TER General Board

I want to watch Giada and her breasts cook Italian while I get a bj. -e-
skarphedin 744 reads


NewEnglandGangsta3208 reads

Why do some pretty-laydees ask to play their own weird music (through their shitty phone),  that us older crowd never even heard of?  Do they really think some gangsta rap about crack, weed, and hoes is supposed to get me in the mood?

Even when there's a perfectly good slow sex appropriate song playing from my laptop already, young hoes want to play that stupid fucking drug rap or hoe related rap. I know my type of music isn't a favorite among young prostitutes who like hoe rap, but I'm the one paying.

And second, because that's the music they have.

I suppose that being a gangsta and all you want to fuck to some 16-year-old rapper, but since you're sharing your sex life with a couple hundred other guys, some rough and tough gangsta types, and some just normal men, she probably thinks that tailoring her session music to suit your taste would be, ahem, a poor business decision.

The things you worry about and your lack of imagination on how to solve your problems is matched only by your utter lack of a sense of humor.

Epsilon_Eridani919 reads

... then you need to stop seeing the hoes from BP.

Haven't you figured this out, Sherlock?

Posted By: NewEnglandGangsta
Why do some pretty-laydees ask to play their own weird music (through their shitty phone),  that us older crowd never even heard of?  Do they really think some gangsta rap about crack, weed, and hoes is supposed to get me in the mood?  
 Even when there's a perfectly good slow sex appropriate song playing from my laptop already, young hoes want to play that stupid fucking drug rap or hoe related rap. I know my type of music isn't a favorite among young prostitutes who like hoe rap, but I'm the one paying.

Chickenfries1022 reads

Posted By: NewEnglandGangsta
They aren't talking to trees either.
Fucking liar.  

No $600 gal would have that kind of music playing on her phone.  

Find something constructive to contribute to the board or just log off already. God darn it

Epsilon_Eridani1024 reads

you're paying someone that much money and you can't voice your displeasure at their choice of music?

of course they aren't talking to trees... they are too busy playing the hoes rap music, you moron!

Posted By: NewEnglandGangsta
Re: It's from two providers who are 600 hour well reviewed,  not BP.  They aren't talking to trees either.

NewEnglandGangsta788 reads

What makes you think I didn't voice my opinion?  
I voice it everywhere.

Epsilon_Eridani740 reads

then what's the problem?

whining about it in here isn't solve your displeasure. go play chess if you're smart enough to play that game.

Posted By: NewEnglandGangsta
What makes you think I didn't voice my opinion?  
 I voice it everywhere.  

NewEnglandGangsta779 reads

Do you really think I don't know how to tell the hoe to shut it off?  
Go talk to trees some more,  maybe it'll teach you better reading comprehension.

if her music is bothering you, ask her to turn it off. If you're seeing $600/hr ladies I'm quite sure that she'll turn it off if you ask. But, I'm sure she's not a mind reader.

Try booking with a full grown woman? And as for ho's? Forget about anyone you're tempted to call that.

89Springer524 reads

These days most of my time is devoted to music. I love it, and always have

When I go to a session, if there's music playing, I ask the provider to turn it off. If she asks me if I'd like to hear something, I just say no. There's almost no music a 25 year-old or even a 35 year-old would like that I would also like, and vice versa.  

Even though there's contemporary music I like, it's contemporary blues, which I don't think is a big draw for most young women. I also really like The Strypes, but I don't expect many to agree. ("Blue Collar Jane" is a great pop song).

You tend to annoy me, but I really shouldn't let that interfere with how I respond to your posts. But I have trouble keeping up with all the various aliases and what people call each other. And you know me, normally I wouldn't bother to ask. But dung beetle creeps up so often I'm getting curious as to who it could be.

The champagne mood from Lawrence Welk  playing on her 8-track will have you both stripping off your Depends in no time.

While I will state for the record, I agree with your whole description of "weed, ho, pussy, drug" music...  
Ugh... just ... ugh.
I don't listen to that kind of music personally nor professionally.
I find it extremely distasteful and nothing will make my pussy run drier more quickly than hearing the words, "slap a b**** in her mouth," in a song. (If this is actually called a song... Somehow I think that is some kind of war chant for angry men... #shudder. It's ok yes, I am aware there is also angry b**** music.)

Luckily, I have 2 perspectives, of my own, that help me professionally.

My grandmother made sure I was exposed to ALL of her XP's...
45's, 78's...  Yes, I am sure a lot of 20 year olds are asking, "45's? 78's? Huh? wtf is that?"

Luckily I was exposed from everything from the Platters to Englebert Humperdink.... onto my mothers music, intro Beatles, the Doors, the Eagles up to Cheap Trick.

My Pandora station list is probably more extensive than half my peers.  
I find I typically ask a gentleman what Genre he likes, or his favorite artists, and can come up with a station in less than 15 seconds, if not, creating one is not only a finger-touch away from a professional courtesy I can gladly provide, but also a learning experience that the Gent' has provided for me, to his credit. I like new music! :) (Provisio: It has to have a melody. Ironically, I require mu music to have one.!)

