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I would imagine . . . . .
coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 139 reads

Not being able to see in the bedroom without your glasses would be an asset in your business given the large number of fat/bald/ugly customers.  

A question for both the ladies and hobbyist.    
 While I’m not an aficionado of pornography, I do appreciate it for its visual stimulation and yes many time humor.  I’m wondering if any ladies like to watch porn during sessions or have that option available during sessions?  For you guys, do you like watching porn during a session.  Does it add a little something extra to the experience?    

GaGambler242 reads

and I find it more distracting if anything if it's playing in the back round while I am having sex, pro session or otherwise. If I have to watch two other people having sex to enjoy actually having sex, it would just tell me I am having sex with the wrong people.

its because I always prefer being a participant rather than a spectator, not just for sex, but for sports, partying, and most other activities in life.  

GaGambler193 reads

for me, sex is a participation sport.

The way I look at porn, If I am by myself watching porn it only serves to remind me that I am by myself and not getting laid which hardly is going to cheer me up and if I am with somebody, why the fuck am I going to waste my time watching other people fuck when I could be spending that same time fucking the girl in bed with me?

I am a minority too,I do not see it of course as I remove my glasses in bed but I rather be the one doing the moaning. Even regular television bothers me. I have to ask to close it when there is the news on...music is fine...

Not being able to see in the bedroom without your glasses would be an asset in your business given the large number of fat/bald/ugly customers.  

if I'm trying to have sex with someone and watch porn at the same time. Not to mention the obvious: we may be into completely different types of porn. The type of porn I like might turn off my client and have him question my childhood :D
And usually when I'm watching it, I skip certain parts if I just don't like the position. I'm kind of picky.

JakeFromStateFarm236 reads

While I have watched porn a few times with a girl, I prefer to "make my own porno" by watching  us go at it in a mirror. i call that movie "Beauty and The Beast."

I don't mind one way or the other.  It doesn't do much for me personally but if it helps the gentleman get into the session I am all for it!  

Much of the time my back is going to be to the tv anyway, lol!

And nothing worse than trying to watch it for pleasure now lol. It's fake as hell and I don't find fake attractive.  If it's some raunchy homemade porn or amateur I'm down but 9/10 it's super cheezy and dries me up.

... everything else becomes background noise that I don't even consciously hear anymore.

I personally love porn so if one of my dates wants to watch some with me before we start on each other I am all for it.  I am not sure that it is always the best option for a fist date but stranger things have happened. It just becomes background noise and my main focus is our connection anyway.

Senator.Blutarsky139 reads

...but I'll answer anyway. I'm not a big fan of porn and definately not during a session. I prefer a romantic atmosphere... you know... soft candlelight, some smooth jazz playing in the background, a nice bottle of wine to share, and a beautiful lady to unwrap.

It would be like watching a cooking show on TV while trying to enjoy a meal.

..then I'm all for it. Cheesy mainstream porn doesn't do much for me and might be more distracting than arousing. Also, when it comes to "kinky" or "taboo" themes in porn, it is crucial to check-in about the limits of the companion you're visiting. Even if the two of y'all aren't engaging in a particular type of play, witnessing it on a TV or computer screen could be unsettling.

Sometimes, it's an excellent addition to the play. Specially if we are in a multi hour (3-4 hours) session, adding some visuals to enjoy together and sometimes get to fantasizing about joining the fun or doing the same positions that the actors are in.

Hearing the moaning of a woman in Porn turns me on!

I have watched porn on a few occasions, as the client had it on and just wanted it to set the mood I guess.  
I have nothing against it and it's exactly whatever the client wants and makes them happy.

of porn during session.   I never go to the trouble of asking a Provider to have it on but there is one special lady who just automatically always has it on in the background and it is one of the big reasons i keep going back to her.  

ROGM118 reads

The motel I see my current young provider at has a porn channel. I usually have it on to set the mood. At times she glances at the TV while we're playing.  

I'm not opposed. It isn't my go-to, but I always have some available!

In the old (DVR) days, had some fun fast forwarding and then doing whatever they were doing on the screen.  Repeat as necessary.  Suppose that could work in DVD and on-demand cable worlds too.

As for watching it during a session, I'm focused elsewhere.

WICardinalfan72 reads

Anything on the TV is a great big distraction during sex.......both in my private and hobby life.  

However, watching two girls go at it while all three of us are in bed, that is the kind of live porn I love.  I can join in whenever I want!

I have not tried a husband and wife team....not sure about that one.  I have noticed more and more couples popping up on P411, so there must be a demand for it.

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