TER General Board

I think you missed a decimal point there Chicken Little
GaGambler 35 reads

I think you meant she was $25 and reduced her rate to $22, right?

Note to the OP, whatever Chicken Little advises, do the exact opposite and you should be on safe ground.

Only Chicken Little could claim that a woman "jacked up" her rates all the way to $250, err $25 lol

DaRegularJoe3946 reads


Had seen a nice provider some time back, actually multiple times over a few month period. Then she raised her rates from X to 2X.  

I have a rate range that I'd like to stick to and the 2X rate is much higher than what I've ever done. Provider keeps contacting me when she's in town, asking to meet and I've made some excuse or the other so far and am quite conflicted on what the best course of action is.

I do not want to ask her to grandfather me or even ask for any specials. Because I'd rather she provides those on her own volition. But since she hasn't, I wouldn't like to bring those up. Have never been able to ask for specials, never been comfortable about it.

She is awesome and deserves the maximum rate that she can get. I am extremely happy for her and wish her all the best. But am not sure how to handle future contacts. Would not like to just ignore her, that to me is such a horrible thing to do to someone with whom I really had a great time. Would also not like to continue making excuses.  

What is another option?  
Should I say "FU" to my budget and meet her?  
What have others done in these situations?

Analias36 reads

1) If the budget is not hard and fast see her at her new rate.

2) If the budget is hard and fast you could depending upon how you have seen here, book for a shorter time or explain you budgeting process and apologize for not being able to see her.

Then it is up to her to offer or move on.

Many girls even list the policy on their website, twitter, blog, etc.

How about this:

"Madison, I would really love to see you again but I can only afford the old rate and I see you recently doubled yours. Can you tell me if you GF your clients? Thank you for considering this for me as I really would love to see you again!"

Ball is then in her court. If she says no, she says no. Your world wont collapse and you move on to the next girl. If you treated her with respect in the past, I think the odds would be highly in your favor to keep seeing her at the old rate, at least for some period of time, as most girls GF in my experience.  

Man up a bit bro.

you can offer what you feel you can pay without having to remortgage your house.   If she is a good provider, she'll find a way to accommodate you.

...this is very good advice. Don't be surprised if you receive a bill in the mail from him shortly.

...That's not putting the ball in her court.  That's playing dodgeball and throwing a fast one at her.  But what else would you expect from the cheapass dean of JDU?

He's only seen her over the course of a few months.  Multiple times?  How many is that?  Why is he even entitled to be grandfathered?  At JDU, they teach a guy to ask to be grandfathered after one visit.  In fact, they probably ask to be grandfathered at a five year-old rate even if they haven't seen the provider before.

Putting the ball in her court is simply telling her he'd really like to see her but he can't afford her new rate.  She's a provider - she knows what that means, whether the guy is being sincere or not.  THEN the ball is in her court and it is up to her to offer him a lower rate.

If the lady has a grand father policy that states previous hobbyists that she has seen pays the old rate, why should the O.P. pay double what the others are paying?  
I see no harm in merely inquiring about her policy if he has already seen her. That is exactly how two adults should handle their business. It is merely an inquiry, not a demand.

...wanted her to offer the lower rate "of her own volition."  If she has a stated GF policy on her website, he should ask if it applies to him.

But she is the one who is contacting him whenever she comes to his town.  If she doesn't have a stated GF policy, then she should know why he's hesitant to see her and offer him a lower rate.  Otherwise, he should do as I said before - give her the hint that he can't afford it.  Remind her of the rate at which he had seen her and let her decide what she wants to do.  Obviously, she wants his business; it's up to her to decide how badly she wants it.

I saw a provider who raised her rates by $100.  There was nothing about grandfathering on her website, so I paid the new rate.  She didn't count the donation until I left.  She contacted me afterwards to tell me I should have paid the old rate and that next time I should not only pay the old rate, but I should take $100. off the old rate for the $100. extra I should not have given her..   That's the kind of provider who would never see JackDunphy more than once.

