TER General Board

I see "some guy" is one of those clients
dapearlj 36 Reviews 2457 reads
1 / 32

A recent thread "Better Customer Service in Scheduling Appointments" got me to thinking about a situation that I see more frequently than I would expect.

It has to do with rates and I am interested in the reasoning or perhaps lack thereof. I came across a provider that I was interested in seeing. Her rate for an hour was $300. Her rate for two hours was $500, or $250 per hour. Her rate for three hours was $800, or $266 per hour.

I am curious as to that pricing strategy as I am somewhat of the opinion that once you have the client in the door, the longer you keep them there (assuming there is a good connection and everyone is enjoying the experience) the less you will have to replace him and ultimately the more money you will make.

I have seen this type of pricing strategy for both incall and outcall appointments. With an incall I can see the logic if a provider wants to limit how much time she has to spend with someone she doesn't know how much she is going to enjoy however with an outcall the provider already has their travel and time spent and I would think she would want to maximize that expense.

Looking to be enlightened, thanks in advance

mrfisher 108 Reviews 490 reads
2 / 32

but if you scope out the rates of many gals, you will become aware of a certain unusual practice that is  somewhat disparaging called "hooker math".

I'm not sure if it applies to most, but many gals' rates tend to fluctuate on a per hour basis as the number of hours increases.  Some do so in a linear fashion which could indicate that the gal does not like longer sessions and tries to dissuade clients from going there.  Others have a parabola shape indicating a sweet spot that perhaps the provider likes.  Still others zig-zag indicating, I don't know what.

It would make a great doctoral thesis for a PhD candidate in statistics

Jensen36363 58 Reviews 394 reads
3 / 32

Or perhaps a thesis in  behavioral psychology or behavioral economics.

JackDunphy 439 reads
4 / 32

Many here call it "hooker math." Lol

Some gals have told me they cut and pasted the rates from a p4p girl who they admire.

Others will tell you they do that in order to get more two hour rates and less 3 hour rates. Why? Some girls just don't like to be with a guy for more than 2 hours as that is their "limit" so to speak but they will take on longer engagements for the right price.

Others just botch the rates and make a change the day after I speak to them about it.

So it really runs the gamut as to why. Sometimes it makes sense, other times there is no rationale for it.

But I agree with you. All the expenses are eaten up in the first hour and the rest of the time is pure profit. They are already showered, made up, dressed, etc so why not give a guy incentive to stay longer and cash in on it?

elainaamhurst See my TER Reviews 416 reads
5 / 32

And honestly do not understand it at all. The price set up you mentioned is generous as well. I have seen some providers rates jump drastically as the time went up. From what I have seen. most ladies, including myself follow your logic. I feel if someone wants to invest the time with me, I want to make longer periods more amicable for him.  

As you said, some women may be nervous about finding a genuine connection, and there for discourage longer incalls, That seems easily diminished with the type of safe guards many of us have in place. I simply won't plan an overnight or longer with someone I have not met with before.  

I am interested as well to hear the rationals behind this. Maybe I'm missing something.

-- Modified on 1/21/2016 7:39:40 PM

Gypsy2184 See my TER Reviews 364 reads
6 / 32

Because the more time and money your willing to spend you're getting a better deal like with almost anything....kinda line buying in bulk lol it makes longer dates/spending more look more appealing because its a better deal the more you spend...

-- Modified on 1/21/2016 6:33:36 PM

hotplants 347 reads
7 / 32

not every provider is operating within the standard corporate biz model that dictates that more money is always better; maximize profits at [nearly] any cost. Even if you're making plenty of money, you should be making more.  

Providers are not selling widgets here. Your example suggests a provider with a preference for an hour, a discount for 2 hrs, and discouraging 3 (not that it's not available at a slight premium).  

There *is* a reason for everything, even if it's difficult to make sense of. But I doubt "hooker math" is as nonsensical as many assume.  

I'm pretty sure the majority of providers actually can do math. I'm willing to give the benefit of the doubt, at any rate

JackDunphy 333 reads
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When I get into these convos many look at me and and our surprised when they go back to their website and realize the math is off.  

I am not making fun of their intelligence, I am pointing out them not doing their due diligence or even bothering to check the math.

After I meet with them, they make the change that night or the next day. I would say it's carelessness rather than lack of math skills.

But I have also talked to many who had an answer immediatley that made sense and that I allude to in my OP.

Some can't, for several reasons, spend more than two hours (I.e. Getting a baby sitter to stay longer) in a session unless they can get more money than usual which will tend to help with the baby sitter issue or issues similar.

TwoMints 244 reads
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Yesterday a ladies was 250hr/450/1.5/650/2hr.  I inquired about it. She said the rates where right....

Today... 300hr/400/550

Now if I could only find a review for her...  Found one, but it was really bad, hopefully it wasn't her...

I hope it was a copy and paste issue and not the alternative.

