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I'm very excited about meeting you
hljockey 2 Reviews 2812 reads

This is one thing I wish the ladies would quit saying because it strains credulity.  

It works the other way around because if I've arranged a date I've probably been drooling over the photos on the ladies website and I really am excited, but how could she possibly be excited about meeting me? As far as she knows I could be old, fat, and ugly. In my case at least one of those is true, possibly two depending on what is in the eye of the beholder

I mean, what else are you going to object to if gals can't say that?

What are they supposed to say when they open the door?

"Come on pudgy, let's get this over with so I can see the next fat, bald loser."?

Don't deny us our fantasy dude.

And watch the board light up with the angry comments about how rude and ungrateful she is.

Seriously a hooker can;t freaking win on here.

To the ladies, do what feels right for you and let the chips...especially those that are on the shoulders of some of these tricks, fall where they may.

so he (the OP) IS right then?

judging from most of your posts regarding this sort of topic you reinforce the idea of escorts delivering platitudes.

like they say, it is what it is

Do you really think a server or anyone else in the services industry actually ALWAYS means have a nice day or how are you?  It is part of the service. Sometimes it is meant other times it's a platitude.  

If a trick doesn't like hearing anything, just say so in the intro email and I for one won;t waste valuable time with the illusion bullshit. We can get right down to the friction and then done.

a home depot bucket by the bed so he can drop the cash in and then hop on top.

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
Do you really think a server or anyone else in the services industry actually ALWAYS means have a nice day or how are you?  It is part of the service. Sometimes it is meant other times it's a platitude.  
 If a trick doesn't like hearing anything, just say so in the intro email and I for one won;t waste valuable time with the illusion bullshit. We can get right down to the friction and then done.
-- Modified on 11/18/2014 5:47:55 PM

a winner of the loser lottery that is... old, fat, and ugly is the exemplification of a trifecta.

djddla631 reads

old fat and ugly are fine
if you're wealthy!

You really do live in a van, down by the river.

djddla723 reads

$ is all that matters and CF lived in a trailer down by the river no duh

" Oh God, I love your cock". C'mon. It's been around 40 years in the civvie world and not one lady has said it's great....

of sorts to be polite like that but I agree 100%. Then you get there and they dont even smile when you walk in???

There are quite a few of these escort platitudes that are, unfortunately, just part of the GFE type encounter.

 I think you can tell when the sentiment is blatantly false but some ladies are friendly, polite people so they do come across more genuine.

Some of us very much want to be lied to and flattered. Why would I go for GFE if I wanted to be treated like a cheap trick or get the usual civie treatment?

It's called suspension of disbelief. If you want the get truth all the time go get a wife or girlfriend.

In my opinion, GFE isn't about certain acts. I should be able to, for a little while, feel like I have a hot woman that is into me (and I am ready and willing to believe). Otherwise I might as well just go get BP specials.

I think he's saying please make it believable by not resorting to cliches.

I truly do get excited in anticipation of meeting someone new. Now when I say it I am going to wonder if I have lost some credibility with the guy. I am excited that I get to meet someone who picked ME out of all of the hundreds of choices. I don't really care if he is old or fat. I can still be excited to meet him.

Senator.Blutarsky680 reads

This gal seems to love surprises...

on credulity. Such as when you have exchanged many PMs/emails with a lady over an extended period of time, when you are meeting a woman you know well already, when you are meeting someone with whom you share a friend or special interest in common. There are many possibilities.

Even absent any of those things I mention, I'd still try to make the best of it and not let my cynicism get in the way of having a great time and appreciating someone whose only intent was to make me feel good. Being cynical rarely helps one to have a good time, IME.

I always say: "I'LL be looking forward to that" and, about 95% of the time I really mean it.  
Maybe the ladies I see are just great actresses, but most of the time, I feel they mean it when they say "I'm excited or happy or pleased or (inserted any other positive) to see you

followme634 reads

been a while since i've seen you post, always good to see your posts.

Hope you are well and that all is good with you.  

Thank you  
2015 = 2

I find the statement "I'll be looking forward to that" to be more of a practical/logical statement.  

We can only look forward, and not back to events that have yet to transpire.

