TER General Board

It is disappointing that you would try to paint all reviewers with . . .
keystonekid 114 Reviews 707 reads

one brush. I'm sure some of us reviewers have better reputations than others.

Is there a reason you don't have your reviews linked to your handle?

WomanLvr3548 reads

Have been checking these discussion board posts from afar and have read so many about reviews.

Yep, they are subjective, sometimes deemed inaccurate/unfair by hobbyists and providers alike.  Just encountered one that just seemed way over the top.

Provider has a few reviews, all very positive.  Receives interest from a hobbyist but he does not confirm his appointment so she believes he bailed on her.  Hours later he connects with her and wants a very late appointment.  It is after 11PM, she makes arrangements for a babysitter and arrives for a two hour session.

During the session he is unable to stay erect.  Keeps her for 2 hours, raves about the BBBJ, intense touching kissing and tries to reach her for a follow-up appointment on P411.  She is a bit slow to respond to his P411 follow-up request.  He subsequently writes a review and gives her a 3 on performance.  Go figure, and he wanted a follow-up appointment.

More evidence what some hobbyists put providers through.  Sad, just sad.  But of course, life is not always fair.

John_Laroche862 reads

if you're gonna be a White Knight, go all the way.

It would also help to clarify what went down (she said) vs the review (he said).

That said, it sounds like this limp-dick is being vindictive because your girlfriend didn't respond quickly enough to his 2nd date request or maybe he was hoping for some make-up free time because she was too distracted by leaving her kid at home to do her job.

Either way, most hobbyists will overlook ONE bad performance score. OTOH, one guy stands up to say a provider is not as described in appearance (heavier and/or Plain-Jane face) and just watch a career take a nose dive.

GaGambler822 reads

A review like that should have zero impact on her business, and I doubt seriously that a review like that would be have gotten past the mods with such a disparity between the text of the review and the score.  

Quite frankly, between the OP being an unknown alias and no link to the review, I personally call bullshit and chalk this OP up to being a whiny hooker who thinks the entire review process is unfair. Of course it would be very easy for her to prove me wrong. all she has to do is link the review and I'll be the first to admit I was wrong. What do you think the odds are of that happening?


If it is as you say.... He's just mad you did not give him a 2nd date. If a guy wants to see a gal again, it makes no sense why he'd give a 3 performance. Maybe he didn't enjoy his time and just said he did? Maybe he wants a discount? Maybe he is demanding? Who knows. I can't see why in a 2hr visit he wasn't relaxed enough to really enjoy it, but shit happens. Maybe this is just a BS post. I don't know.

Lots of things are unfair. If it really bothers you, see him again and have him re-review. Maybe he will have fun this time. I don't always like my review scores but I deal with it. People have a right to different opinions and some grade harder than others. If a reviewer gloats about an amazing time, you would "think" he'd give a 9 or 10.  

Sending us the link would help.

Posted By: GaGambler
A review like that should have zero impact on her business, and I doubt seriously that a review like that would be have gotten past the mods with such a disparity between the text of the review and the score.  
 Quite frankly, between the OP being an unknown alias and no link to the review, I personally call bullshit and chalk this OP up to being a whiny hooker who thinks the entire review process is unfair. Of course it would be very easy for her to prove me wrong. all she has to do is link the review and I'll be the first to admit I was wrong. What do you think the odds are of that happening?

second the "bullshit."  Not worth a further response for me unless there is a link to the referenced review.  

...that the "raves about the BBBJ, intense touching kissing" was what he was telling to the provider DURING the session.  AFTER the date, he tried to tried to reach her for a follow-up appointment on P411.  She was a bit slow to respond to his P411 follow-up request.  SUBSEQUENTLY, he writes a review and gives her a 3 in performance.

The "raves about the BBBJ, intense touching kissing" were not in the review; he was telling it to her at the time.  That's why she was surprised she got a 3 because of what he was saying at the time.  Maybe he blamed her for his inability to keep it up.  Maybe he was upset that she slow to respond to his P411 follow-up request.

That's the way I see it.  Sorry I didn't kiss your ass - I'm sure JakeFromTheFunnyFarm will be terribly disappointed.

