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Intelligent women are the most sexy
Aries0324 10 Reviews 1542 reads

Pretty faces with no brains get really boring really fast.  And it does not have to be all higher education, common sense and politeness are part of the intelligence packcage. Probably true for both sexes, but it is easy just to ignore the dumb/good looking guys

-- Modified on 4/2/2006 11:41:25 AM

Lately I have been reading the posts of one Lady Aster on Escortblogs.net and, despite her being a post-op TS, find myself sexually attracted (something that I could not have conceived of until recently).
Her erudtion is impressive.
Much of my love for my namesake is owing to her considerable writing talents.

The stereotype of men being attracted to the pretty but dumb (often blonde) bimbo because of her supposed gullability and easy virtue has never impressed me as particularly deserved.

I wonder if natural selection has brought about a condition where men find brainy women attractive as a way of perpetuating the species.  (Presumably a smarter person would have better chances of survival.)

I have often felt that the genius is God's greatest (OK second greatest) gift to mankind because they are the spark plugs that create most of our civilization.

Women:  Do you ever feel the same towards brainy men?

One of the reasons I like asian gals is they are usually smart.  Now, of course, there is smart like K gals who will try to 'smart' every penny out of your pocket,...etc... EOM MA

Pretty faces with no brains get really boring really fast.  And it does not have to be all higher education, common sense and politeness are part of the intelligence packcage. Probably true for both sexes, but it is easy just to ignore the dumb/good looking guys

-- Modified on 4/2/2006 11:41:25 AM

I love spending time with an intelligent, beautiful and sexy woman.

I remember what a friend of mine said one time...when asked if he found a woman attractive he answered I don't know she hasn't said anything yet.

Karrie1730 reads

I would be out of business....

I’m not exactly the blond Barbie bombshell type.

and you are incredibly sexy, but it's not only because you're a smarty...

Don't sell yourself short.

and I agree with Infrequent 100%.

Good brains plus good body = 10.

You are my best choice for a geek convention.  Hope you're doing well...

..unless your photos are real studio touch up jobs, I'd say you are not so bad in the 'looks' department either.

From my experiences, the intelligence is sexy hypothesis is purely a middle-class conceit.  Having been raised in extremely unpromising economic circumstances, I can attest that I NEVER caught a whif of this idea from my lumpenproliteriate peers  until I had become an adult and was able to leave poverty behind.

But as another poster in his thread does note, that definitely is an attraction, and it does seem as if Asian-American women have got a stranglehold on that particular aspect of sexual attraction.

PS. Once saw a quote, "the bigger the boobs on a woman, the dumber the guy."

CameronGFE1437 reads

Master Fisher,

Yes. As long as you mean emotional intelligence, not just IQ. Imagination, wit and signs of creativity really do it for me, both in bed and out of bed.

Looks help, but brains light up the eyes.

and each to their own.

My own favorite is artistic intelligence, I think it makes the world a better place for all, but that's just me.

Many of of on this site have seen providers over the years proclaiming to the heavens that they "are very intelligent, and here's why..."

I prefer a more subtle and quirky sort of intelligence. As an example, the other day I asked a young woman I met on another site about the origin of her handle. She said that she took Latin instead of a useful language, and that the first part of her handle was a Latin verb that had a number of interesting conjugations (and gave some examples.) She went on to describe the origin of the second part of her handle, but by then my heart was noticeably pounding.

I like a woman to be intelligent, but not in a condescending way.  More important is the ability to communicate in an articulate manner and listen well, no Attention Deficit Disorder.  In other words, we have to be able to relate to each other and not have to repeat ourselves half a dozen times.


Autumn6662271 reads

I really enjoy meeting intelligent men, it's always a very pleasant treat. One of the things that is appealing is the fact that they usually equally enjoy meeting an intelligent woman as well. It also creates more of an atmosphere of authenticity.

[x] boobies
[x] vaginas
[x] Legs
[x] bottoms
[x] short hair
[ ] brains

Nope, sorry. Not attracted to brains.

I'll leave the Janeane Garofalo's of the provider world to you my green friend.

Suzanne in San Diego1053 reads

stu.. oophs, excuse me, I meant to say sexy!  I've always believed that a good head of hair keeps the marbles in a row and prevents them from leaking... and you're my finest example of that!
Suzanne in San Diego

BTW Where the hell are those 'bald' pics I asked you to post??  Cum on, don't be a hold out, my darling, just give it up already!

-- Modified on 4/3/2006 12:17:35 AM

in a mate. Throw in sexual prowess and it's a done deal. I think similar life views and morality are also very important.

