TER General Board

In Layman's terms...
JackDunphy 3268 reads
1 / 76

As in "we" don't keep a johns info.  

Or "we" don't negotiate.  

Or "we" ANYTHING for that matter? I see a number of gals doing this time and time again and just don't get it.

Is it insecurity on their part? Do they feel like mentioning others in this fashion somehow acts as an insurance policy against criticism?

Cant they just say "MY policy is to never to X or Y?" and leave the "we" bullshit out of it?

Why do these broads feel the need to speak for other hookers?

Guys, hookers, help me understand.

donziman99 15 Reviews 1495 reads
2 / 76

Smith...  and Wesson...   and me..

Dr Who revived 1518 reads
3 / 76

It's the same couple of gals that troll the newbie board who promulgate that crap.

Those couple of gals have an agenda...quit trying to ruin it for them  LOL
Posted By: JackDunphy
As in "we" don't keep a johns info.  
 Or "we" don't negotiate.  
 Or "we" ANYTHING for that matter? I see a number of gals doing this time and time again and just don't get it.  
 Is it insecurity on their part? Do they feel like mentioning others in this fashion somehow acts as an insurance policy against criticism?  
 Cant they just say "MY policy is to never to X or Y?" and leave the "we" bullshit out of it?  
 Why do these broads feel the need to speak for other hookers?  
 Guys, hookers, help me understand.  

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 1552 reads
4 / 76

There are times when first-person-plural actually says something. If I say to someone from Ireland, "In this country we drive on the right-hand side of the street," or something like that, it means that this is the law, rule, norm, whatever that people agree to follow. Saying, "...I drive on the right-hand side..." implies that it's a personal decision.

Some of what the women refer to when using "we" falls in line with this, as if saying this is how it's done in this business, like, "We screen potential clients," and some of the things they refer to in this way is an erroneous use of the word and "I" would be a better choice: "We like heavy-set guys."

Poe's Law now:
So..."they" are going to continue to make this error, and "we" have to get used to it.

cocktail-party 1368 reads
5 / 76

Someone's gotta do it! I'll nominate GaG as the official Mr. John.

Tabu See my TER Reviews 1186 reads
6 / 76

as in, "We are not amused."

I believe we can thank the Queen Mother for that one.

-- Modified on 8/14/2014 3:31:07 PM

bdb6 24 Reviews 1173 reads
7 / 76
hbyist+truth=;( 1411 reads
8 / 76

Maybe strength in perceived numbers makes whatever they say true. Shit I have no idea. I have been guilty of it and do everything I can to stick to "I" instead of "we".

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 1450 reads
9 / 76

"I don't have any of that in stock in my store."

I get embarrassed for that person. It seems they think they own the store because they got promoted to assistant manager, or the assistant manager made them the boss that week while on vacation.


-- Modified on 8/14/2014 2:40:07 PM

JackDunphy 1324 reads
10 / 76

You will cop to it when confronted, as most do.  

I am talking about a few gals that upon getting called out on it, continue it in post after post after post! Sometimes even that same day!

I mean seriously, you have to have NO short term memory to pull that off. lol

JohnyComeAlready 1137 reads
12 / 76

When a gal says we, that makes her sound as is she isn't control of her own destiny...

or she has multiple personalities... Now I'm just repeating myself.
Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
Maybe strength in perceived numbers makes whatever they say true. Shit I have no idea. I have been guilty of it and do everything I can to stick to "I" instead of "we".
My favorite answer for We is..  Hooker + Your money = We

Now for I... Hooker + Her money = I

JohnyComeAlready 1514 reads
13 / 76
anonymousfun 6 Reviews 1132 reads
15 / 76

You are taken over by your stupid gene.  

Posted By: JackDunphy
As in "we" don't keep a johns info.  
 Or "we" don't negotiate.  
 Or "we" ANYTHING for that matter? I see a number of gals doing this time and time again and just don't get it.  
 Is it insecurity on their part? Do they feel like mentioning others in this fashion somehow acts as an insurance policy against criticism?  
 Cant they just say "MY policy is tonever to X or Y?" and leave the "we" bullshit out of it?  
 Why do these broads feel the need to speak for other hookers?  
 Guys, hookers, help me understand.  

