TER General Board

In that case, one of us is blind, and it's not me
GaGambler 149 reads

Anyone who expected a "mid-40's MILF" after looking the pictures on this woman's web site is either blind or stupid. The woman in the pics is at least a "Rode hard" mid fifties and more likely well into her sixties.

I can only imagine how old she really is if you say "someone far older" showed up, Her real age must be in the 70s in that case.  

Do yourself a favor, before booking your next appointment, buy yourself a good set of glasses. lol

AnyMoose3615 reads

What is the board view of reviews?  Are reviews meant to be affirmations of the woman (i.e. "white knight"), or straight-up honest, or are there other nuances I'm missing?  Is our responsibility to the provider, to weave a happy tale, or to the hobbyist, ensuring the truth on the quest for happy tail?

I was contacted by a provider I reviewed.  The review stated basically that her skills were good and she had a very wide menu, but her images were quite out-of-date and the conversation threw me off.  Her message was angry, accusing me of "trying to hurt my business" and begging me to remove the ad.

What's the board culture on this?

to guide other clients as to what to expect if and when they ever see this provider.

To that end, they should focus on factual statements, and not be either overly picky or fawning.

In this way, reviews can assist both the clients and the other providers by getting the latter to up their game, if that is in order.   The gal who contacted you may or may not have a case about the conversation thing because that is more of a question of taste than anything else.   As for the photos, providers need to be prodded to have accurate photos, so that is fair game.

I asked for a woman's opinion. We do "Lifestyle" things several times a year. "If I saw and ad with those pictures I wouldn't even consider it. At a club, party or resort the answer would be no. Even if her guy looked like George Clooney."

be accurate as to a provider's appearance, what took place, and perhaps the incall if anything was amiss. If the provider does not look like her pics, then that should be stated. I agree with mrfisher in that some providers do not do a very good job of keeping their photos up-to-date. Some ladies do not change much in physical appearance but some do; whether it be weight gain, hair color/style, etc. I know that if I have scheduled time with a brunette provider with long hair, I don't want to see a provider with short red hair behind the door when it opens. Hobbyists are visual.

Would have been if we could have read a few of yours and see if you're getting it right, or not, but you chose to use your alias.  

With that said, I write reviews for the benefit of my fellow hobbyists and welcome any follow up PM's requesting more info or clarification. OTOH, I don't want to hurt a girl's business unless she's a scammer, so I won't write a review unless I can honestly give her a 7 for performance. So far this year, only one like that.

I look for a balance of Consumer Reports (facts, descriptions of physical qualities, where and what happened) along with some background "ambience" description and analysis of what has taken place. I'm writing a review for the benefit of my fellow clients, so they can gauge whether they would have a similar experience with the provider. I talk about what is important to me so they can see how that might line up with their wants and needs.

If I feel that I didn't have a good experience and it was a material part of the encounter, I will include that analysis as well. Quite often, I find that (in retrospect) I didn't have quite as good a time as I thought going into the encounter but that it was due to me. I booked with a reviewed provider who is a safety girl but took advantage of her touring through my area (something that doesn't happen in the "hooker desert" in which I live -- thanks to GaG for the term). It didn't turn out as well as I'd hoped but since I prefer a GFE experience, the disappointment was 95% on me.

I didn't write a review of what turned out to be an expensive and awkward hand job, since it was mostly my fault -- shouldn't have booked with someone who wasn't in line with what I wanted and needed. Lesson learned and no need to "ding" the provider, as she (and her reviews) spelled out her boundaries. It's also a reason why I will generally wait a day or two to write the review, so I can come down from the "high" (or the "low") and write a more objective review.

I'm going to go at this head on.  

I get there's competition here, but to say that 1 bad review is going to hurt her business is pretty asinine. This provider is looking at reviews too seriously. If her pictures are actually out of date or not otherwise a fair representation of her then you were right in saying so. It's not you that's "hurting her business" it's in fact herself that's hurting her own business.

It's easy to provide selfies of yourself as a provider, and free to boot. There's no excuse in 2017 from having shoddy or inaccurate pictures.

All that said, I'd like to see the review in question before I can really say either way if it was fair. Don't be a coward OP, if you're being honest we, and the admins, are on your side.

