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It looks like most people enjoy a mix of the comfort of knowing....
mrfisher 108 Reviews 918 reads

that they will be seeing a trusted provider and an occasional meet up with a new person, and I'm in that same camp.

I have about 50 sessions a year, and see maybe 5 new gals each year, so that's about a 10 to 1 ratio.

But of course, to each, their own.

AxelF2772 reads

I have a hard time doing repeats because 90% of the fun is the thrill of meeting a new face. The peak of a session is when the lady opens the door, greetings are exchanged, and the both are of you are like: "yeah, we're gonna bang".

Man, nothing like feeling the anxiety and adrenaline before the meet. Must be the taboo aspect of it, aye?

I've had amazing times with repeats too, as these sessions have even surpassed great first times with the same ladies.
Having a lady be 100% comfortable with you and greet you like an old lover is a nice setup for carefree, relaxed, bit-more-intimate,  fun-filled playtime.

I've had mixed results with becoming a girl's "regular". Familiarity can be a double edged sword. Sometimes the girl treats me even better but sometimes the girl tries to get away with a mediocre service than before.

I'm in the hobby for the juice though, I enjoy that rush of adrendaline.

JackDunphy908 reads

There is never any "new" faces, Axel. A true gentleman never, ever cheats on his provider of sunshine.

You have no idea how to savor that feeling of seeing the same girl, again and again and again.  

It never gets old as you rush in to her arms and kiss like long lost lovers, even though you see her on the 15th and 30th of the month when you get paid.

Apparently, you don't know the joy of taking her first to Starbucks, then right out to Macy's, massaging her shopping worn legs at the same time you reach for that Gold Card.

Then it's dinner with her fav wine of course, maybe a show after that if she so desires, and back to the boudoir to cap off an enchanting afternoon/evening.

There isn't any of this "yeah, we're gonna bang" disrespect you so callously state. It's love making. It's sensual. It's beautiful. It's damn near a work of fine art. Pure perfection.

The peak of the session isn't any "door opening" or an "exchange of greetings", it's giving her that perfect candle that took hours to decide upon and that special SECOND envelope, with her much deserved, but never expected, tip.

The only "anxiety" one feels is his arrival home, as he hits the "send/receive" button over an over and over again, just hoping...praying even, that that "Thank you, Mortimer, everything was just perfect today. You know you are the ONLY john in my stable," email will come sooner rather than later.

And there isn't any "taboo" about true love, Axel.  

So keep on with your shallow thoughts and petty cravings.

Much like the "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" meets the "Stepford Johns", have no worries, for you will be a member soon.

-- Modified on 4/20/2014 1:07:53 AM

I mean it's kinda like biting the apple right?
We WANT to so damned bad cause we ain't supposed to, right? ;)

I love them all...

Good luck with pursuing the hobby as you see fit, though.  It's your game!

it is always exciting to see your ATF becasue you know it will be good. Does not always happen with a new girl.

I'm not an anxiety or an adrenalin junky, I just want good NSA sex from a hot woman.  Years ago I used to see four or five new girls a month and rarely repeated but, over time, my preferences have changed.  I can do without the "anticipation" of wondering if the girl hiding behind the door will look anything like the pictures on her website or ad.  Will she wreak of cigarette smoke or booze?  Will she be preoccupied or running late because she books her appointments too close together?   How far into the sex will I hear those words that are guaranteed to kill any erection? "Are you close?"...

Don't get me wrong, I'm a very happy hobbyist.  I have a couple of amazing regular gals that I've known for years and I see a new girl here and there when I travel for work but it's been several years since I felt the need to book with every new face that came along.  I've also got OTC arrangements with a few strippers in area clubs who do very low volume providing.  One of the things I've learned over the years is that TER and the internet in general is not a guarantee of anything when it comes to finding great providers. Too many pitfalls nowadays from LE stings to psycho providers bugging you about re-booking or bitching about review scores.  It took me a few years to get over the "new girl every week" approach but I'm much happier hooking up with old friends at this point.

To each his own however.  I certainly understand the appeal of that "new car smell", I just don't need it anymore.

I've always found the anxiety and anticipation to be part of the thrill. Walking up the steps in an unknown place to meet and hopefully shag a complete stranger. Adrenaline seeps in, heart beating faster. You've done your research, you think she's legit, but will this be the time she decides to flake out? Will this be the time her pimp decides to rob you? Was her last client an hour ago an undercover and now LE is waiting for you too?

Call me crazy, I don't like to take unnecessary risks. But even if I'm 90% sure about the provider, there are no guarantees in this game. And for me the danger is part of the thrill. Oh, and the punani is fun too!