Dr Who revived 1323 reads
16 / 76

And not an entire chain of stores that may also be international.

I would ask the dude to see if "they" have it in stock at another store...one that "he" doesn't own  ;)

I also dislike when the same couple of gals propose to speak on behalf of HookerNation.    

And yes h+t....there are some johns here that are just as obnoxious with that as well.  I guess "they" feel like they've been elected to King of JohnDom?  I don't recall getting a ballot on that...perhaps it is done by proxy?
Posted By: Courtney.Ova
"I don't have any of that in stock in my store."  
 I get embarrassed for that person. It seems they think they own the store because they got promoted to assistant manager, or the assistant manager made them the boss that week while on vacation.  

-- Modified on 8/14/2014 2:40:07 PM

GaGambler 1213 reads
17 / 76

Which is who made "You" (by you, I mean hookers that use the word "we") the spokeswoman for all hookers?

and yes, more than likely "they" are going to continue to make this error, but that doesn't mean we can't continue to call them on it.

I think a lot of this comes from some very bad advice that some of the women give on the newbie board, where they interject their own opinion, but say it in a matter as if it's common knowledge that all hookers feel a certain way, AND that it is the only proper way to do things. It does get a little tiresome having to constantly correct the same hooker's same bad advice.

GaGambler 1434 reads
18 / 76

It's all that several of us can do to keep ahead of the damage that would be done on the newbie board if we weren't there to set the record straight.

And by "we" I mean the OP, PS, CPA (or the poster formerly known as CPA) xyz, and a handful of other posters that spend the time trying to make sure that the newbs don't get started off on the wrong foot by some hooker with an agenda of trying to "indoctrinate" them.

hbyist+truth=;( 1144 reads
19 / 76

Absolutes from both sides. The "always" and  "never" get me. A prime example is a post on the newbie board. Mostly hogwash and with the very few decent points this guy had, they were ignored my me after I read the shit served up in large crocks.

Dr Who revived 1063 reads
20 / 76

Fortunately it's the same few gals that simply want to continue to spew nonsense and misinformation.  

So many dudes over the years have commented on how helpful many of the guys and gals have been to them....but it seems that in the past year or so a few gals are hurting for biz and figure that is an easy place to set up shop.

Hopefully TER will allow those of "us" to continue to call out the misinformation to keep this community as safe as possible.

Big Bears game tonight...might even watch the entire first quarter.  Then just a bunch of kids vying for those # 2 and # 3 backup roles.  If I had a kid trying out for that I might actually give a shit.
Posted By: GaGambler
It's all that several of us can do to keep ahead of the damage that would be done on the newbie board if we weren't there to set the record straight.

And by "we" I mean the OP, PS, CPA (or the poster formerly known as CPA) xyz, and a handful of other posters that spend the time trying to make sure that the newbs don't get started off on the wrong foot by some hooker with an agenda of trying to "indoctrinate" them.

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 1340 reads
21 / 76

There are some aspects that really are common practice, though, like screening and not discussing money, and whatever. Even though some might forego screening or haggle on the phone or in email, the collective we could still be correct. Just because some drunk cracker drives on the wrong side of the street doesn't prohibit using the expression, "'We' drive on the right..."

I'm guessing that the women who use "we" when they ought to use "I" do so without much Machiavellian forethought, but rather just assume their practices are the standard that most adher to. In my mind, that's even more dangerous on a lot of levels. And...maybe some don't care about verbal communication enough to concern themselves with language skills. As long as they communicate well physically, I'm willing to give them a pass on that.

At least I'm feeling that kindhearted and generous today. The Markets ended mostly up.

