TER General Board

It does not take a rocket scientist to know what a man
London Rayne See my TER Reviews 231 reads

The problem arises when no matter what some women do and how much, some guys still fk around...posts from this very board prove it. It is not a wife's job to keep you faithful..that is YOUR choice. If a guy was not giving me what I needed on every level I would either walk or find something else to do that would fill those needs, but I would not cheat. I was married twice before I ever thought of providing, and the sex dept. was always great...the other stuff not so much. If a woman is no longer screwing her man it's not because she does not "know" what he needs..it is because she does not fkin care lol.

-- Modified on 5/18/2012 11:39:54 AM

This may be a stupid question, but I've thought about it and thought I'd throw it out there.

Yes, there are individual exceptions, but in general, guys tend to think about sex as a physical act, whereas women more as an emotional bonding.  Second supposition, Providers are mostly (except non-married guys) the "other woman"; that is they are having sex, understanding that the married guy they are having sex with is having sex (albiet poor sex or less frequent or just as good) with his wife.  As such, no Provider has possessive feelings toward the hobbist.

So, after working as a Provider, when the girl settles down, with her husband, do you tend to have a more liberal view of sex?  More like a man views it, as a physical act?  Would a purely physical act of adultry, while you are married, if it were not an emotional "relationship" matter, or do you, with your experience, find yourselves more tolerant of outside physical play?

-- Modified on 5/17/2012 3:16:31 PM

What is good for you is good for me!
and if variety is what you need. Id like a little too..
I would much rather my man have a sexual thing going on then an emotional thing....
My general rule is I want to know first/not after. If it is after then you have something to hide..

What I have found is my man does not agree to the same rule.............

i've talked to a few ladies and what they want outside of the biz, relationship wise, is nothing at all, like the relationships they have in the biz.
They want to be in a monogamous, loving relationship with a man that has integrity and character. ( money also...lol )
Are they gonna care if he cheats?? Your damn right they are gonna care.
Let's not lose site of the fact that, these are 1st and foremost, human beings with feelings, just like the next person.
I know this shoe doesn't fit all ladies in the biz, but for some, it does.

Would they be in a relationship with someone who used to hobby? Or would they see that as a character flaw and should be avoided in a partner.

Posted By: lungman
i've talked to a few ladies and what they want outside of the biz, relationship wise, is nothing at all, like the relationships they have in the biz.
They want to be in a monogamous, loving relationship with a man that has integrity and character. ( money also...lol )
Are they gonna care if he cheats?? Your damn right they are gonna care.
Let's not lose site of the fact that, these are 1st and foremost, human beings with feelings, just like the next person.
I know this shoe doesn't fit all ladies in the biz, but for some, it does.

my SO is an ex client thats how we met.
I trust him hes a Ter member and hangs around the boards at times.
its all good hes good to me and he *gets me* so what do I care.

its not your place to speak for women in this business.
youve got a lot of balls just adding your opinion to this.

i dont care who told you what...this post has nothing to do with you.
You are not an expert on the p4p life style  women in this business or this business.

for cryin out loud youre just a client, you are not a booker a pimp a pro or anything else youre just a fuckin client......now sit down and shut up for a change!!!!

the question was directed at women in this business.

I am going to ask a question about menstral cycles...do you have an opinion on that too...?????

what the fuck!

Posted By: sweetnicole1
its not your place to speak for women in this business.
youve got a lot of balls just adding your opinion to this.

i dont care who told you what...this post has nothing to do with you.
You are not an expert on the p4p life style  women in this business or this business.

for cryin out loud youre just a client, you are not a booker a pimp a pro or anything else youre just a fuckin client......now sit down and shut up for a change!!!!

the question was directed at women in this business.

I am going to ask a question about menstral cycles...do you have an opinion on that too...?????

what the fuck!

AnotherPerspective292 reads

  Have you noticed he answers every question directed to girls .  
 ROFL ,  Not knocking his menstrual cycle  demeanor , Just Saying .

Posted By: sweetnicole1
its not your place to speak for women in this business.
youve got a lot of balls just adding your opinion to this.

i dont care who told you what...this post has nothing to do with you.
You are not an expert on the p4p life style  women in this business or this business.

for cryin out loud youre just a client, you are not a booker a pimp a pro or anything else youre just a fuckin client......now sit down and shut up for a change!!!!

the question was directed at women in this business.

I am going to ask a question about menstral cycles...do you have an opinion on that too...?????

what the fuck!

anorgasmia211 reads

But if you read his other posts, he obviously thinks he speaks for the women in the business:)
He is either a provider wannabe or a pimp wannabe or a booker wannabe, supposedely was an "assistant" for a while

for ladies who may have confided in him a few things...I know I have, and it was along these lines. Not every hooker wants an open relationship with a hobbyist or any guy for that matter. Many of us will NEVER bring home other partners for our mates when we are in love. For play, I don't much care.

Thanks London, that's exactly why i posted what i did. Some ladies want a monogomous relationship, outside the hobby! I even said, the shoe doesn't fit all ladies.
Not sure why she ( Sweet Nicole ) had to crucify me.
Some old bad blood, that i'm responsible for.

How long were you a provider before your surgery?