In an environment generally full of white knights and sensitive providers, don't be a coward? ;)  The review was more than fair, quite positive with the caveats.  I'm not concerned about that.   But it would be interesting to see white knights come out, if they had a human (provider) to pin it on.

Ah, looks like Mastoff here has some balls after all! Good on you.


Now see, here's where your problem was, you gave someone who usually gets  7-9 in the looks category a 5. That all may very well be accurate, but I can see why she's butt hurt over it given that your 5 probably will knock her out of the 8's in the looks department. So guy's searching for 7's and higher will see her, but not 8's and higher.

If I'm being really honest here, just given her website pictures, which you say are better than in person, I'd say her overall looks score of nearly an 8 is generous and would likely be more realistic around a 6.5 or so.

All that to say, what I said previously still stands, your review looks honest and she's used to guys being generous. She's too focused on the numbers and won't take criticism. If she tries to blackmail you, report her to the admins and be done with it.

GaGambler120 reads

Her is a picture from her own website.

Anyone expecting an "8" from a "mid forties MILF" after viewing this pic deserves what he gets.

I am 58 and I am willing to bet money based on that pic that she is older than me.

I am the same age and I too would bet money that she is older than us.

GaGambler118 reads

See, I don't disagree with you on everything, not  only do we agree a lot, but sometimes I even say it first.

This is where I share your frustration with the "stupid people"  Yes, the one guy finally told the truth about her, but he really needs his eyes checked too. I mean honestly, how fucking dumb do you have to be to go see someone with pics like hers and then start whining about  how fucking old she is?

I want to give him kudos, and I want to feel bad for him, but I honestly don't feel bad for ending up with a withered old Grandma. I refuse to use the term GILF, it's an oxymoron IMHO as I wouldn't fuck her on a bet, I only feel sorry for him for being stupid. Lets just hope he was simply naïve, you can fix naïve, but you can't fix stupid. lol

BTW. I just looked at the rest of her pics, and please excuse me if I don't respond back for a while. I have to go bleach out my eyes before making any more posts. lol

AnyMoose147 reads

I didn't whine about how old she is.  I was disappointed that she's a lot older looking that even that.  

You'd be annoyed if you went to see a gal who looked like she was in her 20s, and wound up with a mid-40s MILF.  Well, I expected a mid-40s MILF, but someone far older than the photos and description showed up.  Again, don't trust HER photos; they're, as I said, "from a different decade."

GaGambler150 reads

Anyone who expected a "mid-40's MILF" after looking the pictures on this woman's web site is either blind or stupid. The woman in the pics is at least a "Rode hard" mid fifties and more likely well into her sixties.

I can only imagine how old she really is if you say "someone far older" showed up, Her real age must be in the 70s in that case.  

Do yourself a favor, before booking your next appointment, buy yourself a good set of glasses. lol

DampkringDarling153 reads

Haha!...I agree. Based on her pics, she's obviously well into her 50's and looks a bit desperate. Tacky, tacky, tacky. What's up with those tits?!! Yikes!! I'd give her a 6 body, 5 face.

GaGambler107 reads

but of course that would be on a scale of 1-100. lmao

and if by "50's" you mean "born in the fifties" then yes I would agree. She is at least 60 and probably well into her sixties.

Zzbottom2146 reads

I like real, honest reviews..How many ladies are really 9s or 10s on the looks department? 10 is supposed to be once in a lifetime and should be a rarity..once in a lifetime.  

I think the problem is many guys don't want to offend and use their TER handle as part of a screening process. No girls are going to see them if they consistently rate girls looks or performance a 5,6 or 7..If guys didn't give out their TER handle as a reference I think reviews would be a lot more consistent and honest.

Many guy fail to be honest just for the reason the OP stated..an angry chick. Being butt hurt about a review. I understand the business but there would be no issues if the rest of the reviews were legit. Checking many peoples reviews all they ever give is 9s or 10s. Seeing a 6 or below on a review of an established pretty lady is like seeing a unicorn. Its a rarity.  

