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I searched the American Heart Assoc. site and found a warning about a phony AHA diet!
providerX 3415 reads

Is this the diet you're talking about or is it a different one?


A weight-loss diet supposedly from our organization has been cited several times across the United States and in Australia.

The phony diet describes a three-day menu, supposedly prescribed by the American Heart Association or by the "Heart Association." It includes vanilla ice cream, hot dogs, eggs and cheddar cheese. The diet promises a 10-pound weight loss in three days.

The bogus diet has also been cited as the Spokane Heart Diet, the Cleveland Clinic Diet and the Miami Heart Institute Diet. The poorly typed and photocopied phony diet has also been offered by mail for $2 per copy.

The phony diet is not from our organization. For years, we have recommended that Americans cut saturated fat and cholesterol by limiting egg yolks, whole-milk dairy products such as ice cream and cheddar cheese, and luncheon meats. From time to time other fad diets emphasizing other foods have been falsely attributed to the American Heart Association.

Hello all. I have recently started a new exercise program and in the interest of getting a good start it was suggested to me that I consider doing a monthly fast.
Has anyone here every done any fasting? If so, how did you feel when you were on it? What sort of fast did you do? Do you know of any links to good information on fasting and it's benefits and/or health concerns?
I appreciate all the help in advance. Thanks! xxx Octavia.

I once actually fasted for 21 days. It was primarily because I was into philosophy and spiritualism at the time, and believed it was a part of a cleasing process, both physically and spiritually. Firt thing you notice is that you get really foul tasting and smelling mouth within even the first day. Secondly, you begin to lose things like energy and motivation. It's no wonder the ancients included it as part of spiritual ritual. It actually gets to the point of being a hallucinogen! My advice; don't do it. The body needs good nourishment on a very frequent basis, and the current wisdom is to eat less, eat healthy, and eat frequently. If you want to cleanse the system, there are foods that do a far better job than fasting. When you fast, your body assumes you are starving, and starts to shut certain systems down to preserve calories. This includes your digestive tract. Furthermore, if you are borderline diabetic or hypoglycemic, you could be doing yourself serious harm.

Here's a link to Fasting Center International.
I haven't looked too deeply, but I like the quotes here:


I also think this email address is great:
[email protected]

Here's another site I liked:



P.S. Don't fast while you're menstruating!

-- Modified on 5/7/2004 3:06:16 PM

Better yet, go to a medical weight loss program sponsered by a hospital.   YOu will lose protien mass (muscle) from fasting.  It will work against your exercise program and make you look and feel heavier.  It will also slow your metobalism and not let your exercise program kick your metobalism up.

Good luck on whatever you try!  It's hard to change your weight and lifestyle.

vannessa3305 reads

I think fasting takes too much away from me. I get very moody and since I am used to eating small meals every 3 to 4 hours, there is no way that I can tolerate going without food for too long. I feel really good after a colon cleansing. Guys, don't laugh, I'm being serious. It is very good for you. Go to a professional for this.
Singer Usher has raved about the benefits of colon cleansing.

If you are trying to lose weight, you can cut back your carbs after lunch, eat more protein, best results with protein grams per day = the amount of weight you are. Example: 110 lbs, consume 110grams of protein per day.
Cardio on an empty stomach in the morning, weight lifting at night.

Thyroid exam or consult a nutritionist who can better give you a proper exercise and nutrition program customized for you.

If you're seriously desperate to shed weight:
Combinations:Clenbuterol,Triacana,Saizen (growth hormone must combine with Cytomel T1 or T2) will give you maximum results combined with a very strong water pill named Bumex also known as Bumedyl. Bumex really gets you going but you will see guaranteed results in only 3 days. Just make sure that you don't overload on any sodium or your body will automatically bloat up!

Crash diet: The American Heart and Lung Association has posted a chemical diet on their website that will help you shred 10 pounds in 3 days.

Don't forget that Rome was not built in a day.
Starving yourself will lead to loss of radiance,muscle tone and a healthy glow.

For the best, do a traditional program and combine with weights and cardio. Partner up with someone who has realistic goals about a healthy body image. Not everyone looks good thin.

If you have any more questions about dieting e-mail me: [email protected]

Good luck to you.

-- Modified on 5/7/2004 7:06:49 PM

providerX3416 reads

Is this the diet you're talking about or is it a different one?


A weight-loss diet supposedly from our organization has been cited several times across the United States and in Australia.

The phony diet describes a three-day menu, supposedly prescribed by the American Heart Association or by the "Heart Association." It includes vanilla ice cream, hot dogs, eggs and cheddar cheese. The diet promises a 10-pound weight loss in three days.

The bogus diet has also been cited as the Spokane Heart Diet, the Cleveland Clinic Diet and the Miami Heart Institute Diet. The poorly typed and photocopied phony diet has also been offered by mail for $2 per copy.

The phony diet is not from our organization. For years, we have recommended that Americans cut saturated fat and cholesterol by limiting egg yolks, whole-milk dairy products such as ice cream and cheddar cheese, and luncheon meats. From time to time other fad diets emphasizing other foods have been falsely attributed to the American Heart Association.

vannessa2603 reads

The diet that I saw was based on peanut butter in the morning with 1 slice of bread, juice, cookie for a snack,cottage cheese as well as another peanut butter sandwich with 1 slice of bread in the afterlunch time. I can't recall the rest of the diet.
However, i do know that t works because my neighbor was on it and she was the one who showed it to me.

Now as for the Saizen, you have to be over 30 years of age to use it and under the supervision of a doctor.
The results range from increased sex drive to a great increase in muscle tone for those who incorporate weight lifting in to their program.

Saizen is not cheap and ceratinly not for everyone, so talk to your doctor for this one. They say it knocks off about 10 years from you.
I know many who use Saizen and it is amazing what it can do for the body.


Thanks for all the helpful comments so far (and Sedona I will be contacting you soon), but I just reread my post and realized I wasn't clear about something.
I'm not planning on doing any extended fasting at all. I was planning on doing a 2 day juice fast once a month or so just for detoxification.
I have done colonics and find them extremely invigorating, but the idea of fasting does appeal to me. When ones colon is empty, that feels great, so I just wonder how it would feel to be empty from the other side. lol
Of course I get hunger pangs from time to time like anyone else, but I have never tried to transcend those feelings of hunger before, and I guess I'm interested in what it's like. The exercise program I'm on does suggest a liquid fast for two days. It's not required, but they say there is a benefit. Basically I was just hoping for comments from those that have done it before.
Thanks again! xxx Octavia.

And you should take in at least some carbohydrates during that.  

-- Modified on 5/9/2004 3:35:58 AM

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