TER General Board

I wholeheartedly agree, and keep my mons pubis mostly unshaven in solidarity with your views...teeth_smile
butterflydust See my TER Reviews 1079 reads

...I do shave my labia, as gentlemen seem to prefer them smooth, but I really only do a very minimal amount of shaping and trimming on my mons pubis.  I love having fuzz there.  I shaved bare for the longest time, but started growing a landing strip after playing with another provider who had one.  Well, my landing strip grew and grew, and now it is more of a 'welcome mat.' ;-). I just shave around the edges to shape it into a sort of triangle, and occasionally trim it a bit.

I'll never go back!  I absolutely love it!  I enjoy playing with it - oftentimes out of sheer boredom (it's very soft), and believe it or not, it has a protective aspect that keeps my clitoris optimally sensitive!  I'm no longer all that attracted to bare genitals, myself, and definitely prefer a bit of hair in that area; not that I have anything against them, it's just a personal preference.

There have been some good threads over the last few days, including the one about racism on the Chicago Board.   I love to see people expressing their ideas on serious topics with respect for each other.  However, my topic today is much more important to our civilization, the hair on the kitty, or rather the lack of the former.

I grew up in the 1970s and it must have been 1977 or 1978 when I hit the jackpot, I found two Playboy magazines in my parents’ library.   Now, at 7 or 8 years old, I had no idea what I was looking at, but my adrenaline rush, along with my thumping heartbeat, put me on notice that whatever it was, it was gooood!!!    Yes, the breasts were a big part of it but the hairy bush hinted at something really naughty in those environs (remember, this was Playboy and it was not really graphic).

I don’t know about the rest of you, guys and gals, but I think the shaved kitty look has overstayed its welcome.   It is not simply an issue of not wanting to be reminded about what a pre-pubescent girl looks like, as I am definitely not into that, it is that just as the ladies do not like the 5 o’clock shadow, I don’t want to run into the lady version of the 5 o’clock shadow anymore.  I certainly don’t want the recent experience of the provider who screamed in pain at the slightest departure from the lips and clit because it “really burned.”    On the positive side, I guess I finally got someone to scream, but I am not sure that is how I wanted it to happen. Lol!    

My modest proposal is to let nature take its course.   Go ahead, have fun with it, the lady with the heart-shaped pussy I saw a couple of years ago made me laugh.    Anyway, it is nice to have something to look at down there, it is sensual, it is erotic, it helps some of us get going.   Now, I am not proposing a return to the 70s fully unkempt look, I don’t want to find the prior trick’s dentures or the spare keys to your car as I am munching away, it can be trimmed and manicured, just as we guys try to do for you ladies.

Frankly, I don’t even know why a woman would like to be totally shaved, *gulp*  waxed, in that area, but look, I am not unreasonable, if the shaved look must live on, can we at least compromise and make sure that the area is not going to be uncomfortable before a date?  :

I also prefer a shaved and clean pussy to do my exploring in though I will say and well trimmed patch can be quite nice :)

 To each their own though.

would feel compelled to wear my full Indiana Jones regalia.   I don't want a huge bush that becomes such an entity that you almost feel the need to name it.

As I also stated, if a lady does shave/wax, make sure it feels comfortable for you and the guy on date day.   In the session I  alluded to, all I could think about was "This girl is on fire" by Alicia Keys and it was not the good kind of fire.   At least internally I was laughin my ass off.  Now, if she had a sense of humor, I might have shared that with her, but she was lacking in that department.

...I do shave my labia, as gentlemen seem to prefer them smooth, but I really only do a very minimal amount of shaping and trimming on my mons pubis.  I love having fuzz there.  I shaved bare for the longest time, but started growing a landing strip after playing with another provider who had one.  Well, my landing strip grew and grew, and now it is more of a 'welcome mat.' ;-). I just shave around the edges to shape it into a sort of triangle, and occasionally trim it a bit.

I'll never go back!  I absolutely love it!  I enjoy playing with it - oftentimes out of sheer boredom (it's very soft), and believe it or not, it has a protective aspect that keeps my clitoris optimally sensitive!  I'm no longer all that attracted to bare genitals, myself, and definitely prefer a bit of hair in that area; not that I have anything against them, it's just a personal preference.

A woman is a woman, a prepubescent girl is a prepubescent girl. Believe me I was well aware of my changes. Especially when my lips came in. Removing the hair had become the norm but after many years of ruining outfits and having my lip caught once I stopped waxing and switched to the epilator. I have a tiny bit of a landing strip I keep fluffy. When I do my body to body slides there's no mistaking where my crotch is and it's a turn on for many because I move so fluidly it's hard to keep track which way is up or down. Bush does make it better but that's just my experience.