The board is slanted, an uneven playing field. I'm guilty myself. Many 8s would be 6s if I truly was being objective but I don't want to harm someone's chance at business and when in Rome, do as the Romans do. With a bit less gluttony.

souls_harbor126 reads

If you think reviews are too lenient, make a mental recalibration.  Just about everything in life is relative.  There is a gold mine of data if you know how to analyze it.

But based on the ones I saw I'd say she's a solid 7.  I can't see her face because it's blurred but her body looks great for someone in her 40s.  But that's just my subjective opinion.  

I also grade on a curve -- a 20something and 40something who I rate as 7s are graded by different standards.  What I want from a spinner type in terms of looks isn't the same as what I want from a MILF type.

As an aside, I've never heard of this provider but she's now on my radar because of your review and post.  Sometimes the only bad publicity is no publicity.  

AnyMoose132 reads

"But based on the ones I saw I'd say she's a solid 7.  I can't see her face because it's blurred but her body looks great for someone in her 40s.  But that's just my subjective opinion. "

Yeah, you really have to read the actual text, such as "didn't look under 55. The photos are her, but from a different decade."  

Isn't that the point of the review text?  To let you know that if you base your visit on the photos, you're in for a surprise?

"Yeah, you really have to read the actual text, such as "didn't look under 55. The photos are her, but from a different decade.""

Yeah, I read that.  It's just curious that in the other half dozen reviews that I read no one else mentioned that they thought she was pushing 60.  😮

AnyMoose110 reads

And you, my friend, are what's called a "white knight".  @justsauce16, you see what we're up against?  Someone who hasn't seen her defends her against an honest review.

And you, my friend, are what's called a "whiny pussy."  

You had a bad experience, wrote a review, and now the woman's pissed off.  So what.  Move on to someone better.

Or maybe the experience was so traumatic that you've been "triggered" and now need a "safe space"?  😢

AnyMoose148 reads

I am in awe of your reading skills, and lack there-of.  Go back to post #1.  The whole point was, what's the culture of the board?  Is it honesty or is it white knightage.  You're a white knight, more people here seem to prefer honesty, but I can adapt either way.   You, who just made the crack about "safe space", are the one trying to provide a hazy and dishonest safe space for providers by accepting their out-of-date photos as canon proof.

I stopped giving reviews, good or bad.

Reviews are not the absolute, straight up truth.  One guy posted the same review for me, changed the #numbers on different sites.  Reviews are one-sided, only for men.  It comes down to how positive the brain is about sex and women.  If not positive, those said reviewers are talking about themselves.  One thing for sure, the divine female is under attack on this planet.  It's been going on since Alexander the Great.  

The divine is for both, women and men.
Mature Porn Star Zoe Zane Howard Stern Celebrity

If the "divine female is under attack" she deserves to be. We're no more divine than the coal we're made out of. \

"Nosce Te Ipsum", or, be aware of what you ( as a human) are made of. An ability my generation seems to have never learned and you seem to have lost.

I try and base my review scores (looks) off of what I've graded a similar provider.  It's hard to figure out what what society thinks a 7 or 8 looks likes, but 9 is normally gorgeous on any level or perception and 10 is subjective.  The lady in question (Heather) although she clearly isn't 41-45, I would say she's at least a 7, but I'm being subjective because IMO she has a nice body.  

For the most part reviews are useless.
They all read EXACTLY the same.
"She O'd, she liked it" yada yada yada....bunch of bullcrap.  
Reviews are SUPPOSED to be for the benefit of fellow hobbyists.
I ever meet one of the jackalopes who ends with "treat her right, guys" I'm going to smack him upside his empty head.
Pay her and tip her. That's the arrangement. But sucking up to her is just pathetic, especially at the expense of the very guys you're committing to that your assessment is true and accurate.

And finally, there are very few girls in the biz who won't see you because you write honest reviews.
They will if you act like a little bitch because something irritates you and you don't mention it while you're there.

Bkingb59 reads

I've never given anyone an awful review (like below a 6 on performance), but I've had a couple of girls write to me and complain because it wasn't a 9 or 10 and they thought they deserved it and I messed up their average.

I gave a girl an 8/8 before, and when I went to see her again, at first she declined, and then she did but the whole experience suffered because she was passive-aggressive the entire time. "Oh, what, you couldn't find a 9 to fuck today?"

It's discouraged me from writing reviews at all.

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