GaGambler655 reads

and does not claim to be either the reviewer or the reviewed party. How would the OP have a clue as to what happened during the session that was not in the review?

That is why I call Bullshit on the post.  

I just reread the OP for about the fifth time, and I concede most likely the OP is the provider in question. The problem here is that she tries to say that she simply "encountered" the review, ostensibly by just reading random reviews, but she writes her post mainly in the "first person", which leads me to agree with you that she most likely is the woman who received the shitty review.  

Lastly, I am so disappointed that Jake is so terribly disappointed,

VOO-doo615 reads

The only way to hopefully avoid issues like this in the future, is to be VERY attentive to small issues that arise before the date. I like to say 'Worry about the little things, and you won't have to worry about the big ones.'

For instance, his pre-date behavior - not replying to your emails, then suddenly expecting a last-minute change to a very late time slot - was pretty bad. I'd personally have told him I wasn't able to accommodate him. Were there any other indicators that this guy might be an a**hole, in his emails or pre-date correspondence?

Assessing behavior is a part of screening, just as much as checking references. To give you another truism, if he's a bit off-putting, rude, troublesome, annoying, etc. in email BEFORE the date, he'll likely be 10 times worse behind closed doors (I've never known an exception). I mean, he's on his best behavior pre-date... he doesn't want you to cancel. But once you're in the door, he knows you're kind of stuck.  

I can totally relate, BTW. I also learned the hard way, although I got an 8 and not a 3. Dude basically booked my cheapest date, and took every step possible to extend the time I was there (opening a bottle of wine, initiating a prolonged role-play scenario, trying to hold off from cumming). Then, he kept texting me asking for dirty talk... and, basically wanted us to date for free. I said no, but that of course a date could be 'arranged' if he ever wanted. I guess it was hard for him to "forget it was a service" after that. LOL. But, if I'd paid better attention to pre-date cues, I never would have seen him. (Actually, he behaved impeccably until the day of the date... by the time he showed his true colors, I felt that it was too late to cancel). Lesson learned for me.  

(Modified to add: The reason I feel that the 8 was punitive, was that - had I given him 4 hours for the 1 he paid for - as he tried VERY hard to get me to do - then, if I'd indulged all of his dirty talk texts, and basically saw him for free or given him tons of OTC - I'm sure he would have given me a higher score. And those were things he seemed to expect, or feel entitled to, in some way. Even though he'd paid for 1 hour)

Reviewers ARE a tough crowd. I'd say my lack of tolerance for ass-wipery pre-session is a big reason I don't see a lot of reviewers. For instance, one dude gave me his TER name upfront, for "screening." Then said that he wanted to book 'a couple' hours but have me stay overnight in his room. Whaaaaattt? Luckily, he made it pretty easy for me to screen him out!

-- Modified on 1/17/2017 10:54:13 AM

Why would he imagine opening a bottle or a prolonged role-playing scenario could extend his time? That's like saying he tried to go over by making too much smalltalk. That's his problem.  

Holding off on popping, okay. Some providers feel they have an obligation to stick around on close calls. If it's obvious he's doing it on purpose, that's bad manners and obligations are out the window.

-- Modified on 1/17/2017 3:13:52 PM

VOO-doo373 reads

If you booked a 1-hour session, would you open an entire bottle of wine, and invite her to share? Particularly if it were an outcall, and she had to drive home. (I mean, I could see maybe offering her a glass... but opening an entire bottle clearly says, 'Stay a while!')

That is actually a pretty common ploy to try to get a girl to let her guard down and stay longer. 'Oh, I always like for us to relax and get know each other!' The guy (as this one did) will ignore hints to start play, and no girl wants to make her client feel rushed... thus, she either has to put her foot down emphatically (otherwise known as killing the mood) or just hope that he'll be quick in bed. It's a trick I fell for quite a few times as a newbie.  

The role play scenario - like taking forever to come - was just a way to make me feel obligated to finish his fantasy and not leave him disappointed. I mean, am I supposed to cut him off in the middle of it? Particularly as he pretty much dictated the sequence of events. AND it was directly related to his ability to stay aroused. LOL.  