I have concluded that, for me, a repeat is better.. I tend to become close to the few women I see.. I try to keep it to one or two on a rotating basis every week or so.. love seeing someone that becomes a friend.. love knowing what she likes and doesn't like..I love the intimacy that familiaraity brings..  love looking forward to the meeting and visualizing my ATF.. when I see a new girl.. it's always a ton of anxiety.. I have had some repeats that become pretty routine.. some times it's my fault..sometimes her fault.. in one case, after my 4th visit.. I never went back.. the 3rd & 4th time, she was too routine and took me for granted..  I find that I repeat with a girl when we click and have more in common than my appreciation of her ass..

ValuedCustomer845 reads

I have enough drama in my life.  The two call thing - hunt the incall - gets old.  Pussy is, pretty much, pussy - it's what she and you do with it that makes it fun.  I find that I have a better time the second time because the logistics have been handled - she's more relaxed because she knows I am a clean, reasonably pleasant, multiple hour paying client.  Gives me an opportunity to better communicate what I want.  Let's her get her A game on.  

I like to see the same providers - do new things with them - move on when it's time - basically when it becomes a take it for granted kind of thing - or when it starts to get personal.  A really good way to get rid of me is to bitch about your personal life and the misfortunes you have or are having.

I have been very fortunate so far with the ladies I have seen - the providers I have seen have no problems giving me good tips for other providers to see.  A threesome is also a good way to get an intro to the next one.  Haven't tried an agency - and I really don't have a desire to do so.  Also haven't run into BSC yet either....

Anticipation in meeting with someone you've already established something with can run your adrenaline  levels through the roof if the connection and comfort level was there during the first time together. More times than none, first time appnts barely scratch the surface between two people and what 'could' happen intimately. This world simply allows you to open the door a lil wider at first glance than any other world. How far you decide to open that door is up to each individual here. Since you are a gentleman who freely uses the word 'bang', I will assume this theory doesn't apply to you personally. But in case it does, perhaps don't short yourself of what 'could' be in a repeat.......anticipation runs the full gamut of excitement from both sides if you look at this from a different spectrum.

There is something very special about building on a successful first date. Nervousness and hoping that  it will work out are  replaced by  anticipation and excitement. If the first time clicked, repeats  usually only get better. I try for a healthy mix, familiar and a sure winner with an occasional new experience. I  guess it depends on what one is looking for.  

-- Modified on 4/20/2014 9:14:02 AM

that they will be seeing a trusted provider and an occasional meet up with a new person, and I'm in that same camp.

I have about 50 sessions a year, and see maybe 5 new gals each year, so that's about a 10 to 1 ratio.

But of course, to each, their own.

I think many start off with the kid in a candy shop mindset, but then everyone falls into a hobby style that works for them. Me, I like variety, and I also like regulars, so as some have already mentioned a mix of both a "new face" and a regular works for me.  As the door to the incall opens, its' really two different sensations, depending on if it's someone new or a regular.

hiddenhills nailed it. After 7 years I'm still a kid in a candy shop (or a dog in a biscuit factory!) and I want to try every flavor. But then again I repeat with at least half of the gals I see. The adrenaline rush of meeting a new provider is not as pronounced now as it was years ago, but that is a good thing. There used to be times when I would be so excited my hands would shake and I'd have trouble entering the gate code!

EXACTLY... +++1 !!

When I started (onlly 7 months ago) I quickly came to the conclusion that my finances and my body (at 65) sadly were my limitations.. I enjoy a visit once a week maximum  and I realized that I could not see every available girl no matter how much I tried.. Then I went for quality.. wonderful wonderful providers that I regard highly and I know I always enjoy my time with.. Makes me wish I had discovered this a long long time ago.. but then I would have no house, no car and no 401k.. so I guess all things happen for a reason. I knew something would come up to occupy my time when I sold my boat.. and it did..!

Personally I enjoy a few regulars in different cities that I visit. There is some attraction to the "thrill" of meeting a new face for me, but I'd say, for me, it's 10% of the fun. I enjoy repeating because I know she looks like or better than her photos. This is not to say that I'm shallow and looks are ultra important to me, but every session I've had with a lady that misrepresented herself with a photo that wasn't her or was an old photo was below average. Perhaps the biggest reason that the session was below average was because of the let down, that moment that you walk through the door and discover you've been deceived seems to set the tone for the session. I don't have a type; I like different shapes, sizes, hair/skin color; I like women but if a woman portrays herself as something she's not then she's killed the mood/excitement/anticipation in that first pivotal moment of our first meeting.

