TER General Board

I was in Vegas and couldn't STOP noticing hookers...
MissMarieM See my TER Reviews 324 reads

Even though I was there on a "date!" Ha!

What's more, a couple of times my date pointed them out, without even a touch of irony in his voice. Fabulous. :)

Between work travel and now single again, I find myself eating at the bar either
at the hotel or even a nice steakhouse.

It's easy to see the providers rooms as I go to mine....
The do not disturb on at 2:00pm and the 2 bags of towels outside the door.

I'm fairly confident I can recognize them at the bar.  

I swear, I'm going to go up to one and ask if I can buy them a drink? Your thoughts if any?
and see how they react!! LOL

Do you think you can spot them?

Your thoughts if any?

hidden560 reads

The red soles and the "SLUT" t shirt is a dead giveaway. Let us know how that black eye is doing ...😈

Posted By: escalade1964
Between work travel and now single again, I find myself eating at the bar either  
 at the hotel or even a nice steakhouse.  
 It's easy to see the providers rooms as I go to mine....  
 The do not disturb on at 2:00pm and the 2 bags of towels outside the door.  
 I'm fairly confident I can recognize them at the bar.  
 I swear, I'm going to go up to one and ask if I can buy them a drink? Your thoughts if any?  
 and see how they react!! LOL  
 Do you think you can spot them?  
 Your thoughts if any?  

FatVern406 reads

Just the yesterday I saw a guy wondering through the hotel carrying a glass of wine.

Yes, he had to be a john.

A couple of weeks ago, more than half the rooms on my floor left the "do not disturb" sign on the door all the time.  And no, we didn't have multiple providers all booking at a group rate, in a block, to save $$.  LOL.

Even when I'm travelling with family, we usually leave the DND on the door all the time, unless we really need something from housekeeping.  

As to the towels, really?   Are the providers you meet really so foolish?

I normally bring extra towels with me (especially washcloths and hand towels) and never, ever would I leave them outside the door.  That never even occurred to me.

They're also out-of-sight inside my room too.    

And I certainly don't hang out in the hotel bar, nor do I personally know any ladies who would be so indiscreet.  


I'm getting the feeling you don't think very highly of the average provider's intelligence. Or that you just plain don't think very highly of us, period.   ;-)


Well two bad eyes will make him look like a raccoon ... a dumb one

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
I doubt he thinks period.

FatVern360 reads

I thought he was black?

... or to make this joke work, a coon?

 Well two bad eyes will make him look like a raccoon ... a dumb one  
Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
I doubt he thinks period.

FatVern360 reads

Sometimes they are meant to be sophomoric, and or down right rude and crude.

This is what passes for comedy, in the world of mainstream comedy. Have you ever seen or heard some of things on any mainstream comedy outlet?... Do these things offend you? (I'm not suggesting I have what it takes to make it in MS comedy, I'm not even Jewish for starters)

My first reaction is to laugh at things presented in MS comedy. Than I often reflect, and say to myself that's a pretty fucked up thing to say. Than I usually move on because who has time to feel offended by the words of others?

Too be fair to escaled1964, I did mistakenly think he was RidgeTucky a poster who claims to be a black man. Although I am skeptical to that claim. Who ever it was said something about escalade receiving a black eye, or two, and something about a raccoon. That's why I made the joke.

Good God, you are long winded...

I wouldn't call your humor sophomoric, that would imply underlying intellect or at least some effort. If your sense of amusement relies solely on shock and offense, I think the more appropriate term would be "asinine." A joke is a statement or action meant to evoke laughter or amusement and your statement managed to fall short of both. I'm not here to debate mainstream comedic relief nor am I interested in your opinion on the matter; just stating facts: you. aren't. funny.

As for your post below, I have no idea who you are, your alter egos or what you're going on about. Skimming through your posts of the last few hours, you are the literary equivalent of stumbling upon the scent of a corpse in the middle of a landfill--just when you thought it couldn't possibly get any worse...

