TER General Board

I would suggest you don't use Paypal for this
maxwell44 23 Reviews 322 reads

Paypal has a reputation for freezing your account (with your money in it) if they suspect that you are doing anything that is against their terms of service.  When you signed up for Paypal, it says in the fine print of the 1000 page long terms and conditions that you agreed to, that they basically have the right to freeze your money for six months anytime they feel like it.  This is not how any "bank" would operate, but then again, Paypal is not a bank, so they can get away with doing things like that.

If you do a google search for paypal complaints, you will quickly find complaints from 1000s of people who had this happen to them, a lot of whom claim they have no idea why Paypal even did it, and there is nothing they can do about it either.

I would suggest that you only use Paypal for buying things on ebay and such things like that, things where there is no way they would ever think you are doing anything even remotely suspicious.

I remember a few years ago sending a deposit to a provider via Green Dot.. It was secure and anonymous.. It's been a while.. and honestly, I have not sent a deposit to a provider in a long time.

I'm not interested in anyone's opinion about whether I should send a deposit or not.. That is not my question.. Whether I do or not is up to me..

I read here a while ago, that there was no more Green Dot.. If that is true.. What has taken it's place?.. I have sent money via Western Union but it is not anonymous at all.. You have to provide the ID of the person getting the dollars and I also have to fill stuff out.. It's completely different than Green Dot..
So, that's my question.. what system is in use now for anonymous transfer of money.. If Green Dot is no more,. If it still works.. that's great too..  

As far as I know, mailing a VISA gift card is about the only thing that will retain anonymity now.

The Feds basically pressured Green Dot to drop it citing things like drug dealings, etc

FatVern442 reads

You, or the OP could always send cash, of course if it's a big bundle of bills that might get a little messy. Along with the fact I think it's illegal to mail currency, and if it gets lost you will never see it again.  

Posted By: mrfisher
As far as I know, mailing a VISA gift card is about the only thing that will retain anonymity now.  
 The Feds basically pressured Green Dot to drop it citing things like drug dealings, etc.  

I wondered about that...interesting..so if she wants a deposit.. I have to know her real name.. never happen

My only exposure to GreenDot was:
1) a manipulative provider that used to troll Boston TER for clients...untill she was banished from TER,
2)  the "FBI virus" which infected my computer a year or two ago.

The OP was is not interested in opinion, but just the memory of my GreenDot experience makes me want to say good riddance, good riddance, and good riddance to all 3.

Of course, one day they too will become illegal, at which time we will have to revert to bartering with farm animals.

FatVern413 reads

I can see a guy going in to a Dunkin Donuts asking for a $400 gift card.

I'm sure the FDA already has regulation on bartering with farm animals.

FatVern383 reads

Why would you send a deposit?

I know scammers need to eat, and sometimes funds need to be wired for other legitimate purposes, and people would still like to remain anonymous. It's up to you, but sending deposits are a bad idea.

People can argue what ever they like in regard to the positives of a deposit, but there are no positives as far as I'm concerned.

sorry not interested in that one way or the other.. I knew that someone would feel that that their opinion might matter to someone.. it doesn't..

FatVern384 reads

I even said there should be no reason people transfer funds, while remaining anonymous. Why should anyone be concerned with who you give money to?

... so that really wasn't why I said anything about whether or not they should send deposits. That really wasn't relative to my post. For some reason you think it is. You mentioned that in your post.  

I was talking about sending money, not deposits. Is your post about deposits, or sending money?

Posted By: josulli
sorry not interested in that one way or the other.. I knew that someone would feel that that their opinion might matter to someone.. it doesn't..

Dude, I asked whether anything has replaced Green Dot. You started going on and on about something else that was not related at all.. typical for the GD Board.. You added zero to the question or the discussion.. so shut your trap..

They can be purchased with cash, and sent to whomever.  No ID, no nothing.  At least not here in Illinois.

You simply send the code - just like greendot - and bam!  Money.

I hope this helps!

Exactly the info I was looking for.. Thanks

Paypal has a reputation for freezing your account (with your money in it) if they suspect that you are doing anything that is against their terms of service.  When you signed up for Paypal, it says in the fine print of the 1000 page long terms and conditions that you agreed to, that they basically have the right to freeze your money for six months anytime they feel like it.  This is not how any "bank" would operate, but then again, Paypal is not a bank, so they can get away with doing things like that.

If you do a google search for paypal complaints, you will quickly find complaints from 1000s of people who had this happen to them, a lot of whom claim they have no idea why Paypal even did it, and there is nothing they can do about it either.

