TER General Board

I'm moderated
JohnyComeAlready 407 reads

Everything I type is approved by the moderator.

That practicipates bad business behavior B&S, upsell, and other frowned upon activities?

I wouldn't think this would effect the relationship.

Gee another "would you date a hooker? Thread ... Let me see if my last answer is up, oh wait, this is a little different. My guess is Junkie Hooker is coming tomorrow. Can't wait!

Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
That practicipates bad business behavior B&S, upsell, and other frowned upon activities?  
 I wouldn't think this would effect the relationship.

I didn't mention junkies, I'm talking poor work ethic and just olain lazyness. Would you care if your SO was lazy at work, or didn't play by the rules?

-- Modified on 5/12/2015 5:57:53 AM

Why limit it to providers, or would you date a provider who does that, but not a civvie?

Sure, it is a different question, but an even dumber one, IMO. My answer is no. I would not want to get involved with anyone who I know up front lies, cheats, steals. Aside from myself, that is, because I know that infidelity and dishonesty aside, I am a good person at heart.

Yeah, I do get the irony.


I would think most people wouldn't care what there SO does, dosen't do while on the clock.

of thinking.

Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
I would think most people wouldn't care what there SO does, dosen't do while on the clock.

Or the guys?

Posted By: ziggy440
Why limit it to providers, or would you date a provider who does that, but not a civvie?  
 Sure, it is a different question, but an even dumber one, IMO. My answer is no. I would not want to get involved with anyone who I know up front lies, cheats, steals. Aside from myself, that is, because I know that infidelity and dishonesty aside, I am a good person at heart.  
 Yeah, I do get the irony.  

YoMaMaDo705 reads

Let the first who does not Lie or Cheat cast the first stone......

Is bad at her job it might not be such a bad thing.

This is the poorest thread I have seen in awhile.
I suppose that is why most folks say they are a waste.
And I just wanted true feedback....

Everything I type is approved by the moderator.

Your take on it is correct. It's the equivalent of scraping the bottom of the barrel.

Part of this situation is simply because there are a number of individuals who seem to be believe they have Carte Blanche on this site.  So whenever a thread of interest comes up, they either simply hijack it or create such a hostile environment that most would just prefer not to engage.

What we'll continue to see is just more of the same. Eventually this will spill over into some of the regional boards.

Just an honest opinion from my perspective

Still not quite as good as 'refudiate' or 'strategery' : )

Posted By: Arovet

they are typically excellent at managing through paradigm shifts (pronounced paradiggem, of course)

Posted By: Alexandra Kole
Still not quite as good as 'refudiate' or 'strategery' : )

Integrity is important to me. If she is lacking business ethics it is doubtful she would deal honestly with me. The provider part no problem as my wife is one, but if I was going to do the dating thing again I would eliminate any ladies who conducted business unethically regardless of profession.

Good sales people usually embellish the truth.

I don't give a damn what profession my SO is in, I do care how she conducts it.

Everyone lies and cheats occasionally for different reasons, but if the girl does this too much and too frequently it would not make me like her much at that point.  Provider part I would be OK with as well as long as I can hobby too. Ethics, business practicess, and integrity are very important. I don't date girls who deviate too much from this preference of mine.

Have you run out of seroquel. Have someone go online to one of the exchanges and procure some affordable health care insurance for you. It's not good for you to take liberties with your psychotropic therapy.

Many hobbyists date/want to date providers. I assume they are always referencing the topnotch providers.

Who would want to date a despised hooker?

Probably nobody, unless you cared for the person. Who cares what people do for a living, right?

That's when I thought about all the lackeys out there on the job. There SO doesn't care that they aren't responsible employees/business people.

I still think the guy's fantasy is to date a reputable lady

Right or wrong a  blonde is "usually" set in her ways, more often an air head than not.  
   Rarely will a blonde be open to proper training.
 A blonde will act like she knows it all when she's the most confused.  
   A brunette is usually open minded, what she doesn't know she is willing to learn,  
  An Asian Gal with Brown or Black hair is usually the best , wise, true to her word, not into gossip, hard working, most rarely an air head or rip off.  
  I've only met one air head dizzy Asian babe in my life.....so far.
   In her defense  I have a feeling  she contracted brain malfunction from an overdose of toxic  ink.  

    My views are based on my experiences after giving up on civilian blondes.  

  In the  defense of blondes, an advantage they have, they are  likely looking to be picked, when the pickings are slim or the crowd is large .  :-D

Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
That practicipates bad business behavior B&S, upsell, and other frowned upon activities?  
 I wouldn't think this would effect the relationship.

what color is Dr. Brown's hair though?  

How about Issac Newton, I think he had white hair though.but he could be wearing a wig.

I'll save that for a different thread.
 Only you would turn a question about dating a  B&S, upselling, bad business provider into  
questions about Dr Brown and Isaac Newton.    
  Speaking of Isaac I've had some great  experiences with Hookers by the name of Apple.
  I would certainly date one of them.  
   By the way, all of then were not Asian.

   I thank you for not turning my thoughts into a potato debate.  

  Hair color does not turn a blonde into the person she becomes, it's the commercials she watches on TV and the ads in Magazines, misleading her to believe she's someone she will never be. :-D


Posted By: Blowing Chunks
what color is Dr. Brown's hair though?  
 How about Issac Newton, I think he had white hair though.but he could be wearing a wig.

make better simple recipes like biscuits and fried potaters? ;)

What color was the non asian Apple?  

Did you take a bite out of it?  I guess only if it was a "bad apple"


Are you applying for that manager's position at Falafel King?

heard you are going to ride Daisy tonight while Blowing your boyfriend Chunks..love your new handle.

Posted By: TheGeneralLee
Are you applying for that manager's position at Falafel King?
-- Modified on 5/12/2015 3:32:32 PM

LtNeilBriggs807 reads

You really are pathetic. Does gramps take it CIM?

Have you also noticed that all of macdooky's retorts have to do with feces, urine and homosexual relations?
He is a very angry old man.  And not very bright.

LtNeilBriggs909 reads

Of course they were rhetorical, grasshopper.  
-- Modified on 5/12/2015 11:25:42 PM

-- Modified on 5/12/2015 11:26:44 PM

Skyfyre778 reads

As long as she practices "... bad business behavior B&S, upsell, and other frowned upon activities" on everybody else while giving me the honest-to-goodness best she has (LOL)

Especially Steph and Heather. Great idea!

I think I'll ask them out. Wonder what they'll say?

But that will never happen, so we just keep marching forward...

Not like I have dated a lot before.  
You mean real date or "date". Yes to both.
This is a stupid question

Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
That practicipates bad business behavior B&S, upsell, and other frowned upon activities?  
 I wouldn't think this would effect the relationship.

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