TER General Board

I treat it like a IRL date
mangoballs78 14 Reviews 520 reads

When I book an appointment with a provider. I normally wear nice jeans, brown leather shoes and a nice button down shirt with a collar or polo shirt.  

Posted By: bingbingbongbongbing
I read an old review today-  
 The reviewer wrote that he saw a previous john walking out- middle aged fat white dude who looked like a slob.  
 This board probably has higher standards overall, but if you're one of the stragglers, I imagine your provider is a little disappointed in you when the door is opened.

I read an old review today-  
The reviewer wrote that he saw a previous john walking out- middle aged fat white dude who looked like a slob.  

This board probably has higher standards overall, but if you're one of the stragglers, I imagine your provider is a little disappointed in you when the door is opened.

can answer that question. PM them and ask. What John is going to say yeah I look like shit when I go to an appointment?

Posted By: balljointnut
What John is going to say yeah I look like shit when I go to an appointment?
fat vern?

GaGambler539 reads

I don't exactly dress up, knowing the clothes are coming off 30 seconds after walking in the door.

I live in Texas, it's over a hundred fucking degrees most days at this time of year, I don't give a fuck who likes it, but I am wearing shorts 90% of the time when showing up at a hookers door during this time of year.

I know some people believe "the clothes make the man" and maybe at one time that was true, but I don't feel the need to "dress to impress" in the least when meeting a hooker for an incall. A night on the town of course s a different story, on those occasions I wear my very best shorts and exchange my flip flops for deck shoes.lol

Less is more when going to see a hooker. A decent button down shirt, shorts, and flopers. Commando and no socks. Easy to take-off/Easy to put on.

I always look presentable, I dont wear a shirt and tie but my clothes are clean, my hair is combed, my teeth are brushed , I have freshened my breath with mouthwash. I am clean shaven andi have timed my shower so that as soon as I am finished I can be on my way. I present myself the way I hope to find her. I am sure its appreciated, we are adults after all.

Posted By: bingbingbongbongbing
I read an old review today-  
 The reviewer wrote that he saw a previous john walking out- middle aged fat white dude who looked like a slob.  
 This board probably has higher standards overall, but if you're one of the stragglers, I imagine your provider is a little disappointed in you when the door is opened.

i always clean my bingbong before i bang my bongbing..

Posted By: bingbingbongbongbing
I read an old review today-  
 The reviewer wrote that he saw a previous john walking out- middle aged fat white dude who looked like a slob.  
 This board probably has higher standards overall, but if you're one of the stragglers, I imagine your provider is a little disappointed in you when the door is opened.

When I book an appointment with a provider. I normally wear nice jeans, brown leather shoes and a nice button down shirt with a collar or polo shirt.  

Posted By: bingbingbongbongbing
I read an old review today-  
 The reviewer wrote that he saw a previous john walking out- middle aged fat white dude who looked like a slob.  
 This board probably has higher standards overall, but if you're one of the stragglers, I imagine your provider is a little disappointed in you when the door is opened.

Remember you paid by the time don't where a suit and tie that take hours to un do I say where workout pants. Slip shoes and a tea shirt. Practices undressing and dressing try to get it down to 69 sec. I wouldn't be guessing that the guy walking out like a slob did have time to strengthen afterwards and he spent all his time getting his dick wet.

69 seconds is not a big deal if you know the shortcuts.

Please send me a pic... I am dying to see what you look like

and offers your view of the importance of the person you are seeing.

By offering an image that shows respect, you will get that respect paid back in kind, and thus will get much more satisfaction.

Besides, do you really want to be spoken of behind your back as a slob?

On top of that, when I dress nicely, I feel better about myself, and that is no small consideration

Wish I could say it like you did!

Posted By: mrfisher
and offers your view of the importance of the person you are seeing.  
 By offering an image that shows respect, you will get that respect paid back in kind, and thus will get much more satisfaction.  
 Besides, do you really want to be spoken of behind your back as a slob?  
 On top of that, when I dress nicely, I feel better about myself, and that is no small consideration.  

I am always clean, in clean clothes, with all the proper grooming done.

Hey There

All providers should look good.


