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What is the age the average hobbyist retires from the hobby ?
DaveMogal 74 Reviews 1925 reads

Is 75, 80 ?

Providers when do see older guys stop calling ?  Do they never quit and hobby until they die ?

What is the "average hobbyist"? You can't use this place to judge that. There are far more men who engage in this "hobby" than have a presence here.  

He’s not asking men. He’s asking the less than 10 providers who post here to speak for all providers. I’m sure QB knows the answer.

KNOWS the answer, but I'm sure she will post one.  Lol

My guess is when the Client retires. Not many Providers & Hobbyists say when they end their time in the HOBBY

Likewise, old hobbyist don't retire, they just engage less and less often, as their libido, stamina, and refractory period suffer, which varies with each man.

I worry about as I get older. . . . .

1)    I will run out of money and my dick still works, and

2)    My dick stops working and I still have money to spend on providers.  

Finessing the sweet spot between these two extremes is going to be tricky.   Lol

If #1 happens, you’ll be pretty miserable!

So, start being a bit more frugal. Then, if your dick stops working I’ll be there to take whatever leftover provider money you have off your hands for you. I think I could find a good home for it.  

That’s a win for you, your dick, the providers, me, and my dick.  
Lotta wins here.

do THAT for me???   Thanks, Lt.  I'll sleep better tonight knowing you have my back.         (Did you know the frugalhorn is the most inexpensive musical instrument?  Lol)

The flugelhorn (/ˈfluːɡəlhɔːrn/), also spelled fluegelhorn, flugel horn, or flügelhorn, is a brass instrument that resembles the trumpet and cornet but has a wider, more conical bore.[1] Like trumpets and cornets, most flugelhorns are pitched in B♭, though some are in C.[2] It is a type of valved bugle, developed in Germany in the early 19th century from a traditional English valveless bugle. The first version of a valved bugle was sold by Heinrich Stölzel in Berlin in 1828.[3] The valved bugle provided Adolphe Sax (creator of the saxophone) with the inspiration for his B♭ soprano (contralto) saxhorns, on which the modern-day flugelhorn is modelled.[4][5]"

Then again, given that CDL throws up so much bullshit here, maybe he had no idea.

Heard of it and that’s about it lol. I certainly never knew as much about it as you’ve supplied here. Thank you sir. A legit question as it is pretty esoteric.  

I thought about trying to pivot CDLs joke into a Matterhorn joke or a Foghorn Leghorn fiasco but I was tired and that seemed like a stretch.  

With CDL, ya never can tell. For all I know he went to Purdue on a flugelhorn scholarship. Or maybe he thinks saxOphone involves seven bucks a minute to listen to an Irish lass talk naughty. I dunno

I'm never going to retire. The hobby is too much fun!!

My oldest client is 87. I am going to go with not necessarily age, but if the gent is admitted into a nursing home that causes him to retire from seeing ladies. Now I have not had a request to visit a nursing home *yet*, but if I do I will make sure to post!!

As far as Providers &/or Hobbyists retiring from the so called "HOBBY". That would depend on that person. Only because we all are not the same.

Boy Momma Kitty that was deep! I would guess you’re a devotee of Schopenhauer and Nietzsche and perhaps Camus. No?

😂😂😂😂😂  Your replies are golden.

Townman27 reads

...when either their finances diminish to some critical point for whatever reason, or they become incapacitated or die. Even when libido is no longer there I suspect many hobbyists would continue seeing providers for relatively unimposing company sake.  

On the other hand, you'd be surprised how many women do this work out of sheer loneliness.

If a person is healthy = mentally & physically capable why deprive anyone of happiness?

I will turn 80 this year and still get horny as hell..I love pussy and pussy loves me..As long as i have some cash and can get hard.the only thing stopping me is the grave..

There's no age in retirement. It depends on the person

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