Guess I'm practical/ logical then. That's what I say, and sight unseen it's kinda difficult corresponding with someone when you feel they know so much about you and you know diddly about them. I'm a rub girl, I don't need to know your entire background to fondle the goods. I just want to know you'll show and you're sane. I'm not that high maintenance. Do I mind that you're bald, fluffy, older... nope, I mind that you treat me well. There's no room for being vacant in Tantra and Nuru, kinda messes with the whole process of relaxing and truly connecting.  

Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
I find the statement "I'll be looking forward to that" to be more of a practical/logical statement.  
 We can only look forward, and not back to events that have yet to transpire.

...I got excited just thinking about how excited I made her just by setting an appointment. My bubble has been bursted(sic). You have ruined it for me. How can I go on?! :-(

VOO-doo603 reads

Is not a bad gig. If you do it right.

Meet up with a guy. Might be some cocktails, food, fun conversation. If we're lucky, good sex. And I leave with money in pocket :)

Most of the guys who contact me seem really nice, and it's really not all that hard to look forward to some aspect of spending time in a nice guy's company

What about a cashier who says "Have a nice day?"
Do you reply, "Why do you care you? - You will never see me again you insincere lying piece of crap."

And the restaurant manager who says, "Thank you for coming, hope to see you again soon."
Do you say, "Hope to SEE me?? - Hell, you wouldn't recognize me if you saw me in the street 5 minutes from now.  You just want my money you insincere greedy lying piece-of-crap bastardic asshole.  Go fuck yourself."

Or..., well, I guess you get the idea.  People say these things because they are just trying to be decent and civil.  And we should all be THANKFUL for these niceties, who needs to hear the completely unvarnished thoughts of others anway?  I mean, how'd you like the young lady at Chipotle to chime in with, "Maybe you should hold off on the sour cream and cheese sir, I really don't think that belt buckle can handle much more.

I hope you are clean, gentle, respectful and I am looking forward to the money you will be giving me in return for me giving you something you are missing.

Would you rather a hooker say "God I hope you're not a fat old fart that is going to make this hour or 3 three barely bearable?

Here's a tip...add that to your intro email so you won't have to hear it.

But if the guy wants to be Insecure and not believe it, it's on him. If I care about someone, liked their show they performed, landed the plane softly, or am simply excited for someone's company, I say so. If they return with "No you're not, stop lying," then I know I 1. Either have to prove that I'm truthful, (I.e. Walk of egg shells because he's /she's too lazy to work on their own insecurities,) or 2. Know we're not a match, and it doesn't matter what I do, I can't help them out.

Accept my gift, don't just put it in storage because you think I just bought it because I had to.

I enjoy what I do, and I say what I mean, and it don't enjoy it when someone puts words in my mouth and Ill characteristics in my intentions.

No thanks. I typically figure out before that point if the guy is manipulative, but when we get to the point where he calls me a liar before I go fuck him, it's off, and I have cancelled because of it in the past. Just FYI. If my honest online representation is honest, don't start trying to find fault and dishonesty where you can't prove it's true. You can only guess, so it's useless to me for you or anyone to tell me what I think about who. That's BS.

when it's an honest comment.

what about the other half of the time when it's bullshit? and  I dont mean just the OP's specific comment.

the answer is easy. just don't give them more business and find someone else.  

-- Modified on 11/17/2014 5:47:31 PM

I am more than jumping for joy and excited to make 350 in one hour, i will even get right up in that fat old ass and do massage for the prostate. Even for fat smelly or old guys, come to mama. just be sure you bring your donation,  
 Meeting a new client means getting shit done, getting bills paid,. chasing your goals, one step closeer to achieving goals, Some of us are payin off student loans to get out of debt so we can buy property,
 Another appt means getting closer to the goals, That is EXCITING! no?

i think that providers just like the idea of you drooling over their pics enough to book a date. Its flattering that out of all the choices you've been chosen. I personally love the idea.

I always thank service professionals for their time (barber, tailor, mechanic, therapist, provider, etc) and let them know that I am happy to see them (for a new haircut, get my new suit fitted, fix my car, get a massage, or be intimate with a pretty lady).  Maybe the ladies also see it from this angle - you are the client and who help make their businesses viable.

Mutual happiness: it is really good for business

hobbyists who take that the wrong way or just ignore it for sake of their ego/indulgence.

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