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 1374 reads
23 / 76
WickedBrut 27 Reviews 1521 reads
26 / 76
wonderboy69 38 Reviews 1471 reads
27 / 76

Where once in a while I have come across a co-worker who says "I did that" when the boss hands out kudos, but if there was a mistake made it becomes "we did that."

Perhaps there is a communal provider mind meld where the thoughts of one are shared by the hooker collective.  Kind of like a big sexual Fem-Borg community or a promiscuous Stepford Wives Club.

The "we" thing is not that big of a deal.  You'll know if a view stated by one provider is shared by the rest, when they take turns on your ass with their verbal strap-ons.  That's the way I have seen it anyways.

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 1297 reads
28 / 76
GaGambler 1136 reads
29 / 76
mrfisher 108 Reviews 1024 reads
30 / 76

who, whenever I would use the term "we", would then say:  "You have a frog in your pocket?"

There's no good come back to that.  

GaGambler 1322 reads
31 / 76

and then you could say, "well as a matter of fact, I do" and afterwards you could have frog legs for dinner. lol

inicky46 61 Reviews 1031 reads
34 / 76

It's really good for scooping up falafel.  Or babganouge.

MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 1296 reads
35 / 76

I do understand your point though, maybe a gal means her friends in the biz who knows BUT I think it's more of a power in numbers thing that a gal might use to make "her" point of view seem stronger.


-- Modified on 8/14/2014 7:08:20 PM

Gemma Coreana See my TER Reviews 1123 reads
36 / 76

Gosh I've miss TER!!!

inicky46 61 Reviews 1332 reads
37 / 76

Could pussy get a restraining order against vagina? Are pimps fair?  Did pimps exist before hookers?  It's all so confusing.

JohnyComeAlready 1212 reads
38 / 76
inicky46 61 Reviews 893 reads
39 / 76

Did it exist before this thread?  Do you have a brain?  Are brains fair?  Are pimps fair?  Is rape fair?

JohnyComeAlready 977 reads
40 / 76

I didn't post any threads.

inicky46 61 Reviews 1091 reads
41 / 76

I assume you must.  I certainly hope so.  You are desperately in need.

JohnyComeAlready 1172 reads
42 / 76

I did, then I looked at the topic in question.  

I lost interest before doing that.

GaGambler 1365 reads
43 / 76

PITA= Pain In The Ass

so fish had it right all along. lol

wayward50133 See my TER Reviews 1152 reads
44 / 76

pronoun: we
used by a speaker to refer to himself or herself and one or more other people considered together.
"shall we have a drink?"
used to refer to the speaker together with other people regarded in the same category.
"nobody knows kids better than we teachers do"
people in general.
"we should eat as varied and well-balanced a diet as possible"
used in formal contexts for or by a royal person, or by a writer or editor, to refer to himself or herself.
"in this section we discuss the reasons"
used condescendingly to refer to the person being addressed.
"how are we today?"

Posted By: JackDunphy
As in "we" don't keep a johns info.  
 Or "we" don't negotiate.  
 Or "we" ANYTHING for that matter? I see a number of gals doing this time and time again and just don't get it.  
 Is it insecurity on their part? Do they feel like mentioning others in this fashion somehow acts as an insurance policy against criticism?  
 Cant they just say "MY policy is to never to X or Y?" and leave the "we" bullshit out of it?  
 Why do these broads feel the need to speak for other hookers?  
 Guys, hookers, help me understand.  
You're welcome.  
Oh and pssst, in this context it's #3, just so "WE" are absolutely crystal clear you understand what is being presented here.  
Carry on then.

-- Modified on 8/15/2014 12:01:29 AM

Duplicitouslust 24 Reviews 1072 reads
45 / 76

Dear Steph:
Would the collective referral of the pronoun "we" allude to the common issues referring to the business that the sorority of women who are in this particular occupational class would have?  Also when you say we are you also saying that certain items regarding the business would be unique to this class of workers as well?

mrfisher 108 Reviews 1350 reads
46 / 76

I was referring to the well known fact that frogs love PITA bread, and to have a frog in my pocket, I'd have to literally cover myself with the stuff to keep the froggy well fed.

