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Intimacy isn't for everyone here ...
nothrofboston 24 Reviews 340 reads

as many reside in the businesslike section of the hobby.
And to each his own. I'm a 10+ guy with several ladies and
that's because it turns me own not knowing which direction pleasure will come from, but knowing that it will.  

I often fantasize how I want our next session to play out
and then WHAM it just takes off in a different direction.
It's that spontaneity that keeps me returning for more of
what I've come to expect.... the unexpected

nobody3052571 reads

You seen a girl a few times and each session is good nothing really to write home about but good enough to bring you back. Then the last session you had with her rock your world totally of the charts performance.

My question is this why?  
Was it because after a couple times meeting her you got to know her better and she got to know you. Which made her more comfortable being with you and she let her hair down. Or maybe it was because she was in a good mood and a little horny on that night. Or maybe you were in a great mood and a lot horny. Or maybe the stars the moon and the sun where a line just right for a perfect session. Or maybe it was all above reason. It was a good time to be had by both of us.

I am not sure on the reason why but it was awesome experience, very real. Yes I had to pay her to come to me and show me a good time. But the first few times was good but not great. I am pretty sure that it was not a total act by her. I will never know for sure just chalk it up to one of the reason I pay girls to come and see me. Because every now and then you get lucky enough to have a awesome experience with somebody for what ever the reason

I came across an ad on Monday for a lady I hadn't seen advertising before. She caught my eye and so it began...  

Meeting started slowly, but once things started to heat up it was like a switch was turned on.  It was non-stop. Poor thing was totally spent.  Sometimes it just happens and we appreciate the moment a bit more.

nobody305590 reads

When it happens on the first meeting. I am sure that you will be seeing her again. In hopes that it will be the same as the first time. On most session with a girl we only get a couple awesome session all the rest is about average at best. For what ever reason it may be. It could be an off night for you or her.

Actually that has never happened to me yet.  I see a very few ladies to begin with.  My criteria has become so specific that I don't reach out to many ladies.  The ones I have met, after that first meeting and they know what they can expect from me it has only gotten better.

Posted By: nobody305
You seen a girl a few times and each session is good nothing really to write home about but good enough to bring you back. Then the last session you had with her rock your world totally of the charts performance.  
 My question is this why?  
 Was it because after a couple times meeting her you got to know her better and she got to know you. Which made her more comfortable being with you and she let her hair down. Or maybe it was because she was in a good mood and a little horny on that night. Or maybe you were in a great mood and a lot horny. Or maybe the stars the moon and the sun where a line just right for a perfect session. Or maybe it was all above reason. It was a good time to be had by both of us.  
 I am not sure on the reason why but it was awesome experience, very real. Yes I had to pay her to come to me and show me a good time. But the first few times was good but not great. I am pretty sure that it was not a total act by her. I will never know for sure just chalk it up to one of the reason I pay girls to come and see me. Because every now and then you get lucky enough to have a awesome experience with somebody for what ever the reason.  

nobody305388 reads

That is why I am all black and blue now.

Thanks for clarifying what did happen that night with us

I think it's a spiritual thing or just a cosmos thing where you two are on the same plane that day, and you find common ground in chemistry. I would continue to go back, because that may have just changed your future encounters for the better. You get that snap shot moment of that instant shit just got real. lol!

nobody305416 reads

I totally agree with you, and I will be having her back soon. Just to see if it was a one time thing or maybe it can happen again, finger cross.

If you try too hard it'll flop - just go and have fun!! ❤️

nobody305456 reads

Boy do I know that from experience.

Thank you

Chemistry just happens.



-- Modified on 9/1/2016 3:21:56 AM

I've had a guy in Sydney I've seen for 3 dinner bookings now over about 3 months. First time was pretty good but not off the scale, wasnt even sure he'd book again, next time was more relaxed but no fireworks, then the last time we were just both in a great mood, laughed a lot over dinner then in the room it was wild - up against the plate glass window, sofa, couple of orgasms and wow! Who knows?? Sometimes it's just that moment isn't it?

VOO-doo461 reads

Trust sometimes takes time, and chemistry isn't always immediate.  

If a guy is nice, I almost always feel more comfortable on a second (or third, or whatever) date.

There are some clients I've liked better and better each time we met

I might not be aware of all of a guy's good qualities on a first meeting :)  

While meeting new guys is always exciting, I enjoy repeat dates very much.

