TER General Board

I usually get what I pay for. When I shell out more $$ for the best, I'm rarely disappointed. -eom-
some-guy 6 Reviews 431 reads


for the 1st time who has blurred pics on her site are you pleasantly surprised, disappointed or is she just not what you expected?

I find that sometimes even body types look different from pics i.e. thicker or thinner than expected.

has been hotter than any woman I could attract IRL.

Some are prettier than others, but I think it's important to keep things in perspective. Were it not for the arrangement, I'd be invisible to the women I've seen.

Now performance, that's a different story, some women have exceeded, some have disappointed based upon their reviews. Life is good though, I've always gotten off, and ultimately that's what I'm there for.

I hear ya.

 i just met someone last night who just didnt translate from online pics to the hotel room. she was hot but the reality was not what  I expected. In fact,  I had to double check her site to see of it was actually her. Just wondered if this happens to others??

GaGambler354 reads

Either they haven't seen that many hookers, or they are very easily pleased and by that I mean they have either very low, or no standards at all.

I am disappointed all the time by women in the looks department. It doesn't mean they all misled me, especially the ones with blurred pics and great reviews, in those cases I blame the reviewers for a lack of taste.

As I have said before, "I may have low morals, but I do have high standards"  

I enjoy my time with rather average looking women with decent bodies, but not half as much as I do with a real hottie. They just aren't as common as the review scores would lead one to believe.


I've seen many friends wives get acquainted with father time waaayy too soon so it might not take much for some to be easily impressed.

Posted By: GaGambler
Either they haven't seen that many hookers, or they are very easily pleased and by that I mean they have either very low, or no standards at all.  
 I am disappointed all the time by women in the looks department. It doesn't mean they all misled me, especially the ones with blurred pics and great reviews, in those cases I blame the reviewers for a lack of taste.  
 As I have said before, "I may have low morals, but I do have high standards"  
 I enjoy my time with rather average looking women with decent bodies, but not half as much as I do with a real hottie. They just aren't as common as the review scores would lead one to believe.

Although as most reviews will always say...  "I was thinking with my little head, so I did it anyway"

I only had one instance where the provider was a big let down. She had a lot of pictures with the lower half of her face unblurred and I have to say she looked completely different. As for her body, it was nice but her skin in the pictures looks much nicer and clearer than it was in reality.  

She noticed my disappointment very quickly and asked me if she was my type. I thought to myself "she is extremely well reviewed, maybe there is a reason for that....and I probably wont be able to find someone I like on short notice" and so I said yes, she was my type. Turns out I couldn't stand her and spent 6 hours staring at my watch and trying to avoid intimacy (unsuccessfully). Whenever she went to the bathroom I would steal a moment on my laptop to chat with someone else.

....so as long as her body photos are accurate and I like how she communicates, I would be happy. I haven't been disappointed yet.

Too many with an extra 20 years and pounds.

I recently mentioned an experience of mine.  

Pictures: body 10; face blurred.
After the meeting: body 11; face 9. (11+9)/2 = 10

HOWEVER, before the meeting, in my head, I had completed her picture with a completely different facial appearance so when I showed up I was taken aback and she seemed like a facial 6, in the moment.  

Maybe I was hoist by my own petard on that one, but I had a good time, overall.  

I should point out the big difference between my completion of a blurred face - MY expectation and my fault - compared to photoshopped pictures facilitating a false expectation = her fault.

Eh ... what was the question?

sometimes they look sooo different and it's not always a bad thing just strange how it doesn't jive with the picture in your mind.  

 I  find many times with a gal who has many pictures dressed in different outfits that she almost looks like a completely different person.


Posted By: impposter
I recently mentioned an experience of mine.    
 Pictures: body 10; face blurred.  
 After the meeting: body 11; face 9. (11+9)/2 = 10  
 HOWEVER, before the meeting, in my head, I had completed her picture with a completely different facial appearance so when I showed up I was taken aback and she seemed like a facial 6, in the moment.  
 Maybe I was hoist by my own petard on that one, but I had a good time, overall.  
 I should point out the big difference between my completion of a blurred face - MY expectation and my fault - compared to photoshopped pictures facilitating a false expectation = her fault.  
 Eh ... what was the question?