Yeah, that's the ticket.


TheHoundOfCullin 9 Reviews 1458 reads
47 / 76
Blowing Chunks 1119 reads
48 / 76
wayward50133 See my TER Reviews 1243 reads
49 / 76

It's freakin' hilarious to me. And who is 'we' in this instance? Feel free to enlighten me. I would be honored in fact.

-- Modified on 8/15/2014 9:49:40 AM

89Springer 1538 reads
50 / 76

You forgot one.

4. Used by Sybil when talking about herself.

GaGambler 1027 reads
51 / 76

Ok, time to pay the winner of the "when will BSC Taylor return, and under which handle?"

I think the winner is CPA, but since he seems to be absent, "The House" will keep the proceeds until someone with proper credentials comes forward to claim the prize. lmao

Dr Who revived 1351 reads
52 / 76

CPA seems to be busy fighting the Dalek's.

Do I still need some additional credentials?
Posted By: GaGambler
Ok, time to pay the winner of the "when will BSC Taylor return, and under which handle?"

I think the winner is CPA, but since he seems to be absent, "The House" will keep the proceeds until someone with proper credentials comes forward to claim the prize. lmao

wayward50133 See my TER Reviews 1362 reads
53 / 76

Can't be young and gorgeous here. What fun would that be.

89Springer 1509 reads
54 / 76

Nah. Just trying to be funny. I don't go after Taylor, or most other people, for that matter.

wayward50133 See my TER Reviews 1163 reads
55 / 76

Good to know I'm thought of so highly around here lol. I feel special.  
Can't dismount just yet however.

-- Modified on 8/15/2014 10:16:55 AM

GaGambler 1439 reads
56 / 76

but I too was only trying to be funny,

and it wouldn't be funny if it weren't so true. lol

Actually I was going to make a list of all of BSCTS's different handles, but the list wouldn't fit even into the body of the post, much less the title.

wayward50133 See my TER Reviews 1121 reads
57 / 76

And yes it was funny.
Nothing wrong with being a nice guy Springer.  
You know my thoughts on that.

GaGambler 1366 reads
59 / 76

but somehow I doubt that you thought it was as funny, but I bet others did.

You do seem to be on a bit more of an "even keel" than the last time you showed up. I guess you must be back on your meds. you seemed a bit "unsettled" your last time here, to say the least.

89Springer 1279 reads
60 / 76

It's too much work to argue with people online, especially considering I don't know them.  

If you saw that ATL regional thread the other day where I got hammered, that was BSC.

wayward50133 See my TER Reviews 1267 reads
61 / 76

Not sure I'll ever 'get' you, but it's off no concern of mine.
Anyhow, I gather you and Jack must be best buds. Wouldn't surprise me in the least.

wayward50133 See my TER Reviews 1352 reads
62 / 76

It's a good thing we never met, wouldn't want to ruin your disrupting mental image of me now. Good Christ.

GaGambler 1356 reads
63 / 76

but he has grown on me since he first got here and yes although we have never met, you could most likely call us "buds"

and I do agree that if you have been able to "get" me yet, most likely you never will, but perhaps if you stay on your meds for any length of time, the cobwebs will clear, the voices will subside and maybe, just maybe, you will "get me" in time. but no, I wouldn't put any money on that ever happening.

wayward50133 See my TER Reviews 1065 reads
64 / 76

Getting hammered as an individual from those who know nothing about you and act as though they do. I think it's an especially special treat and what makes TER...well TER lol. I wouldn't sweat it.

89Springer 1398 reads
65 / 76

I posted an uncontroversial eom-type reply to a provider's post. She had one of the big toothy smilies in her post, and I wasn't sure what the intent was. Simple as that.

I got an email from her, asking what my post meant. I told her I was just curious about the smilie. She said it was nothing, I said fine, never mind.