Of course you are correct. Simply inquiring about her policy is no faux pas and certainly no "demand."  
It isn't "grinding" anyone down either.  
Looking at the number of "likes" JD has, and the responses by almost all here,  it is quite easy to determine who has won this argument.  

I would do the same thing. I have changed my donation and offer my older clients my older rates as they are grandfathered into the previous rates. Again, it does not hurt to ask at all. You have nothing to lose here.

I like the way you phrased it too, in your proposed email to the lady in question.  
Rotf @ "Madison." Lol.

Then you will have the necessary tools to address this issue.

FWIW the first course you'll take is "Negotiating 101".  

What seems to communicate the best is "Your rate is now  beyond my play budget."  
It's much better than making bullshit excuses.  
She'll either give you a solution or a goodbye.

The next time she reaches out, simply explain that your budget is limited and you can no longer afford to see her. She'll either stop reaching out, or she may offer to grandfather you in if she likes you and thinks you're being truthful.  I'm sure these gals have heard it all, so I wouldn't suggest this unless you truly have limited means.

My hooker budget is not based on my "means" I just have a certain price point where I feel that I have gone from "generous" to "sucker" and I won't pay above those rates. I don't care if these gals have "heard it all" I am not paying above a certain price for pussy and please remember, she is reaching out to him, not the other way around.

Personally, I don't see any reason in the world why he shouldn't simply respond back to her that he would love to see her again, but that her new rates are above his self imposed maximum. No need at all to ask for a "special" or to be "grandfathered" she will get the hint and either offer her old rate, make a counter offer, or simply move on to other guy who will pay her new rate.

I guess my point was she'll be more likely to GF him if she thought that vs. the fact he just didn't want to pay the higher rate. But it really doesn't matter.  

I know in my case, once I've seen a gal once any subsequent communication is either email or text. So unless she tells me when we arrange a date, I'll be bringing the old rate.  If she didn't offer to GF me when she told me, I'd thank her and wish her well.  

I'll never understand these guys that obsess over one woman. There are so many other beautiful women to choose from and play with.

-- Modified on 8/26/2017 9:18:06 AM

Tell her upfront that her new rates are over your budget. She MUST have expected some of her "regulars" to be priced out when she raised her rates.  

So you can either see her half as often or she can offer a discount or GF the old rate.  Either way, you control your pussy spend.

What would happen if your cable TV provider doubled their rate?  You'd dump them and sign up for an alternative asap.  

She's just like a cable provider except her channel line up is pussy, mouth, hands and anal.  You can get those same channels from any other provider around the city.

it's a business Joe..you don't want to pay the freight..just move the fuck on and quit stewing about it...


If x=2, then keep seeing her.
If x=3, then see her less.
If x=4 or more, move on.

Doubling her price is her perogative, but not your obligation.

Was it such a smoking deal before????
Exactly how many times have you seen her?
We're the dates 1 hour or 2, or more?

Check out the other local talent in your price range and make a decision.  

Negotiating is hard for some people, but just be honest about your budget and she can decide if she wants to see you again and make "some x", or not see you and make "no x". (From you)

Good luck.

Skyfyre49 reads

Under similar circumstance I simply answered basically "I enjoyed our time together and really love to see you again. Unfortunately my budget just isn't able to accommodate your new rate. Maybe you can let me know when you have a special?"

"Hey Babe. Loved seeing you but I  cant afford your new rates. Good luck. Take care."  If she really liked you she will grandfather you. If not she is chumming the water.

I hope your a Gentelmen and honor her by paying her up price and saying thank you for making you so happy.👌
Some times a girl does that because she is so good that she has to many clints , this will keep ones really interested and can afford her amazingness. 👌💋

but at least I wasn't surprised when people called me a "self serving whore"

BTW, you are a self serving whore. What the fuck gives you the right to tell a guy to pay TWICE what he was paying before just because some hooker decided to double her rates? Keep in mind, he is not contacting her asking for a discount, she is the one reaching out to him, at double the rate of course. If it's bad for a trick to reach out to a hooker asking her to see him for half her rate, then why is it ok for a hooker to reach out to a john asking him to see her at TWICE her old rate?

