TER General Board

It prevents confusion ...
Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 131 reads

I've contacted providers thinking they were local to me only to be told that they were touring. So I think it's helpful, but that's just me.

Mutame1319 reads

I realize that this is not the most important of the many recent TER policy changes, but I wanted to know what others thought of it. I always found the diversity of locations of a touring provider’s meetings to be useful information, especially as a topic of conversation when we met. It is also a minor factor in deciding which providers I want to see.

I have noticed over the last several months that when I review a touring provider that I saw in my home city, TER will list her home city as the place of our meeting. On a couple of occasions when I met a provider in another city that was not her home city or mine, they listed her home city as the place of our meeting in my review. They also went back and added the home cities of providers in all of my past reviews of meetings that occurred in my home city.  

I am not sure what the rationale is for this change, but it is confusing and misleading. For touring providers, it implies that all of their appointments occurred in their home cities and that they are not available elsewhere. For reviewers, it implies that we met in cities that we have never visited.  

Finally, the policy is applied inconsistently. In the Top 100 Provider rankings for cities, TER treats all provider’s meetings as if they occurred in her home city for purposes of the rankings. Conversely, when calculating the Top 100 Reviewers for each city, TER only counts meetings that occurred in the reviewer’s home city with a local provider in the rankings.

you sure worry about some meaningless shit..

Now I guess you'll just have to tell her how great her tits look.  

You can still put the location in the area "Session Location" the city that you meet with the lady.  

I had a review where this guy post THE HOTEL NAME and the EXACT LOCATION... but fortunately he was able to edit that. (I can't believe a guy would be so stupid to do that).  

Anyways, at least in that area you can put that out but they would have to click on the specific review to see that.

I see no such thing. I just looked at several providers profiles who I know travel, and they have all kinds of cities listed, not just one.  

Secondly, as to the atop 100, a provider can be listed in 2 top 100 lists. Her home city and "other city serviced"."

As to the top 100 reviewers, I also just looked at a few people on those lists and it appears their reviews from multiple cities are counted.

Where are you getting your info?

Mutame192 reads

Your response and Turbay's helped melt my brain freeze. Under the old system, you didn't have to list the city of the visit in the Session Location, but the type of location like Suburban  Hotel or Center City hotel, or Personal Residence. Still not sure how they decide the rankings for Top Providers and Top Reviewers.

And MacDaddy1944, you seem like a vapid asshole. You might want to spend your time and limited intellect trying to offer some useful information in your posts rather than proving it.

don't like to be around assholes, you're on the wrong board.  Just sayin.

Perhaps it's only "vapid" assholes to which he objects. I know I only like to be around intriguing assholes.

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
Re: Ahem, if you . . . . .  
don't like to be around assholes, you're on the wrong board.  Just sayin.

I've contacted providers thinking they were local to me only to be told that they were touring. So I think it's helpful, but that's just me.

So this is bad for me. Splitting my time between Atlanta and Honolulu is challenging enough, esp since my Hawaii clientele is largely absent from TER. 🙄

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