have done this so many times I don't want to be called a monger.  I want to be called a philanthropist.

but I make it a point to set that standard by having my website up to date with my donation preferences. Some hobbyists just aren't that experienced, and they are not up to par with protocols. A gentle reminder before seeing someone for the first time couldn't harm anyone.

transfer of funds to take place. I will read a lady's website and follow her instructions to a T.

If no instructions, then when I enter her incall I will empty my pockets and place the envelope down with my phone and keys on top. When I leave, I will put the phone in my pocket and pick-up my keys and be on my way. Sometimes the envelope is still there, sometimes it is not.

This is not complicated.

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