TER General Board

I think the same way -e
ElenaMoscow 348 reads


BertG1384 reads

...or a client who simply lacks adequate sexual skills for whichever reason. Do you guys/ladies think the average provider minds this type of client? Is it more likely to be a turn off to them or even be seen as a 'chore'? Or may it perhaps be viewed as a challenge - an enjoyable one at that?  
All feedback is appreciated.

maxdogooder706 reads

IMO, I really don't think the provider care weather you will be a good laid or not. I guess it would be nice if they can get off on you as well ( but if they are going to see 7 clients today, do you think it would be good for them to get off 7 times back to back - you know what they say about too much of a good thing is not so good anymore ).  

Also, I think all providers would have no problem just sitting there & talk to you for the whole session ( thus giving you the REAL WIFE EXPERIENCE ) as long as you left the donation on the table when you first walk in the door...

The only exception I guess if the client was a virgin (never had sex before)...With this one, I would like to hear it from the providers. Would it be like a guy taking the virginity from a girl but opposite?? hmm

I think orgasms may very well be the exception to the "too much of a good thing" rule lol.

being happy to sit and talk the entire time.  Especially with a virgin, a new client, or a nervous client.  I might let it go on 10 minutes, sliding closer and starting to touch a little, but after that I would come right out and say, "I'm happy to continue talking to you if that's what you want to do, but I want to remind you that the clock is ticking and I want us to have fun".  

"REAL WIFE EXPERIENCE"...very funny!  

I've had the absolute pleasure of having several virgins in this business, four I think who have confessed it.  My oldest was 28 and he was adorable!  Good looking with a foreign accent, just shy.

This has come up again and again on the boards.  We don't care about skills and appearance.  We care about reliability, respect, and cleanliness.

-- Modified on 6/26/2015 12:41:35 PM

You don't have to be a "Rockstar" in the sack. You'll be just fine if that's your concern

More often than not these ladies see guys in this hoby they would not bed for free. Some are too old for there taste, some too fat, others too ugly, some have defective, or too large/small part and some lack skill, experience and/or confidence. They know going in you may not be their dream parter.

So if you are clean, respectful, pay in full, and listen most providers will be fine with you. I say listen because first sex done wrong can hurt. Most people aren't wanting painful sex because some guy sucks her clit like a vacuum, or worse uses teeth. Or for that matter repeatedly rams his hard dick into her cervix. So  relax, have fun, enjoy the joys of the hobby, just listen and look for signs she is having fun too. By the Wai if she is pulling away there is a good chance she isn't having fun. Just saying.

The right lady will make it a great experience for you, lots of fun.  A more mechanical lady is not what you want for your first time.  But sex is really the most natural thing in the world, so relax and enjoy it, and enjoy the company of the beautiful lady that you choose to spend time with!

Let's face it, I'm sure the ladies who see multiple guys a day don't want to have everyone of them pound away relentlessly with a huge cock the entire session - not good for recovery. If you are inexperienced this could be good in that if you don't last long (2-pump chump like myself), or if you are nervous and have a hard time keeping it up (yup me again), or hung like a 8 yr old boy,  then you could be a dream client to the lady. I mean who wouldn't want to get paid the same and do as little as possible for it? And not sure if you can take your lead from if she's liking it or enjoying herself because honestly what are the odds she REALLY is? As long as you are clean, respectful and a gentlemen to them then they will invite you back.

I appreciate your self awareness lol.  And for the record-- I agree 100%.  I'll always give it my best effort, no matter what I'm working with, but when a client can fully enjoy themselves without needing a full 60 minutes of penetration, it can be a nice break.  Not to mention, I'll usually pull out all the stops to help fill the rest of the time.  Would you like a massage? Shall we enjoy a shower together? Can I get you a drink? :)

For me, it really depends on the client's attitude.  Clueless and confident is an absolutely terrible combination.  I'll spare you the details of some of the ridiculous stuff I've endured at the hands of clients who are aggressively bad in bed, but suffice it to say, those were the times that it most felt like a "chore".  I can manage clients who just don't know what the hell they're doing, but when a client has convinced themselves that the bizarre and often uncomfortable maneuvers that they're doing are for MY benefit, despite all evidence to the contrary, that's the worst.  Because honestly, unless what they're doing is just unbearable, I'm not going to stop them.  They're clearly enjoying themselves, whether I am or not lol.  

But on the other hand, clueless and curious can be a lot of fun.  I once had the honor of seeing a fairly young virgin who was in town on business.  He was so adorable and nervous that the experience was actually rather sweet.  When a client knows that they're inexperienced and is eager to learn, what's not to love about that?  I'm practically doing a public service ;

BertG398 reads

In what sense of the word "confident" do you mean? I'm assuming you're referring to "cockiness" rather?

Well, not necessarily.  If a client is confident that sucking on the tip of my nose is sexy (true story, unfortunately), he doesn't need to be cocky in order for it to still be an awful experience.  Cockiness is just Confident's ridiculous, pushy older brother lol.

but you might get the best experience if you find a gal who is newbie friendly.  If you are inexperienced, let her guide you.  Even better let her teach you.  Remember that while women (and men) vary both physically & in preferances, there is a lot of commn likes.  
I think you need VIP & need to look for those willingto put the effort into an unrushed experience.  Above all, remember she is your girl friend only for the time you are together...  Because the surge of hormones tend to mess with the mind.  
I recommend a woman late 20s to early 30s...  maybe even older...  young enough to be energetic & sexy...  old enough to be patient & know how to guide.

Except in the case of him doing weird and painful things in his attempt to show me how good he is. That I put a stop to PDQ.  

Otherwise, it is for him and I just go with the flow.  

I just do not see the point in trying to train a guy mainly because what might work for me is not necessarily what the next woman wants. I am already getting what I want out this transaction.

As long as the guy is clean and respectful and has a good attitude, really that is all I care about.

LasVegan332 reads

How can this even be an issue?  It is not that hobbyist's (the one of whom you speak) wedding night, is it?  Did I miss something is he marrying the provider?  The physicality of this whole thing is pretty basic..........he can just lie there......participate in the litany of potential outcomes......he either orgasms or not......how could something so simple be given such a complex spin?

Are we asking the provider to be "instructive" here?  "Put extremity "A" into orifice "B" or "C" or "D?"  If so, would that actually make it a "chore?"


BertG384 reads

Speaking from a general point of view, there are some clients who get more satisfaction out of the entire experience knowing the provider is "into it" and enjoying themselves as well. There are different strokes for different folks.

LasVegan271 reads

am all for mutual enjoyment/satisfaction.

BertG287 reads

And also, what's not to say if she's mutually having a good time won't make for a better experience all around, particularly on the client's end? It could very well make a difference. Even if it isn't a conventional way of looking at it, we're all emotional beings, especially women, and I personally don't view an encounter with a provider any more different than an encounter with a non-provider, whether or not money is involved. There is some simplicity in the fact that a woman, provider or not, will act upon her true feelings and emotions - regardless of how much she tries to hold them back for the sole reason of being "professional". The better you reciprocate to her, the more likely she will better reciprocate back to you. That is essentially what I'm getting at.

Some men don't even know it. They think what they are doing is good. One client confided before the session that he had a fetish. I asked him what it is. He said "oral sex". I think most of us don't think oral sex is a fetish. Agreed? Some men aren't interested in learning and some are. Someone who is clumsy could inadvertently hurt me, so I have to straighten them out or end up bruised or scratched in a way that could keep me from being able to work. I'm still learning things myself. I don't mind this kind of client because I am willing to teach and hope that the world will be a little better place for his future lovers.

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