When I was young for some reason I was reluctant to put my underwear back on after swim lessons. There were a couple of memorable zipper incidents (ouch) that eliminated my reluctance finally.  

I think we should all promote zipper safety first!


I have never completely shaved it. For many years only buzzed it. As of the last year or so I've grown the top part out and keep the essentials clear and clean.  Most of the men I've seen really love it. Nice to know a woman can be a woman. :-)

Senator.Blutarsky766 reads

It definitely accents the rest of your ample assets perfectly... :)

Porno always leads the way, and started the trend toward bush-shaving.  But for the last year, more and more porn stars are letting their bush grow and hookers are following that trend.  Personally, I like a shaved pussy with a small amount of pubes above it.

GaGambler906 reads

It's rare to find a full bush today, and personally I hope it stays that way, but I suppose it's like keeping the leisure suit you bought back in the 70's, you just never know when it's going to come back in style, but just like the leisure suit, it full bushes never come back in style it will still be too soon for me.

Because they're a bit behind the times in Costa Rica and Texas

I enjoy daty and it's nice to not have to navigate a jungle. I appreciate that it's most likely the same for a woman, so I completely shave around cock and balls. I don't mind a landing strip or similar, but nothing unkempt.

Although I have to state that ladies should feel free to do whatever they want with their hair since it is on their body. And people like what they like.  

For me personally, I am a big fan of the trimmed and shaped, but very present on top and bare below, also known as the full bush brazilian. I've been wearing it this way for years and don't see it changing any time soon! I used have a few pictures posted showing it off and had clients who booked and later told me that seeing those pictures was the deciding factor in seeing me. So it seems those who like hair, REALLY like hair!

-- Modified on 11/10/2014 6:08:41 PM

You see the grooming of pubic hair as a more serious issue than racism?? Priorities, son!

GaGambler921 reads

Who would have thought that Chicago was full of worse racists than you find in the redneck state of Georgia?

and I vehemently disagree with the OP in regards to shaved kitties. I love shaved pussies, or at least well trimmed. As a courtesy to the ladies I see, I make sure I am well groomed down there. All I can say is that if you DON"T like DATY, just let that shit grow down there and I guarantee you, my mouth is going nowhere near the resulting jungle of hair.

I agree. Hair holds odor(s) and if it smellz then count me out. Thankfully most providers are damn near OCD on keeping their junk clean. We thank you for that ladies. That's a pretty uncomfortable conversation to have for everyone involved when you're trying not to puke, but few things can compare to the smell of a really sick kitty caused by those silly kids that think you can go from ass to vjay j (just like in porn.)You can, but you have to pay the piper ... and it smelled so bad that he left and didn't roll down the car windows ... Bastard! good times.

Mind_over_Matter873 reads

Probably expected worse racism in Chicago because even MLK Jr recognized it.  After many actions in Southern states, it was after a march on the Southwest side of Chicago in 1966 that Martin Luther King Jr said he had “never seen as much hatred and hostility on the part of so many people.”  Watch some youtube videos of the crowds in South Boston during busing in the 1970s.  There is just something more vicious behind Northern racism.

On the lighter side, back to the OP's topic - I'll cast my vote with the well-trimmed crowd.  Smooth and bare below with a nicely shaped, well trimmed, small, soft patch above is ideal.  Nothing like soft, smooth, wet lips to lips along with the sensual visual that keeps the mind aware you are with a woman.

English is not my native language and only one of four languages I speak fluently.   Are you telling me that you actually thought that I truly meant that my comments about the shaved kitty are more important to civilization than conversations about racism?  Really?   You did not get the irony, the sarcasm?

Why are you picking a fight with me over nothing?   Did you enjoy your attempt at putting me down?  BTW, do let us know what term you will permit us to use instead of Kitty

Posted By: lbll
English is not my native language and only one of four languages I speak fluently.   Are you telling me that you actually thought that I truly meant that my comments about the shaved kitty are more important to civilization than conversations about racism?  Really?   You did not get the irony, the sarcasm?  
 Why are you picking a fight with me over nothing?   Did you enjoy your attempt at putting me down?  BTW, do let us know what term you will permit us to use instead of Kitty.    
I'm just saying you were being facetious, not ironic, so your telling me to look up the meaning of "irony" was erroneous.  