What I didn't say, was that this guy was trying to get extra time from me even before the date. Pretty much his exact words were, 'It's an hour, but don't be a clockwatcher.' Hence, opening a bottle of wine and other delaying tactics. That's why I said I should have cancelled on him. But, it was a few hours beforehand, and I figured it was too late. In hindsight, I should have.

I always ask permission before being refreshments. I don't do outcalls, so I can't comment on that. But I've never noticed any indication from the lady that I was inviting her to stay longer by opening a bottle. Of course, I don't buy $300 bottles or anything, so there's no compulsion to finish. She's free to drink as much or as little as she wants.

Anything and everything a guy bent on extracting extra time does, from sharing a bottle of wine to smalltalking too long to dragging their feet during foreplay, is a ploy, I guess. Unlike the happy ending, which is very directly tied to overall satisfaction, I just didn't see how opening a bottle persay was an indicator of anything. Any more than wanting to chit-chat would be.

VOO-doo528 reads

'Let's just relax, I want to just sit and talk for a few minutes. Here, have a glass of wine. Here, your glass is now only 0.85% full! Let me pour you more!' Meanwhile, he rebuffs all attempts by her to get things started. She drags him to the bedroom at :50, then he takes 40 minutes to come. He knows she'll feel obligated to stay until he pops. Sometimes, he'll even ask her, 'Oh stay over!! I don't want you to have to drive home! Especially after the wine!' LOL. Reviews make it even worse, because if she is a "clockwatcher" (meaning, that she leaves on or near her time) or doesn't satisfy him, she's liable for a bad review. (This is exactly why girls sometimes dislike seeing reviewers.)

If I can't explain to you how a client tries to use the "bottle of wine" ploy to draw out the session, timewise (not to mention get the girl to let her guard down) then I give up trying to explain anything, to anybody.  

Sure, we don't have to drink it. And that day, I did only have one glass (he constantly tried to refill, of course. AND of course, he invited me to stay for dinner and beyond). But whether or not I succumbed to pressure, is not the point. As you pointed out, it is expressly bent toward extracting the maximum amount of time (which in this case, was significantly more than he paid for). He did prolong the session by a good 40 minutes.

I cannot even count to you how many times I've been through this same scenario. Luckily, experience has taught me to avoid similar situations... *most* of the time.  

Do I even have to explain this? I honestly feel that you're just being argumentative.  

Modified to say: I hope that nobody is getting any ideas from this. This is a terrible way to earn a reputation as a good guy to see... it's a great way to garner some bad juju in the hobby. I NEVER saw the guy again, despite repeated requests. Also, we girls have back channel, too... word got around.

-- Modified on 1/17/2017 4:07:12 PM

GaGambler492 reads

He is not saying that guys don't use the "bottle of wine ploy" as you call it to stretch out a session. He is saying HE doesn't and neither do I.  

I often open a bottle of wine or Champagne when hosting an outcall. Do you really expect me to offer a lady a drink from an already open bottle? Many/most smart women will never accept a drink from a bottle that they don't see opened with their own eyes. I don't care if she has a sip or two thirds of the bottle, it's completely up to her. I offer a drink as the host and whatever she doesn't drink, I am perfectly capable of finishing after she leaves.

OTOH, after opening the bottle, I am very happy to move right along to the action. and I don't pull the rest of the crap that you are describing. Just because a guy offers to open a bottle of wine during an outcall doesn't mean he's trying to scam you out of extra time. I think you owe some one an apology. Or would you like to talk about the women who just want to "chat for a few minutes" while the clock is ticking in an effort to turn an hour session into about 15 minutes of time between the sheets? That happens too, but I don't accuse every woman who doesn't want to leap right into bed with me the moment she walks through the door of doing so.

VOO-doo676 reads

While *you* might not pressure a girl to have more than one glass (or anything at all) many other guys certainly present an entire bottle of wine with an entirely different manner and intent. (Also, remember, this was a 1-hour date, and I was driving home directly after we finished. Or so *I* planned).  

As for darmody, he was saying that he didn't see why on earth it would ever be considered manipulative. Yet, that was clearly the intent of the reviewer I described. And the phenomenon I described is not only very common, it seems so... obvious.  