MinnesotaNice469 reads

The culprit -- in many instances -- is the professional photographer (for example, Aldo Antonio) altering a provider's images so significantly that they do not accurately reflect reality.

Note:  I feel that one of the worst offenses committed by professional photographers is when they alter the facial features of a provider (for example, lips and teeth). If the lips look too full or the teeth look too perfect, then they have most likely been digitally altered

recently when she went from looking like Emma Roberts to Tori Spelling. Couldn't tell if pics were altered or just good make up.

Posted By: MinnesotaNice
The culprit -- in many instances -- is the professional photographer (for example, Aldo Antonio) altering a provider's images so significantly that they do not accurately reflect reality.  
 Note:  I feel that one of the worst offenses committed by professional photographers is when they alter the facial features of a provider (for example, lips and teeth). If the lips look too full or the teeth look too perfect, then they have most likely been digitally altered.  

Maybe I've just been lucky in my civvie life, but I have been blessed to date, marry and otherwise enjoy some very hot women, so I am very picky about the women I see in the hobby.

So, over the course of four years, I've been disappointed several times, but I've felt actively misled only three times.  Once by a woman with a clear drinking problem and 10 year old pics, and once (and this actually pissed me off) by a #1 provider in her city who was using 10 year old pics and had gained 25 pounds, easily.  She had a string of 10, 10s and while beauty is in the eye of the beholder, I'm glad I'm not behind those other guy's eyes, lol.  The other major disappointment was complicated, I think, by life's circumstances....

But on the other hand, a half dozen FANTASTICLY good surprises...9s who are really 10s, 8s who are really 9s, fantastic bodies, great eyes and smiles, and....oh, well, enough good that blurred pics don't scare me off.

After all, even with selfies, she's still getting her best angles and such. I've never met anyone I've felt mislead by, and if you understand female biology, then you should be forgiving about minor fluctuations in weight and skin quality due to hormonal changes and other factors that are hard to control.  

Where I've been surprised is at how baby-faced some young providers look without the stage makeup.

I can relate ... I figure the photos are them at their very best and thinnest. I've seen some of the model "tricks", like the hand on the side of the thigh to hide "hail damage" or arms crossed across the belly to hide that C section scar or kangaroo pouch. Of course these poses don't always "hide" stuff, but I do see them as a red flag when I see them

Hope escorts look like their's pics and clean and safe.Play safe folk's

But in truth, she was just plain, not ugly, and she was a great provider and became a favorite of mine whenever I was in her city.

So, remember, beauty is skin deep, and don't get hung up over it.

Most gals look just fine if not fantastic anyways

just find it interesting how much different they are than  I thought.  

More importantly is the manner in which she greets me when I arrive.  

And you're right, most are fantastic looks-wise.

Posted By: mrfisher
But in truth, she was just plain, not ugly, and she was a great provider and became a favorite of mine whenever I was in her city.  
 So, remember, beauty is skin deep, and don't get hung up over it.  
 Most gals look just fine if not fantastic anyways.  
-- Modified on 11/13/2015 6:33:08 PM

Her reviews were good for the most part and I'd like to run into the blind hobbyist who rated her a 9 on looks because I'd like to shove his white cane where the sun don't shine. She was "homely" to the point that I couldn't believe she was an escort. To make matters worse she gave zero fucks about her looks. No make up, shitty hair cut, and mismatched clothes that looked like she pulled them out of her laundry bag. To top it off, she obviously had not showered that day ... it sucked big time as I spend about two hours showering, shaving (twice), brushing teeth (and tongue)hitting my nails with an emery board, and trying to be as clean smelling and freshly showered as possible for all of my dates. All of this, only to have Miss College Student/Part-Time Escort show up on laundry day, smelling like she hadn't showered since yesterday ...other that that I'm good and have been pleasantly surprised more than once.

were outdated. However, better to have a disappointment with appearance than performance.

I always look for a check in the box saying the pics are real. If not, I move on. When I first started "lobbying" I got burned a few times before I found TER. Bait and switch is so common! However, I have found so many providers with accurate photo's that if the "are the pic's real" box isn't checked, why waste my (your) time.  

Guys, if everyone avoided providers where the information indicates the pics are fake, more and more ladies would use real ones.

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