TER General Board

I would ask more questions. :-)
Zak0326 33 Reviews 1141 reads
1 / 35

The only way I know how to do this is to throw out names of people I have seen and people I want to see who I would consider similar.  

How would you compare Hollie of Miami to Ashley Ann Taylor. I know ATT has the best chest of any women I have ever seen.
How would you compare Roxie Heart Miami vs Mel B of Philly. I know Roxie Heart Miami is the GND with a tush to die for
How would you compare Ally Vixen to Erin Bradford? I know Ally Vixen is the best provider in NJ who I have seen and she throws a hell of a session

Is it fair to compare a $200 provider with a $700 provider?

Is it even possible to compare two different ladies?

What are your thoughts on this

GaGambler 401 reads
2 / 35

and of course you can compare a $200 hooker to a $700 hooker, but the $700 hooker starts off needing to seriously out perform the $200 by a large margin to justify the rate that's 3 1/2 times higher.

As for comparing women at the same price point, with similar review scores, a lot of that just comes down to a matter of taste and that should be accounted for in any such discussion.

some-guy 6 Reviews 339 reads
3 / 35

... I think it's fair game. Considering it's a review site. And the idea is to get an idea what the various strengths and weaknesses are of the various gals. Or rather ... what the subjective differences are so that you can make an informed choice.

However, out of respect to the ladies, who I imagine don't appreciate being talked about like they are possessions ... I tend to keep these conversations in the back-channel. I mean ... it's pretty easy to check out the reviews of a particular gal, and then just reach out to some of her reviewers via Private Message. Then you can have a more direct and open discussion.

Just to give an example, I have a back channel "TER friend" who has really similar taste as myself (i.e. we are both "ass men" and don't care too much for too many tattoos), so I particularly value his opinions and he mine.
Posted By: Zak0326
The only way I know how to do this is to throw out names of people I have seen and people I want to see who I would consider similar.  
 How would you compare Hollie of Miami to Ashley Ann Taylor. I know ATT has the best chest of any women I have ever seen.  
 How would you compare Roxie Heart Miami vs Mel B of Philly. I know Roxie Heart Miami is the GND with a tush to die for  
 How would you compare Ally Vixen to Erin Bradford? I know Ally Vixen is the best provider in NJ who I have seen and she throws a hell of a session  
 Is it fair to compare a $200 provider with a $700 provider?  
 Is it even possible to compare two different ladies?  
 What are your thoughts on this?  

Zak0326 33 Reviews 289 reads
4 / 35

Let's say I want to see Mel B but the first 10 reviewers I saw I could only find one match of someone I have seen that the other guy has seen to compare. When he says the girl we have both seen was better what would be the next step see the girl I have the history with and choose not to go out of my comfort zone? I understand you can't compare a blond to a brunette but when you go back channel and he says the girls are the same am I to take that as see the girl I have a relationship with or go out of my comfort zone

nothrofboston 24 Reviews 305 reads
5 / 35

but I don't play in the $5,6,700 playground. My two experiences with $500 escorts came at a great rate for extended stay with both with double the time OTC. Tough for me to compare laterally.

As for the $250/300 types, I have a few ATFs that I wouldn't stop seeing for the world. But the two $500 gals were otherworldly, while the values, they just ROCK my cock.  

So it's fair, but I only share names on PM. Is it unfair, not if the differentiation is respectable and classy. My style and not judging anyone else's.  

I'm management, I'm here to help. And learn.

nothrofboston 24 Reviews 266 reads
6 / 35

Is how I might play it if money wasn't an issue. I love fucking ad much as anyone. Why not? What else holds,any of us back except time. I certainly have the time.

hammerhead896 46 Reviews 233 reads
7 / 35

For me I mainly compare price, the girls menu, skills and over all attitude and yes I do judge a girl harder at 700.00 a hr compared to 200.00 which is the way it should be and if the girls don't understand that then they need to either drop their rates or do something else for a living. By the way most of the truly great girls love the challenge of being the best and deserving the most and god do I love them for that!

rembrnad0284 12 Reviews 251 reads
8 / 35

Qualities are pretty subjective and preference can differ from person to person, or for an individual from day to day (some times you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't).  I think this is more a matter of distinguishing than comparing.