I mean... if the guy just wants to offer *one* drink, he can do that. We can go to the bar - or, he can phrase it differently. "Rather than "I got us" or "I will open" a bottle of wine, he can say, 'Would you like a glass?'" This particular guy (and others) have kept obsessively refilling and asking me to have more, even as I'm getting dressed and ready to leave. And, of course, offering me the opportunity to stay overnight if I so wish.  

If he wishes to relax over a whole bottle of wine, he can book a longer date. That's how I see it. (Which is completely different than offering ONE glass with no pressure attached).

GaGambler382 reads

I think you are the one being argumentative, just for the sake of being argumentative.

He spoke from his own personal experience that HE had never done so, the same as me. I don't doubt the guy/s in your experience were being manipulative, but you are "projecting" your own experiences onto what darmody is saying, because he most certainly did not say  

" that he didn't see why on earth it would ever be considered manipulative"

His post is still there for all to see, I defy you to show me where he said that.

I don't know why you are giving me the BOD and not him, is it perhaps because you know I won't stand for being misquoted? I don't accuse all hookers who want a bit of chit chat before the session of trying to "run out the clock" I find it rather offensive that you would accuse all johns of trying to manipulate you into staying all night by opening a bottle of wine.

VooDoo, I like you, and you are normally rather even handed, that said I "used to" like H+T as she too at one point could see both sides of the equation even though she understandably took the hookers viewpoint more often than not. Something happened to her along the line, I suspect simple "burnout" from being in this business for too long at a some point she lost all perspective and truly did become a MHB, I really hope the same thing isn't happening to you.

VOO-doo394 reads

"Why would he imagine opening a bottle or a prolonged role-playing scenario could extend his time?"  


"I just didn't see how opening a bottle persay was an indicator of anything. Any more than wanting to chit-chat would be."

I could see your point - but in the context of my post, it was pretty obvious that the gesture WAS meant to extract more time from me. Especially, my follow-up explanation. (And the bottle-of-wine gambit happens a LOT. Plus, guys are just as bad about using chit-chat as a delaying tactic).  

He also has a slight (but noticeable, to me) tendency to post under me, disagreeing. A handful of times over the past 2ish weeks. If you REALLY want me to link those posts, I will... however, I'd really rather waste the time on something else, lol.  

As for needing to take a break, you might be onto something. Historically, I've considered my slow times vacations... but, next week, I'm taking a trip away from NYC... actually turning down work. But, as to work-related burnout... for the most part, I find my clients cool and enjoyable (one of those, I see tomorrow). The job itself is enjoyable. However, it's stuff like I described above (and some of what I PM'd to you a few weeks ago) that have the cumulative effect of making me want to shut down the computer and fly off someplace.

GaGambler589 reads

It happens to everybody, so I am not casting aspersions. It has to be hard dealing with "The great unwashed" on such an intimate basis for this long, but I've spent a LOT of time on these boards, and it's usually a bad sign when a lady starts getting that tone of bitterness and a general dissatisfaction with her customers. NOT taking a break often ends up with the woman joining the rest on the MHBs over on Twatter and I would hate to that happening to you.  

Take a short break, recharge the batteries, make some "you time" and things will look a lot better.

I also am quite aware that many "reviewers" are EXACTLY as you depict them, I've heard it from too many women for it to not be true. Maybe you could just cut out your problem clients, or even consider raising your rates $100 hr, and only grandfathering in the clients you enjoy seeing.  

See, I can look at things from both sides too. lol

GaGambler591 reads

Not that your opinion is even worth two cents of course.

GaGambler423 reads

I certainly hope you don't have to look it up. but if you feel obliged to do so, I am sure you will be able to recognize your own picture looking back at you next to the definition.

because it's pointless. I didn't at first realize it was you with whom I was disagreeing. That was an accident. There isn't any point trying to have an honest disagreement with you, based on past interactions.

-- Modified on 1/18/2017 1:10:04 PM

one brush. I'm sure some of us reviewers have better reputations than others.

Is there a reason you don't have your reviews linked to your handle?

VOO-doo620 reads

I have known a few really cool reviewers. Some of them reviewed me, most did not (I don't ask clients to review me, and I don't discuss TER with clients).  

The last guy who reviewed me shorted my fee by $200. I did not check the fee until after the session. Before he left, he made it clear that he'd review me. And kept promising a review in his texts and emails after our date. So I kind of felt that my hands were tied.  

