TER General Board

I wanna know about the gender gap, pay inequality for a gigolo vs a hooker.
JackDunphy 948 reads

Equal pay for equal work, right? :)

gigolo / male provider, purely for non-work related personal gratification?  

My guess would be just one or two (maybe less) out of every ten providers at most. Majority of civvy women even providers probably aren't hobbyists themselves but that's just a wild guess.  

I'm wondering when our society will begin shifting the balance because currently men are the primary gratification seekers.  

Do you think women will ever be involved as much as guys in this hobby?  

If so, how many years do you think it will take for the trend to shift an equal balance as men?
(Since the 1960s era where things were far more conservative for women, it took 50 years for us to get here so my guess is another 50~100 years.)

Back_In_Black1067 reads

dancing so good he goes right out the window then theres PS in his his Ferrari the three amigos when theyre on the road ..... guys any pics for the ladies lol

Posted By: Drunken Asian
gigolo / male provider, purely for non-work related personal gratification?    
 My guess would be just one or two (maybe less) out of every ten providers at most. Majority of civvy women even providers probably aren't hobbyists themselves but that's just a wild guess.  
 I'm wondering when our society will begin shifting the balance because currently men are the primary gratification seekers.  
 Do you think women will ever be involved as much as guys in this hobby?    
 If so, how many years do you think it will take for the trend to shift an equal balance as men?  
 (Since the 1960s era where things were far more conservative for women, it took 50 years for us to get here so my guess is another 50~100 years.)

I feel nervous and keep going back a forth about it. Kinda stupid, right?

I don't think most women feel the same need for sexual gratification that men do though. I used vegetables for years when I was married. Since turning 30, that has changed A LOT and now I need a man frequently.  

I don't think it will ever be 50/50 because women can always get men easier than men can get women.

-- Modified on 4/6/2014 11:02:11 PM

-- Modified on 4/6/2014 11:02:41 PM

I mean, our biology is what it is.  A lot of women love sex, yes, but we love other things from men much more.  (Their ability to provide, support, protect, etc.)  I get that "some" women (I don't know any) may use male providers, but seriously, I just can't see it becoming mainstream.  Maybe you should ask when the masses of women in the general public will become providers!!  I could see that happening before we start paying for male companions !

In the 50- to 100-year timeframe, it seems very likely that human pair-bonding will slowly shift from marriage as a norm to exclusive arrangements as the normal agreement between a man and a woman.

There's probably some funny jokes to be found about the correlation of rising divorce rates and a freer and growing sex industry. But the trend seems to be flowing in that direction. Many people just assume that the only reason for a marriage is to parent and raise children.

Lila's prediction might very well be the shape of the near future.

Pimpathy830 reads

What about people's emotions?

Posted By: WickedBrut
In the 50- to 100-year timeframe, it seems very likely that human pair-bonding will slowly shift from marriage as a norm to exclusive arrangements as the normal agreement between a man and a woman.  
 There's probably some funny jokes to be found about the correlation of rising divorce rates and a freer and growing sex industry. But the trend seems to be flowing in that direction. Many people just assume that the only reason for a marriage is to parent and raise children.  
 Lila's prediction might very well be the shape of the near future.

0603450onThe1025 reads

parties involved. As long as it's understood by both parties 'where' it stays and that the rules will always apply, then all is good and very rewarding for both.

Pimpathy1034 reads

Other than legal and religious considerations, what would the real difference be?

I'm asking what's the difference, title? These relationships still revolve around people, who have emotions

Back_In_Black990 reads

he quit no business.. women give it away and pretend theyre in love or using the guy .. and when they marry they keep it and let it get stale so the poor husband goes out cheats then they take his money and give it away again and then marry again and repeat second part ...

Posted By: JackDunphy
Equal pay for equal work, right? :)

Pimpathy1046 reads

Guys always pay for it one way or another.

Posted By: JackDunphy
Equal pay for equal work, right? :)
... and the OP wonders why their aren't more M4F male providers.

AnotherDonJohn1009 reads

Uh never?
Woman generally don't need to pay nor do they seem to get their rocks off paying for it...

Posted By: Drunken Asian
gigolo / male provider, purely for non-work related personal gratification?    
 My guess would be just one or two (maybe less) out of every ten providers at most. Majority of civvy women even providers probably aren't hobbyists themselves but that's just a wild guess.  
 I'm wondering when our society will begin shifting the balance because currently men are the primary gratification seekers.  
 Do you think women will ever be involved as much as guys in this hobby?    
 If so, how many years do you think it will take for the trend to shift an equal balance as men?  
 (Since the 1960s era where things were far more conservative for women, it took 50 years for us to get here so my guess is another 50~100 years.)

But only the ones Vegas or LA... HAWT!!!  😝😝😝😝.....  I was seeking one for a MWM w/one of my ATFs but the male escorts where I LIVE,  search were GROSS or they didn't meet my standard for HOTNESS!!!    

I may be venturing to Vegas at end if month for a Bday party for a gf & secretly meet a client.... Maybe I'll try then,  but HAWT.... I want to be in the hobbyist shoe!!!  Lol

Cosette1073 reads

Be as significant spenders in the sex industry as men.  

