TER General Board

I would never even think . . .
coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 382 reads

about asking her to adjust the rate, but I have found that when you are seeing the same provider two or three times a week, she is often willing to provide some bonus time OTC, which is what I prefer over a discount.  On the other hand, as others have mentioned, there are SB-type arrangements where you pay a flat monthly fee and nobody keeps track of the hours.  However, in my experience, this is a two-way street, and some providers will begin to limit their "availability" under the arrangement so that you end up with a little less time each successive month for the same flat fee, ultimately arriving at a place where the ecominics don't make sense anymore.

She's hot and you like what she's got.  You want to make seeing her a regular thing....say 3-4 times a month. But this lady is in the high end of the price range.  Has anyone here discussed a price adjustment for a frequent flyer? And I don't mean cutting an $800.00 two-hour session down to $400.00!  I'm thinking just knocking something off for a guy who keeps the cash flow steady from month to month.

A perk is better offered than requested. In my case, I avoid discounts due to the awkwardness of the discussion. Plus, offering a discount may connote unpopularity or desperation. Instead, I tend to show appreciation in other forms, such as extra time or menu Easter eggs.

on the lower end of the sugar daddy scale their arrangements are like this.

Does anyone read at least the first page before they post?

I think this discussion is coming from a different point of view. I am not a very experienced hobbiest, but I have been seeing one provider every week or two weeks for "hour" sessions. Lately they have gone way over time. Like 2 to 2.5 hours without any issues. Much or time is spent talking as we enjoy each other company. While I would like a less expensive time as I could see her more often, I am grateful for what I have been given. I'd be curious if anyone else has similar experiences.

many times with different ladies.

however, just because it happens once, don't expect it.  a perk, such as otc or overtime, is a gift, and you don't walk in expecting a gift.  that's tacky.


There was a follow up thread comparing frequent flyers to flea markets. Both were interesting reads.

about asking her to adjust the rate, but I have found that when you are seeing the same provider two or three times a week, she is often willing to provide some bonus time OTC, which is what I prefer over a discount.  On the other hand, as others have mentioned, there are SB-type arrangements where you pay a flat monthly fee and nobody keeps track of the hours.  However, in my experience, this is a two-way street, and some providers will begin to limit their "availability" under the arrangement so that you end up with a little less time each successive month for the same flat fee, ultimately arriving at a place where the ecominics don't make sense anymore.

Could not agree more on bonus time etc.  I never ask about lower monetary amounts but prefer other tangibles instead.

If you start seeing a high-end provider 3-4 times a month, she probably with share a little more with you as time goes by.

One reason I don't like the idea of "negotiating" for more time, is that that takes it out of the realm of what you and she are desirous or willing to freely share with each other.

And things like spending OTC time having a drink in the lounge or going out to dinner is not really much of score unless you're one of those guys who has an eye-candy thing. But aside from a bunch of strangers noticing that some guy they don't know is with a really cute lady, such socializing can be just an ordinary enough experience to lessen the magic and chemistry on your next session. Unless it just happens without either person planning it.

That question pops up all the time. So I have a website that explains different arrangements etc for regular clients. If she is higher up in the price range, it is pretty common to have a website listing different packages etc. It definitely isn't rude to suggest it if not.

Posted By: Cardinal_Richelieu
She's hot and you like what she's got.  You want to make seeing her a regular thing....say 3-4 times a month. But this lady is in the high end of the price range.  Has anyone here discussed a price adjustment for a frequent flyer? And I don't mean cutting an $800.00 two-hour session down to $400.00!  I'm thinking just knocking something off for a guy who keeps the cash flow steady from month to month.

If you do not have the relationship and trust enough to do that, I doubt she has the trust enough to believe that you will be seeing her 3-4 times each month.  

Seriously, the "baby I want to be a regular" line is old and tired, and often used by someone who is just trying to see how low he can push a ladies rate.  It is not often stated by someone who actually becomes a regular.  

Go ahead and see her regularly...  that would make you a regular.  (You don't become a regular just by saying that you would like to.)  If you are compatible, maybe she would offer something.  Maybe it's playing loose with the time, not a discount.  Maybe she won't offer anything.  But really a question - you obviously feel that she is worth the rate since you'd like to see her so much.  Why should she take a pay cut?


Posted By: Cardinal_Richelieu
She's hot and you like what she's got.  You want to make seeing her a regular thing....say 3-4 times a month. But this lady is in the high end of the price range.  Has anyone here discussed a price adjustment for a frequent flyer? And I don't mean cutting an $800.00 two-hour session down to $400.00!  I'm thinking just knocking something off for a guy who keeps the cash flow steady from month to month.
-- Modified on 6/26/2016 12:12:31 AM

interesting idea and explained well ....  
years ago, there was a certain Indy gal
that approached me after two years of  
seeing her regularly that offered to cut  
her rate to one third of her normal rate  
because she liked (?) how I fucked her.  

Let's just say that for me, this was the  
ultimate GFE ... it lasted about 7 years

It's one thing to haggle when buying cars, or other expensive items.  It's another thing with ladies...they are taking their clothes off, and going to bed with us.  They set the rate...if it's too high, find someone who is within your range.  If she decides to negotiate, hear her out if you wish.  But don't you, as a hobbyist. ever initiate this...classless on your part.

is that p4p is a bi-directional transaction. It's also a business  
decision for the guys (and lopaw) ...  and like every business transaction, there is the proper way to bring up the matter.

The business owner can suggest we shop elsewhere or the customer can always take his business elsewhere. And while
I've been the beneficiary of great kindness from providers over
the years, it's never become a issue that ended poorly.  

Never cut off your nose to spite your face. It usually hurts

She is going to be extra nice to you... I love and care for my top clients...


and I've been wrong before, but many ladies offer what they call an LTR, which I think is pretty close to what you are describing.  Of course, if you have already established yourself at a certain revenue stream for her getting a $$ discount may not happen, but an extra session or two for the same overall $$ might work.  Depends on the lady, and you don't want to upset her.

Posted By: Cardinal_Richelieu
She's hot and you like what she's got.  You want to make seeing her a regular thing....say 3-4 times a month. But this lady is in the high end of the price range.  Has anyone here discussed a price adjustment for a frequent flyer? And I don't mean cutting an $800.00 two-hour session down to $400.00!  I'm thinking just knocking something off for a guy who keeps the cash flow steady from month to month.

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