Let's just say, u would like Lungwomen if you saw him at the bedside of a dying child, trying to breath life into her/him. ( hence the name, lungman! No it's not because i'm a Tit man )
But's it all good, it's a fuck-board and what is said, is said and has no direct influence on me and my life.
Boards have always been a venue for people to attack others. EVERYONE has big balls in cyber-space.
I've done some attacking myself!!

I still believe in faithful marriages, and the hobby has not changed that..never will.

Posted By: questionman222
This may be a stupid question, but I've thought about it and thought I'd throw it out there.

Yes, there are individual exceptions, but in general, guys tend to think about sex as a physical act, whereas women more as an emotional bonding.  Second supposition, Providers are mostly (except non-married guys) the "other woman"; that is they are having sex, understanding that the married guy they are having sex with is having sex (albiet poor sex or less frequent or just as good) with his wife.  As such, no Provider has possessive feelings toward the hobbist.

So, after working as a Provider, when the girl settles down, with her husband, do you tend to have a more liberal view of sex?  More like a man views it, as a physical act?  Would a purely physical act of adultry, while you are married, if it were not an emotional "relationship" matter, or do you, with your experience, find yourselves more tolerant of outside physical play?

And what % of your clients are married?

Posted By: London Rayne
I still believe in faithful marriages, and the hobby has not changed that..never will.
Posted By: questionman222
This may be a stupid question, but I've thought about it and thought I'd throw it out there.

Yes, there are individual exceptions, but in general, guys tend to think about sex as a physical act, whereas women more as an emotional bonding.  Second supposition, Providers are mostly (except non-married guys) the "other woman"; that is they are having sex, understanding that the married guy they are having sex with is having sex (albiet poor sex or less frequent or just as good) with his wife.  As such, no Provider has possessive feelings toward the hobbist.

So, after working as a Provider, when the girl settles down, with her husband, do you tend to have a more liberal view of sex?  More like a man views it, as a physical act?  Would a purely physical act of adultry, while you are married, if it were not an emotional "relationship" matter, or do you, with your experience, find yourselves more tolerant of outside physical play?

to do the same to someone I am in love with. I have never cheated on anyone in my life...I just walk.

maagh274 reads

Do you ever feel a pang of guilt when you are with a married man (most of them are - I know that)..just wondering.  I would think at least in the beginning there would be a little guilt because you know it is wrong.  It just seems like a double standard all to make a buck.  Just curious.  

Posted By: London Rayne
I still believe in faithful marriages, and the hobby has not changed that..never will.
Posted By: questionman222
This may be a stupid question, but I've thought about it and thought I'd throw it out there.

Yes, there are individual exceptions, but in general, guys tend to think about sex as a physical act, whereas women more as an emotional bonding.  Second supposition, Providers are mostly (except non-married guys) the "other woman"; that is they are having sex, understanding that the married guy they are having sex with is having sex (albiet poor sex or less frequent or just as good) with his wife.  As such, no Provider has possessive feelings toward the hobbist.

So, after working as a Provider, when the girl settles down, with her husband, do you tend to have a more liberal view of sex?  More like a man views it, as a physical act?  Would a purely physical act of adultry, while you are married, if it were not an emotional "relationship" matter, or do you, with your experience, find yourselves more tolerant of outside physical play?

it is not altogether right, and you won't ever hear me down a wife either. It is what it is. If one day it comes back around and I am sure it will, I really won't have anything to be shocked about.

go to his families at Christmas with him (and the kids)....scratch that..I won't no part of the keeping of a man...not never!
I'll hold my own and he can hold his own..
You men new to stop delegating all your high maintenance need and request to women..!!!
Makes me look like a simple bitch after 5 hours in front of the mirror.

Laundry, cook, clean, etc, etc.
I always took care of those things in my marriage, she was ALWAYS to busy with her job.
I also worked FULL-TIME.
She never had time for the above or me!!
Men are not ALWAYS responsible for the divorce.

jknice171 reads

i would think that ex-providers turned into wives would probably have a much better viewpoint on a man's needs.

my ex-wife never really considered my sexual needs -- in her mind the more ways she could avoid sex the better off she was.  really became avoid any affection: hugs,kisses,snuggles,etc.  no matter how i would explain the importance of it, she wouldn't understand.

i'm sure most providers see married men being neglected, and they see what the guys end up doing when they are not taken care of.

men really are quite simple to meet their needs -- a little lovin can go a long way!  rejection is a surefire way to cause your man to stray.

knowing this, a retired provider would hopefully know that it's serious when her husband tells her that he's not getting enough!

The problem arises when no matter what some women do and how much, some guys still fk around...posts from this very board prove it. It is not a wife's job to keep you faithful..that is YOUR choice. If a guy was not giving me what I needed on every level I would either walk or find something else to do that would fill those needs, but I would not cheat. I was married twice before I ever thought of providing, and the sex dept. was always great...the other stuff not so much. If a woman is no longer screwing her man it's not because she does not "know" what he needs..it is because she does not fkin care lol.

-- Modified on 5/18/2012 11:39:54 AM

I don't date, don't plan to date or get married and am
Perfectly happy having my wonderful regular clients as my boyfriend(s).
Not interested in having a "personal life" relationship. Yes, I am the exception to the rule.

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