FatVern322 reads

You can interpret my humor any way you wish.  

Here is the definition of the word I was using, which happens to be long winded as well, and no I didn't write it.  

coon   

A coon is a black actor or actress, who takes roles that stereotypically portrays black people. They think theyve made it but they are slaves to the same images. A.k.a sellout  
 It comes from the term baracoons (a cage), where they used to place Africans, who were waiting to be sent to America to be slaves. They had no idea of this, so some of them were even eager waiting in the baracoons.  

Examples- Roles or advertisements were black people:  
-play basketball  
-rap about a product  
-are obsessed with money or chicken  
-have a lot of video hoes  
-have names that show that they are black (kwame, darnel, any two capital letters (JT, TJ, AJ, TC, JJ), any female name ending in a "qua",  

excessively use old terms we made up like  
-woo wee  
-bling bling  
-im da man, you da man  
-thats wack yo  
-or anyterm that white people have begun to acknowledge, use and accept.  
-(I hope you get the idea- this happens everyday)  

Black guy on commercial or in movie: Woo wee! Boy do I love me some chicken, where da Koolaid at?  

Person watching: What a coon!

As a matter of fact why don't you go anywhere an call a black person that. I can promise you the reaction won't be funny. You picked up the ONE definition on urban dictionary and left out the ones that say it's a racial slur and insulting of a derogatory word. It's been around a lot longer than rap. BTW I'm done 'cause you are TSTTT anymore. You have NEVER been funny under any of your handles.

-- Modified on 11/21/2015 3:00:55 PM

FatVern312 reads

Listen, if I wanted to call a black man any racial slur I would. However I don't have the desire to do so. I'm not sure why anyone would take offense even if I chose to do so, it's only a word...

The definition of the word I used, came directly from a hip hop song that was written and sung by a black man. I was a little perplexed by the lyric, as like you I've always though t the term to be a racial slur. The way the word is used in the song, fits the definition I posted.

Yes I'd say it's that in that context it's still a racial slur, just one that has a different meaning.  

Have you looked up the word barracoon? The definition is the same as what is listed in the UD definition I posted. I posted the link below, the very same online dictionary doesn't list the origin of the word coon, perhaps the racial slur itself comes from the word barracoon, but the only place I learned this was UD.

... and Steph, you can't quit me.

FatVern301 reads

Are you sure you aren't jilted by my responses to you when I used the handle JohnyComeAlready. I could be wrong, but I think it was you saying some things that just sounded like marketing nonsense when I read it... I responded and asked, what were you talking about?

When I read that, it just sounded like something a publicist would say. I didn't personally care for it, but that was my opinion, and my opinion alone. This post only confirms my suspicion of your other post. I could be right, or I could be wrong. You can do business any way you wish, but sounding bitter over a few words won't do anyone any good.

hotplants319 reads

you just referred to the OP as a 'coon'; ostensibly, because you think the OP is a black guy, and you were playing off another comment about the OP having two black eyes, like a raccoon.  

Bad joke however you slice it; funny, sophomoric, whatever. Meh. There is no shortage of bad taste round here.  

But, the only way this could possibly get more blindly stupid is you responding to someone who doesn't think your joke was funny, by asserting that she is bitter and feeling jilted by any of the other astoundingly stupid things you've said under another alias. (and, that well is deep).

jilted? by a comment from JohnyComeAlready? really?...She can do business any way she wishes...?  

How many times have you changed your handle, and you're still you? I'll give you consistency....lol..