1. Income discrepancies that still have them earning less.  
2. Ability to hook up with guys with much more ease.  
3. Indoctrination that sex should be had with love and that it is precious and therefore should be closely guarded.

GaGambler798 reads

I can see high powered women execs hiring "boy toys" rather than risk "gold digging men".

Very similar to high powered rich guys that are afraid that all women are only out for their money, who don't see any other women than hookers, I can see women at the upper end of the corporate food chain doing the exact same thing, especially the unattractive, yet successful women who have rather low self esteem about their looks.

I have a friend of mine who actually goes "both ways" but has had horrible luck with men as she is rather butch, but very successful, who has hired more than a couple of male escorts that I know of. It's still a rarity, and except for a couple of hookers I know who've done it on a lark, she is the only woman I know that has done this. Or at least the only woman I know that has admitted to it.

Personally I think DA's math is way off, I bet you there is no more than one woman in a hundred that has ever hired a male escort, and even that number is probably too high.

Chauncey Gardner975 reads

Ever since we crawled out of the muck our DNA has been engineered to make one gender the pursuer and the other the pursued. I don't think that's changing any time soon.

When women start wanting good sex as often if not more than a dude, then that is when the shift will happen. Nature has other ideas as a general rule.

0603450onThe1081 reads

I'd be happy to indulge. But so far no one's close except for what I briefly 'skimmed' from Gambler's post. He's 'touched' the subject a bit. This 'arena' is much more prominent and popular than most let on. You people need to get out more LOL.  

The 'male' side of companionship is a very different prospect than the 'ladies' side of this world. Women 'seek' it for completely different reasons than men do. I will list them a bit later. And I will leave it at that for now.

-- Modified on 4/7/2014 9:02:29 AM

0603450onThe1008 reads

These are in no specific order but may open your eyes as to why women would ever consider hiring a male companion...you may be surprised.  

The women are:

#1 usually single (almost never married) and usually very attractive, beautiful women themselves

#2 very well established professionally and upper scale, typically on the mature side

#3 they do not have the time to 'date' traditionally because their professional lives come first and foremost

#4 they don't have the time to deal with men's games on the traditional 'dating' level

#5 they don't have the time to babysit little boys waiting to be taken care of after a traditional 'date'

#6 they appreciate the 'whole package and essence of a man'....the quintessential 'true' gentleman who knows how and when to carry himself publicly, in social settings and behind closed doors on a level that most men are incapable of at this level and again, these women lack the time to 'teach' someone they are dating

#7 the men are usually models, actors, athletes and take care of themselves immensely in etiquette, appearance, style, dress, grammar, intelligence, respect....you name it...they are 'groomed' on how to treat a lady to perfection. Women too enjoy beautiful arm candy just as much as any guy here don't kid yourselves.

#8 most of the women are in it for 'all' of it as I said, the package deal...the level of intimacy that goes hand in hand with the emotional, intellectual and spiritual side of this (for women, it's usually all intertwined to heighten any awareness sexually)  

#9 these women are NOT in it for the 'drama' piece which comes from a typical relationship, they have a zero tolerance, zero patience policy for the 'traditional' sense of dating

#10 she is in it to have a great time for as long or as little as 'she' chooses with no questions, no excuses, no bullshit basically. And they can be 'on call' as needed at the drop of a dime with one phone call. The man of her choice can be there, a beautiful being wrapped up in a perfect little package when she wants, all she has to have is the cash. And they will fork over big cash to get what they want. There are usually no boundaries or questions ever with rates, I mean ever. And when she's done with him, he leaves and it's over until the next time.  

And that's why women hire male companions. Any questions?

The above was based on the average of the male side of this gig. Now mind you, it may NOT be as mainstream or popular as the ladies' side, but it exists most certainly. Keep in mind, this tight knit circuit of gentlemen also make a helluva lot of money, don't kid yourselves, you just don't 'hear' about it and there is no TER for them.

-- Modified on 4/7/2014 11:06:24 AM

a business and consider this. Why pay for a service when you can choose from ones you have already experienced and just see them at full or reduced price and get the same experience. Just relax, screening already done , and reverse rolls. not all men would jump at this but isn't that part of real world GFE.  
I suspect this is more realistic already.

How exactly was this thread even remotely a troll post?  Did you even read and comprehend what it's about?

No I was just thinking about why men are the way we are and women aren't.  Women seem so much less inclined to seek out a male escort purely for her own pleasure.    

It can be because men around her are constantly trying to get in her pants so she may not feel the need to seek out an escort when she can just choose from one of her friends.  

But I'm wondering,  if she didn't have men around her that are trying to seduce her or get in her pants,  if the playing field is level and the demand for her coochie is the same as the demand for a guys sausage at a similar age,  if the income level for women were the same or greater than men at some point where the need for financial  security and feeling protected are met all on her own,  would women begin to seek out male escorts?  

Or is it possible that women are just wired differently regardless of cultural stigma and the thousands of years of traditional stereotype that women were subject to.

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