Squeezetheorem 328 reads
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I definitely think it's about dissuasion for plenty. Others may start the increase where their 'Heartbreak Hill' falls. For instance, a provider may be a rock star for two hours, but three (especially with no meal or inadequate  hydration)  is where she falls apart a bit. She may want a little extra cheddar to hold back fatigue, FOMO, and the overwhelming urge to check on her Clash of Clans village. lol  
Conversely, others may thrive on extended sessions, but still markup because they know they will go way OTC in a long session.

hotplants 250 reads
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As I said there is a reason for these, seemingly, mysterious pricing inconsistencies. In some cases that could be because she simply doesn’t realize. In others (most, I suspect), this mystery is planned.  

AND, it does seem to be the general trend that the guys on this site, that post questions about how flummoxed they are about these inconsistencies are coming from the perspective of: “why wouldn’t she want to be as opportunistic as possible so she can make the most money?” (e.g….why doesn’t she operate like a corp entity and focus entirely on maximizing profits, at the expense of everything else).

But not all money is good money; especially if you have to actually fuck your client (not just metaphorically)

JackDunphy 245 reads
12 / 32

No need to go in full wk panic mode plants. I am agreeing with you for the most part.

And of course there are "reasons" but that doesn't always mean they are logical or understandable reasons.

Some people, and this includes florists, mechanics, restaurateurs and yes, even hookers, are just piss poor business people and not careful when they set up there site or don't double check it.

Or like I said, they just copy and paste from a friend in the biz without giving it any thought.

All types of legit reasons for apparent "hooker math" and some not so legit.  

Calm down. Lol

hotplants 258 reads
13 / 32

hyperbole much? maybe you should calm down.

Yes, we agree..generally. The pricing might be completely illogical and unplanned (I'm sure the millions of women you've guided down the right path are grateful for your advice). But, I think majority of this is intentionally planned.  

Is 'florist' or 'mechanic' math a thing too?

impposter 49 Reviews 285 reads
14 / 32

No, I'm not talking about how much she weighs! (That can end a session early!)  

Conventional markets and industries (someone above mentioned widgets) follow the concepts of returns to scale. For the guy, spending an additional increment (of $) returns MORE (time) than the previous increments (of $). For the gal, it may seem to be a decreasing return to scale but she also benefits from much lower costs of those additional increments and increased profits.

Many posts above explain and defend the up and down fee schedules as being deliberate, accidental or otherwise.  

I just want to add that I have seen, more than once, "hooker math" at the hh to h fees, something like "150/hh, 350/h." Hay! Put me down for two halves! What's she going to do, kick me out for 30 min while she straightens up, gets showered, ... and then brings me back in?  

The "best value at 2 hours" about trying to avoid 3 hrs, for whatever reason, why can't she just say, "I can only do 2 hours on that day." or delete the 3-hr rate completely. Yes, the numbers say the same thing. I'm just thinking it isn't always a deliberate fee structure but bad math

Naughtyfrederica See my TER Reviews 431 reads
15 / 32

I used to be $500 then guys started to pay me double, $1000 for a particular hour on a certain day, not  one but many, so I raised my hour to $1000.  
For my 2-6 hour engagements, my regulars were happy and so was I, so I left the old prices.  
On my first overnight, the guy left more than what was stated on my website, I was confused, but my girlfriend told me that was the rate, so I updated my website accordingly.  
Guys started to want to take me out for the weekend, and when I told one guy what I wanted, he looked at me incredulously and laughed.  He said I was "cheap" and that I needed to charge $15,000 for trips to DC, NYC etc. - $25,000  for Paris, London etc. So I raised my rates.   No one complained and everyone was happy to comply.  I get booked constantly.

I have been to a few weeklong trips in the US and around the world.  Since they were great regulars I let them decide the price and I updated my rates and website accordingly $45,000 - $100,000. Another provider I met on the trip said that it was the going rate.  None of my regulars have complained yet. And I still get booked.  
And this is how a stupid, dumb hooker like me, who can't find a better job, decides my pricing strategy.  
If someone is giving me the money, I'm not saying no.  Basic economics.

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 205 reads
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GGxo See my TER Reviews 216 reads
17 / 32

Plenty of wasted brain cells have and can be spent on why or how a woman configures her rates here. Some of us have a theory while others just throw out a number. Either way doesn't really matter, just make sense in your mind with what you're comfortable paying and have a great time. Seems simples to me. Some boys here spend so much time over analyzing things that they let it ruin said time with said lady and miss out on experiences.  

Focus on the time. Not the dime. ;)

Gia xo
Posted By: hotplants
not every provider is operating within the standard corporate biz model that dictates that more money is always better; maximize profits at [nearly] any cost. Even if you're making plenty of money, you should be making more.  
 Providers are not selling widgets here. Your example suggests a provider with a preference for an hour, a discount for 2 hrs, and discouraging 3 (not that it's not available at a slight premium).  
 There *is* a reason for everything, even if it's difficult to make sense of. But I doubt "hooker math" is as nonsensical as many assume.  
 I'm pretty sure the majority of providers actually can do math. I'm willing to give the benefit of the doubt, at any rate.  