Posted By: DebbieNoonerGirl
It's easy to see the providers rooms as I go to mine.... The do not disturb on at 2:00pm and the 2 bags of towels outside the door.
As to the towels, really?   Are the providers you meet really so foolish?
I saw a very clever provider dressed as a chambermaid putting a bag of towels and linen outside her door. To further sustain the illusion of innocence, she went to another room, her backup room no doubt, and put out another bag of laundry. She wasn't my type: a bit of a frumpy MILF, no makeup, plain hair. Otherwise, I would have waited around for her to change into her hooker clothes and head to the bar where I would have asked her for a meeting ... or if she has a daughter

From what I have seen on this board, as a newbie, successful escorts have the same skills I learned in an MBA program.  Strong marketing skills, gotta watch cash flow, gotta know enough IT to build and maintain a web site, know enough business law to operate, and know enough about healthcare to protect themselves.  There was a book years ago called "What they don't teach you at Harvard Business School."  An escort should, after 20-30 years in the business, write a business oriented book explaining how lessons learned in the business can be applied in other industries.  Would be a fascinating read from an intellectual point of view, and an R rated version could be the sequel, with names of the innocent protected.

We hit it off on all cylindars. Tons of chemistry. Very straight-forward girl. Confident, sexy, the whole deal.

I was trying to play it cool and be the gentleman, but when even the slightest hint of getting a hotel room came up, she was just all in. Zero hesitation.

When I got her clothes off and things started getting interesting ... I swear she was TOO GOOD at it. I mean ... this girl acted like a pro. Delivered like a pro. Provided the entire experience. The way she carried herself, the way she went after what she wanted ... how in-tune she was with herself sexually ...

She HAD to be a professional. I mean ... I've had enough civie sex and enough provider sex to know what each feels like. And to me, there was just no denying what this particular encounter felt like.

So to throw my 2 cents in to the equation ... I would say that there was no way of knowing until I actually got her in the sack. I honestly just don't spend enough time around providers in social situations ... and when I have, they were pretty much indistinguishable from any other girl in the immediate vicinity. I think it's sort of a skill that they have to develop -- they have to blend in to the scenery and don't draw attention to themselves, lest they raise suspicion.

GaGambler334 reads

How to look like a "normal" woman???

Or have you ever considered the possibility, remote as it might be, that hookers were "normal" women before they ever became hookers?

Why do so many guys speak about hookers like they are of a completely different species than other women?

Go with it. At the bar, just slip your hand between her thighs and give her a wink and say "Lots of white envelopes today, eh? You look like you need a massage."

Your thoughts, if any?

hotplants284 reads

Posted By: dani987x
Go with it. At the bar, just slip your hand between her thighs and give her a wink and say "Lots of white envelopes today, eh? You look like you need a massage."  
 Your thoughts, if any?

VOO-doo453 reads

1. She checks in wearing business casual attire, a bun, and possibly glasses. No makeup.

2. She has a discreet suitcase and a nondescript purse.

3. She brings her own wine glasses, refreshments, toiletries, extra towels, etc...and she takes then with her when she leaves  

4. She leaves no telltale trash in the room (condom wrappers, wine bottles, burned-out candles etc. are all disposed of elsewhere)

5. She uses only hotels that do not require a key card to access the elevator. She does not meet her guests in the bar area or restaurant (unless, she has booked the hotel for one client only)

6. If she accumulates used towels, she stores them safely out of eyesight until the next day, when they are placed in the bathroom or somewhere else for the maid to collect

7. If she has a break and decides to eat at the hotel bar or restaurant, she is dressed discreetly...she will use a laptop, or perhaps answer emails on her phone. She does not flirt with hotel patrons. She acts as any business traveler would.

8. In short, she does not look or act like a hooker...because, she does not want to attract any attention

Hnnnnng313 reads

I walk behind them and drop an empty white unsealed envelope, making sure it makes a noticeable sound then go and hide in some bushes. If she picks it up and searches around for the presumably missing bills DINGDINGDING shes a pro!!!

EmmaCorey318 reads

If I'm sitting alone, perhaps on a 'break', and you offered me a drink, I'd love it.  
I'd take it as a compliment.

Try looking around in casino bars. LOL

Even though I was there on a "date!" Ha!

What's more, a couple of times my date pointed them out, without even a touch of irony in his voice. Fabulous. :)

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