TER General Board

Ironic, as I follow the suicide girls everything and definitely hope to get there one day -eomred_smile
BrittneyStarGirl See my TER Reviews 294 reads


Do you love them?
Hate them?
Have any?
Would tattoos determine your choice in a provider?
Personal opinions welcome.

Do u feel cheated when a provider removes her tattoos from her photos, and in person she's inked up?

Ladies, do u have any ink? What of? Favorite piece? How many?

Can't wait for answers

I have 10 going on 11 going on many more tattoos, for anybody who is curious.

And not all over your body with no rhyme or reason. The colors need to be coordinated with a nice contrast to your skin. But please. no portraits of family members,past or present.....makes me feel like we're not alone....::nervous lol::...
And it'll be nice if her photos showed some of her ink and she'll need to mention it somewhere in her ads. No one really wants to be blindsided.
Side Tattoo's are a total turn on..
And yes I have one..

-- Modified on 3/20/2017 10:30:25 PM

No rhyme or reason tattoos are a definite no no.
... side tattoos are the sexiest in my opinion as well. Wayyyy Sexxxy !  

You have one?  ..a side one?   ;) ..Ya gettin your sexxxy on Hpygolky?

Posted By: hpygolky
And not all over your body with no rhyme or reason.  
 Side Tattoo's are a total turn on..  
 And yes I have one..

-- Modified on 3/20/2017 10:30:25 PM

GaGambler377 reads

I am not really a huge fan of ink, but as long as they don't look like the jailhouse variety, they are hardly a deal breaker for me.

ROGM312 reads

If there's not a lot on her it's great. If she has tats all over like a Harley Rider it's a major turn off. But not a deal breaker.

However, if you have them but don't show them it should be clear on your website that you have them and maybe indicate the amount. I have however noticed a few of my reviews have rated me down a point in looks stating in the review they would have rated my look higher without them but didn't dislike them.

I'm flexible...not a turn on necessarily, but not detrimental either.  There's always a story...  

...is depends. How much coverage (I don't want to feel as though I'm getting naked with the Illustrated Woman, he said, sneaking in a Ray Bradbury reference :), where they are located and the overall theme.

I'd prefer tastefully done ("Prison" style not a good look) and large coverage tats on her chest is big turnoff for me.

I don't have any ink myself but I do have a pierced nipple and it is a good litmus test of how well I might get along with a woman. If she likes it and is intrigued, then we most likely will be on the same page.

Regarding not showing tats in her photos -- yes, I'd feel a bit misled if I showed up and she sported a fair amount of ink that wasn't present in her photos. Blur/pixelate if you're concerned about safety and make mention in your website/communications that you have substantial ink or several tattoos.

Ink is a factor for me in deciding which provider I might see. I will point out that I had a great FBSM double session last week with two lovely ladies who sported nicely done ink and some substantial side coverage. Their photos beforehand were representative and I was comfortable with how things were presented.

I got a heart locket anklet chain done at Heart and Huntington at the Hard Rock.  

.....Hurt like Hell  !! ... I wanted to stop five minutes into it !  Actually One minute into it !   I wasn't naΓ―ve to the fact that it was not going to Hurt a bit.  ...  But holy shit ! Really?  My knuckles were White the whole entire time.. I second it near to giving birth. Lol

Let's just say I don't like getting Poked...  well, that's not true now is it? hehe

I've always admired women that wear their Ink well....so damn Sexy!

-- Modified on 3/21/2017 12:04:41 AM

They are a bitch to remove.
That is all I have to say about that.


Elle Vegas (the Sexy Swinger)

-- Modified on 3/21/2017 4:38:55 AM

I've seen lots of ladies who have ink.  It's not a determining factor.  I sometimes will ask about them, always curious about the story or reason for each piece.

I not to long ago had my first piece done, something I had planned for quite some time and finally had it done because the timing was right.  It's rather large, think 20 hrs of work.    I have a few more pieces planned.  I now understand why it can be so addictive and therapeutic.  

They do look good when you are young.
How do they age? I guess if you keep your skin nice and shapely the tattoos are fine, but that is difficult as you get older?

I understand the need to edit them out in pictures because they can be used to identify you.

Yes I agree with above that they should probably have a general theme.

My daughter's friend is getting many painfully removed now because they are just so random and don't mean anything to her any more.

I would never had thought so until I met a gal with a gorgeous tat all over her back and shoulders.  It really turned me on.

Curious what your tat says.  My Hebrew is a bit rusty.

Purposley written in the masculine to represent my father saying it to me . πŸ˜‰πŸ‘Œ R.I.P Dad  πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜

Personally, I'm not a big fan of tats. Why cover up something as beautiful as a woman's body with ink? Maybe it is just my age but I would prefer none but a few smaller ones would not deter me from seeing a provider.

