TER General Board

I see your point, but . . .
coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 376 reads

I don't see how pussy collecting is less of a hobby than stamp collecting, illegal or not.  In fact, I would submit that it is a better hobby.  Even though you CAN lick your stamps, nobody does.  Whereas, with a pussy collection, there is no such thing as licking them too much.

-- Modified on 5/31/2016 7:46:16 AM

JakeFromStateFarm1928 reads

I refuse to use the term because I think "hobby" should apply to stamp collecting, etc. Among others, perfect storm has long disagreed, quoting the definition of the term.
Fine, but it just occurred to me that one major thing setting this activity apart from other "hobbies" is that it is illegal in most places in this country.  And it's only quasi-legal in many others like Canada and Sweden.  So how can an illegal activity be a "hobby?"  I say it can't.  Are there any other "hobbies" that are also illegal? I can't think of any. Discuss amongst yourselves.
And don't ever call me a "hobbyist."

I don't see how pussy collecting is less of a hobby than stamp collecting, illegal or not.  In fact, I would submit that it is a better hobby.  Even though you CAN lick your stamps, nobody does.  Whereas, with a pussy collection, there is no such thing as licking them too much.

-- Modified on 5/31/2016 7:46:16 AM

GaGambler381 reads

I happen to agree with PS about this being a "hobby" but I also agree with you about calling myself a hobbyist. It reminds me of Chef being a member of the "Super Adventure Club" If you have to call it something other than what it is, it must mean you are secretly or not so secretly ashamed of what you are doing. I have ZERO shame about seeing hookers, thus my preference for "whore mongering pig?

I would imagine collecting art would be considered a hobby, so would collecting stolen art be considered any less of a hobby?

I could honestly care less if one calls this a hobby or not, or whether it is a valid term here. I don't believe that the legality or illegal nature of the activity at question is what qualifies it as a hobby though. For instance many people in the BASE jumping community consider it a 'hobby' just as much as a sport. It is however illegal in most countries.

Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm
I refuse to use the term because I think "hobby" should apply to stamp collecting, etc. Among others, perfect storm has long disagreed, quoting the definition of the term.  
 Fine, but it just occurred to me that one major thing setting this activity apart from other "hobbies" is that it is illegal in most places in this country.  And it's only quasi-legal in many others like Canada and Sweden.  So how can an illegal activity be a "hobby?"  I say it can't.  Are there any other "hobbies" that are also illegal? I can't think of any. Discuss amongst yourselves.  
 And don't ever call me a "hobbyist."

ShillBill387 reads

In many cities it a very popular hobby. And Jake congrats, I think this post has put you in the number one spot for top blabber mouth on the GD board.

JakeFromStateFarm378 reads

Also, street racing is a good one.
PS:  Have you been keeping a tally of my posts?  If so, please let me know if I've really surpassed Gambler and cdl. If not, I promise to re-double my efforts.

-- Modified on 5/31/2016 10:50:34 AM

GaGambler351 reads

Even after this post, you still have me beat as "biggest blabbermouth" of the GD board by one.

I suppose you could also call running your mouth on TER a hobby as well.

...any pastime that falls legitimately into the "hobby" realm could have an illegal aspect to it. What about the stamp collector who steals to build their collection? Or the person who builds computers for a hobby but loads them with illegal ir stolen software? Or the person growing pot as a hobby illegally in their home? You get the idea. Bottom line is that anything can be construed as anything.

Personally I like the word hobbyist. It's gender neutral and fits what we do. And I also like monger and trick too, so there ya go.

JakeFromStateFarm222 reads

The examples you cite are legal on their face.  This world is illegal from the get-go.  
PS: I'm a monger but will answer to trick or john.

GaGambler326 reads

The fact that I now pay for much, actually most of the sex I have is irrelevant.

So, if a person stuck to Nevada Brothels or only fucking hookers in Costa Rica or some other place where it is legal, would that make this any more of a hobby to you?

PS, I too answer to trick or john

There are still a few states in the US where oral and/or anal (even between married couples) is considered sodomy, and therefore illegal.  Sex between unmarried people is still technically illegal in a few states as well.

When he was in college, my son used to break into abandoned buildings, climb walls and do graffiti. (Oops, I mean street art.) That was his hobby. He either outgrew it and stopped doing it, or he stopped telling me. I have yet to outgrow this new hobby of mine and I'm sure as hell not telling my kid about it.  
No one really wants to have too much information about the illegal and potentially dangerous hobbies of others, especially their loved ones. "Hobby" is a euphemism, but is it any different than when I tell someone (like my wife) that I went out for a mid-day "meeting"?

-- Modified on 5/31/2016 11:38:47 AM

would be a 1%er motorcycle club tearing down the highway at 90 mph.  However, I understand the mindset that most "hobbies" are tame and legal...which is why calling this "the hobby" can only help our cause with the general public.

I don't think legality matters, as some other posters have already commented on.

I think the issue is that while hobbyist may fit in terms of denotation and strict definition, it fails in the practical connotation. I totally agree that a "Hobbyist" builds or collects objects, be it building model cars or collecting stamps.  

In the connotative sense I perceive, the word Hobbyist does not fit well for me. I do not see myself as a collector (of pussy or notches on the bedpost) and I see no element of "possession" like a collector or model builder might have. Also in the connotation I perceive objects... not people. A stamp is an object, not a person. I can't rationalize any objectification of that sort in terms of how I participate in this world.

I would think of myself as an "Enthusiast" for lack of a better word.... an enthusiast for sex, an enthusiast for women, an enthusiast for the dance of social and sexual interaction. No possession, no objectification, no collecting bedpost notches... just an activity pursued for pleasure.