I've refused most other reviewers who contacted me, because their pre-date contact was inappropriate (the guy who wanted an overnight for my 2-hour fee, for instance), or they are blacklisted. Or I just don't get a good vibe. Or they were asking for me to travel too far for too short a date AND book a hotel, etc.

I'd be fine with seeing a reviewer who's nice, and doesn't try to extort favors... if one ever contacts me. However, I've learned to avoid the ones who are problematic... and, at least recently, guys like that have comprised a majority of the reviewers who've contacted me. Maybe I've just been having a bad run, who knows?  

I don't advertise or post here under my provider name... this is just an account I have for fun, for posting. Besides, I don't think I'd be as comfortable speaking about my experiences frankly or honestly if these posts were attached to my actual business persona.

-- Modified on 1/17/2017 8:26:41 PM

souls_harbor586 reads

It's a good rule of thumb to throw out outlier high and low scores.

Posted By: souls_harbor
It's a good rule of thumb to throw out outlier high and low scores.
I have no control over how a hobbyist perceives my appearance (except to look my best) but I'm in full control of my performance! My ultimate goal is to make sure my date's rendezvous is the best he's ever had, and my high scores in that area obviously show that.

JakeFromStateFarm439 reads

Yes, you have some control over your performance.  But you have NO control over how your date perceives it.  You may think it's natural and sexy; he may find it forced and artificial.  He also may apply the numerical performance score rigorously or loosely.  The result can be a several-point swing either way.
Which is exactly why many of us will throw out the high and low scores and be completely reasonable.  The other problem is if a hooker has nothing but 10/10s in which case I and many others will throw them all out and not see her unless we know one or more of her reviewers and can gather information back channel.
Numbers by themselves are pretty much useless, especially since the so-called Top 100 degraded the system.

-- Modified on 1/17/2017 5:46:53 PM

Have become my regulars, I disagree with your "statement." They have the choice to rendezvous with many women in Las Vegas (a saturated market) yet they choose to repeat with me...thus, I'm obviously pleasing them! ;)  

I didn't create the review score system, and all I care about is pleasing my date, so...don't blame me if my performance scores are 10's! I earned them, and I'm very proud of them! :D

JakeFromStateFarm634 reads

I've seen more than a few women in Las Vegas and have actually given some of them 10s.  But my point stands about someone's performance being able to be graded differently by different people.  And that the numerical system is TER's Achilles Heel.

Dear Ms. Young,
Would you say that once you are in a session with a client, you would be to the hobby what Joe DiMaggio was to baseball? Joe DiMaggio said that he always played hard because he didn't know if that would be someone's first time seeing him with their hard earned dollars.  I am thinking that is the same with you. You definitely don't want to cheat someone and you want to make it better than what he expected. When it comes to performance, you try to render a gold medal winning performance.  Thus when they evaluate their experience with someone who is as young gifted and talented as yourself you usually grade off the charts as far as the standards that TER sets.  I dare say that you are in the top 10 percent of providers in the Nevada area.  You also have a burgeoning business that is constantly growing.  Considering that your reviews are strong and word gets around, I dare say that your book of business is solid and growing.  Also I would assume that you have fans from Reno to Las Vegas and beyond .  At this point, reviews are nice but they might be superfluous. Giving strong and outstanding customer service and having a strong proclivity for social an sexual activity is critical to being a successful provider.

Posted By: RobbinYoung
Have become my regulars, I disagree with your "statement." They have the choice to rendezvous with many women in Las Vegas (a saturated market) yet they choose to repeat with me...thus, I'm obviously pleasing them! ;)  
 I didn't create the review score system, and all I care about is pleasing my date, so...don't blame me if my performance scores are 10's! I earned them, and I'm very proud of them! :D

souls_harbor646 reads

I think we can meet half way.  I bet you'd be happy if they threw out your (if any) low scores. :-)

Posted By: souls_harbor
I think we can meet half way.  I bet you'd be happy if they threw out your (if any) low scores. :-)
If I deserved a "low score" (God forbid, lol) and it was not a fake review or one given by a vengeful hobbyist with a hidden agenda, then it should be posted for all to view, so hobbyists could decide if they wanted to rendezvous with me or not. But, most people who know me, would realize the score MUST be inaccurate, because of my passion for pleasing.