I know women appreciate this and also notice how a guy is  dressed, I work in an office full of women and they notice when I'm wearing nice shoes and a shirt. I dress business casual for work, nice jeans and button shirt and some nice leather shoes ( Allen Edmonds, my favorite brand)  :)

-- Modified on 7/23/2016 8:48:51 PM

whatever I already have on that day.  If its a workday, I will either be wearing a suit, or "business casual" = slacks and a shirt.  If its the weekend, shorts and tennis shoes.  If its an outside OTC date, whatever is appropriate for what we're going to do.  

My pet peeve is guys that wear sandals to an incall.  Nasty!

the guy shows up in sandals? That WOULD suck ... so would having a guy show up. For me it Would!  

I think that just didn't come out right. Right? LOL

I'm talking about arriving at a 2-girl incall apartment and seeing a grungy pair of men's sandals already there who is visiting the other girl.  All I can think of is foot-fungus.

thickyjr264 reads

but you're gettin sloppy bro. Are you saying you  
p... p... pu ... put that dudes sandals on and got  
foot fungus? Lol

NoYellowEnvelope589 reads

A story about that... I was going to see a provider who's a good friend of my ATF.  I told her about it, and she said, "Wear nice shoes."  I asked her why she said that, and she said, "Trust me."  So when I went to the provider's incall I wore dress shoes, which I would have done anyway since I was coming from a business meeting.  I walked in, she greeted me, then looked down, smiled, and said "Mmmmm, nice shoes!"   The rest of the date went splendidly.  Must have been the shoes.

My work dress code is casual, so I am pretty much in my jeans if I see my provider after work. On the weekend it is whatever I wear as my excuse to get out of the house, which is usually even more casual.

But once when I came to my ATF wearing a suit (not my normal dres code) and got a "you look handsome" from her,I did get a boost. When the average temp drops below 85, I'll do it again. Until then, neat & clean will suffice.

come dressed nice and very presentable. I have had very few occasions where I was disappointed in a guys appearance because he didn't take the time out to freshen up and/or get dressed prior to meeting

As I'm usually seeing someone after dinner. But in LA, I'm very casual, jeans and a tee,sweater or shirt, depending on the weather.

Business casual usually, but sometimes week-end casual, i.e., jeans instead of khakis.  Always either a dress shirt, or golf shirt sometimes during the summer.  As for shoes, penny loafers.    

As for that old review, how would the reviewer know the fat, poorly dressed slob he referred was a client of the lady he saw?  Did he see him leave her room?

meaning i can blend in with the crowd and not get attention on me because i'm wearing fancy cloth.

Sad morning in Ho Town, USA. I thought he was my old firefighter friend. NOOOOOOOOO! Much to my horror, I saw this slob when I opened the door. UGH Generally speaking, the majority of gents I date via the hobby are professional men. They tend to show up suited for work. I actually do love my weekend guys who show up in athletic apparel too. There is much to be said about the comfortable look. Especially one feller in particular...sexy, tan, ripped gym junkie. Ohhhhhh gewd lerd when I slide his tshirt off and I see the abs and pecs I get an instant wettie. Same effect with the crisp white button up and nice suit. But, slobby is never sexy!!!!! Don't be that guy...you will only end up with this next to your name (DNS) You can be GQ, you can be an athlete, the perfect fitting jeans that hug your bum bum just right is always a pleasure to see...but the hobo look is a turn off. Side note: hair growing down the neck is really unattractive :( bingbingbongbongbing  your alias is fun to say lmao

Thanks for noticing and more thanks for not being one of those guys...Our dates are forever etched into my mind though...you do make a great lasagna and the kink well YOU KNOW...kisses to you old friend...best to wifey also xo

GramParsons417 reads

I'm usually casually dressed but very clean and fresh. Dressing up for a provider to impress her is something I never cared about or even thought of. I think what a provider wants out of me is to be showered, shaved , punctual , respectful with a positive attitude.

Smallfish505 reads

nothing but a towel...not sure I pulled that one off, but it was interesting!

I wear my best slutty red dress with fishnet stockings.  It really makes the ladies drool.

brcforest282 reads

I'd never be anything but freshly showered, well dressed, and staying in a nice place.

I think it is important to quickly show a lady she's going to be safe, in a nice place, and with a gentleman that's fun.

Of course anyone can simply dress the part, but I make certain women know they can relax and enjoy as quickly as possible.

meeting a woman for an intimate encounter is a no-brainer. yes, even when i'm paying for it...

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