I have over 25 hours of work. My favorite is one of two on my arms.  I started a charity so that tattoo representing that journey is one of them and the other that say Be Grateful. Is the other.  
I have at least 5 hours planned so far and another 10 to draw out lol
But would be yesrs before I actually do it.

...I have a couple of small tats and would have alot more but the wife is not a big fan :(

I prefer none IMO I think ink is makes a woman look more masculine than with out. Some times tattoos are sexy, I'm just not into tattoos at any level, It's more of a non-issue either way.

Like a lot of things, my preconceptions about tats changed once I started playing in this sandbox. Never liked them before, but now I see them as a part of the whole person, just like any other attribute.

It depends on how well they're done, where they are and the woman's attitude towards them.  You have interesting tattoos, you're proud of them and they tell a story. I will say that excessive sun doesn't seem to be a friend to tattooed people as they age.

or a disaster. I've seen both.

Honestly, I think well-done ink enhances beauty and poorly done ink detracts.  

Like all other aspects of beauty it is in the eyes of the beholder. Just another thing to catch or turn the eye, with opinions on either side and at each choice.

I think that how a lady carries her tattoos matters.  

I fully understand why a woman might choose to airbrush her tattoos in this world - it doesn't bother me.

No ink on me... but I have been tempted. It may still happen!

I have a couple but in very very discreet areas where someone would not even be able to find them. Tattoos are okay if there nicely done and not to much. I think a women's body is a work of art and to cover it with tattoos to me is just to much.

I really don't have a problem with tattoos on the ladies if they are done tastefully and there is not too much ink..  
I don't care for the tattoos being all over the lady. That's way too much for my preference. Just my 2 cents..

There's nothing that turns me on quite so much as a woman with the "Suicide Girls" look.  Unfortunately, I myself do not have any tattoos.

John_Laroche499 reads

block letters across the knuckles, certain symbols, etc...

I cant say I have never been with a girl with any tattoos but ink is a distraction to me. People can do what they wish with their bodies but I find it a turn off if they are not in their smaller forms and basically unseen.

I could truly and honestly care less if my tattoos stopped somebody from seeing me; however, I would have a SERIOUS issue with someone selecting a single one of my tattoos and not knowing their history. My XXX tattoo for example, though it has become a part of my brand, and I have grown to love it, me initially getting it at 15 years old wasn't something that was my idea, nor did I personally pay for it. And to select that tattoo would bring me back to a dark time in my past that obviously I'd take offence to.

The tattoo on my chest that most assume is Chinese, is actually a friend my mines name who passed away in my presence and he was literally my rock, my big brother, and my world at that time in my life, we were like Phil & lil, but I was 8 years younger.

The tattoo on my side is an ode to my father not being able to watch me grow physically but spiritually always being there.  

My 'Pink' tattoo was so if my pants were ever low someone, instinctively would just say "pink?" And I'd discreetly know my ass was hanging out. I got this in highschool when I was 200+ lbs.  
Every tat has a purpose, reason and memory, even if those memories and resons do not apply now, they did once, and I'll never forget it

Posted By: BrittneyStarGirl
Do you love them?  
 Hate them?  
 Have any?  
 Would tattoos determine your choice in a provider?  
 Personal opinions welcome.  
 Do u feel cheated when a provider removes her tattoos from her photos, and in person she's inked up?  
 Ladies, do u have any ink? What of? Favorite piece? How many?  
 Can't wait for answers  
 I have 10 going on 11 going on many more tattoos, for anybody who is curious.

souls_harbor400 reads

Tats spell one thing loud and clear -- self image insecurity and therefore the need to modify the body image.

souls_harbor357 reads

Heavy make up is a tell.  Tons of cosmetic surgery and borderline insanity are often traveling partners.  People are judged on negative appearance characteristics, so I certainly wouldn't begrudge someone fixing deformities or "ugly" characteristics.  But consider Dirty Dancing's Jennifer Grey -- she had a nose job and disappeared into the "normal" and the world lost her unique face.  

Insecurity has nothing to do with.  I got mine for a specific reason at a significant time in my life. It's a chapter of my life. Most people will never see it or never know I even have one.  

I'm successful, have a career I'm proud of, I've seen and done a great deal in this life and I'm only getting started.

Guess I'm insecure huh?

souls_harbor480 reads

Experience teaches that you can't judge everyone by only a few characteristics -- but you can make a pretty damn good approximation.

GaGambler460 reads

Sorry, but sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

Back as a kid I had long hair as it was the fashion, I also wore bell bottoms once upon a time. I wasn't "making a statement" it was just what we did back then. Today tats and piercings are simply "what they do" now and not a sign of some deeper issue/s.

souls_harbor270 reads

I think teenagers are generically prone to insecurity which is why group think is so common.  It's Lord of The Flies with just enough adults around to prevent most tribal murders.

