TER General Board

I was just talking to you. It was a reply to your post.
perfectstorm 19 Reviews 333 reads

You commented that it was "strange" that your post was pulled since it linked to a public site. I was explaining it is not "strange" at all, but just TER's king standing rules.
I also saw your original post before it got pulled, and as soon as I saw it, I knew it was going to be pulled.

bigsky1686 reads

According to the following site:


of course, would you get on a plane if it had a 3 to 14 percent chance of crashing?  Personally, these odds suck.  As many men as high volume providers see, this is like looking for trouble.

JackDunphy558 reads

You are also not figuring additional prophylactics people may be using so your 3 to 14 % comment is grossly overstated.

You further hurt your point by comparing it to a plane crash which is almost always fatal.

Only you can decide what your risk tolerance should be, but, imo, you should base it in facts and not use fear mongering to try and make your points.

Everything in life carries risk. People were killed last week or so when a plane crashed in their house.  

The benefits of sex with a partner far outweigh the risk for most.

If they don't for you, dont do it

bigsky483 reads

my point is, we need more truth in advertising all the way around.  I may be overstating but I guarantee you providers are understating.  as with most cases, the truth is somewhere between but I personally believe fewer men would take these risks if they thought with the big head.

JackDunphy470 reads

Of course I agree with need more truthful advertising from the gals. That will always be the case in every business though and not unique to p4p.

But what did you mean when you said "providers are understating".  

Understating what, exactly?

bigsky506 reads

is it really in their interest to fully disclose ALL risk?  And, I really would understand if they did not, since for most of them this is not a hobby as it is for the guys.

JackDunphy442 reads

The guy should assume the worst and prepare for it. I don't rely on the gal to tell me her STD status. I take the proper precautions and so should you.  

You are asking too much from the "business side" of the deal i.e. the escorts if you expect them to divulge their most private health issues.

That's none of our business

bigsky398 reads

I think if I am gonna roll in the hay with someone STD positive it is my business.

kazz365 reads

at preventing STD's and with all the free time you'd have left in the session you could ask them all your questions . If your that worried about it maybe this is the wrong hobby for you . Nothing is 100% in life except death & taxes . Now I'm off to the free clinic for my penicillin shots :)

-- Modified on 1/14/2015 11:40:26 PM

-- Modified on 1/14/2015 11:42:00 PM

Senator.Blutarsky421 reads

Based on my experience, I don't believe this and will continue to have fun with the fine ladies here... TYVM.

89Springer435 reads

I posted a thread here a few days ago, but it was pulled because it named names. (Strange, since I was linking to a public site that had the story with the names, but anyway...)

A year or two ago, a guy attended an orgy party. Lots of people there. Condoms were worn, but he nevertheless contracted herpes. So, he files a report with Ripoffreport.com, saying that the event was misrepresented as being "safe". He named a lot of people, including a couple of providers whose names I recognize from reviews on TER.

Funny that he wouldn't chalk it up to the odds of contracting herpes when you're in sexual contact with dozens or maybe even hundreds of sexually active people in the span of several hours.

That includes links to news stories, blacklists sites, etc. Doesn't matter if it's publicly searchable on google. It is not allowed here. It violates TER rules on "outing."

89Springer283 reads

If it was intended for me only, I now know all that. You were nicer in your explanation of the rules, though. ;)

You commented that it was "strange" that your post was pulled since it linked to a public site. I was explaining it is not "strange" at all, but just TER's king standing rules.
I also saw your original post before it got pulled, and as soon as I saw it, I knew it was going to be pulled.

He's bombarding several boards here with his lame posts about condoms and STDs.  He's clearly picked up a few and is upset.

emsjhs2009493 reads

with the amount of P4P happening, there has to be several cases of providers getting knocked by a client.  that is why I did not enter the hobby until I had a vasectomy !!!

I've never seen a provider's ad stating risk statistics, and I have no reason to assume that any significant number of the ladies have degrees in epidemiology or microbiology so I would not rely on their guarantees if offered.  

If anyone drives risk taking, it is the mongers who talk about their own actions.  After your read a whole bunch of threads about DATY, BBBJ, etc, it is natural to assume that since "everyone" does it then it must be relatively safe. I've read a bunch of articles on STD risk and decided what I'm comfortable with. And I get STD screening periodically.

an anti-hobby mission?  If you add up all his/her posts on the various boards, sounds that way to me.

-- Modified on 1/15/2015 10:48:19 AM

The stop having sex probably should have happened one generation earlier.

-- Modified on 1/16/2015 11:56:46 AM

would they be 86 to 97 percent effective at keeping you away from your keyboard?

Glad you found it and informed everyone. Better to be informed 50 years late than never.

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