TER General Board

I was hoping that she'd get me freebies to her next comedy gig
Dr Who revived 807 reads

But then I found out she was the opening act at a Bill Cosby act.

And I expect that in ABQ that isn't going to go too well.  

She did say that she'd watch Cosby eat curry however.
Posted By: GaGambler
What if we were all "nice" to her today, she might interpret that "niceness" as a tacit admission that we bought into her ridiculous bullshit. So then when at some point we stopped being "nice" she would have this huge shock to her system and start thinking to herself "Well they were so nice yesterday, I wish they would make up their minds"

See, I am actually doing her a favor by letting her have it today instead of giving her false hopes that we are going to believe the bullshit of some BSC hooker, pretending not to be a hooker at all (wink wink) lmao

Pablito2641 reads

i have had a few appointments suddenly cancel on me over the last couple months without providing an explanation.  

On another thread I read about blacklisting.  

I reviewed one provider pretty poorly just before this started a few months ago for poor performance (up charge, cut time short).  Could I be blacklisted? How would I find out? Are there websites that track this stuff? Like checking your credit rating!

There are hundreds of blacklists out there. In my area we have a private blacklist for the local ladies. You will never find it via google. Some douchbags out there try to circumvent the blacklist by changing their information but it doesn't work unless you get a new gal who doesn't know her ass from her head.  Just a few tips to stay off of anyone's blacklist:

1) Don't leave detailed reviews. That is such a stupid part of our culture here. Just say whether it is a safe place to be or not a safe place to be. Period. Reviews are meant to verify that a person will neither harm nor arrest you.  
The rest is cannon fodder for the LE.

2) Don't be a douch bag. EVER! Even if the lady in question is being a douch bag. Just move on and find someone better. The real asshole providers don't last long in this business.

3) Become an excellent judge of character. I rarely see bad guys because I can spot them within the first email. Most of the time.

4) Have boundries and respect the boundries of others.  

5) Don't expect the lady to risk herself for your money. Some will. Some of us will not.
6) Keep your expectations in check. Fantasy does not usually translate into reality well. A lot of people on here are asking for illegal and, sometimes, dangerous services. No one trusts anyone else. There is often a complete lack of empathy on everyone's part.

dakine181140 reads

Care to elaborate on that one?

So, you break the law then write about it online? No elaboration needed.

dakine181036 reads

we have to warn each other about ROB's and also impart what services are REALLY available, since some providers aren't very honest about their menu.

If you can't handle that reality, maybe its time for another line of "work".

dakine18936 reads

Posted By: licentiouslady
I don't need a new line of work. I do just fine.

I offer greek but I let the guy know that if he is porn size, he isn't getting it.  

I also was giving oral to someone and he shot out w/o warning into my face and hair.  I took things in stride but don't want that again.

I have also become friends with a client to the point we know each other's real name and are facebook friends and he asked me for a two girl show.  That isn't offered to guys I don't/barely know

Some services get accepted in stride as I will never offer/want rimming but some of my past lovers go down on me anyways and since I have known them for years, I just go with not thinking of where their mouth went when they go back to kissing me.

GaGambler1070 reads

On a fucking review site of all places???!!!

You aren't the sharpest tool in the shed, are you?

I suppose you frequent bars and tell the patrons there not to drink as well??? lol

MrRate1130 reads

Who are you to talk to her like this? She has a 7/7 review. You don't. Sir.

GaGambler1006 reads

and don't call me Sir. lol

MrRate1016 reads

Apology accepted, please don't let it happen again. I note your request. Have a good rest of your Sunday.

GaGambler1001 reads

and yes, he would have a great time with a woman this foolish.

I wonder what are the odds of any of our BSU candidates taking her "under their wings" Do you think even tidwit could bring himself to defend her?

That way Rod can PM her...teach her how to use the boards and make friends.

Then she can tell him all about her problems in life...and he'll feel good about helping her see the light.

What can possibly go wrong?

Posted By: GaGambler
and yes, he would have a great time with a woman this foolish.

I wonder what are the odds of any of our BSU candidates taking her "under their wings" Do you think even tidwit could bring himself to defend her?

There should be a resource to protect yourselves but no, I don't think leaving the gritty details is a smart way to go about it.  

Having strangers call me stupid and make fun of me for bringing up a real concerns shows a lack of empathy. Which is why I use these boards. Regardless, to each his own. I do predict that these 'review sites' will vanish in the coming years if we don't start using them wisely.

Also, an escort doesn't offer sexual 'services', they offer their time. Hinting to anything else is irresponsible. I have sex with men because I want to. They pay me for a massage. If I don't like the look of that dick, me no love you long time. We do have the right to choose. Just because a woman has a review saying she did this or that doesn't mean she will do it for YOU.

There's only a few guys on these boards that would even think that sex with a woman advertising on a sex mall would have sex with them.

The rest of "us" know that it's just foolish to think that any woman would openly advertise sexual services.

What does a happy ending mean?  Is there laughing involved?