Quality is a lot closer to an objective determination, and that is certainly worth comparing if you are shelling out what the average American earns in a week for a few hours of fun.  We comparison shop for just about everything, because no one wants to pay top dollar for something substandard, and everyone loves hitting a home run without breaking the bank

JustMyPOV 236 reads
9 / 35

Every time I make an appointment I am making a comparison...choosing between ladies I know and those the have spiked my interest. Hooking up is also a matter of availability....say holding out for an ATF or going with what's easy. It's situational.

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 215 reads
10 / 35

Beyond that, I don't see any reason to think in terms of comparison.

BigPeterJohnson 39 Reviews 227 reads
11 / 35

why can't you compare a blonde to a brunette?  these girls aren't cookie cutter knick knacks you buy at wal-mart, there's a whole galaxy of individual facilties that you (should) keep in mind when seeing, enjoying and later reviewing their performance.

i don't like tattoos on a girl.  however i have seen more than a couple of ladies who happened to have tattoos but otherwise rocked my world.  there is one lady i saw who gave the very best bbbj i ever received, but was not as good at a few other things (still pretty nice, though).  i still see other girls, even though i've yet to get a bbbj as good as that lady.  compare them?  yes, no, maybe so.

there's absolutely no way you can hold these ratings to be hard and fast, because (a) you're rating analogue human beings on a digital scale and (b) it's all subjective.  

personally i don't try to find ladies with reviews with numbers similar to numbers on reviews of ladies i know.  kind of a long way around.

i take a lot of different aspects of a woman's total performance/presentation in mind, and if what i garner from the reviews matches up with what i'm looking for, i pull the trigger and contact the lady, and the rest is history.

sometimes i get a bum session, but not very much any more.  if i may suggest, don't stick hard and fast to the numbers, use them more as suggestions than regulations.
use the reviews and the ratings as guidelines, not hard and fast indicators

some-guy 6 Reviews 239 reads
13 / 35

Like what is it he likes about your current girl better? It may turn out that he just prefers a certain body type. Could even come down to something as simple as hair color, tattoos or piercings.  

If it sounds like you have similar tastes, then I might just trust his judgement and wait until you find someone better. Honestly, I don't see any reason to venture out of what is familiar to me unless the girl is just dynamite, and just as good as my current regular.  

But that's just me. My regular is so amazing that almost anyone I see would be a disapointment unless she was the reincarnation of Cindy Crawford at age 25. So I'm probably not the best guy to ask about this one. My regular provider is just incredible in every aspect.

ad4saf8 10 Reviews 226 reads
14 / 35

I've seen 4 providers that I will see again (well, 5, but she shows no signs of recent hobby activity & some signs of retreating from it after a long & storied career, so that's not likely to happen). My visits with each of them brought me great happiness, but dramatically different kinds of happiness. I'm not going to name names, or provide enough info for you to be able to infer who is who. I've seen providers with higher average scores than any of them, some multiple times, who ultimately provided me with less enduring joy.

At the end of the day, how a provider looks, or how she performed BCD - by the numbers - is a LOT less important than how we felt at the end of the session. Scores still matter, but they're just a useful "objective" metric, a starting point for "the hunt". Frankly, the text of our reviews matters more, because it reveals how we felt after the money had been spent, and hopefully, why. I'm in this for the happiness, not a provider's scores. And what makes one guy happy will be different than what makes another guy happy - and that's GOOD. What if I eliminated from consideration a provider whose average scores for appearance are less than 8? I'd have missed out on getting intimate with the woman I'd most like to look at, clothed or naked, every day until I die (so far). What if I eliminated a provider whose average appearance scores are less than 7? I'd have missed out on getting intimate (repeatedly) with a woman who expands my sexual abilities every time we meet, and who anticipates what I might be interested in & makes it happen. And does it really really well, every time (and whose appearance scores are clearly wrong).

It's all subjective.

As for comparing the $200 providers to the $700 providers, what are we comparing? Those are usually first hour rates. What matters to me are third hour rates, for reasons I described in another thread. I've settled into the 300/500/700 range, and that's a very happy place to be. If the price jump to third hour is higher than the jump to second hour, I don't suspect bad math, I suspect the provider isn't really interested in sessions that long. And I've learned that the hard way, lots of essentially wasted third hours. On the other hand, there's a provider whose 1 & 2 hour rates are higher than I'd normally consider, but whose third hour is only 100 higher - AND WE WILL MEET! I wonder what her fourth hour rate is?