I find it interesting that every now and then there is always some guy that wonders and wanders and somewhat needs INPUTS, share their personal experience, WTF,  

Here is and advisory alert for you my man, you mentioned about being lucky, yes luck is factor but it's a longs shot, most of it is homework, preparations and knowing exactly what you want to have fun and willing to pay for it. You have to remember that the professional ladies will ALWAYS gives you the one of the greatest service ever, that's their job, to keep you coming back, and also remember that you are just ONE of her costumers, meaning you are just ONE COCK OF MANY, as soon as your appointment is over, the next gentleman is up and she'll fucking do the same thing she did to you equally and you are completely forgotten until, you come back and pay her time again that's it, nothing else.. This notion of you being a stud, blows her mind and yours is a fantasy..and wondering about is NOT healthy..

nobody305539 reads

If you think that I didn't know that already you are wrong about that. That is why I am paying her in the first place. For I can enjoy a twenty something girl for one hour. She better be good at what she does or I am not coming back.

I had a few dates with her that was good enough to bring me back. This one night was the best by far, just saying. Yes it was awesome and it got me wondering on what happen to make it so good nothing more.  

Is it bad thing to look back at a session and say to yourself that was an awesome session and how can I make sure it happens again. The only way to do that is to find out why it happen in the first place.

-- Modified on 8/31/2016 9:36:18 PM

FatVern438 reads

She was ovulating, and you subconsciously picked up on that.

Humans are not as deep as they'd like to believe they are.

I've missed out on so much good looking at stuff as "nah. I couldn't be blessed with something like this." And afterwards it never happened again. But there is something about that moment you say "I don't know why or how, but I'm just going to accept it and enjoy it."

I'm watching some people deal with some bitter stuff right now. People I love dearly. But somehow I'm able to enjoy some very beautiful things and some encounters I've only dreamed of. Those beautiful and hot surprises have carried me through well. If we can find goodness here - I say go for it, because life can be really ugly around us sometimes.  

A simple "thank you Universe for that awesome surprise" can launch you into many more experiences that are even deeper.  

Granted the thought of running off into the sunset forever should be approached as "ok chill dude" lol - enjoying hot passionate sex within the confounds of P4P is even more of a reality than in many marriages.  

It's ok to enjoy in the now and hope for it again. Surrender to the infinite in the now. It may not be forever, but it can grow. I know, I do this job constantly. These things do happen. But they didn't start happening until I believed I could experience if, and that I wasn't delusional.  

None of us are limited to quid pro quo. In fact, sometimes I feel when we are limited in many ways, (money/time/commitment) we can become limitless in ways because of that. We free up all the complications to focus on the now. If it were me, I'd think simplifying things to the now can make it easier to fully free up and just enjoy "now" as limitless, without thinking of the past, or the future. Fuck that. Let's do now.  

Just gotta believe and allow it to happen.  

It has to happen on both sides, and I've felt that "click" moment where the following dates did over time create some pretty awesome experiences - even better and more intriguing than the initial "click". That's just sound of the door handle opening. Are wedding bells chiming? No. But is growing sexual encounters though that door? Maybe. I think people can read each other and tell when someone is really into it.  

Don't toss it - just allow and accept it. Remember the boundaries, but definitely don't toss the possibilities within those boundaries. I think we look at the physical and the expected a little too much - and if there's any place to allow a phenomenal - way beyond expectations - and growing experience, it's here.  

I will say while ovulating I'm a freaking beast though - sometimes I think the guys can sense it and the Universe makes that my busiest week lol!! Not discrediting that either. But I say the OPshoukd enjoy it - but not try to replicate it. If he tries to replicate, he may miss out on something even better.  

It's really cool when you start learning how to accept goodness - even in P4P. 😄

If you're asking "how - it's all fake here" ask yourself "why not?"

Fuck it. Go for it and just enjoy the ride.  

-- Modified on 9/2/2016 12:50:55 AM

I love a repeat offender! I like to look at the serendipitous  
possibilities of repetition. Not repetition in a blow by blow  
rehash of an prior electric encounter but by allowing that  
encounter to open the door to a new and unique encounter

Its not a TOTAL act, only a partial act.  Thank you for finally noticing.

it's the opposite with me.  after 2 sessions i find the girls usually get either complacent, lazy, unfocused, or taking my patronage for granted.

there have been a few that give me 1000% every time, i have a handful of regular atf's.  would that every girl would get mentored by these ladies (or the lady that mentored these ladies, she knows who she is and the los angeles hobby scene owes her a big thank you).

not that it's any of my business, but dude, if the girl doesn't rock your world the first time, why go back?  i personally am happy to take a risk (after due diligence of research, of course) to find a new girl if the last one was only so-so.

I know quite a few ladies who's eyes brighten up when they talk about their long time regulars. You can tell they've had some serious fun with those clients. It is real.  

Lots of guys wonder "how are they keeping them? They must be doing bareback."

They're keeping them because they've learned the art of chemistry. And I'm not talking services, enthusiasm and acronyms. I'm talking intimacy. ☺️ A lot of us lack that in our daily lives.  