Even more important to me is performance, because after all it is a performance she's selling. I'd be invisible to the women I see in the hobby if it weren't for the arrangement. So, if she can make me feel like a king and rocks my world for the amount of time we've agreed to then she's delivered the performance I desire and have paid for. I then want to repeat with her because I have some assurance that she'll continue to perform the way which I like. There are beautiful women who can't pull off the performance, so just because she's beautiful doesn't mean she'll rock my world. I also enjoy the comfort experienced with a woman I've seen multiple times, I mean let's be real, there is going to be downtime in between and I enjoy a woman who can be intimate and compassionate in that time as well, even though it's probable that this is a performance as well.

So for me, there are definitely some ladies that I am looking forward to seeing for the first time. But the "thrill" of meeting them for the first time is of lower importance than is the delight of the experience.

89Springer804 reads

In my life way back when as a single guy, and now as a newbie in the P4P world, I've had to meet a few women before I'd find one I just clicked with. When that happened, I saw her again, and again. Each time was better than before. In the civvie world, something would come up that would end the relationship. In the P4P world, my only repeat provider did some things I didn't like, so that was over and I'm searching again for another repeat.  

I want to have the best sex possible, and that just won't happen the first or sometimes even the second time out.

Getting tattoos, cliff diving and extreme napping get the job done for me. I prefer the comfort of knowing who's on the other side of the door to the anxiety that comes with the alternative.

unless the reviews turn out to be inaccurate and the photos are fake or overly touched up.  

cliff diving sounds fun.  I get my adrenaline at the gym and climbing mountains but the OP asked about the hobby lol so i was staying on topic.

And not knowing how she's going to perform is great, and exploring a new woman's body is great.  But it's also great to have her know you well, what you like and don't, can easily talk with you in the down times in between.  It's great to have her more than willing to share her Diet Coke with you from the same straw and to be comfortable and relaxed in the silences.

I'll take the repeat with a provider that I've clicked with darn near every time over a new experience.  I just have to repeat when I've left an encounter weak in the knees and punch drunk from the experience.  When/if repeating with the same provider evolves into being taken for granted, it's time to move on.  The adrenaline shot in anticipation of meeting/being with a new provider is a high to be enjoyed.  If the encounter unfolds as I've hoped, or exceeds what I've hoped, then a return visit anticipation rush can be even more thrilling than the first time visit.

previously met. My biggest limitation is getting "time away" to play since very few ladies are located close to me. I normally drive between an hour and 2 hours to see a lady.

Hey AX dud, the answer to your question is a profound NO for me....
I've never before responded to a post but after reading yours i felt i would in hopes that you will read it.
Know i'm not one to pass judgment and to each his own but in stating your opinions you come off as a very shallow young man.

When you meet and have had the experience of being with perfection you will be perfectly content in knowing for yourself that in fact it can not get any better. When you develop a connection with a young woman and really get to know each other it makes the experience so much more exciting and enjoyable for both parties. You develop chemistry, know likes and dislikes, turn on's and turn off's. There is so much more to a woman and the experience then as you put it *banging her*.... Lol,, WTF is that all about.  
You will get much more out of it if you treat your lady with resect and dignity. Take her out and have a great time together, a concert, dinner, lunch, a show,,, what ever makes her happiest. She's not some cum dumpster for christ sakes.
 Of course it helps if you click with each other and when you come across the right one as i have you will be back time after time for many reasons. I have been very fortunate in meeting a young woman that is superlative in every way and give's me an incedible experience time and again. She is elegant, brilliant, dynamic, feisty and as sexy as all hell but most of all she is genuine..
I hope for your sake you find someone like this and really experience what this gig is all about.
My bad for being so verbose, won't happen again......... PEACE

You never know just what kind of experience you are going to have with a new girl.  You might have the time of your life, or you might just be disappointed.  Personally, as a fairly low volume hobbyist (only 10 - 14 times a year) I find it better to stick with one provider whom I know I will have a great session with.  My time and cash aren't easy to come by and I want to maximize my return.  Every now and then I become intrigued with a new review, or see a new provider to mix it up, sometimes even changing to a new ATF, but I've found that 3 - 5 times with the same provider is a good number before changing.  Even then, I've gone back to old favorites rather than search out new ones.  Change for change's sake is overrated IMHO.  Next week I have an appointment with someone new (for me) and I'm as excited as a kid in a candy store, because I've heard good things about her, generally though I  worry about everything from LE to skill level to STDs to bedbugs every time I see someone new.  It's why I hate change.

ROGM795 reads

Meeting a new Girl is Great if she treats you right. I like seeing the same Girl over and over. If she's Nice and Treats you right, why go see a new Girl? The Thrill is Great. But when I find a Girl I like I just keep seeing her and nobody else. Luckily I found my self a Repeat Girl.

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