TER General Board

Reviewing Reviews
aphroditez 6137 reads

This past two weeks there have been numerous threads regarding different aspects of reviews.  The debates and discussion have had a lot of varied opinions and points of view and although they have been varied to a great degree from each other, each has been valid and thought provoking.  But, at the same token, there has not been a definitive right or wrong in any of those opinions.

Given the varied interests, personalities and beliefs of all participants in the hobby, I don't believe that there is any kind of fail proof system of coming up with a review that would make everyone happy.

The reviews as they stand can only offer one person a  prospective (minus the clear rip-offs).  They can only give an idea of what a meeting would be like and the diverse differences of each individual will have to be factored within each assessment of a given review.  

With multiple reviews on an individual lady a pattern does imerge with each gentleman.  That along with her website describing her expectations, should be enough to give you sufficient amount of information to make an educated decision as to whether or not a visit would be beneficial for you.

Nothing is fool proof and I believe it is impossible to come up with something fool proof in this genre.  Although there is always room for improvement, we must accept that fact and hope for the best.  The reasoning is simple. It is called the human factor and something all the more prevelant in this genre considering the personal nature of it.


On the whole, the TER reviews have been extremely helpful to me in enjoying leisure time without godawful surprises. TER has saved me a great deal of $$ and more importantly the wastage of time and the stress of disappointments.
I've surely studied over 2000 reviews doing the Lord's work in the last two years, and have rarely been bored. LOL
Personally I often do not post a review unless the experience was quite good, very bad, or if the provider is totally new so that some guidance is needed for everyone.

My reviews are skewed therefore by omissions. Also, I search hard and have fewer and fewer disappointments as time goes on.

I've very often noticed that the provider is more liberal than the profile and even the reviews. Very often bbjtc is available when the profile says cbj. The reviews need to be studied for that reason alone.

I've noticed also that mileage sometimes varies enormously.
One Atlanta providers' reviews are wild, except with one or two guys who got very poor mileage. One provider told me that any obese guy with poor hygiene and breath gets at most a cbj in a rush. She's afraid to turn them away totally however because they are so bigggg and might cause a fuss or be violent and vengeful.

Personally I received a threatening pm from one guy after I posted a review of someone I had seen a few times. He was irate about getting no mileage himself. I told him to work on improving his own mileage, and then blocked any incoming pms or e-mails from him. Some guys get too attached to a provider and may become stalkers or angry toward other hobbyists.

Three or four of my pals seem to get a bit better mileage than I, and I say more power to them!

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