Another tid-bit, the second thing.... An observation from my stint as a pole dancer....
Cater to your clients.; The DJ had to, if he wanted the gentlemen to tip, if he wanted the girls to tip (from more income, invariably trickle down..)  
Funny, how if a DJ only played rap/hip-hop what types of crowds it would attract (or repel... yes, watched many a businessman walk in and walk out in less than 5 minutes of being within the club...)
But I would make it my mission to go put my foot in the DJ's ass if he didn't immediately kill off the ghetto-bump-bump-bump in favor of a 80's/90's Rock/Alternative...

Invariably, I think music indeed affects people's moods.
I don't think anyone is comfortable around music they just really don't like.
And....  he who has the gold makes the rules... Most of the time.
Not sure how I would react if a guy wanted silence... Um, ok?

Also heard of gal's using playlists to time.
I reckon a smart provider would create a few genre's worth of playlists...
Or just download a free timer lol


and get down with your nasty side sometimes.

Try this out:

No, I love that song, as much as I hate to admit it.
Come on, I was exposed to a LOT of strip-club music. Hell, I even made a few playlists for a noob DJ...
2Live is .... ah.... so banned lol
Not by me, but I am sure you remember... LOL
My bro always plays this one, because I hate to love it, ...
I am crass sometimes, too.. shh don't tell anyone!
More like a dirty joke, not a life-styler :-P

89Springer827 reads

Very few people have a wide range of musical taste like that.

I think Gato Barbieri's "Caliente" album is great background for having sex, but if I had a young woman play that, she'd probably jump out the window.

There's nothing wrong with silence, especially if it's punctuated by some moans. ;)

Thanks for the new artist! I like

Posted By: FoxyNC
Thanks for the new artist! I like!  

They know by want song is playing what should be happening in the session.

Just record your own tape or whatever with the music you like.

Tell them that Turkey in the Straw comes on at 55 minutes into the set.

I was in line last week returning a pair of roller blades that didn't fit too well. This was last Thursday, so I had to make sure this was done before the Memorial day holiday. There was a young lady waiting patiently behind me. She was a cute brunette, with blonde red and silver hair.  

While she was checking her phone - it rings. I here a bunch of sounds along with a beat with out any bass? Once I was done explaining to the gay clerk behind the counter, as to why I wasn't satisfied with my purchase. I found myself at the watch counter purchasing a Rolex watch. Which I did not need.  

The greater at the door said "thank you please come again"

NewEnglandGangsta1022 reads

What was the point you're trying to make? I'm confused.  
Are you saying rap music made you purchase a Rolex?  
If you're being serious, you're dumber than I thought. Were you trying to be funny? FYI, jokes that are difficult to comprehend lose their luster quickly way before the punchline is delivered.

I wanted to make sure I took care off the return before next Memorial day.  

I don't think walmart carries rolex either.

Have a great day! I have to skate.

DamienScott838 reads

That's the stupidest post I've ever read.  

Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
I was in line last week returning a pair of roller blades that didn't fit too well. This was last Thursday, so I had to make sure this was done before the Memorial day holiday. There was a young lady waiting patiently behind me. She was a cute brunette, with blonde red and silver hair.  
 While she was checking her phone - it rings. I here a bunch of sounds along with a beat with out any bass? Once I was done explaining to the gay clerk behind the counter, as to why I wasn't satisfied with my purchase. I found myself at the watch counter purchasing a Rolex watch. Which I did not need.  
 The greater at the door said "thank you please come again"

Panthera121096 reads

I don't find it to be a big problem, but some providers use it to drown out the squealing and moaning. Most music doesn't bother me, but the volume may.
I find the television to be much more distracting and I will turn it off.

especially if it's on a news station.

Some gals like the TV on to kill sexy sounds from the room, but please use music for that purpose if you must.

Ask her to change the station or bring your own music.  Its not rocket science.

Posted By: NewEnglandGangsta
Why do some pretty-laydees ask to play their own weird music (through their shitty phone),  that us older crowd never even heard of?  Do they really think some gangsta rap about crack, weed, and hoes is supposed to get me in the mood?  
 Even when there's a perfectly good slow sex appropriate song playing from my laptop already, young hoes want to play that stupid fucking drug rap or hoe related rap. I know my type of music isn't a favorite among young prostitutes who like hoe rap, but I'm the one paying.

I love classic rock though.

I've thought about guys and how they must feel when I put on my heavy metal - just kidding.

I have had a young someone ask for hip hop, and that was super fun. I got all nasty shaking my ghetto bootie lol.

Another guy did ask for heavy metal. That was also kind of fun. Come to think of it, I forgot the third time and put on Eric Clapton. Maybe that's why he 'forgot the last $25'. Lol

-- Modified on 9/1/2014 2:09:55 PM

Clapton's "Reptile" album - start to finish - is undoubtedly some of the greatest fuck music ever recorded.

Robert_BadenPowell567 reads

... because the providers I've seen who play music during sessions all have great taste in their playlist selections.  There's considerable variety in their playlists, but then I like just about all kinds of music except gangsta rap and the really hard rock that's more screaming than music.

No one's played Lawrence Welk for me yet  ;)  but it reminds me of a line from the late great Robin Williams:  "And now the lovely Lennon Sisters will sing, I Can't Get No Satisfaction."

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