I just picture that rooftop location with you talking mmmmmmmm  it's that time again    thanks to Molly Feinstein I have no more cramps in my feet  so I can cum at will

Posted By: MasterZen
... a "Hobbyist" builds or collects objects, be it building model cars or collecting stamps.  
I have to disagree.  "Collector" is one subset of "Hobbyist" but there are Hobbies that are not about collecting.  Consider running, rock climbing, stargazing, scuba, ... .  

Please don't cite the nit-picky notion that every Hobbyist collects memories and information about his hobby; that would apply equally to the pleasurable pastime in question here

the strict meaning of hobbyist could apply so broadly... would one who enjoys any activity you list also be an "enthusiast" as well?

I find one term fits better for me than others; surely some disagree. It's ALL in the connotation.

Legality has zero to do with the idea of a hobby or a hobbiest.  Just get tantric and enjoy!  As for me, I do nothing illegal nor do most of the folks here as that would be very naughty indeed!  Last time I checked it out meeting new friends and seeing where our vibe goes is just the essence of social networking.  

Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm
I refuse to use the term because I think "hobby" should apply to stamp collecting, etc. Among others, perfect storm has long disagreed, quoting the definition of the term.  
 Fine, but it just occurred to me that one major thing setting this activity apart from other "hobbies" is that it is illegal in most places in this country.  And it's only quasi-legal in many others like Canada and Sweden.  So how can an illegal activity be a "hobby?"  I say it can't.  Are there any other "hobbies" that are also illegal? I can't think of any. Discuss amongst yourselves.  
 And don't ever call me a "hobbyist."

Unfortunately, the aura of tantra does not always keep LE at bay, as the poor Goddess Temple folk in Arizona found out when Sheriff Joe got medieval on them

My last Mickey Mantle cost me $500.  

My last session cost me $500.  

All these discretionary $500s are killing me

Oh, I guess that loses its luster in written form.

I'm a big proponent of "what gets my point accross". When I say "I enjoy the Hobby", in this forum, I'm sure I get my point accross, and if I say that same thing in other forums, I don't incriminate myself. So, I guess you'll just have to hate me.

Happy hobbying!

It has nothing to do with legality (strip clubbing, base jumping, graffiti street art, drug use, drag racing, etc. can all be hobbies).

It has nothing to do with collecting (collecting stamps and coins are certainly hobbies, but so are  
music, art, sailing, skiing, fine dining, etc).

Providers are not hobbyists - they are professionals.

And any monger or trick or john who prefers to be called a hobbyist can do so without worrying about whether or not they're grammatically correct.

Call me whatever - I don't care.

Shakespeare once said "a dirty sock by whatever name still smells"  ... (or something like that)

GaGambler293 reads

This question has been "debated" forever and yours may be the best answer I have heard yet.

and it's a hell of a lot better than this same tired question.

JakeFromStateFarm315 reads

And if that was all I had to offer I wouldn't have bothered.  Shoot me, but I thought the issue of whether a hobby could be illegal was worth bringing up.  Others seem to agree.
That said, I think some good arguments (especially the one above) have been made so I don't plan to bring the subject up again.
Just don't expect me to use the term.  I still say it's lame.

GaGambler277 reads

and you know how I feel about the term, I feel pretty much the same way about it, just for very different reasons it appears. Well except for the part about it being lame, really fucking lame if you ask me.lol

Illegal gambling
Outlaw street racing
I could go on...

Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm
I refuse to use the term because I think "hobby" should apply to stamp collecting, etc. Among others, perfect storm has long disagreed, quoting the definition of the term.  
 Fine, but it just occurred to me that one major thing setting this activity apart from other "hobbies" is that it is illegal in most places in this country.  And it's only quasi-legal in many others like Canada and Sweden.  So how can an illegal activity be a "hobby?"  I say it can't.  Are there any other "hobbies" that are also illegal? I can't think of any. Discuss amongst yourselves.  
 And don't ever call me a "hobbyist."

I read the OP and replied before reading the rest of the thread. Now I looked back at the thread, it looks like my thoughts were the same as the majority here, even mentioning the same illegal hobbies.

JakeFromStateFarm366 reads

At least about the illegal part.  I will never capitulate about the lame part.  Are you really a "hobbyist" ps?  Say it ain't so.
I'll still eat Spam with you.

1) Big game hunting of endangered/protected species
2) Knockout game
3) collecting kiddie porn
4) collecting ears dug up from graves
5) shoplifting
6) many more

Here on the boards, I refer to myself as a "hobbyist", which is the generally accepted term here going back to the boards' beginnings.  As for calling the ladies "providers", that is also the acceptable term here going back to board origins.   Personally, I prefer to this The Game, but I have my own personal reasons for that...

You lose your argument in your 2nd sentence.

"Among others, perfect storm has long disagreed, quoting the definition of the term. "

You are arguing about the meaning of a word and complaining that someone who disagrees with you is quoting the definition of the word.  You lose the argument right there.  Words have meanings.  Those meanings can change over time, but right now you will lose any argument where you say hobby means anything other than the current definition.  

"A hobby is an activity done regularly in one's leisure time for pleasure."

That's it.  That's the definition.  According to you an illegal activity can't be a hobby?  

What other words does the dictionary have wrong?  If you say a baseball is the thing you use to cut your food, should we believe that too?

JakeFromStateFarm441 reads

I wasn't using the statement about perfectstorm to bolster my argument, just to point out there was an argument on the other side.  What's so hard to get about that? Sheesh!
The other part of my OP was simply to ask the question of whether something illegal could qualify.  Then, just a few posts above yours I conceded the point.  I guess you didn't read that far.
What a dope.

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