TER General Board

sexxyleeza See my TER Reviews 632 reads

Typically that is a polite way of saying she doesn't want to see you for whatever reason. Providers have the right to reject your business. Some guys think we should take every dollar regardless of the situation. That's incorrect

Curious to know if some find this a direct enough response or is there a need to personally know the reason as to why a lady may decline your business. Or do you feel it is better for a lady to just say nothing and ignore all requests if she just isn't "feeling" you? Has persuasion in the P4P world paid off for any lady/ gent? What am I missing here?

I must have not said the right thing nor taken the right approach because I am still getting emails for an appointment I declined meeting over a year ago. Begging to pay for pussy? I missed that memo! LOL!

I will mention our "styles" are not on the same page...eg. I do not provide a fuckdoll experience and those that like that would not be happy with me. No reason why I should be put through something I do not like or the john have to change what he needs. Much easier and logical to find a better match. Forcing either party is, to me, pathetic.

I then block that email addy. I have nothing more to say to that person. No means no.

Senator.Blutarsky765 reads

I do something similar... When I get no response... I can't recall ever getting a sorry, we're not compatible response... But the action would be the same... I'll put the gal's profile in my excluded folder on P411... No need to even consider her again.

wrps07910 reads

I never heard that term. Please explain.

L.Guapo793 reads

It's when a submissive girl likes to be used as a sexual toy.  Hence, a fuckdoll or fucktoy. You would probably like to play with such a girl and strap her into one of your traveling leg-spreaders.  Then you would pick up all the used condoms and wrappers and take them with you as you snuck out of the hotel with your little roll-away.
You are a real trip.

wrps07754 reads

The smell of a used condom can get you high when you sniff it, grins. Fun to take back to the lab and look under a microscope.

L.Guapo486 reads

I am starting to like you.  Somebody smack me.

No.  You take the condoms and empty them down my *ahem* her throat.  Make her wash IG down with your spit.

Posted By: L.Guapo
It's when a submissive girl likes to be used as a sexual toy.  Hence, a fuckdoll or fucktoy. You would probably like to play with such a girl and strap her into one of your traveling leg-spreaders.  Then you would pick up all the used condoms and wrappers and take them with you as you snuck out of the hotel with your little roll-away.  
 You are a real trip.

ragnar27623 reads

I agree with that begging is not good.  I never have and never will.  But in this place, I can't imagine why any fella would beg

....rather than just being ignored. Her reasons dont need to be explained in great detail, and a "we arent compatible" might have me scratching my head abit if I didn't feel the same way, but I would respect her wishes and move on. At least with a politely declining response you know where you stand, and then you can close that chapter and move on.
 I have heard from some providers that they purposely choose to ignore some requests rather than politely decline them because some won't take 'no' for an answer. Yes that can be a problem, but you inadvertently punish everyone for the bad actions of a few. IMHO as long as the request isn't vulgar or rude, it deserves some kind of reply.

And then block the email address.  

I will reply to all of them but what I will not do after a couple of bad situations, is elaborate on the "why". Not worth the trouble. And blocking, I feel is appropriate, after my first reply.

GaGambler685 reads

and since we had never had any issues I was baffled by her "radio silence", especially as I saw her roommate on a rather regular basis.

Finally she got back to be and I was "sort of relieved" that the reason she couldn't see me as a client anymore is that I knew too many of her friends, a couple of whom I had actually dated IRL. She did leave the door open to seeing each other socially, but that she felt too "weird" seeing me as a client.  

If I said it was "her loss" I'd be lying. I'd love to see her again as a client, but I have to respect her wishes and dating her is probably not an option, she knows all too well what a pig I am, and most likely I would fuck it up.

But that's not how this works. Not how any of this works... *sigh* Hooker problems. LOL!

Typically that is a polite way of saying she doesn't want to see you for whatever reason. Providers have the right to reject your business. Some guys think we should take every dollar regardless of the situation. That's incorrect

wrps07571 reads

It means the provider does not want to see you for what ever reason she decides. No problem go to the next one on your shopping list.  