There's nothing wrong with being a one hour guy, at some levels I wish that I could get guaranteed joy out of a one hour session. I generally can't - despite myself, I'm Tantric Guy. I totally don't get 30 minute guys, I'm not in college anymore - not that there's anything wrong with that, either. The hobby market sorts itself out. Everybody wins, if they find their happy place.

-- Modified on 1/26/2016 1:53:37 AM

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 241 reads
15 / 35

That's what we do I have a spinner that I use as the "gold standard" when I meet other spinners. Fair? I don't know and I don't care. She's also a bit more expensive than the usual for the area, but her menu is extensive, but I don't consider that in my comparison. I just judge her size, her attitude, and her energy. It's not fair to judge a hot Asian spinner with a very open menu, with a blonde and blue-eyed spinner who isn't sure  about CIM and shudders at the thought of Greek. But like it or not, that's what we do.  

It's easy to close my eyes during a BBBJ and narrow it down to two or three providers who are the best IMO.  
Some  are just naturally good

Lastly is price, a girl who is 500 + makes me think, I could have had a double, or two sessions with someone else . Call it buyers remorse or comparison, but it happens. Not all the time, not after every session, but enough.

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 285 reads
16 / 35

Every day we compare ourselves to something.
Every day we compare our clients to each other.
Every day we compare providers to ourselves.

I compare myself to other providers ALL the time. Especially if I am listening to advice. I can only go by the information I think I know about her, but if someone is telling me to do something, or change something up, I think about her goals vs my goals, and has she reached my personal goals the way I would want them reached in a certain amount of time. How fast did she get there?

Stuff like that.

Clients are being compared all the time by revenue vs effort spent
Married vs single - i.e. how much of my heart to give between dates
How many times they see me per year, and how far apart - so I know who to focus on now.
And a new one I learned from a cool person is how much average/potential annual revenue they bring in.

All of these things help us make decisions, which is why god gave us brains.

Sure, a woman doesn't want to be compared to other women in the industry, but it sure is nice when you feel like you're someone's favorite. But it's most likely not true, and if it is, it won't be true for very long lol!

The ability to compare things is something we were naturally wired to do. We do it all day, every day, in every decision, and ESPECIALLY when it comes to mating.

I think that's why women who realize that they can choose their clients, "Mates," it's healthy. Why shouldn't you be able to do the same?

That's why it irks me when a woman gets mad at a guy for seeing someone else. It hurts, and I know a few I'd be hurt if they gained a new "ATF", but I'm not going to force someone to have sex with me because he did something that was natural in the first place.

BigPeterJohnson 39 Reviews 208 reads
17 / 35
BigPeterJohnson 39 Reviews 257 reads
18 / 35

is that the ladies i see love to hear about what i do with other ladies.

you can bet in the civvie world if i told a girl i was sleeping with about the fantastic sex i had with another girl, i'd be out on my ear.

esports99 16 Reviews 233 reads
19 / 35
Fancy8888 See my TER Reviews 262 reads
20 / 35

Posted By: Zak0326
The only way I know how to do this is to throw out names of people I have seen and people I want to see who I would consider similar.  
 How would you compare Hollie of Miami to Ashley Ann Taylor. I know ATT has the best chest of any women I have ever seen.  
 How would you compare Roxie Heart Miami vs Mel B of Philly. I know Roxie Heart Miami is the GND with a tush to die for  
 How would you compare Ally Vixen to Erin Bradford? I know Ally Vixen is the best provider in NJ who I have seen and she throws a hell of a session  
 Is it fair to compare a $200 provider with a $700 provider?  
 Is it even possible to compare two different ladies?  
 What are your thoughts on this?  

Squeezetheorem 233 reads
21 / 35

Those particularly braggy reviews peppered with talk of sessions running over time or exaggerated orgasm counts can really set a girl up to disappoint others.  Lol   Indiscretion or lies about extended generosity with her time, menu, or personal life may well result in her becoming stricter or starting anew in another town

mojojo 1 Reviews 228 reads
22 / 35

I'm looking for a lady who is reasonably priced. I'm looking for one who is available when I am. One who trusts me. One who has great reviews, and a stable persona. One who can make little mojo stand on end. One who is generous with her time. One who is excited to see me, and this I can tell by her responsiveness. What I'm looking for is a hidden gem or two. And let's not even get into when I'm hot for a fetish, like giant tits, cimws, can daty for a full hour, or has a hairy pussy.  

