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In my own experience in . . . .
coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 30 reads

the business world, by the time a guy reaches 30 years old, he has usually established himself as a winner or loser.  Very few 30 year old losers are able to turn it around.  Its possible, but not likely.  Most women would rather hitch their wagon to a winner, so they are usually pretty perceptive about looking for the signs that show which way a young guy is headed.  Ambition without some accomplishment along the way is really just the sign of a pipe-dreamer.  The safest bet for hot young women is, as you say, find a guy who has already "made" it, and this seems to be the trend with millennial women who are going in record numbers for guys 20-years their senior.  

So while it sounds romantic for a girl to stick around for "years" during your peanut-butter-sandwich years and forego the champagne and caviar they would have with an older guy, the sad truth is many women that "stick around" while a guy is finding his way in the world get dumped anyway for a younger, hotter woman when the guy eventually does make it, IF he is one of the lucky few.  Otherwise, she will have a lifetime of crappy food ahead of her.  (I'm not bashing peanut butter, so haters STFU.)  I think for any young woman, any strategy other than Carpe Diem is fraught with uncertainty, and they may be throwing away the best years of their lives on a guy who will ALWAYS be a loser.  

With the advent of instant gratification and a sense of entitlement, many women are being unapologetic about the fact that they only date established men. They want it all, they want it now, and they don't want to pay for it. They will often overlook men who are on their way up in favor of men who have already made it, leaving the upcoming men to wonder if there's any value in being ambitious while on the dating scene, and you know something, they have every right to wonder that.

Paradigm Shift:
Perhaps male ambition was an admirable attribute in times gone by, at least until as recent as 1960, but something went seriously wrong after that, and someone (2nd wave feminism) is responsible for the moral decay of our society. In 2017, and beyond, there seems to be a paradigm shift in the mentality of most western women where it is widely believed that a promise is a comfort to a fool. "There's no guarantee he'll even succeed, so why should I pour my heart and soul into someone whose success is uncertain," is what many women seem to think. It's funny the way they all act when he finally proves his worth.

Call me when you make it:
Is the line they hit you with when they're trying to let you down easy, although some of them actually mean it. You know that famous story of the lame, nerdy type in high school who liked the hot girl, but the hot girl only seemed to have eyes for the thug. The thug knocks her up, and she ends up dropping out of school to have the baby. Now that's she's a middle aged single mother struggling with 3 kids for 3 different baby daddies (all of whom are in jail), that's the time she wants the attention of the nerd from school who has now become a successful accountant. The truth is, she would've slept with the nerd from even way back then IF he was wealthy at the time. Her problem with the nerd was that he was broke, and she didn't have faith in his abilities, nor was she loyal. Even if she wasn't going to date him, the very least she could have done was to extend a gesture of moral support as a friend, but even that was too much to ask. As a single mother, she's only looking for a beta simp to help clean up the mess in her life that she created, but if I was the guy in the story, I know for damn sure that that's the time I'd tell her to fuck off.

Reward for disloyalty:
Only someone heavily steeped in their narcissism and a sense of entitlement would actually expect to be included in his empire without being an active participant during its developmental stages. Only those who helped paved the way deserves a seat at the table. Perhaps she let her golden vagina get to her head, but she will learn she's not dealing with a simp as soon as she realizes that her golden vagina is not the free meal ticket she thought it would be. The way I see it, the reward for disloyalty is Dust, so she may just as well go bother somebody else.

Faith and Patience:
The best reference of an ideal woman can perhaps be found in 1st Corinthians 13 4-8 where it talks about love being patient and kind. I would describe the ideal woman as being someone who will stick with her man through thick and thin. Who will be there as moral support and encouragement as he pursues his endeavors, whatever they may be. And above all else, being patient with her man, and exercising steadfast faith in him, and his abilities knowing fully well that all their struggles as a couple will pay off once they finally make it. Becoming his queen may not be what she expected, but it's certainly what she deserves for sticking it out with him all these years. They may have both started life from humble beginnings, but together, they shall build an empire, and Great shall be their name.

Well ladies, do you agree, or disagree that it's time to bring back old school values and attitudes as it pertains to honouring the qualities of ambition? Tell me why, or why not in the comment section.

"I won't be riding the bus forever"  

I thought you didn't care what women think of you. LOSER. lmao

MGTOW, Morons Going Their Own Way (as long as that way is on the the bus line)

...for a Monday morning. I didn't read it, but it sure looked dense. I think you need to chill with a couple of brewskis and hot babes. That's the ticket to getting ahead... or is it getting some head?

Even so, I can say with confidence that if ElTurdo's ambition is to be a complete idiot on a fuck board then he has succeeded beyond his wildest dreams.

and there's a transgender playmate on the November cover of Playboy.

Nothing's going "to bring back old school values and attitudes".  They didn't work out so good for A Lot of people.

Women's roles are changing. Sexuality is changing. Equality is what we're aiming for.

What's with the Bible Quotes?  
Most people know that is a book of fairy tales to Control people.

Here's a good rule of thumb where it comes to Turdo. If he makes a post that is both long and has paragraph breaks, it's almost certainly a copy and paste.

Reading it is sloppy and waste.