Posted By: SexyJaye7
Curious to know if some find this a direct enough response or is there a need to personally know the reason as to why a lady may decline your business. Or do you feel it is better for a lady to just say nothing and ignore all requests if she just isn't "feeling" you? Has persuasion in the P4P world paid off for any lady/ gent? What am I missing here?  
 I must have not said the right thing nor taken the right approach because I am still getting emails for an appointment I declined meeting over a year ago. Begging to pay for pussy? I missed that memo! LOL!

and you will probably never ever know the real reason.

Life is like that, like it or not

Alan_Nimm635 reads

I had one experience where the provider's actions told me "we aren't compatible".  Or maybe she was just having a bad day--it was pretty weird.  But if I ever heard/saw those words, it would tell me I need to move on.  And I'd appreciate that she actually told me SOMETHING rather than give me the silent treatment and leave me wondering.

Disappointed because obviously I wanted to see you but can't and would wonder why. I would appreciate the heads up. Nothing is worse than wasting time wondering if your email got lost or what.

Senator.Blutarsky663 reads

Well, at least she let me know... Then, I move on and don't give it another thought.

But, I have thick skin so I can take criticism. I suppose there are many clients who's fragile egos will get bruised if you are honest with them.

I had a provider decline a session with me recently, after she viewed my P411 page. I have no idea why, she wouldn't say. But I sure don't want to be with someone who doesn't want to be with me.

Sometimes, though, I simply don't reply.   I am a firm believer in trusting my instincts and if I'm getting the feeling that I should stop responding, then that's what I do.    

I wish a polite no-thank-you could always be given without having to fear any possible retaliations but that's just not the way it is.  So although I will usually decline as tactfully and gracefully as I can manage, I admit that is not always case.  ;-)

There are times when I use "we won't click" or some variation that the gentleman takes that as "please keep pushing and pestering me, in as desperate a tone as possible" but not very often.    

No means no, so once you've said it, there is no reason to engage in any further communication.  

Delete, delete, delete.  :-)


WildJimmy!628 reads

If I heard that when trying to rebook a provider I'd already seen, I'd think about what kind of connection we had had. Probably not much electricity as that happens between two poles. Maybe we argued over pizza toppings or something.

If that came back to me while trying to make an initial appointment, I'd maybe chalk it up to some inadvertent statement I made in my approach. Guys are used to rejection because, with civvies, we're always the one initiating the action. So if 1 out of 6 women say yes to anything (a drink, the barstool next to them, on up), most of us probably feel like we do pretty well with the ladies.

I think you said it plain, simple, and honestly. You did the right thing and he's weird if he doesn't try someone else.

If you feel you ought to reply to the email, tell him to call five other providers and that if they ALL turn him down, to send you the names of those who rejected him so you can verify, and that you'll maybe give him a shot to prove you wrong. If ONLY one agrees to see him, he's taken care of and that should be that. Do that and I'll bet you never hear from him again.

Behringer797 reads

Personally, I'd appreciate the honesty. A couple of times I've expressed interest in meeting someone new and never heard back from them at all. These were reputable, highly reviewed ladies. When I don't hear back from someone in a reasonable amount of time I start to wonder...did she receive my request? Has she read it? Is she not available? Too busy?  Scheduling conflict? Not interested?  I don't know if I'm not told, and I don't want to seek someone else until I know definitively. It would suck to arrange to see someone else, and THEN start getting the responses I was waiting on. It sucks just the same not to hear anything at all.

With that said, if I'm told we're not compatible I will respect that and appreciate you letting me know. I might ask why, but if I do I won't ask more than once. It certainly wouldn't be the topic of discussion a year later. I've never understood why anyone would want to be with someone that doesn't want to be with them. That applies to both the hobby world and the civvie world. The outcome of that is so unlikely to be a good one.

Be careful though, Jaye. The idea that someone hasn't given up on you after being declined over a year ago...there's something very unhealthy about that. It's way past time for him to move on. And I hope he does.  


I have had a gent over the years I have declined because his meeting request was out of the realm of what I was willing to provide. Fast forward a couple of years and he was still interested and willing to meet. I took a chance and he is one of the nicest and sweetest ever and we have planned an extended trip for later this year. BUT this one is not the case! While other ladies are available and comparable to what he is seeking, he has me on his to do list and seems to think I will just say ok since handfuls of others have seen him. If you piss me off, I am NOT going to suck your dick, bottom line. Maybe I should just say that instead.

