TER General Board

I'd like to see the clapper trend catch on...
FatVern 400 reads

I mean the snapper trend, yeah that's the one.

FatVern1626 reads

I have been pondering this for well over a year now. What's up with women dying their hair green? I'm used to the various shades of red, blonde, and brown hair, along with the plethora of manic panic colors. sometimes I like it, sometimes I don't.

I'm just not sure why this off shade of green has become so popular. I don't want to knock anyone's style, however  this particular color doesn't seem to go with any skin tone or complexion.

I saw a few runners yesterday with crazy coloured hair at the Olympics but I think they were wigs?
I think girls just like to experiment and to a certain extent this job is about making yourself stand out :)

FatVern311 reads

I didn't catch any of the Olympic coverage, I guess the first time I saw this color was on a black provider. Then I would see black girls out and about sporting this shade of green, so I thought to myself, ok it's a black thing.  

I've seen white girls with green hair too. It's my personal opinion that this shade of green is just weird, and I don't think that it flatters anyone that I've seen it on.  

I can hate on male fashion too, pastel shorts on any guy under the age of 50?

NoYellowEnvelope371 reads

Hair color isn't one of my check boxes for providers, although I have to admit a preference for red/auburn.  

Recently my ATF dyed her hair in rainbow colors to show solidarity with the LGBT community.  It looked pretty cool I thought. Over the years she's dyed it several different colors.  Whatever she likes is fine by me.  My interest is in the person the hair is attached to. Same with other providers I've seen or may see.

FatVern309 reads

Straight up green wouldn't even get a reaction from me.

Good lord, did you think my post was about judging people on looks? Nope, it's an observation, that led to an inquiry.

NoYellowEnvelope367 reads

It's an off shade of green to YOU. You've made a judgement on looks (hair color).  The least you can do is own up to it.  That doesn't make you a terrible person.  You don't like that hair color. Fine. You made your observations about it.  I made mine. That's what a discussion board is all about.  

You keep posting about this shade of green that you've been thinking a whole year about, and wondering why a woman would color her hair like that. But you can't even do us the courtesy of posting a pic that shows this hair color so we know WTF you're complaining aboout.

-- Modified on 8/14/2016 5:34:57 PM

FatVern361 reads

I can't believe you haven't seen it. Yes I made a judgment on a look, I haven't judged anyone based upon that look. There is a difference, your post insinuated that I was judging people based upon a look. You made that insinuation when you said something about the person, and not the color of their hair.

I've looked for examples (pics) but couldn't find any.

NoYellowEnvelope480 reads

In fact it's one of the colors my ATF has dyed her hair.  

Re-read my OP.  I said that hair color isn't a big deal for me and explained why. If you read anything else into it, that's your problem.

FatVern335 reads

I've never seen it where the color was as deep as the linked picture, which maybe the issue.  
My thing is, the shade doesn't compliment any skin tone  IMO.

You had to point out that it's the person and not the hair color that matters to you. As if I said anything to the contrary. I know decisive tactics when I see them... and why gloat behind an alias anyway?

NoYellowEnvelope333 reads

... or that my alias doesn't have a little yellow evelope under it like yours does.

Maybe in the future you should skip my posts--it's all just "gloating" to you, anyway, it appears--so my opinions about what I like or don't like don't offend your sensibilities.

FatVern228 reads

so I can't use another alias other than this one.  

I still don't know why you felt the need to say you are more interested in the person, than the color of her hair, as if any one in the history of the world has ever said hair color was more important the person it was attached to.

I read your response as gloating, nobody on here really needs to look like the "bigger" person,  
 now do they?

Maybe TER's colour scheme is the inspiration behind the teal hair trend?

Posted By: NoYellowEnvelope
It's an off shade of green to YOU.
I'm less quick to judge FV that way. I think there are several greens, such as you can in a box of Crayola Crayons or Tempera paints, that are either "green", "forest green", "lime green", emerald, jade, sea, pea, pee, puke, ...  

Anyone who grew up in a USA K-6 classroom knows standard Crayola Green (R 58 G 166 B 85).  Anything to the left or right in greenness without an easy to remember name is "off" from the standard green, hence "off green".  More descriptive than judgemental, IMO

NoYellowEnvelope367 reads

So the only "standard green" that counts is the one from a crayon used in USA K-6 classrooms?  