My issue with your "statement" is...it's too generalized! Are some scores BS, yes...but, not ALL scores are!  

BTW, I still adore you! ;)

souls_harbor650 reads

The high-low rule of thumb is applicable to most areas of human perception.  It's a probability thing as well.  Not to get all rocket sciency on you, but it is related to the phenomena known as regression to the mean.  In other words we can all have good days and bad days, but most days are "average" or somewhere in between, and if we want to predict what tomorrow will bring, we're more likely to see an average day than a bad or good day.

Wonky. That's what nerds do. Not judging, just observing.

Your comment, true or not, doesn't advance the discussion.

Want to advance the discussion?  I'm just here to make fun of guys with six reviews that think they're serious hobbyists.

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
Want to advance the discussion?
The evidence backs up your assertion that you never advance the conversation.

a clever retort. How long did it take you to think that one up?  Your assertion seems at odds with the number of people that read my posts compared to yours.  Once you established your reputation for being boring and full of your own seriousness, you are of no interest to anyone here.  The numbers don't usually lie.  Perhaps you should lighten up.  Most are here to have fun.

You're the one that said you don't wish to contribute anything useful.  I don't know what possessed you to say that. Maybe the Russians hacked your brain.

Keep getting weaker.  i didn't say I didn't want to contribute. You're making that up. I said I'm not always interested in advancing the discussion, especially one of Soul's boring posts.  I'd rather make a few people smile by making fun of you and him.  Are you two the same guy?  You sound the same. Both way too serious.

-- Modified on 1/18/2017 8:01:31 PM

If you have to keep telling everyone you are winning, you probably aren't.

JakeFromStateFarm747 reads

Only nine reviews in nine years.  The last was a 10/10 from someone for whom it's his only reviews.  Red Flag!

Las Vegas at least once a month.  Its a unique market for providers.  Most girls there see many more clients than are shown on TER reviews because most advertise other places locally.  The Vegas board has a number of regular provider-posters with a low number of TER reviews who are quite busy, but mostly with visiting conventioneers who are infrequent hobbyists and don't write reviews anywhere.  Vegas locals are more likely to write reviews, but that's only a fraction of that market.  

I agree with your conclusion for just about any other market where the bulk of the clients are locals.  Vegas is unique.  

While we're discussing reviews, in case TER members were not informed of this information, I contacted TER and asked them to clarify the new performance score information (date it begins, and whether prior scores would be altered).  

This is what I was told by TER,
"The new review system starts from 04/01/2017 and NO old reviews will be change to it."

NoYellowEnvelope489 reads

... such that "04/01/2017" may not mean what you and others who live "across the pond" think it means.  Based on other info I've seen, I'm pretty sure that date is January 4, not April 1.  I hope Admin can weigh in to confirm or correct that.

I posted the following information, I received by TER (and was authorized to post),
"The new review system starts from 04/01/2017 and NO old reviews will be change to it."

NoYellowEnvelope, brought up this important issue, below:

Posted By: NoYellowEnvelope
... such that "04/01/2017" may not mean what you and others who live "across the pond" think it means.  Based on other info I've seen, I'm pretty sure that date is January 4, not April 1.  I hope Admin can weigh in to confirm or correct that.
TER, would you please clarify if the performance change date was January 4, 2017, or will be April 1, 2017. Thank you, very much!


It started from  January 4, 2017

As NYE mentioned, numeric dates can be written differently.  
Or day/month/year.
Sometimes it is better to spell it out.
Information I saw said "January 4, 2017" written out.

-- Modified on 1/17/2017 8:03:34 PM

I don't ever recall in my history of the hobby too many that tried for late nights.  I always assumed it was LE, or alcohol/drug fueled trigger fingers so I just ignored.  

Both cases things worked out good. I saw one from 2:00am to 4:00 am, 9:00 am lax flight. The other 1am to 300 am.  I was away on business and could not get to sleep.

11pm is fine, if its planned in advance. But last minute 11pm will almost never go well, someone will flake,. someone will be cranky etcetcetc

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