TER General Board

I wouldn't ever provide while preggo, but I can't speak on other women's bodies (e)
Adrienne Baptiste See my TER Reviews 364 reads


Mscurious1816 reads

Over time Ive noticed a few pregnant providers posting in the ad boards section.I would like to know everyone's opinion of this.Do you think it is SMART for a provider to "work" while pregnant?Why or why not?

-- Modified on 5/8/2016 7:57:07 PM

NoYellowEnvelope620 reads

... it's not possible to have sex while pregnant.  


Seriously, I often see 411 posts for guys seeking pregnant providers.  And I see ads making a big point about "PREGNANT!"

Whether it's "smart" or not is really up to the woman, isn't it?

There are lots of guys into that and lots of providers who provide it. I personally ha e no interest in it but to each his or her own.  

As far as is it Smart? My personal opinion is no, only because you gals already have a dangerous job, and doing it while pregnant puts an unborn child in harm's way

when they book a customer how much sausage he's packing, its not a good idea to work while pregnant unless they don't mind raising a kid with a dent in his forehead.

NoYellowEnvelope317 reads

... Mayo Clinic immediately so they stop giving their inaccurate advice that sex during pregnancy won't hurt the baby:

"Does sex during pregnancy harm the baby?

Your developing baby is protected by the amniotic fluid in your uterus, as well as the strong muscles of the uterus itself. Sexual activity won't affect your baby."

My hubby is VERY well endowed, we never had a problem, and his junk NEVER even gets close to the baby, the amniotic sac is very VERY well insulated and cushioned.....even when i was on top, and we had sex up until the day before i went into labor, sex during pregnancy is fine and even encouraged as long as there are no medical problems present...i find it sad that in today's age that people still think this is even possible........do i agree that women shouldn't be having sex with RANDOM men everyday while pregnant?? absolutely.....the possibility of STDs is huge,and i think its stupid of a woman to want to put her child in that kind of harms way.

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
when they book a customer how much sausage he's packing, its not a good idea to work while pregnant unless they don't mind raising a kid with a dent in his forehead.  

On a day that is tough enough emotionally on me I am going to keep it real with you. I can't ignore my feelings on this I feel that strongly. It pisses me off to no end when a pregnant women is providing. It's an act of cowardliness and I would venture the provider is to stupid to realize what she is doing which is trying to make a quick buck on a fetish. What good can come out of this?????? I don't care how broke/struggling for money you are you don't put your child in harms way under any circumstance. This is wrong on so many levels. Coming from someone who lost a child than the women giving birth to the child which led me to this hobby. I just can't let this go. I beg you not to see a provider who is advertising pregnancy fetishes.  

Those are my thoughts.
I'm not reading responses on this my mind will not change and I don't want to hear how this is beneficial for anyone.  

It's bull shit and I can't support it.




Posted By: Mscurious
Over time Ive noticed a few pregnant providers posting in the ad boards section.I would like to know everyone's opinion of this.Do you think it is SMART for a provider to "work" while pregnant?Why or why not?

-- Modified on 5/8/2016 7:57:07 PM

That's kinda childish. And I don't understand your sentence that begins with, "Coming from someone who lost a child..." Can you please explain what that whole sentence is supposed to say so I can try to get why your feelings on the subject.  Hope you read this...

Steph :-/

Posted By: Zak0326
On a day that is tough enough emotionally on me I am going to keep it real with you. I can't ignore my feelings on this I feel that strongly. It pisses me off to no end when a pregnant women is providing. It's an act of cowardliness and I would venture the provider is to stupid to realize what she is doing which is trying to make a quick buck on a fetish. What good can come out of this?????? I don't care how broke/struggling for money you are you don't put your child in harms way under any circumstance. This is wrong on so many levels. Coming from someone who lost a child than the women giving birth to the child which led me to this hobby. I just can't let this go. I beg you not to see a provider who is advertising pregnancy fetishes.  
 Those are my thoughts.  
 I'm not reading responses on this my mind will not change and I don't want to hear how this is beneficial for anyone.  
 It's bull shit and I can't support it.  
Posted By: Mscurious
Over time Ive noticed a few pregnant providers posting in the ad boards section.I would like to know everyone's opinion of this.Do you think it is SMART for a provider to "work" while pregnant?Why or why not?  
 -- Modified on 5/8/2016 7:57:07 PM
-- Modified on 5/9/2016 6:02:03 AM

"This is coming from someone who has lost a child, then lost the woman who gave birth to that child, which led me to the hobby."

...pretty sure that's what he means...

So the "dent the babies head thing" is obviously bogus but are there other risks a preggo lady runs that a non-pregs doesn't? Violence/std/etc ok but universal. You weight the risks and decide. Her body. sucks for the kid if she is doing something detrimental to it like the colostrum thing.  

I don't have this fetish but would totally check out a provider who was pregnant if I wanted to see her anyway.  

Fwiw, been with lactating women but always after childbirth. That was a surprise!

I love it, the gal loves it, and she gets some money at a time she can really use it.

Besides, a lot of pregnant women lose a lot of business from guys who are freaked out about her shape, so why not gravitate to those who are intrigued by it

...but I for one would have no part if it. To each her own, but it is a complete turn off/ deal breaker for me.

Seems obvious that the lady really needs $$ at this time. Since her regular clientele will be less interested, it's really a good thing that some have the fetishist. She must advertise to get the available $$. I've been there and enjoyed myself enormously.  

Posted By: Mscurious
Over time Ive noticed a few pregnant providers posting in the ad boards section.I would like to know everyone's opinion of this.Do you think it is SMART for a provider to "work" while pregnant?Why or why not?

-- Modified on 5/8/2016 7:57:07 PM

Based on the opinions.  I am not an OB/GYN but watched a show on the TLC that mentioned that it is okay to have intercourse while pregnant but I see what other people are saying.  Everyone has their own fetishes and if both parties are willing to consent then that is it.  I personally would not see a provider who is pregnant.

There are some ladies willing to provide while pregnant, and a segment of hobbyists who are into this.  I once encountered a lady who was 6 mos. pregnant a few years ago who was highly regarded in her TER reviews, but her reviews didn't mention.  Rather than leave, I adjusted to the moment, and enjoyed my time with her.   I didn't feel deceived by her, and though I never saw her again, I have nothing negative to say about her.  Hobby on...

Pregnant providers should do whatever they want. It's not my place to categorize what a person does with their body as smart or not.

Historically, I've said I wouldn't provide while pregnant. However, if there's an established friend I truly appreciate and the feeling is reciprocated, then maybe I would do it.

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