There have been only two times I have had to decline an appointment for being "incompatible". It mostly had to do with the reviews, that he was clearly seeking things outside my realm of comfort and/or expertise. So I simply respectfully declined because I thought it was the right thing to do and not leave the gentleman hanging.

Anastasia your a class act and one cool women to spend time with.

joecarter504 reads

how a thoughtful, kind reply can leave such a nice impression.  If I ever get to Detroit again I am going to look this cool lady up.  Unless she rejects me  . . . .  ;)

Aww, GB, you're making me blush! I'm going to have to come visit you sometime soon! It's been too long since my last visit to Chi town

joecarter490 reads

good for you being one of the good guys!

YairMarx546 reads

But the question should be as to why she feels that we won't be compatible..One reason is that you're probably a hard to please client based on your reviews. She doesn't want to have to work on that 10, when she feels the most she'll get is an 8....then her "ratings" goes down the toilet.

As many others have said here, I would much rather hear back that you don't want to meet me than to just be ignored and receive silence. I don't want to see someone who doesn't want to see me. The readon is not terribly important. If you don't want to see me, you don't want to see me.  

I will beg for pussy and I will pay for pussy, but I will not beg to pay for pussy!

I don't get it. Scares me.  

Furthermore, it signals that they think any man with a dollar can gain entry.

You're declining for whatever reason, and that's cool.  These things happen.

That being said, I've never been turned down directly, but a few ladies were non-responsive.  After a second attempt goes unanswered, it's time to move on.  Just the nature of the game

first, do say, "no" about seeing a guy or he may keep asking
what you suggest should get the message across, or perhaps "I don't think we're a good fit." He'd have to be dumb as a rock or willfully dense not to get the point. I've only had one lady decline to see me over the years, and she used the "not a good fit" line and it worked and my feelings survived

bigguy30574 reads

Posted By: SexyJaye7
Curious to know if some find this a direct enough response or is there a need to personally know the reason as to why a lady may decline your business. Or do you feel it is better for a lady to just say nothing and ignore all requests if she just isn't "feeling" you? Has persuasion in the P4P world paid off for any lady/ gent? What am I missing here?  
 I must have not said the right thing nor taken the right approach because I am still getting emails for an appointment I declined meeting over a year ago. Begging to pay for pussy? I missed that memo! LOL!

followme463 reads

is something you and your True Sweetheart will never have to worry about

bigguy30549 reads

I guess you cannot keep lying about why you are on this site.
We can all see it's not about the real woman providers.
The problem is you are in the wrong area. Lol

So stop talking about yourself and then trying to pass it off on other people.
I will go back to the real woman and having a good time.
You can move on with your crazy self.


Posted By: followme
is something you and your True Sweetheart will never have to worry about.  
-- Modified on 8/31/2015 9:15:58 PM

I've had to do that, and it wasn't much about the guy, as it was me just not being comfortable with requests. But I do try to tactfully tell someone we're not compatible, or I won't be available to him.

The only time I don't respond to guys is if I've emailed back and forth a couple of times, and they're just not getting it - or "any specials?" They get no response. Don't even want to entertain that. Or "free dinner on the first 1 hour outcall because all the girls just love me love me love me."

So if I responded, it really isn't you - it isn't me - it's us together that wouldn't work. Millions of other people, and with the industry being so diverse, and also the nature of what we are doing, a good lady will feel you out to make sure SHE can make you happy.

It is kind of an ego killer to see any and every dick that wants to get inside me, because not every dick is going to like a certain girl or look, no matter how hot she was to the last dick. Over time, it gets easier to narrow down who I'm going to please.

"Everybody wants to fuck me" isn't the most glorifying statement IMO. :D

-- Modified on 8/31/2015 1:51:50 PM

no way to know if she was telling me the truth anyway.

Posted By: SexyJaye7
Curious to know if some find this a direct enough response or is there a need to personally know the reason as to why a lady may decline your business. Or do you feel it is better for a lady to just say nothing and ignore all requests if she just isn't "feeling" you? Has persuasion in the P4P world paid off for any lady/ gent? What am I missing here?  
 I must have not said the right thing nor taken the right approach because I am still getting emails for an appointment I declined meeting over a year ago. Begging to pay for pussy? I missed that memo! LOL!

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