TER General Board

I'd love to add one thing...
sitaradevi See my TER Reviews 434 reads

Thanks for your public safety message! I'd love to add something to this thread. So often I hear men tell me that they had a bad experience with a lady who had good reviews because they were caught up by her photos or some other aspect of her that was being misrepresented by her marketing. Guys-to ensure you have the best possible time with your chosen gal please look through her reviews and make sure her reviewers are reputable as well. But do not just stop there..spend a bit of time connecting with her if you can so that you get a sense of her personality prior to meeting if at all possible. If you can do this and learn to listen to your intuition (women are far better at this than men) you mitigate the risk of a bad experience.

--Sitara Devi

slip through our screening,  
I had four to five ladies contact me with a man s email whom is claiming to be one the ter top 100 reviewers although he is simply not,  
 I have also heard he is insisting on refusing to use a phone number for screening, One lady said he was givin some escuses about not wanting to use a phone number for screening..................

Any hoo this may be off help to some one that is interested in cross referencing gents emails to see if its the same email associated with said alias.
here is a step by step .
On how to cross reference a gents email address to see if it is the same email address that is associated with the alias he is claiming to be, Quite often they try and say they are some one they are not,

1. go to ter
2. See across top it says : My ter, Reviews, Mail, Discussion Boards, Site Reviews, Chat
click on " Reviews"
You will now see an option to Select New reviews, Search reviews, chat w/ provider, Search, Top 100, Ter plug in,
click on "Search"
Now scroll Down it Reads "escort Reviews"  then "Search by Reviewers"
Here you will find an option type in a reviewers user name or email.
if some one cantacts you with a certain email and claims to be a certain reviewer. Ask them to be certain they are using the same email associated with thier ter account to contact you so you can verify that thats them.

you can whitelist them by following same directions. also.
just type in reviewers name and then view thier reviews and whitelists scroll down to add a whitelist to thier alias account.
I hope this may help.
I would still insist on a name and phone number along with the email,
and along with the ter information/  




and to the guys you know alot of guys they may be either potential serial killers, detectives, thieves, junkies lookin to rob some one, Or it could be the long island serial killer whom is still out there. for all we know, but to the guys just know we are tryin to dodge a bullet or two if we can along our journeys do be pleasant about supplying proper screening info,  
some guys throw serious shade when you tell em you screen!
xo ange

Thanks for your public safety message! I'd love to add something to this thread. So often I hear men tell me that they had a bad experience with a lady who had good reviews because they were caught up by her photos or some other aspect of her that was being misrepresented by her marketing. Guys-to ensure you have the best possible time with your chosen gal please look through her reviews and make sure her reviewers are reputable as well. But do not just stop there..spend a bit of time connecting with her if you can so that you get a sense of her personality prior to meeting if at all possible. If you can do this and learn to listen to your intuition (women are far better at this than men) you mitigate the risk of a bad experience.

--Sitara Devi

That is really good advice though.   My worst session actually happened with a provider who required a phone conversation.    I called her and immediately thought she was a complete space cadet.    I rationalized it to myself by thinking that I had woken her up.   WRONG!   She showed up and she was in fact the fleet leader of the space cadets.    No intuition required and I still effed it up.   Although I bitched about the experience, it was entirely my fault, I should have paid attention to what was crystal clear.   When in doubt, a phone conversation may not be a bad idea and I totally get it why some ladies require a little chat.

Pay attention to screening... Some ladies are more focused on the money and could care less if he is going to get the experience he wants. When I am screening, I am more focused on how well we mesh, if I don't like you a little I am NOT going to suck your dick, no matter how many benjamins are involved.. And yes, email communications and phone calls can tell you a lot. Lying on info or identity, even if it is hobby identity is an automatic hell no, not passing go...

-- Modified on 2/3/2015 9:56:43 AM

Just speak for yourself and your shortcomings, not for the entir male race. Many men have intuition and they can and will think with the big head.  

For exams, the ones who went to Phoenix and got busted through BP sting can't and won't think with anything.  

Posted By: Pangloss
That is really good advice though.   My worst session actually happened with a provider who required a phone conversation.    I called her and immediately thought she was a complete space cadet.    I rationalized it to myself by thinking that I had woken her up.   WRONG!   She showed up and she was in fact the fleet leader of the space cadets.    No intuition required and I still effed it up.   Although I bitched about the experience, it was entirely my fault, I should have paid attention to what was crystal clear.   When in doubt, a phone conversation may not be a bad idea and I totally get it why some ladies require a little chat.

Do you really think I was saying that men have zero intuition?  That men are incapable of thinking?

Now, if you really want to get serious, explain to me how a person engaging in an illegal activity that is  
thought to be disgusting, an activity likely to end in divorce if discovered and which could cause financial ruin via loss of job (not to mention the haircut upon divorce) is really using his big head?    

PS:  The mouse in my pocket is adorable, wouldn't leave the house without him

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