-- Modified on 10/30/2017 9:36:14 AM

It's just a means of watering down masculinity in men and increasing it in women. How else do you think True equality can be attained without feminism?

And for the record, I'm not a religious man, but I still read the bible for inspiration. It's definitely full of fairytales, I'll give you that, and I don't have to agree with everything it says, but if you can dig past the bullshit, you may find that it does contain some rare gems that are worthy of admiration.

Posted By: GYBOpower
Equality is what we're aiming for.  
 What's with the Bible Quotes?    
 Most people know that is a book of fairy tales to Control people.

Are you on your period today ???? To much to read for a Monday morning

Do you think an ambitious man turns Satan on?  I hear he has a nice barbed phallus that you might like in your ass.

A thug. You must be getting a lot of pussy.

the business world, by the time a guy reaches 30 years old, he has usually established himself as a winner or loser.  Very few 30 year old losers are able to turn it around.  Its possible, but not likely.  Most women would rather hitch their wagon to a winner, so they are usually pretty perceptive about looking for the signs that show which way a young guy is headed.  Ambition without some accomplishment along the way is really just the sign of a pipe-dreamer.  The safest bet for hot young women is, as you say, find a guy who has already "made" it, and this seems to be the trend with millennial women who are going in record numbers for guys 20-years their senior.  

So while it sounds romantic for a girl to stick around for "years" during your peanut-butter-sandwich years and forego the champagne and caviar they would have with an older guy, the sad truth is many women that "stick around" while a guy is finding his way in the world get dumped anyway for a younger, hotter woman when the guy eventually does make it, IF he is one of the lucky few.  Otherwise, she will have a lifetime of crappy food ahead of her.  (I'm not bashing peanut butter, so haters STFU.)  I think for any young woman, any strategy other than Carpe Diem is fraught with uncertainty, and they may be throwing away the best years of their lives on a guy who will ALWAYS be a loser.  

What is attractive to some men and women are people who are  self supporting. Volunteering to financially support a lazy bastard, or live a life of financial difficulty for "love",  is not in fashion among a lot of people nowadays. Imagine that. Sounds like some sort of maturity to me.

There a re a lot of people who create a business partnership (marriage) and the two parties hopefully negotiate and sometimes renegotiate each person's responsibilities.  
Others forget that important part of the deal and marry for love only and get a rude awakening.

In the case of the thug, I think its not so much only being attracted to a man who's already a high earner as thugs are very low earners, but rather letting their instincts get in the way of good decision making. Both the high school nerd and the thug are broke, but she would've been much safer with the nerd whereas the thug is going to be abusive or end up in prison. So while there may be some logic to choosing a man later in life who's already made it rather than a guy who's trying to make it, there is absolutely no logical reason for dating a thug over a nerd, its just bad decision making.

Well at least they do early in life, as the years go by and the thug is either in prison or a dead end job the nerd driving the Lambo starts looking pretty good to most women.

But, there is no denying that women are much more attracted to "bad boys" than nerds when they are young and many are still that way as they get older, they might marry the rich nerd, but they are likely to be banging some broke loser on the side.  Of course the nerd's perfect revenge is banging a different hooker every day while his wife is stuck only getting to bang the pool boy, providing he's a successful nerd of course. lol

and then of course you have the El Turdo types who are neither thug nor nerd. These are the guys getting the least pussy and that's why some of them are reduced to coming onto a fuck board and whining about not getting civvie pussy and not being able to afford hookers. No game combined with no money makes for a guy who is forced to become a "red pill" guy to cover up just how big a pussy he really is.

It depends on the kind of school to be honest. When I was in high school, it was pretty much exclusively middle to upper class kids, so "thugs," didn't really exist. The guy I knew from high school who got more pussy than any other guy I knew, was a skinny, nerdy, and honestly, kind of weird kid. He was extremely social and really into drugs and partying though.

It may not be the kind of money that the nerd will end up making in his adult life, but it's enough to get the hot girl's attention in the present. Oddly enough, her decision is not based mainly on his money in this case. Apparently, being a thug is The Great Equalizer for broke, loser forgiveness.

souls_harbor24 reads

Mating choices have a lot of baggage from evolutionary biology.  Sure we can make logical choices on who we should be attracted to, but we also have our evolutionary auto-pilot that guided us through the nasty kill or be killed environment before we could organize large scale civilizations with hot and cold running champagne.  

Why do chicks love the bad boys?  Because bad boys are most likely the ones to kill off the old guard and become the new leaders.  Chicks in the past who hooked up early with the thug who would become king had her DNA spread to future generations.   Chicks who got Mr. Nice guy saw him get clubbed to death on the head by a ruthless thug and saw her children starve to death with the loss of her mate.

Chicks line up and fight with each other over marrying convicted serial killers.  It's a strong impulse.

Honestly this kind of behavior bothers me more than the actual thug's behavior. We all know assholes exist, that's one thing, but for someone to look at someone and be like "hey he's a shitty person, I'm going to reward him with sex," really pisses me off. I know that's not the exact thoughts that are going through their minds, but it might as well be. Not only is it rewarding the thug's shitty behavior but it encourages other people to be assholes too. At least when the thug is a shitty human being, it doesn't encourage other people to be the same way, it just is what it is.

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