TER General Board

I'm confident that most of us do look at the overall picture
russbbj 89 Reviews 410 reads

I imagine how the fragile male ego could cause a man who because of his own impotence would pass the blame for it on a lady.

Ego, envy and jealousy are ugly and completely useless emotions. As Baz Luhrmann said in the song Everybody's Free to wear Sunscreen, "don't waste your time on jealousy, sometimes you're ahead, sometimes you're behind, the race is long, in the end it's only with yourself". If you listen to the entire song, this is likely to make you smile, "but trust me on the sunscreen".

I for one, read all the reviews for a lady, and like figure skating scoring, I throw out the best and worst score and make my choice of who I'll see based upon the rest.

I just wanted to post this message, in the hopes it reaches some hobbyists for the sake of just not myself, but I am sure other providers who are in the area, and all the around the world saying, "what the hell?". My first negative experience with a review was in 2010. Hell, nothing could have stopped me then! Now as I return as a full time college student as well as a back in the biz provider, I found myself still coming around people who I just couldn't please. This is to be expected. And it should also be expected by the minds of our hobbyists touring this site and reading provider ads! We can't please everyone. We just can't. I once heard someone commenting on Yelp saying "reviews such as those seen on Yelp are for idiots". Now that, I don't agree with. But I do believe there is some middle room and I wouldn't want an interested hobbyist denying a girl a chance because of a few reviews. Look at the overall pictures always! Xoxoxo

GaGambler530 reads

But I am sorry Riley, you have way too much smoke surrounding you for there not to be any fire.

You are decent looking girl, but your reviews would be plenty enough to keep me from seeing you.

My advice is to dazzle the guys that are willing to see you despite your reviews and then hope they write some glowing ones to displace all the negative ones you have now.

I wish I could be more upbeat about your reviews, but they do speak for themselves.

I hope, for your sake, that you read, then re read what he had to say.

I read all your reviews, then read Gag's post, and I agree with him

Like the others said, you have a performace problem.  I weed out providers whos reviews are up & down...  my theory is they don't connect with some for what ever reason.  It doesn't matter, I would not take the risk.
ANY upsell (other than Greek which is often an extra cost option) is reason for my to walk.  The session should be all inclusive.  Packages for massage are ok.  

If you hair style or color is different, you need new pictures.  The majority of pictures on your site should be the currect style & color.    

I see on your site you do web streaming.  This should be separate from your provider activities.  If you absolutely must use the same incall, the cameras should be covered when not in use.  They would freak me out & set a terrible tone.  (You'll recall, the Zumba bust the provider recorded everything & thoughtfully provided the evidence to convict herself, her partner & her clients.)  
Now, I can see that having the cameras might help 'promote' that business...  but I think the freaked out clients would run the other way!  Covering the cameras would set a good tone that you value the client's privacy as well as your own.  Excepting one outside & one inside the entry door ar max.  

TER is a REVIEW site...  TER links us to information which we use to select a companion.  You are not new...  you should know this.  You can... and should... update your profile if your services have changed.  Otherwise you need to be able to deliver the services you advertise consistantly.  If you don't do well with certain clients, you should seek to not book them.  

You can come back from this but ony if you want to make changes...          

-- Modified on 8/7/2016 11:33:37 AM

as that is certainly true, but you have tons of reviews where the guy is very disappointed.  

Reviews are an excellent way for a girl to improve her service, if she takes them constructively.  

You have received many reviews from what seem like decent guys and I don't get the sense you have tried to make too many changes in your performance but maybe I am wrong.

I would see you based on looks but not based on your very erratic performance. Of the two, I think performance is the easier to change. The question is, do you want to? That answer can only come from yourself.

If you don't want to make changes or feel you cant, fuck what every one else thinks and stay the course.

Good luck to you.

then there's that one guy who just didn't have a good time. Sucks.  

Louis C.K. made a great interview on the people who don't laugh at his jokes.

I see low review provides who are cheep and many times in a bad neighborhood I have rules for who I see but the biggest thing that keeps me fron see some one is she dont pick up.

Posted By: xrileyreyx
I just wanted to post this message, in the hopes it reaches some hobbyists for the sake of just not myself, but I am sure other providers who are in the area, and all the around the world saying, "what the hell?". My first negative experience with a review was in 2010. Hell, nothing could have stopped me then! Now as I return as a full time college student as well as a back in the biz provider, I found myself still coming around people who I just couldn't please. This is to be expected. And it should also be expected by the minds of our hobbyists touring this site and reading provider ads! We can't please everyone. We just can't. I once heard someone commenting on Yelp saying "reviews such as those seen on Yelp are for idiots". Now that, I don't agree with. But I do believe there is some middle room and I wouldn't want an interested hobbyist denying a girl a chance because of a few reviews. Look at the overall pictures always! Xoxoxo

Providing a memorable experience if I was in your apartment?

Do you think that having an LLC for an illegal business offers some insulation?

Or you just think it's a neat idea to have an LLC?

Sounds comparable to the well known LE check  ;)

so why are you bringing it up now. Maybe the negative reviews are because of you! If you are having many negative reviews it's time to look at yourself and your service.

Lmao I really can't believe anyone came to see you after that epic fuck up. Posting here and drawing more attention to yourself was another mistake.

I imagine how the fragile male ego could cause a man who because of his own impotence would pass the blame for it on a lady.

Ego, envy and jealousy are ugly and completely useless emotions. As Baz Luhrmann said in the song Everybody's Free to wear Sunscreen, "don't waste your time on jealousy, sometimes you're ahead, sometimes you're behind, the race is long, in the end it's only with yourself". If you listen to the entire song, this is likely to make you smile, "but trust me on the sunscreen".