So yeah, if I want all that, I have to compare ladies.  

Fancy8888 See my TER Reviews 263 reads
23 / 35

Posted By: Zak0326
The only way I know how to do this is to throw out names of people I have seen and people I want to see who I would consider similar.  
 How would you compare Hollie of Miami to Ashley Ann Taylor. I know ATT has the best chest of any women I have ever seen.  
 How would you compare Roxie Heart Miami vs Mel B of Philly. I know Roxie Heart Miami is the GND with a tush to die for  
 How would you compare Ally Vixen to Erin Bradford? I know Ally Vixen is the best provider in NJ who I have seen and she throws a hell of a session  
 Is it fair to compare a $200 provider with a $700 provider?  
 Is it even possible to compare two different ladies?  
 What are your thoughts on this?  
-- Modified on 1/26/2016 7:23:14 AM

mrfisher 108 Reviews 223 reads
24 / 35

To be able to compare and discuss?

Now if you mean naming other gals by name in an unflattering way, I'd say that is going a bit overboard.  I don't see the need for that

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 203 reads
25 / 35

Women I'd be jealous of IRL, but here I think "You saw HER, and you keep coming back to me? I must be doing something right." !!! I'm always thinking of it from a business standpoint. And I take that as a career level compliment.

Back in the day I didn't take that as a compliment, because I was new. So I'd have my feelings hurt back then. But once I really embraced what I was doing, I felt good about it.

Now, there are the clients I'm crushing on who rant and rave about how beautiful certain women are... and it can be sobering, but being sobered is good sometimes around here! lol.

wolverine3647 66 Reviews 205 reads
26 / 35
BigPeterJohnson 39 Reviews 191 reads
27 / 35

for those reasons and others, i have stopped mentioning in reviews when i get extra time for a lady.  first of all, it may not be a regular thing... sometimes i get extra time, and the next time i see her, i will be out the door right on schedule.

also i realize that girls spending extra time with me is between me and the girls... like when ladies give me a price break after seeing me a few times, or other perks.  i don't need to spread around the business arrangements i have between myself an specific women.

Squeezetheorem 211 reads
28 / 35

More of us would extend generosity, but have to worry about it biting us in the asses.  

I never mind comparisons to other girls unless the client is bashing on another girl he sees in attempt to flatter me.  It just makes me aware that he likely trashes me when with her. Heheh

Afro-desiac 186 reads
29 / 35
BigPeterJohnson 39 Reviews 212 reads
30 / 35

that's quite true.  what a guy says about other women with you, you can be he's saying about you with other women.

guys are pigs.

well except for me, and maybe big papasan

BigPeterJohnson 39 Reviews 174 reads
31 / 35

i have learned that even though i share my sexual adventures with other women with the girl i'm with, i never hold those others up as the standard.  instead the date i'm with of course is the most beautiful girl in the world, and the most fun to be with.

of course, it's a tiny fib, but no more than the performance you ladies give to us guys.  

i realize you are human beings with feelings, plus i have found that the more i compliment my date, the better she feels and the more she puts into the session.

if i saw you courtney, i might talk about other ladies i've been having fun with, but trust me you would be the focus of my desire for that hour and a half.  envelope aside, i truly believe that if my partner is having fun, i have more fun.

GaGambler 169 reads
33 / 35

but some animals are more equal than others. oink oink

BigPeterJohnson 39 Reviews 178 reads
34 / 35

it's always a pleasure to get a compliment from someone who actually reads literature, thank you sir!

IHeartLV 10 Reviews 200 reads
35 / 35

I really don't compare them physically or in terms of performance.  This is all done through the screening process.

My hobbling consists mainly of visiting with escorts in Las Vegas.  There have been about three who were so professional, great communicators and were punctual.  My last trip I saw the same escort twice in one week, along with a couple of other great providers, and it was my last day and I was going through TER and P411 to find another new provider to meet with.  Then it hit me.....I had a great session with the first provider I saw that week and I thought why in the hell am I looking for someone who in all probability won't be as professional and timely  as her.  We scheduled a session and I was more than happy that I called her back.  Honestly, taking the BCD stuff out of the equation, she was and is the best escort I have ever been with.

Looks and skill definitely count.  But give me a provider who is on time, courteous and professional and I'll always make a return visit

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