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Intense self-awareness
micktoz 41 Reviews 1854 reads
1 / 19

Yesterday, I was on my back , propped up by some pillows. She was kneeling between my legs and her delicious tush was visible in two well placed mirrors. She was touching herself and giving me one of her awesome BBBJ's .  
I was moaning and growling at the pleasure she was giving me and suddenly my consciousness was in this zone where I was saying to myself
 "How freaking awesome is this? How did I end up with this gorgeous talented woman?"  and then went back to animal enjoyment of being right there in the moment.

Do you have self talk like this?  Is it positive in nature or negative? Do you laugh at yourself or at her or him?

I'm sure some of you ladies are thinking "Will he hurry up and cum?" or "Damn this guy smells bad." but are there some funny thoughts that go through your mind when giving a BJ or receiving DATY?

Just thought something light hearted for a Saturday might be fun.

JakeFromStateFarm 54 reads
2 / 19

That happens every time for me.   More random is worrying about whether you're going to fart while she's down there.

GaGambler 36 reads
3 / 19

I often think to myself "Damn life is good" when I am balls deep in a young lady.

mrfisher 108 Reviews 17 reads
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as it interferes with experiencing.  

Most times, if I am thinking, it's usually stuff like remembering to call someone about work later, putting the garbage out, and similar detritus of life that can't be dispensed with, sadly.

NoGreenBorderedEnvelope 29 reads
5 / 19

... because some providers, especially my ATF, are very perceptive.  She's caught me doing it more than once over the years and told me to "shut that brain off!" and get back to focusing on my pleasure, and hers.    

But I do think occasionally how lucky I am, to know some great providers and have the disposable income to see them on a regular basis.  I know there's many guys in my situation who don't have that kind of money.

souls_harbor 24 reads
6 / 19

We do sort of run on auto-pilot for the most part, but on that rare occasion when we become intensely self-aware -- looking out from our own eyes with the feeling that we are the center of the  universe and ponder the mystery itself of how we can even be -- that if we happen to be doing something great like sex at the time -- makes all the more pleasant and awe inspiring.

keystonekid 114 Reviews 24 reads
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feelings that this gorgeous lady is giving me. If my brain does want to kick in it would be about how lucky I have to be flesh to flesh with a sexy young lady who is about to make me cum in buckets.  

impposter 49 Reviews 33 reads
8 / 19

I'm always afraid of making a mistake or doing something wrong, so I think carefully about following the steps.
In, out, in, out, in, out, out .... DAMN!! Got to start over!  
In, out, in, out, in, out, in, out ...
What did you think I was referring to?

trekman98 24 reads
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That was a joke....

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 29 reads
10 / 19
SpectreNBond 17 reads
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I'm drinking my glass of wine and watching porn. Except my hand is holding the glass and I'm getting a BBBJ in live action.

Bluecourtney See my TER Reviews 23 reads
13 / 19

That’s what you’re thinking? You’re seeing the wrong girls!

micktoz 41 Reviews 14 reads
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micktoz 41 Reviews 16 reads
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Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 25 reads
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We all get a "winner" now and then if we do this enough.

ToniLove See my TER Reviews 32 reads
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Where I literally thought, while sucking a cock, "this guy is going to come through the roof, better get ready for this! " lol and then when that hot wetness burst, I just closed my eyes and gulp! The self talk was over lol

cleavers 16 reads
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I’m eating peach cobbler/with ice cream and she is giving me a BJ. I’m thinking that this does not get any better in life!

mrblond68 4 Reviews 32 reads
19 / 19

So I was doing it doggy style with a provider, and rather than think she had the greatest ass in the world... Oddest thought pop into my mind. When I came home from vacation, I still had my house, so I got my answer.

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