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 227 reads
20 / 32

Don't forget plumbers, Dr's/hospitals, and lawyers.

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 267 reads
21 / 32

OMG the female version of GaG! 😳

Posted By: Naughtyfrederica
I used to be $500 then guys started to pay me double, $1000 for a particular hour on a certain day, not  one but many, so I raised my hour to $1000.    
 For my 2-6 hour engagements, my regulars were happy and so was I, so I left the old prices.    
 On my first overnight, the guy left more than what was stated on my website, I was confused, but my girlfriend told me that was the rate, so I updated my website accordingly.    
 Guys started to want to take me out for the weekend, and when I told one guy what I wanted, he looked at me incredulously and laughed.  He said I was "cheap" and that I needed to charge $15,000 for trips to DC, NYC etc. - $25,000  for Paris, London etc. So I raised my rates.   No one complained and everyone was happy to comply.  I get booked constantly.  
 I have been to a few weeklong trips in the US and around the world.  Since they were great regulars I let them decide the price and I updated my rates and website accordingly $45,000 - $100,000. Another provider I met on the trip said that it was the going rate.  None of my regulars have complained yet. And I still get booked.    
 And this is how a stupid, dumb hooker like me, who can't find a better job, decides my pricing strategy.    
 If someone is giving me the money, I'm not saying no.  Basic economics.  

Fancy8888 See my TER Reviews 217 reads
22 / 32

Posted By: dapearlj
A recent thread "Better Customer Service in Scheduling Appointments" got me to thinking about a situation that I see more frequently than I would expect.  
 It has to do with rates and I am interested in the reasoning or perhaps lack thereof. I came across a provider that I was interested in seeing. Her rate for an hour was $300. Her rate for two hours was $500, or $250 per hour. Her rate for three hours was $800, or $266 per hour.  
 I am curious as to that pricing strategy as I am somewhat of the opinion that once you have the client in the door, the longer you keep them there (assuming there is a good connection and everyone is enjoying the experience) the less you will have to replace him and ultimately the more money you will make.  
 I have seen this type of pricing strategy for both incall and outcall appointments. With an incall I can see the logic if a provider wants to limit how much time she has to spend with someone she doesn't know how much she is going to enjoy however with an outcall the provider already has their travel and time spent and I would think she would want to maximize that expense.  
 Looking to be enlightened, thanks in advance.  

FIDCUOF 240 reads
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No disrespect, but your reviews aren't that good.  I see a lot of 8s....for that price they should all be 10 10 10 10.   just saying

GaGambler 236 reads
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I wonder if he is the one offering to pay double? It does seem to be his "negotiating" style. He is the exact opposite of Jack.

Not that I blame her, if her clients are dumb enough to pay this much, she at least is smart enough to accept it.

escalade1964 65 Reviews 228 reads
25 / 32

For getting that type of "Coin" for donations;
Not so dumb to me! LOL

GaGambler 215 reads
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Who's the dumb one, the one getting a grand an hour, or the ones paying it?

I do agree with BPS, I'd love to have her client list. I have several bridges for sale.

Working smart beats the fuck out of working hard.

Andthenshesaid 218 reads
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After a certain amount of hours you knock 100 off 200 off and so on and so on with, the longer the session. Some ladies prefer longer engagements so they give deep discounts for booking "dinner dates" and "overnights" some just prefer a gent to stay an hour so they figure if you are booking a longer engagement they will give a slight discount cause even though they don't have to "fill your slots" you are still "taking up their time" where they could see a few other clients at their full hourly rate without having to provide discounts cause you booked 4 hours.

B9TAG 22 Reviews 208 reads
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I believe most here overthink this anomaly. I your example my guess is it is because she simply like round numbers (as in hundred dollar bills). She chose $500 for two hours because it provided a discount off the hour rate but was still an even hundred amount. For three hours she chose $800 for the same reason instead of $700 because $700 was too much of a discount in her mind. May not make since to you or me but there is at least some type of logic to it.

Naughtyfrederica See my TER Reviews 286 reads
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Who knows why? Who Cares why? I don't analyze, I don't question.  Dumb Hooker Logic. I am happy to accept his generous gift and am grateful he picked me!

perfectstorm 19 Reviews 239 reads
30 / 32

1 private dance $40
2 private dances $60
3 private dances $10

hey mikey 8 Reviews 194 reads
31 / 32

But it's often just the opposite.

xyz23 45 Reviews 213 reads
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...VIP rooms and accompanying dance/dances reasonable too. Of course hooker math can be involved when it comes to extras.

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