Does that make anyone who didn't use those crayolas in grade school a weirdo?  ;)  Maybe for someone from Japan, jade green is the "standard green"... for example.

Also, "teal" is a LOT more descriptive than "off color."  

-- Modified on 8/14/2016 6:04:37 PM

Posted By: NoYellowEnvelope
So the only "standard green" that counts is the one from a crayon used in USA K-6 classrooms?    
 Does that make anyone who didn't use those crayolas in grade school a weirdo?  ;)  Maybe for someone from Japan, jade green is the "standard green"... for example.  
 Also, "teal" is a LOT more descriptive than "off color."
Maybe we shouldn't use color names at all but just the RGB or other color code numbers.  Culturally independent, pure tech descriptions.

Most contributors here are from the USA. If you didn't grow up here in K-6, maybe your kids did. Or you've seen enough USA TV and movies to know what American "green" refers to. There is plenty of common ground for understanding the common meaning (and color) of green: Crayolas, grass (trees), money, liquor bottles ...  

Something "off green" is simply not one of the USA-based common greens.  

So the guy couldn't remember the name "teal." Teal is way-off from the Crayola standard "green"

FatVern340 reads

You'd think a corporately funded, liberal public school system wouldn't grade a person based upon an individual's artistic interpretation. One class never taught me as much as that one.

I'd say the shade of green is tilting toward the red side of the wheel, so it's more of a blue/green color.

Posted By: FatVern
I have been pondering this for well over a year now. What's up with women dying their hair green?
It's nothing original. They're just a bunch of copycats. Dean Stockwell in the 1948 movie, The Boy With Green Hair

First off, you are quite the patient ponderer! A year now? That's cute...

Secondly, I can agree with your post! Not that I haven't seen some amazing colored hair in my time, but the green isn't that flattering.  

It used to be so innocent...the only one with green hair was a young blonde girl whom went swimming too often and the chlorine gave her hair a slight green tint!  

I have black hair. Always have, always will...

FatVern349 reads

I saw this gal with green/teal hair she was white, and I didn't like her green/teal hair. She looked like an off duty stripper(not that there is anything wrong with that).

What I took away from this is, if you are doing something to attract the opposite sex, and I a male species of the opposite sex doesn't like it, why are you doing it?

FatVern385 reads

I'd rather see Kylie, with green hair than Caitlyn, with her natural locks.

Hey some chicks are even dying their hair gray. There are other colors out there that have the same of color look as the green hair. The whole trend of light unnatural hair color is odd to me. Like I said natural colors, ok, bright ass crazy colors, ok.

Hell, here in CA, I'm seeing green, pink, blue, green...all colors.  
No idea what it's supposed to mean.  
Have figured out I've never seen it on a really pretty woman.

turn off the lights an STFU. Is that hard? 😆

FatVern291 reads

I saw a gal at the gas station, and just though WTF. I came of age in the 90's so I am use to seeing unnatural hair tones, tattoos, piercings, and bald vaginas.  

It's just that this shade of green reminded me of moldy bread

Green is symbolic of prosperity and fertility, so maybe it's their way of saying they want your cash and your baby. Lol

FatVern410 reads

I was thinking the same thing, she wants my money.

They may want your money. Or maybe all your marijuana. Guard your stash.:-)

Porn star I knew a decade ago who used to pass between Europe and LA, stopping in NYC in between.  She was also a provider quite outspoken and controversial here, and after meeting her at an early era NYC M&G, we were friends for three years.  She was not your typical lady...and she often dyed her hair as porn demanded, such as blue and pink.  Damn, were those good times... :)

-- Modified on 8/15/2016 2:56:17 AM

Posted By: FatVern
I have been pondering this for well over a year now. What's up with women dying their hair green? I'm used to the various shades of red, blonde, and brown hair, along with the plethora of manic panic colors. sometimes I like it, sometimes I don't.  
 I'm just not sure why this off shade of green has become so popular. I don't want to knock anyone's style, however  this particular color doesn't seem to go with any skin tone or complexion.

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