Posted By: licentiouslady
There should be a resource to protect yourselves but no, I don't think leaving the gritty details is a smart way to go about it.  
 Having strangers call me stupid and make fun of me for bringing up a real concerns shows a lack of empathy. Which is why I use these boards. Regardless, to each his own. I do predict that these 'review sites' will vanish in the coming years if we don't start using them wisely.  
 Also, an escort doesn't offer sexual 'services', they offer their time. Hinting to anything else is irresponsible. I have sex with men because I want to. They pay me for a massage. If I don't like the look of that dick, me no love you long time. We do have the right to choose. Just because a woman has a review saying she did this or that doesn't mean she will do it for YOU.

GaGambler955 reads

Calling out stupid people for being stupid, now THAT is my strong suit. lmao

Let me guess, you are another hooker that is a MENSA member, right?

No, I have the same amount of intelligence that most people have.

I'd like to attend one and hear how none of what you do is illegal.

I'm sure it'll be an entertaining seminar  LOL

Also, consider adding in "What is a prostitute" as another seminar.  Many here would be enlightened.

Posted By: licentiouslady
No, I have the same amount of intelligence that most people have.

She has already told us that she's not a hooker.

Now be nice already  ;)

This is why we can't get new toys!

Posted By: GaGambler
Calling out stupid people for being stupid, now THAT is my strong suit. lmao

Let me guess, you are another hooker that is a MENSA member, right?

GaGambler852 reads

What if we were all "nice" to her today, she might interpret that "niceness" as a tacit admission that we bought into her ridiculous bullshit. So then when at some point we stopped being "nice" she would have this huge shock to her system and start thinking to herself "Well they were so nice yesterday, I wish they would make up their minds"

See, I am actually doing her a favor by letting her have it today instead of giving her false hopes that we are going to believe the bullshit of some BSC hooker, pretending not to be a hooker at all (wink wink) lmao

But then I found out she was the opening act at a Bill Cosby act.

And I expect that in ABQ that isn't going to go too well.  

She did say that she'd watch Cosby eat curry however.

Posted By: GaGambler
What if we were all "nice" to her today, she might interpret that "niceness" as a tacit admission that we bought into her ridiculous bullshit. So then when at some point we stopped being "nice" she would have this huge shock to her system and start thinking to herself "Well they were so nice yesterday, I wish they would make up their minds"

See, I am actually doing her a favor by letting her have it today instead of giving her false hopes that we are going to believe the bullshit of some BSC hooker, pretending not to be a hooker at all (wink wink) lmao

That would be awsome! Thanks, guys. I wish life were always this easy.

Sure, we should have discretion, but without some detail the reviews aren't useful.

Yes, my point was that discretion is important. Not sure why people are hating on me for that. I guess you have to hate somebody.

GaGambler972 reads

We most certainly don't hate you, and speaking strictly for myself, I hope you stick around.

That said, you say some really, really DUMB things. I just thought you should know. lol

I just think you needed a little friendly reality check.
You do see the absurdity of criticizing the most important part of reviews ON a review site, correct?
Reviews without detail would be like a restaurant reviewer saying "I liked the food" without specifying which dishes he tried.

I do see your point. I really do. I am just worried from a going to jail stand point. I never said you guys were bad for leaving detailed reviews. And, I was pointing out to the OP, in a graceless way, that the some providers will blacklist a guy for giving his honest opinion of her service, looks. etc.

I don't take the insults personally because I am very old and have been insulted before. They lose their sting with age. They do make for some unproductive conversation. Since, I am 'new' to this board my expectations were a little higher. Shame on me. I will learn to practice what I preach.

Panthera12926 reads

Even though you are just a rub and tug girl, what you did in your review was illegal.  

Look, go hit the newbie board and read up on what TER is all about. One thread, there was never a doubt.

GaGambler835 reads

but maybe we could make an exception for her.

She has the most potential to be fun since BSC Taylor left us.

Panthera12918 reads

herself on this board, especially at a "T" level. "T" was one of a kind, lol.

Perhaps if she goes to the newbie board, she will figure out that she is on The Erotic Review, not a Mary Poppins forum, but judging by her posts today she prefers to jump into the deep end of the pool before learning how to swim.

GaGambler919 reads

after having been here all of about 45 minutes, and then when called on it she doubles, even triples down on stupid, just like BSC Taylor.

Yes, we have the makings of a real star here, Now if she starts having delusions of Richard Gere type clients that all fall in love with her, we know that we've got ourselves a keeper. Not to mention that she about T's age as well.

Panthera121375 reads

It looks like she has scurried away from this thread. Perhaps she will be a true "T" and entertain us again tomorrow.

Chauncey Gardner839 reads

Come on.  If you personally don't want detailed reviews more power to you but if I have no idea whether a lady DFKs, allows CIM or otherwise performs as i would like her to then I'm moving on. You want a seat at the big kids table, these are the risks.