I don't understand how you and Jack can make so much sense here, and be so utterly clueless on the political board. hehe!!!

DaRegularJoe51 reads

That is exactly my point and if I ask her for GF rates then I become a 'jerk' for asking that. Why would I want to put myself in that position?

WOW, hooker to reach out to a client asking him to see her at twice her old rate.Keep in mind he is not contacting her asking for a discount.  A double standard in adult business.  

Most women as in almost all women aren't overly attracted to a guy who acts like  he’s smarter than her regardless of his other redeeming qualities.
Have you ever tried playing dumb and naïve to attract women and get your way?  
If you haven't seen a hot stripper with a dumb broke BF, those clubs you visited don't  allow BF's inside.

 Next time she contacts you tell her it's been so long since you've seen her you forgot her donation amount.  
 If she informs  you her rates are on TER tell her you haven't renewed your VIP.
 If she tells you her rates are on her site tell her your lap top is broken and you went back to a prepay flip phone with no internet  access to save money.  
 Now the ball is in her court.
 If she gives  you her new rates tell her you hope to see her as soon as you save up.  

If she gives you her old rate you're back in business. No more questions about rates.

  I'd never  ask about grandfather rates, I'd save up or forget about her.
  When I was visiting hookers, occasionally  a traveling Gal would tell me as I was leaving if I visited her before she left town half price donation next time.  
   That turned me off, made me feel like I was a customer at an overpriced mattress store with a half price sale.
    Never took one of them up on their half price offer.


Posted By: DaRegularJoe

 Had seen a nice provider some time back, actually multiple times over a few month period. Then she raised her rates from X to 2X.  
 I have a rate range that I'd like to stick to and the 2X rate is much higher than what I've ever done. Provider keeps contacting me when she's in town, asking to meet and I've made some excuse or the other so far and am quite conflicted on what the best course of action is.  
 I do not want to ask her to grandfather me or even ask for any specials. Because I'd rather she provides those on her own volition. But since she hasn't, I wouldn't like to bring those up. Have never been able to ask for specials, never been comfortable about it.  
 She is awesome and deserves the maximum rate that she can get. I am extremely happy for her and wish her all the best. But am not sure how to handle future contacts. Would not like to just ignore her, that to me is such a horrible thing to do to someone with whom I really had a great time. Would also not like to continue making excuses.  
 What is another option?  
 Should I say "FU" to my budget and meet her?  
 What have others done in these situations?

A woman had a nice enough time with you to offer to see you again at a better rate and you feel manipulated? I'm sorry but that's fucking stupid. No, it's not stupid, and actually I'm not sorry ... it's fucking totally stupid.  

That's cutting your nose off to spite your face. And while we each make our own decisions on what makes us "comfortable", that's the dumbest reason I've ever heard to NOT want to see somebody again in my 15 years here.  

You just looked a gift horse in the mouth and spit in its eye! Your friend enjoyed your company enough to want to see you again sooner than you may have been able to afford at the full rate. And you, without uttering a word, told her to fuck off.  IMHO, youre rude too ...lol

There is still a chance I'd do it for you, and it all depends on what you say to her (me).  

If you were to reiterate what you wrote in your OP and approach me like this: "Hi XXX, thank you so much for letting me know you're in town. This is a bit awkward for me, but I noticed you raised your rates and I'm afraid I can't afford 2x. Don't get me wrong, you're awesome and deserve your new rate, it's just I simply don't have it in my budget. I always had a great time with you and, if you'd be open to it, I'd love to continue seeing you at your previous rate. Or if not, perhaps we could meet in the middle? In any case, I wish you the absolute best."

If she's anything like me, this would warm her heart and open her up to a negotiation she may not have planned on doing.  

Good luck!

DaRegularJoe36 reads

Thanks to all for your suggestions/comments (nice or otherwise)  :-)

First of all, seen provider every couple of months (whenever she was in town) multiple times. Only after her rate increased did I stop. I've never contacted her after her rates went up since that rate is beyond my rate range and have made excuses. I must have been doing something right during our sessions for her to contact me to meet, isn't it?