Sadly, seems like a lot of people feel intimacy is only temporary because that's what they've been told all along. So they just accept it and expect the mundane. It's a bummer. 😞

-- Modified on 9/2/2016 1:04:30 AM

as many reside in the businesslike section of the hobby.
And to each his own. I'm a 10+ guy with several ladies and
that's because it turns me own not knowing which direction pleasure will come from, but knowing that it will.  

I often fantasize how I want our next session to play out
and then WHAM it just takes off in a different direction.
It's that spontaneity that keeps me returning for more of
what I've come to expect.... the unexpected

some people are here to get away from the emotional needs of sex - on both sides. Then there are those who like the connections and growing "relationship" aspect of the fantasy.  

It can't happen with everyone on either side. There's just those times where you stick around because it shows a lot of potential for some sweet rocking times. :)

Yea ... don't it! I like the stickers....

Posted By: Courtney.Ova
some people are here to get away from the emotional needs of sex - on both sides. Then there are those who like the connections and growing "relationship" aspect of the fantasy.  
 It can't happen with everyone on either side. There's just those times where you stick around because it shows a lot of potential for some sweet rocking times. :)

Posted By: nobody305
You seen a girl a few times and each session is good nothing really to write home about but good enough to bring you back. Then the last session you had with her rock your world totally of the charts performance.  
 My question is this why?  
 Was it because after a couple times meeting her you got to know her better and she got to know you. Which made her more comfortable being with you and she let her hair down. Or maybe it was because she was in a good mood and a little horny on that night. Or maybe you were in a great mood and a lot horny. Or maybe the stars the moon and the sun where a line just right for a perfect session. Or maybe it was all above reason. It was a good time to be had by both of us.  
 I am not sure on the reason why but it was awesome experience, very real. Yes I had to pay her to come to me and show me a good time. But the first few times was good but not great. I am pretty sure that it was not a total act by her. I will never know for sure just chalk it up to one of the reason I pay girls to come and see me. Because every now and then you get lucky enough to have a awesome experience with somebody for what ever the reason.  

LasVegan416 reads

have something there, Fancy.  One component of MY hobbying activities IS variety.  Quite often, variety in itself can add to the enjoyment and significantly enhance all the other things I appreciate about women.

But on those rare occasions, when we do not click, it becomes nothing more than a physical release and the "variety" component doesn't heighten the experience.

with audience participation.

And like any artist, they have good days and then occasionally great days.  Who knows what makes for that?

The main thing is to be there when it comes along

you said, "comes"

he he he he

As others have said, there are times when things just click, and an amazing time is had by both. Does it really matter why? Just enjoy it when it does. And if it repeats, that's even better.

If she can do that with other guys, what does that matter? It only matters how it is with both of you. If you both enjoy it and get a lot from it, then it's all good.

Play within the boundaries, and do what works for you.  

And yes, this has happened to me. Our first time was good - but there was a connection, and we both withheld the spark. The second time, about halfway through the session, she started the spark, and things ignited from there. We had an amazing time, and 9 years later, we still do. I think, in our case, we both wanted the same thing out of it, and it just came together at the right time.

Although there are some people who are able to compartmentalize the rendezvous into something purely physical, people are still social beings. And, a connection at some level usually heightens the physical experience. There is always a 'break-in' period with that first encounter, but with each additional encounter of someone to whom you are physically attracted there is a greater chance of some emotional connection adding to the experience. Unless a complete disaster, we would always encourage a hobbiest to get together a second time with someone they find attractive because it is with that 2nd and 3d time you learn whether it is more than just physical. All that to say, we are not the least bit surprised about your experiences because we think it is pretty common.

Enjoy it!

and we have been really enjoying each other. She is riding me and having probably the 3rd O of the session, and she says something like "I hope we can keep being friends for a long time." I mean she really exploded in that one. We had really clicked with a lot in common and shit just got real then.

Gypsybbw426 reads

Just like in any sexual relationship usually it gets better with time... Mood could be part of it as well

Posted By: nobody305
You seen a girl a few times and each session is good nothing really to write home about but good enough to bring you back. Then the last session you had with her rock your world totally of the charts performance.  
 My question is this why?  
 Was it because after a couple times meeting her you got to know her better and she got to know you. Which made her more comfortable being with you and she let her hair down. Or maybe it was because she was in a good mood and a little horny on that night. Or maybe you were in a great mood and a lot horny. Or maybe the stars the moon and the sun where a line just right for a perfect session. Or maybe it was all above reason. It was a good time to be had by both of us.  
 I am not sure on the reason why but it was awesome experience, very real. Yes I had to pay her to come to me and show me a good time. But the first few times was good but not great. I am pretty sure that it was not a total act by her. I will never know for sure just chalk it up to one of the reason I pay girls to come and see me. Because every now and then you get lucky enough to have a awesome experience with somebody for what ever the reason.  

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