Edited to add that of course there must be a physcial attraction and chemical/pheremonal compatibility as well.

-- Modified on 4/2/2006 7:27:03 PM

Intelligence comes in many forms, and while some are "book smart" others are just able to really "get life."  I will take those that "get life" any day over the book smart.  Why?  because usually the "book smart" types wind up working for the "get life" types.  

Humor, ever try to deal with an SO who cannot laugh at a situation?  it is impossible.  I have met few who have that ability - BUT in this hobby, I have noticed that the ladies seem to have a sense of humor that is unique and charming.  it takes a lot of intelligence to look past the immediate, fast forward to the future and realize that at some point the disagreement, situation, event, sadness in front of you, will be funny, amusing or comforting.  Few have that ability, but it enables intelligent conversations that lead to solutions to problems.

Actors say that comedy is much harder than drama.  I think that in life, humor is much harder than book learnin'.  I have often told students, anyone can get a Ph.D.  all it takes is the will to do so, Intelligence?  you only need close to average.  But the ability to have street smarts?  that seems to be hard wired into some.

So, I like those who can enjoy an evening, laugh a little, be affectionate, and realize it is life and if we can provide companionship on occasion to others, we done good.

...a humorless idiot.

Are your just pretending?!

A very interesting question for discussion, and one I have thought of many times before.
My answer comes in the form of, perhaps, just more questions and an anecdote of sorts.

Now, I have been told by some folks that they think me intelligent, that I am "smart" (I don't see it really, I don't think I know or understand more than anyone and probably less then most).  I have been told I have a good sense of humour, and whether people laugh with or at me, I have had occassion to be with people I seem to make laugh.  I have been told that I have some insights and wisdom into human nature and life, though I am honestly confused about these things 99% of the time. Artistic intelligence, well, though it may be argued against by artists and gallery owners, I do fancy myself a Fine Artist, Figure Artist to be specific, I was a Fine Arts major in college, started drawing at 18 months old and never stopped...I work in drawings, paintings and printamaking as well as digital art...I like literature, and theatre, and music, Hell, I can even juggle.

So, unless those folks were lying I am apparently, smart, funny, insightful, talented and other good stuff...

I also have never had a date. I have never had a girlfriend (or before I accepted my predilection for women, a boyfriend).  Until a nice lady did me a heck of a favor; I had never touched another person in a sexual way...or was touched in a sexual way...and that favor happend just around 7 weeks ago...followed by another 6 days later and that is the total extent of my sexual experience, for the most part, except for that I have kissed a few people.  

So, is intelligence sexy?
Are people sexually attracted to brains?

Maybe...but they don't much seem to be to mine.
There is only one person that thought me "smart" online and then when I met her said she was attracted to me...though, sadly, nothing ever came of that beyond what happened the night we first met...and that was a bit of making out in a bar.

I have noticed many a time someone say they want someone "intelligent" but then go for someone that really isn't...but that they are physically attracted to.  I have also seen people say they are attracted to "intelligence" and then despite finding another very wise, not be at all attracted to them because they are not physically what they desire.

I think for most people, if they are attracted to another, "brains" can make that attraction stronger.  I think if they don't really think of a person as attractive or not, "brains" can tip the scale to attractive...but I also belive that if one finds someone physically unattractive, all the positive qualities they may have will never make them attractive.  

The thing is, to my mind, if you appreciate another's intelligence you don't have to "love" them, you don't have to "touch" them, or date them, of have any sexual connection with them to partake of their intelligence, they will share that with friends, or strangers online, or casual aquaintances, etc. so if that is all they have that would attract you, you don't have to be sexually anything with them to experience that.

From my experience and observation, I would say that Lex and Miss Rose had the most accurate answers.  There has to be a physical attraction, that intelligence can add to that but isn't a replacement for for it, and doesn't create a physical attraction.

It can also prove as big of a bore-fest as the most simplistic twit.
SPIRIT and WIT is needed to make the package truly sexy, alluring and complete IMO.

intelligence isn't the only thing that is a turn-on. Wink!


There is nothing more attractive than an intelligent man, or at least one who knows how to be socially acceptable without the B.S.


Warren BT2469 reads

Would it be socially acceptable if I patted you on the tush while you were talking to BS?

I am hugely attracted to intelligence.  It actually turns me on to hear somebody talking who's obviously bright.  
Physical attraction plays a role-- I prefer larger guys, tall and broad shouldered, that bit; However, intellectual stimulation can overwhelm that.  For me, no amount of physical attraction can overcome somebody who's intelligence I can't respect.

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