As I mentioned in my OP - "I have a rate range that I'd like to stick to" - which says it all as also iterated by GaG.

Not fond of negotiation, makes me very uncomfortable. I can negotiate my salary with my boss but darn it, have not been able to negotiate for anything else specially with providers.

Another question - If provider offers then it is fine. If I ask then how does it affect the session? I thought it would always be at the back of mind of both parties that session is discounted and that I know will take some fun away from the session. Maybe I'm thinking too much but that again could be from the fact that I've never negotiated with a provider and my discomfort with negotiations.

I know most of you want me to ask her but this makes me so uncomfortable and I don't know how people have done that. Sometimes I wish that it would be so much simpler if she either stops contacting me or offers me GF rates. Making me stew over and making me the one to take the first step is torture, simply torture. And do not want to be a jerk either and ignore when she contacts. Darn it why was I not introduced to negotiations at an early age? Can't do it anymore or is the case of having been browbeaten about how horrible it is to negotiate.

Again, I'd like to reiterate that I've had a nice time with her, she is an excellent lady and I wish her all the best. I'd go and meet her in an instant if her rates were in my range.

Let me stew a bit more and see if I can gather enough strength to let her the next time she contacts me.

I own and operate a small business. I'm a sole proprietor. I'm about to raise my rates for the first time since starting my business 8 years ago. I raised rates twice in 8 years for new clients and those who hired me in the past 18 months have paid my newest rate.  However, those who are grandfathered in will see their rate increase by about 18% in 90 days once I send the letter out. That's  60% of my clients. I'm expecting to loose some of them, but that pales in comparison to not raising my rates. I'm starting to find it difficult to have any money left over for myself to get ahead after necessities are covered. As my company grew and matured, so did my expenses (business and personal).

A one bedroom apartment in the city I live in used to be $650 a month in 1997, that same apartment is $900+ now. Doctors visits used to cost me $65, now they are $80-$120. Premiums used to cost me nothing when I was employed (being single) now that I'm independent, the government approved plans are $550 a month (for the least expensive plan). When my company was small, my book keeping and tax preparation was minimal. Well that went up considerably too.  

If I simply continued to grandfather my customers, that doesn't help me at all to pay for the higher cost of living or doing business, which is the reason I have to raise rates in the first place. You made a comment that stuck with me "she is awesome and deserves the best rate she can get". I don't see it as what a person can get, I see it as what a person has to make to live now. Unless you are comfortable working and being poor, paycheck to paycheck, hand to mouth, living in an apartment without health care, eating on a strict budget and driving an old car, you have to earn at least 50k a year if you're single and at least 80-90k a year if you have a family.  What options are you expecting? To find some way that you can get her to lower her standard of living so you don't have to lower yours? When I think of it that way, your post makes less and less sense to me.

but, the gates of hell should be opening shortly...you will know when you hear the overwhelming cackle, colective clicking of tongues , boos, hisses and catcalls from the peanuts gallery.

Thank you for your carefully considered analogy of this beaten to death thread theme ( several similar the last few weeks I believe) all digressing to the same point without fail, " she should/shouldn't " " you should/shouldn't".   The same responses throughout mostly of the essence that "she" is a poor business person with little thought to the fact that she is actually conducting a business albeit a very personal and intimate one.  If not berating " her "or abusing " her " then threatening/implying that "she" should/will suffer the consequence of "her" actions for popping that special little fantasy bubble that so many seem to live in.

I am sure that when the price of consummables and services necessary to the function of your business have risen that you probably never received any "grandfather" notices from those vendors just a simple notice of a price increase and you most likely never asked for a break because you were a "regular" either.  

I increased my rate about a year ago and increased my minimum visit simultaneously.  Increased costs where frustrating and most overstayed to begin with, probably just because I never rush anybody, so I successfully dealt with two small irritants. The couple (as in 2 exactly) that fell off I do miss however, at twice for one and three times for the other in a year, hardly regulars but nice men.  I have not and never will address grandfathering or the dreaded NCNS penalty because honestly, there is no future in either and how I handle it is my business.  Quite frankly someone is going to be butthurt anyway so...c'est la vie.

