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Increasing the likelihood of a Second Pop was easy
burt2020 5637 reads

In an earlier post I discussed my experiences with Cialis, Levtria, and Viagra.  I stated that while helpers are useful in getting ready for round two they do nothing to increase the likelihood of a second pop.  I also mentioned that I’d received some information from a source I’ve found trustworthy about dietary supplements that make a second pop easier to obtain. I have now received several PMs asking for information about the supplements I mentioned.  My source doesn’t want to post the information himself (he didn’t say why, but it may have something to do with not wanting an overflowing inbox) however; he said he had no objection to my posting the information he gave me.  

Blood flow is the key to an erection, whereas seminal fluid production is the key being able to pop.  Helpers assist with problems related to blood flow, but not with the production of seminal fluids.  Here is the information I received about increasing seminal fluid production and improving recovery time.

My source recommends:
L-Arginine (an amino acid) 3-500mg caps 2 or 3 times a day, preferably not with meals, especially if the meal contains protein.  (One source is  North Star ReVitaMan at www.northstarvitamins.com with 3 caps daily costing about $40.00 for a one month supply.)  Augment the L-Arginine with 4-8 dates a day, 8-10 almonds a day, and asparagus a couple of times a week. (Per Ayurvedic medicine, these are good for energy and production of seminal fluid).  Also get 15-20 minutes of aerobic exercise 4 or 5 days a week, as it helps immensely. It makes the impact of the other food/vitamin stuff even more noticeable.  Sitting all day is brutal on the prostate, which impacts sexual function. Exercise helps counteract the downside of sitting too long. When sitting for long periods of time, try taking a five-minute walk break every 30 minutes.

I’ll also quote part of his message:
By doing the above for a few weeks, I found myself hornier and delivering a much larger "load" then "normal"... and I'm [over 50].  However, it didn't help me with second pops in an hour though I got hornier faster... so some people may get more pops in a single session but not me.  I think I am beyond that age-wise. I think under perfect conditions I could maybe go twice in two hours but usually don't want to pay for the extra time in case it turns out to be "popless".  

This site was recommended to me as being a good site for men, including men wanting information about male menopause:   http://www.geocities.com/HotSprings/5571/andropause.html

Recommendations my source received were:  
DHEA 50mg L Arginine 5-7grams daily. It produces the necessary Nitric oxide.  (Note this is more than my source uses.)

Andro Teston by GVI Labs. 2-3 daily each has androstendione and 4 androstendiol the precursors to testosterone. 100mg each per pill.

DL phenylalanine 500mg to increase the dopamine levels in the brain adding to the intensity of orgasm.

Avena Sativa 1 week every 3 months once a day to free up the binding testosterone.

I respect the opinion of my source.  I’ve found his reviews accurate and his advice good.  I don’t believe there is a fountain of youth, and while I think it is possible for those of us over 50 to improve our recovery time and our performance, I don’t think we will ever perform like we did in our youth.   Also, I that we should keep our expectations reasonable.  (I’m reached the age where a couple of pops a day—-let alone per session-—would be an improvement.)  

I’ll end my ramblings by summarizing my experience my helpers:  Viagra and Levitra are very similar.  Both work in 30-60 minutes and last about 4 hours.  Both make round one almost a certainty.  Levitra seems to last a little longer and round two is slightly more possible with Levitra.  Cialis gives me horrible headaches; both the effects and the headaches last up to 36 hours.  With Cialis I get many spontaneous erections, but I can never count on having an erection when I need it.  I suggest taking helpers on an empty stomach, avoiding alcohol and fatty foods, and recommend taking Tylenol together with the helper.  Finally, I don’t think there is a one size fits all solution.  Like helpers, I expect some will benefit from these supplements and others will not.  The question is, do I want that second pop bad enough to join a gym.

Tygrlily3946 reads

I suspect most men over 40 would benefit greatly if the combination of supplements were used along with the proper diet and exercise programs you mentioned.  I've found with those i've discussed nutrition with they're just too busy with work to incorporate this kind of plan into their daily lifestyles. Fact is, there's quite a few nutritional powders & shakes that contains a lot of what you've discussed which i've recommended when doing nutritional counseling and i've had some very positive responses.

This works both ways though, women over 40 definitely need additional supplements to maintain certain levels also. I can only speak for myself when it comes to natural supplements because I take them religiously and exercise daily.  I truly believe with the right combination of nutrition you can slow down the aging process including menopause & andropause. I really want people to know their biological age has absolutely nothing to do with the aging. In holistic health we believe aging comes form degenerative cells which the medical field will argue but I feel i'm living proof and I count my blessings daily from the benefits i've experienced.


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