I for one, read all the reviews for a lady, and like figure skating scoring, I throw out the best and worst score and make my choice of who I'll see based upon the rest.

Do I now have to classify you as a sycophant as well?

I couldn't give a rats ass what you think of me buttercup.

exactly what i do, russ.  i figure the top score AND the lowest score both have personal subjective reasons for their views that have nothing to do with the actual performance.

another problem for me is the nebulous nature of the '7.'  some guys use to as the bottom of the high marks, ie, she was good but not great; others are happy to use it as tremendous recommendation.  i've seen many reviews that gave the lady only a 7 but end with "great time, will see her again."

i put more stock into the words of the review than the actual numbers.

Is there a better way for you to screen? To which guys did you give your best performance? Which guys turned you off so much that you couldn't perform well with them?

Non-physical: anything in their emails or phone calls? Sense of humor. Abrubtness?  

Physical, unseen, generalities: can you screen out or at least deter guys you don't find attractive enough to get a 10 effort from you? EVERYBODY says, "clean, well-mannered gentlemen" but maybe you have some additional psychological needs? Could you give a 10 to Danny DaVito? Donald Trump?  

Physical, seen, in the room: Is there something that turns you off so much that you can't deliver a 10 no matter what? Can you screen them out? "If you have leprosy, I would rather not meet with you."  

It is amazing to me that so many excellent Providers are able to accommodate pretty much everyone (even me!) and treat them all to the same, top level experience. How do they do it? Maybe you need to figure that out? I do NOT want to say "get past the superficial" because it surely isn't superficial getting intimate with someone and trying to overlook traits that are important in every other aspect of human social interaction.  

Anyway ... do you notice any trends in the good versus bad reviewers that could have impacted your performance

No matter what you do not sink your teeth into a dudes cock. 😂 cameras and cock chomping free bbbj extra $50 stfu REALLY? Too many better options out there that don't up sell gfe

"a full time college student"; good for you!

Have you taken a look at those reviews?
How do you propose to make a recovery from what you have done?
I didn't hear you say that you're sorry that you sold the guys something you couldn't follow through on.
All I hear is that you "can't please" anyone... I mean everyone.

"The overall picture" - sure - it's a good thing most guys have their dick call for an appointment.



-- Modified on 8/6/2016 11:12:16 AM

jjllrrkk250 reads

When I looked at your reviews appearance wise they are consistent, though the performance there is less consistency. It could come down to how well you guys connected possibly. The atmosphere there seems to be a bit of range to not to bad. The providers who get those nice high reviews and consistency have developed their craft and it sure they had the same concerns as you do at one point or another. Your definitely attractive enough without question. When I look for a provider to choose, definitely read the reviews, and one or two bad ones would turn me off. The question you posted I looked at it as a concern that you want to address; in other words you want to improve and get better at it. I think you posting this question is your first step in changing a few things. I think this is a very good thing. I might suggest talking to providers who get those nice scores you wish to obtain and talk to them. There has to be a couple providers who would be willing to help you out. I see your in your twenties, my suggestion would talk to a provider in their mid 30's to early 40's. Reason they have a lot more life experience than you. I could be wrong on this just my personal view

zerofcksgiven320 reads

It states in your reviews there are cameras all over your house and in the bedroom.
I would imagine most men would not want to see a provider where there's a chance he could be recorded for who knows what purpose.I agree you cannot please everyone but when it is more than a few saying the same thing you should rethink your business model.Also if you do not provide certain services you need to update your profile here that seems to be another big issue with the guys who have reviewed you.

I'm ALL about security, so I likely understand why you feel the need cameras, but having them all over your incall including in the bedroom is just asking for guys to be nervous and on edge. I imagine this likely puts you a bit on edge also. My suggestion is to get rid of all except one or 2 cameras (on your entry doors only). This way if something really were to go terribly bad you would have an image, but clients would not have to worry about some BSC lady threatening to send video to their wife.

Why a camera in the bedroom? ??? Not cool for an incall. Hey, I'm all about security and my home  has camera's inside and out. ..All over BUT not at my incall.  If a man were to have a camera ANYWHERE, he would be pretty much done in this hobby for the most part. Why would it be OK for a provider to have cameras in the bedroom at her incall?? That has me baffled honestly.  
As for your performance?  Didn't you used to a porn star? I suggest putting on that porn star performance in your appointments ;)
Either way, hope it gets better for you and your clients :)

The first provider I had a good time with even after she pick she took me to her house and her pimp. Stole my bicycle. But she walk with me to a hotel where we got a room and fuck. I seen an another  provider 3 times good sex then she ran with the payment but before she ran she kiss. It seem like the girl want to preformed but the pimp stop the.

Posted By: xrileyreyx
I just wanted to post this message, in the hopes it reaches some hobbyists for the sake of just not myself, but I am sure other providers who are in the area, and all the around the world saying, "what the hell?". My first negative experience with a review was in 2010. Hell, nothing could have stopped me then! Now as I return as a full time college student as well as a back in the biz provider, I found myself still coming around people who I just couldn't please. This is to be expected. And it should also be expected by the minds of our hobbyists touring this site and reading provider ads! We can't please everyone. We just can't. I once heard someone commenting on Yelp saying "reviews such as those seen on Yelp are for idiots". Now that, I don't agree with. But I do believe there is some middle room and I wouldn't want an interested hobbyist denying a girl a chance because of a few reviews. Look at the overall pictures always! Xoxoxo

Fake it till you make it?

Aren't pornstars able to fake it the best?

Just imagine all your clients are Channing Tatum and fuck enthusiastically.

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