Well, next thing you know she's sending me really hostile "get a life, wtf are you doing, are you crazy, go watch some TV, you're trying to create drama" emails. I just told her I didn't think we should communicate any further.

Then she took it to the forum after one of her White Knights replied to my post. She used her post to slam me, but didn't go BSC. That's when I realized why she emailed me instead of posting on the forum: she knew she'd come across like an insane person if she'd posted what she'd emailed me.

So, she knows she has anger issues, and she knows how to hide them.  

I'd hate to be in a hotel room with her when she snaps.

GaGambler 1073 reads
66 / 76

but I too have received some very strange PM's over the years.

but unlike you, I tend to have fun with them. It's kind of like door to door salesmen, or telephone solicitors. You can either ignore them (probably the preferred choice) get mad at them, or have some fun with them. Oftentimes I choose option number three, especially the bible thumpers who come knocking at my door. lol

USGrantlover 220 Reviews 1357 reads
67 / 76

Oh he's here he's here lol

Posted By: GaGambler
Ok, time to pay the winner of the "when will BSC Taylor return, and under which handle?"

I think the winner is CPA, but since he seems to be absent, "The House" will keep the proceeds until someone with proper credentials comes forward to claim the prize. lmao

inicky46 61 Reviews 1264 reads
68 / 76

As you well know, it's happened before.  But it never seems to last.
What's the over and under?  A day?  Two days?

GaGambler 1202 reads
69 / 76

Until then I will "safeguard" last weeks BSCTS pool. lol

Dr Who revived 1573 reads
70 / 76

Don't make me send Rod in to collect this...you won't be happy  LOL

Posted By: GaGambler
Until then I will "safeguard" last weeks BSCTS pool. lol

wayward50133 See my TER Reviews 1389 reads
72 / 76

you boys have nothing better to do than to keep tabs on moi. Shouldn't y'all be getting laid or something or do you just fuck each other on here all day, every day. Geezk. I think you boys should really find something a tad bit more exciting to do with yourselves than concern yourself with lil ol' me. Ya know I didn't know the prereq to posting was having the 'we' brothers checking in on my every move. Or should I say 'waiting' for my every move. I'm really quite a boring chica so I'm not sure why you're all so interested. At least if there is a pool in my honor, I ask that you please donate the winnings to a good charity...I can recommend one if you'd like.

wayward50133 See my TER Reviews 1282 reads
73 / 76

yes...*sighs* I don't believe I ever said I was leaving................not yet. Funny, for someone who can't  stand me beyond words, but seemingly has this dire need to mention my name, (whatever it is that day) on this board, tis funny indeed. It's ok Nick, no need to be lost without me. I'm still here, for now. You can have your Taylor fix for a lil while longer. Need I remind you, we all know this world is never forever (well, for some of you it will be), but for some of us, it's a passing through to the next phase in life. And anyhow, on the upside Nick, it is inevitable we will be meeting in the future in the 'real' world ;) I can almost guarantee it with where those paths are leading. So if I were you, I'd buckle up now, and when it does happen, just pretend you don't know me, and I'll pretend I don't know you, dealio? You are capable of being professional I hope in this fashion.....I hope. Should I be scared? lol

Nick, just promise me one lil thing, the next lady you meet with here, you fuck her mind ;) Your #50 should be really, really special. Psssttt....I was completely joking about the whole 'review' thing before for those of you who followed lol. However, I see you took it a lil bit more than that. Just for the record Nick, I wouldn't fuck you with a 100' pole, who are you kidding LOL. Butttttt...we can be pleasant in public. I'm banking on it for sure.  


inicky46 61 Reviews 1046 reads
74 / 76
wayward50133 See my TER Reviews 987 reads
75 / 76

why bother responding? I know it's ok. Trying to stay close. No more words need to be said lol hahahaha

wayward50133 See my TER Reviews 1550 reads
76 / 76

Please donate all proceeds to...........
And don't be cheap either. All of it.  
Thank you. Now I'm smiling.
 Good things go to good causes.

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