Women in general are insecure about body image, including super models (which is why they spend so much time on their appearance in the first place.)  If they are outcast from the in group they'll swing over to the goth group or whatever with the shaved sides and purple hair, etc, piercing in every imaginable place.

There is some definite insecurity there as they seek group acceptance ... somewhere, anywhere.

Wow... It amazes me how many people don't understand tattoo culture. In several countries tattoos are a right of passage. For some people tattoos represent bonds between people and important events. For others tattoos are about beauty and artwork that they can admire forever and that remind them of moments in their life. Some people just get them for fun! Are there people who do it just because they wanna look like someone else and aren't happy with themselves? Sure but honestly I don't know many people who do that and also every hobby/lifestyle has those kinds of people.

 The point is that tattoos only mean what you want them to mean and do not always indicate insecurity... that is a gross exaggeration. Hell the reason I love my tattoos is that that each one is a new adventure in expression for me and as an artist I often design my own tattoos. I also over the years began to study my own culture and how tattoos were a part of my history. Anyway, you should really reconsider your beliefs because for some people getting a tattoo is no different than wearing a yarmulke or a bindi. There is a rich and powerful history behind it and it should be more accepted.

...then everybody got one, so you're more of a rebel without them...

On women I gave no issues with them...its your body to decorate as you please...that being said I have seen some fucking hideous tattoos out there...

stucaboy370 reads

above the crack of her pussy buried in her pubic hair. She was Asian.  Could not for the life of me make out what it was. Thought it might be a gang related thing but she was petite and sweet...not that type.

First and foremost: I want to know in advance, just so I'm not surprised or disappointed.

For me, it depends. There is art and there is what people are calling prison tattoos or ink that looks like it was done at home, with a sharp pen and ink. I do like to hear the stories.  

(I met someone with some foul language on her butt cheek. She said her "friend" was supposed to have tattooed the names of her kids, but did not. He thought it was funny. She did not and was suing him.)  

Now and later ...

No tattoos for me even though I like them on men, but not the entire freaking body covered. I have started my modeling career at 15 and I was always advised to not put ink on my body or my career would have been limited. Any time I would have talked to a manager or photographer for a job they always asked if I had tattoos and when I said no they answer was "very good!" I think now though there is a "fashion" going on for tattoos where they are like a trend and more and more people are getting ok with it and don't consider them a true off. I know some women that have a few tasteful ones that look great but I have seen some girls that look simply ghetto with these tattoos in so many inappropriate and not classy places....

Then again no need to put a sticker on a Ferrari!

I use to determine whether I want to see her or not.  
I'm such a simple man ... 😎😎😎

-- Modified on 3/21/2017 10:33:51 PM

I can't tell you how many of my reviews mention that although I am covered in tats they "don't take away from my beauty"  I'm not sure what this means since obviously I think tattoos enhance beauty, but I can kind of see the sentiment.  My tats are very carefully chosen and designed to curve to my body as an adornment rather than a patchwork scheme.  I have two larger pieces on my hips that I think over all create depth in my curves.  Either way you go about it, if you love how you look and it makes you feel sexy, you can always make it work ;)

ThePeopleRule357 reads

so we can see if you look the granny below.

Never Met a Tattoo I Liked

Also I don't have nearly as many tattoos on those areas. Though, I do not have high hopes for my XXX tattoo, that one i already know will be questionable in my 80s

I don't either love or hate tatts.  Whether a provider has them or not isn't a factor for me when seeking a date.  Often times I'm attracted to a woman who has tatts, but she is always someone who would catch my attention whether she had tatts or not.  I don't have any tatts myself, and have thought about getting one, but the thought never seems to linger.

Posted By: BrittneyStarGirl
Do you love them?  
 Hate them?  
 Have any?  
 Would tattoos determine your choice in a provider?  
 Personal opinions welcome.  
 Do u feel cheated when a provider removes her tattoos from her photos, and in person she's inked up?  
 Ladies, do u have any ink? What of? Favorite piece? How many?  
 Can't wait for answers  
 I have 10 going on 11 going on many more tattoos, for anybody who is curious.

have passed on providers that have  large ones !!!


That's interesting. Good opinion. However, there is nothing to back it up. Matter of fact, many cultures and religions only allow high class or royalty to acquire tattoos in general.

To me, it means she doesn't give a fuck about what society thinks. I think there is nothing sexier than a heavily tattooed woman. Kat Von Dee makes me harder than Chinese Algebra.  

I'm heavily tattooed myself with over 100 hours in the chair and people who are not tattooed will never understand so I don't even try to explain.

-- Modified on 3/22/2017 11:11:03 PM

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