No one is picking a fight with you, and no one needs my permission to use certain euphemisms. All I said was that I don't like "kitty." It grosses me out.  


Yeah I'm like wait…what? Racism and pubes? It's just pussy, calm down everyone.  

Posted By: Tobi Telford
You see the grooming of pubic hair as a more serious issue than racism?? Priorities, son!

I shave my lips so you don't get hair in your mouth, but have a heart shaped bush on top.

ROGM870 reads

Makes a session more enjoyable. And it looks cleaner.

For those who appreciate a bald pussy, I love you for it.  Those who lasered there pubs, they are not growing back.  To those who look at my bald pussy and like bush just say....

-- Modified on 11/10/2014 5:47:15 PM

Senator.Blutarsky880 reads

Shaved, trimmed, or wild forest... As long as it's clean and smells fresh, I'm having me some... :)

I certainly admire and appreciate your baldness.  
Thinking about it now...

If you want big bush, go back to the 1970's. It belongs there. The shaved pussy is a thing of beauty and is much better to dine on. Besides, let's keep it shaved and keep crabs away.  

If you like bush then search for ladies with it or vote for one of them. Just keep your Chewbacca women away from me.  

Posted By: lbll
There have been some good threads over the last few days, including the one about racism on the Chicago Board.   I love to see people expressing their ideas on serious topics with respect for each other.  However, my topic today is much more important to our civilization, the hair on the kitty, or rather the lack of the former.  
 I grew up in the 1970s and it must have been 1977 or 1978 when I hit the jackpot, I found two Playboy magazines in my parents’ library.   Now, at 7 or 8 years old, I had no idea what I was looking at, but my adrenaline rush, along with my thumping heartbeat, put me on notice that whatever it was, it was gooood!!!    Yes, the breasts were a big part of it but the hairy bush hinted at something really naughty in those environs (remember, this was Playboy and it was not really graphic).  
 I don’t know about the rest of you, guys and gals, but I think the shaved kitty look has overstayed its welcome.   It is not simply an issue of not wanting to be reminded about what a pre-pubescent girl looks like, as I am definitely not into that, it is that just as the ladies do not like the 5 o’clock shadow, I don’t want to run into the lady version of the 5 o’clock shadow anymore.  I certainly don’t want the recent experience of the provider who screamed in pain at the slightest departure from the lips and clit because it “really burned.”    On the positive side, I guess I finally got someone to scream, but I am not sure that is how I wanted it to happen. Lol!      
 My modest proposal is to let nature take its course.   Go ahead, have fun with it, the lady with the heart-shaped pussy I saw a couple of years ago made me laugh.    Anyway, it is nice to have something to look at down there, it is sensual, it is erotic, it helps some of us get going.   Now, I am not proposing a return to the 70s fully unkempt look, I don’t want to find the prior trick’s dentures or the spare keys to your car as I am munching away, it can be trimmed and manicured, just as we guys try to do for you ladies.  
 Frankly, I don’t even know why a woman would like to be totally shaved, *gulp*  waxed, in that area, but look, I am not unreasonable, if the shaved look must live on, can we at least compromise and make sure that the area is not going to be uncomfortable before a date?  :)  

in the summer to wear those bathing suits. I doubt you saw bathing suits on ladies with pubes sprouting out everywhere. Agreed there was more hair down there but an unkept, unruly bush just looks ugly to me.

I have a well manicured area down there but I'm not bald.

Steph xoxo

if she feels sexy, it's all good. It's her expression of her own intimate preferences and tastes. I've never had a problem getting turned on or performing with bush or bare.  

I do confess to prefer at minimum a neat trim, or bare below and bush above.

Bare down there with a little dollop of hair up there. I used to have a landing strip but I can't wear my contacts or glasses in the shower and my strip got crooked, lol.

Steph xoxo

Pubic hair is an unsightly evolutionary oversight.

 Crabs, urinary over-spray, even possible particles of fecal matter? Eeewww!

  Trimmed to a sexy, pencil thin 'racing stripe' is one thing; but that is far more trouble than simply maintaining a hard-wood floor.

If you like munching on hair, go to the nearest barbershop in your neighborhood and get some. You can also try Brazilian Hot Wax places for some real Pubic Hair.

This way your craving is taken care off and rest of us who like shave pussy can DATY away.

Win win!