I would suggest that you only use Paypal for buying things on ebay and such things like that, things where there is no way they would ever think you are doing anything even remotely suspicious.

I also thought that it was risky for the same reasons as maxwell4 stated but Kelly (BeautyWithBrains) said they are different and that PP Gift is safe ... for now. See the thread linked my "Helpful Newbie Thread" post.

Caveat emptor.

Posted By: maxwell44
Paypal has a reputation for freezing your account (with your money in it) if they suspect that you are doing anything that is against their terms of service.  When you signed up for Paypal, it says in the fine print of the 1000 page long terms and conditions that you agreed to, that they basically have the right to freeze your money for six months anytime they feel like it.  This is not how any "bank" would operate, but then again, Paypal is not a bank, so they can get away with doing things like that.  
 If you do a google search for paypal complaints, you will quickly find complaints from 1000s of people who had this happen to them, a lot of whom claim they have no idea why Paypal even did it, and there is nothing they can do about it either.  
 I would suggest that you only use Paypal for buying things on ebay and such things like that, things where there is no way they would ever think you are doing anything even remotely suspicious.

Booking???? Credit Cards???, Posted 5/30/2015 at 11:09:57 AM, TrishaXXXChicag

I think I have only made one deposit over seeing about 30 or 40 different providers.. so it's unusual.. but if I am asked.. I simply want to be aware of the options available..

A few more thoughts on the problem.

Bitcoin. There are companies that are trying to make it easier for people to learn and use Bitcoin. "For $200, you get a bitcoin wallet with $100, 2 hours of instruction personal instruction (by skype or whatever) on basic and intermediate transactions and 2 hours of followup help if needed." kind of stuff.

Cash deposits: With an account number only, I think it's possible to make a cash deposit into someone's account w/o knowing their (real) name. (Electronic bank transfers can be done with an account number only or an account-matched telephone number, but the name of the transferring party shows up: "You have received an EBT of $ from josulli." appears on her statement.

Trust Cash: TER used www.trustcash.com briefly. The receiving party issues some kind of invoice with some code numbers; the payer goes to almost any bank and pays that invoice at that bank; the money goes to the receiver for nearly instant confirmation.  I don't know why TER stopped using it. Fees? Can individuals or small businesses use it? ?

As I joked elsewhere, when Homeland Security and the Treasury Dept do away with the $100 and $50 bills to cut down on money laundering, the new standard will be "Please place the donation in a plain white suitcase on the table as soon as you arrive." or "Please ask the bellhop to wheel the donation into my suite before coming upstairs to see me."  

-- Modified on 11/28/2015 8:35:28 PM

and no thank you.  I can get a wallet for a buck at the Dollar Store.

I fear you are right about the currency though.  I see the end of all paper currency over $10 in another 10 - 20 years.

At that point, we will be driven to use alternate cyber currencies whether we like it or not, or perhaps gold coinage like Krugerands

to open the wallet, close the wallet, how to put your money in and take it out, where to put your ID, how to avoid "wallet burn" by making sure the doobie is cold before stashing it for later, where to stash a condom away from the fold to avoid breaking the package.  Now there's something a bitcoin wallet can't hold - the "just in case I get lucky condom."  (My HS "lucky" condom turned to dust by the time I got around to even needing it.)

Posted By: mrfisher
and no thank you.  I can get a wallet for a buck at the Dollar Store.  
I fear you are right about the currency though.  I see the end of all paper currency over $10 in another 10 - 20 years.  
At that point, we will be driven to use alternate cyber currencies whether we like it or not, or perhaps gold coinage like Krugerands.
As people become more tech savvy and more familiar with e-currency and need less hand-holding and training, maybe the bitcoin training price will come down or maybe it can be negotiated down. Despite the on-line instructions, I'm not ready to try bitcoin on my own w/o someone there to answer Qs along the way

My HS lucky condom was in my wallet for so long, I forgot it was in there.  It was in that other compartment behind the credit cards.  

Then one day, my friend's little sister (about 16 years old at the time) was asking me a question about what kind of credit cards a person should carry or some kind of question like that, and she was asking what I carried.  I just handed her my wallet and told her to see for herself, I don't care.  Then she was like "what the hell?"  and pulled out a condom.  I was like "whoops!"  The mom was standing nearby and everything.

Yes, that really happened.  Well that is the story of my HS "lucky" condom, since we are randomly on that particular subject.  

Posted By: impposter
(My HS "lucky" condom turned to dust by the time I got around to even needing it.)  

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