You sir, are a rare commodity here....if ever in Atlanta please do look me up.


-- Modified on 8/26/2017 3:52:50 PM

DaRegularJoe44 reads

C'mon Seriously!!

Normally I do not respond to posts that are all over the place and miss the mark. But you seem to have overdone it.

I understand that rates are raised sometimes and that is life. What did you not understand about X and 2X? Did you ever try raising your rates 2X without expecting people to complain? Try that and then let me know how it goes.

Further, since the rate increase, if I'm not the one making contact then how the heck is it on me to expect her to lower her living standard? I play within my range that I have, that's all. Of course I have no qualms if she gets a higher rate.  

Just because I cannot negotiate OR ignore her is what is causing me this angst.

Tell her that you respect her and her business and that with her rate change you are not sure if it makes business sense for you to see her, unless you can  book a shorter time frame to fit your budget. You might be surprised, she may be willing to meet you half way or even at her old rates.  

A lit of ladies change rates for when they travlel, but for hometown team, rates remain the same. It's been my experience.

DaRegularJoe41 reads

I think I'll try and see if I can ask her, based on multiple responses, about her rates in a nice manner, of course. I am no jerk and have intention of becoming one. If I were, I'd have ignored her but I cannot do that to anyone certainly not to someone whose company I've enjoyed in the past.

Apart from taking a chance of being perceived as a jerk if I go this route (as some posts have already indicated), how does it affect the session? Wouldn't this be at the back of mind of both parties that session is discounted and that I know will take some fun away from the session. Do providers provide the same service?  

Or is this just my discomfort with the whole process? It's like going to a nice restaurant and seeing some people use coupons when the check comes. I've never been able to do that.

DaRegularJoe43 reads

Before a smart alec points out - correction of the above..   :-)

 "I am no jerk and have NO intention of becoming one"

thought about the impact her rate change we'll have on existing client relationships. When she contacts you and doesn't OFFER you the old rate,  she probably realized that her rate increase has impacted your decision not to see her. Nor does she care.  

You can always tactfully mention to her that you enjoy seeing her but the new rate has had an impact on the frequency or if you'll see her again. The Art of this negotiation is to do so in a respectful manner

I''m sure many of us have been in this situation, and in many cases you may find that the service suffers as there can be a bit of tension in the air if she feels she's providing for you at a rate below what she feels she deserves.

If she sees you at the old rate, and either one of you feel like its not tge same, no harm done, but it might be best to move on. Respectfully.  

Ironically I feel that some providers forget that this is a business relationship on both sides and much like it's her prerogative to change her rate, it's your's to be able to ask about  that rate. Tact is essential and leaving judgement out of the discussion is critical.  

From where I sit, she's savvy enough to understand why you're not seeing her. I'll move a mountains to see a woman who I really like. Just not at any price.  

I had an amazing run with a provider who invited herself over one evening and told me she wanted me to fuck her as often as possible. She offered to drop her rate from $$$ to $ to make it a reality and 3x more likely that we'd fuck each other's brains put.  

About 7 years later, after one of our usual mind bending fucks, she demurely mentioned that when she offered the $ rate, it didn't mean forever. LOL ... I just had to hug her. and gave her $$ from that day on.  

You have to be sincerely grateful for gifts received in this joint venture. I am and have been lucky in my life.  
I've always said I'd rather be lucky than good. Sadly, I'm both lol

wrps0753 reads

If she chooses to give you a better rate then go for it.  

I am seeing one who use to charge $250/hour. As soon as she lowered her price to $220 I decided to see her. She jacked her price back up in new ads to $250/hour. I still pay her $220 and she does not complain.

I think you meant she was $25 and reduced her rate to $22, right?

Note to the OP, whatever Chicken Little advises, do the exact opposite and you should be on safe ground.

Only Chicken Little could claim that a woman "jacked up" her rates all the way to $250, err $25 lol

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