Here is what TER (a review site by the way) has to say about writing detailed reviews:

The Juicy Details section should be used to describe the provider, the experience, and whether or not you enjoyed it in graphic emotional and sexual terms. Don’t make this space a recap of the General section. Instead, go for a blow-by-blow tell-all of your session with the provider from your own unique point of view. Remember, your opinion matters! Both the General and Juicy details should be at least four lines long or (preferably) longer.

give guys info about a lady's services, others guy's experiences with her, a basic idea of her appearance (although some think that is a joke), so he can make an informed decision before spending the bucks to see her? It's not P411, DC or the other VERIFICATIN sites, it's a REVIEW site with juicy details in place. If a guy were to write a review as you've suggested, it would have a 99% chance of never seeing the light of day here.

So on that point I have to say NO. The rest of what you have said is of merit IMO.


I just went back and re-read her post after reading yours, and she does have some good points, but after posting not to write detailed reviews on a review site as her number 1 point, who is going to take the rest of her post seriously? Or even read it? :)

Keep the location description short.   Some reviews will report what subdivision a gal lives in if she does incall. I saw some reviews years ago where I could have figured out where she lived by the landmarks.  We don't need our neighbors knowing what we do.  

Don't be a douchbag?  Guys often start in this hobby because they have poor dating skills.  I have a page on my site where I tell them not to ask for greek etc on the phone because I sometimes answer my phone while in the grocery store checkout.
I also tell guys that the "I am not a cops" is useless so don't even say it.  Mind you.....I won't see these guys for some time but I explain why it is useless citing the Supreme Court verdict because many guys are ignorant of laws.  Since I have a paralegal diploma, I try to keep myself up for legal discussion via email only and then tell the guys if they want to see me, to get another email when we are through talking and I would see them in a couple months

HandleWithCare964 reads

TER's Acceptance Agreement, which pops up when you enter the site, states:

"... The writing contained in this site is in no manner intended to depict or describe, in a patently offensive way, sexual conduct specifically defined by the applicable state law. All information presented at this site is protected by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. This site is not intended for solicitation. We are not associated with anybody reviewed on this site. We do not receive any financial recompense from the ladies reviewed. These ladies are professionals, any money paid to them is for time and companionship only. Anything else that occurs is a matter of choice between consenting adults. Prostitution is illegal. It is illegal to sell or buy sexual services. You can give it away for free, but you can't sell it. Therefore, everything contained here is fiction and is for your entertainment and amusement only. ..."

So there you have it!  The reviews on TER are pure fiction, for entertainment and amusement only. Furthermore, it's clear that all reviews describe situations that were "for time and companionship only"--nothing illegal.

Thus there's no need to blacklist guys just for leaving a detailed review on TER. It's actually not a "stupid part of our culture here"--it IS our culture here!

But I do like your other advice.

Chauncey Gardner1040 reads

Don't write detailed reviews,  don't share whether a provider is a douchebag, don't,  don't,  don't. Maybe we customers should just send envelopes full of cash to a PO Box and hope that a lady might some day allow us to approach her and perhaps touch the hem of her garment.

MojoRizon1008 reads

Are you f**ing kidding me?  Don't leave detailed reviews. LOL....I'm dying.

Just to clear up any misconception for the newer members  ;)

And remember...if it's not in a review it never happened.

I know of some very reputable ladies not on TER. I do refer clients to them. Just not online.

One dude said he slept through an appointment, and after that he couldn't get a date with anybody until he joined P411 lol

I'm sure that I'm on more than a few BL sites...although it's more like DNS.  Some use BL when they really just mean they will DNS some dude(s).

Can't say I've ever had to come up with an "excuse" to bail on a confirmed date.  That has never been my style.  But I guess some gals simply don't like posts that I've put up over the years.  Yep...that's the truth   LOL

Posted By: Courtney.Ova
One dude said he slept through an appointment, and after that he couldn't get a date with anybody until he joined P411 lol

hdkgloiuyht1122 reads

I'm sooo stealing that idea! I can even see the ad with Charlie Sheen (of course!)
doing the dialog ...  

joking folks ... joking so save the hate mail ...please

Posted By: Pablito
i have had a few appointments suddenly cancel on me over the last couple months without providing an explanation.    
 On another thread I read about blacklisting.  
 I reviewed one provider pretty poorly just before this started a few months ago for poor performance (up charge, cut time short).  Could I be blacklisted? How would I find out? Are there websites that track this stuff? Like checking your credit rating!

BigloserMI1035 reads

There are small web sight I seen even advertize on backpage.

The any thing you say can be use scare her and she cancel on even the city or area.

Even more bigger pockets beet you. She would rather do a regular than some one she don't know.

There are many I'm aware of and even more than I'm not. The problem with the Internet is that people can post whatever they like, even if it's false, without any responsibility. On another side, if your negative review was objective and to-the-point (no demeaning language and personal attacks), then a smart provider wold not hold it against you. You absolutely have a right to post about your experience and that's why we are here on TER.

Looking at it from another angle: you might want to go with a different quality of providers. Cancelling happens a lot in this industry but great providers and considerate gentlemen do it much less. Personally, I do not cancel unless it's an absolute emergency. And I will be upfront with you if I have a concern. I believe, a customer deserves good communication and basic respect. Some just don't see it that way and don't care to communicate.


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