Posted By: lbll
There have been some good threads over the last few days, including the one about racism on the Chicago Board.   I love to see people expressing their ideas on serious topics with respect for each other.  However, my topic today is much more important to our civilization, the hair on the kitty, or rather the lack of the former.  
 I grew up in the 1970s and it must have been 1977 or 1978 when I hit the jackpot, I found two Playboy magazines in my parents’ library.   Now, at 7 or 8 years old, I had no idea what I was looking at, but my adrenaline rush, along with my thumping heartbeat, put me on notice that whatever it was, it was gooood!!!    Yes, the breasts were a big part of it but the hairy bush hinted at something really naughty in those environs (remember, this was Playboy and it was not really graphic).  
 I don’t know about the rest of you, guys and gals, but I think the shaved kitty look has overstayed its welcome.   It is not simply an issue of not wanting to be reminded about what a pre-pubescent girl looks like, as I am definitely not into that, it is that just as the ladies do not like the 5 o’clock shadow, I don’t want to run into the lady version of the 5 o’clock shadow anymore.  I certainly don’t want the recent experience of the provider who screamed in pain at the slightest departure from the lips and clit because it “really burned.”    On the positive side, I guess I finally got someone to scream, but I am not sure that is how I wanted it to happen. Lol!      
 My modest proposal is to let nature take its course.   Go ahead, have fun with it, the lady with the heart-shaped pussy I saw a couple of years ago made me laugh.    Anyway, it is nice to have something to look at down there, it is sensual, it is erotic, it helps some of us get going.   Now, I am not proposing a return to the 70s fully unkempt look, I don’t want to find the prior trick’s dentures or the spare keys to your car as I am munching away, it can be trimmed and manicured, just as we guys try to do for you ladies.  
 Frankly, I don’t even know why a woman would like to be totally shaved, *gulp*  waxed, in that area, but look, I am not unreasonable, if the shaved look must live on, can we at least compromise and make sure that the area is not going to be uncomfortable before a date?  :)  

Panthera12849 reads

You forgot the local wig store.

Stickythong874 reads

Try going through the fall and winter at a Midwestern corn college in those day's. Those things got huge. I swear those girls needed a Brush Hog, to trim up before spring break bikini season. Man you could lose small house pets in one.

No thanks, fashion and inflation weren't the only bad thing in the 70s.

Skyfyre966 reads

Um I don't eat anything that still has hair, feather or scale on it so why should pussies be any different? LOL

I don't know...for me "giner" is the one that makes me cringe.  I kinda like "kitty".

Here's a little tune that offers a banquet of choices, so let's vote on a successor and call it a day.

ChiTownHeaux736 reads

-- Modified on 11/11/2014 2:17:50 PM

A"wookie" is a much nicer name ... everytime I hear some fuktard saying "cup". I think of "my cup runneth over" .... ewwwww

Posted By: Tobi Telford
After "cup," it's the cringiest euphemism.

responses, some better than others but some really did make me laugh.    That being said, I did not say that I wanted to be munching on three feet worth of pubic hair, I am concerned about the group's reading comprehension.  Now, if I were to encounter a pubic hair in my chicken picatta, I will grant you that I would not be pleased, but as far as what can go wrong when being intimate with someone else, a stray hair does not register on my list of horrors.

Incidentally, for those of you worried about fecal matter, etc., you can find that shit, pun intended, in that two or three day growth of pubic hair.   As a bonus, you do know it is possible to have a bit of pubic hair and keep it clean, right?  

Back to the reading comprehension thingy, yes, I prefer a little bit of well kept hair, just enough to have something to look at.  However, if that is not possible, can it just be taken care off so that it is not uncomfortable to anybody

All you naysayers don't know what you're missing.  ;)

People who think public hair is inherently dirty must not take many showers.  :O

I'm really into my wild curly bush and my lovers are too!  If you don't like the bush, I assume we will never meet (thank god!)  :D

I keep all my other body hair too!  Armpit hair, leg hair, nipple hair, toe hair!  Yum yum yum.  :)

To each this own.  I think you're cute as hell and I like the way you post, but that jungle you're sportin' down there is a deal-killer for moi!
To each his/her own.  It's all good.

I'll be sure to call you up if I decide to get waxed someday.  Now that would truly be a "special" occasion.

I shaved for my first three years of providing tho.  You missed it by about a year!  ;)

When you're ready to get waxed, get in touch.  I'll schedule a waxing same time/same place, then we'll go fuck! :)

That's some kinky shit, inicky.  I'd have to charge a lot for that!  ;)

You said you had a tiny, shallow pussy.  We would have an issue with "fit." Oh, well!

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