TER General Board

i respectfully disagree
BigPeterJohnson 39 Reviews 387 reads

imo the words accompanying the numerical scores are superfluous literary decoration, word groups that help qualify the numbers.  so to me, "once in a lifetime" is just hyperbole like when i say "this is the best burger i ever tasted!"  it may or may not be overall, but at that moment, it is.

many women i've been with have been once in a lifetime, at that moment in my lifetime.

imo there are only 3 valid ratings:  

1) yes, i'll see her again (and so should you)

2) no, i won't see her again (and neither should you)

3) i probably won't see her again, but ymmv

just my humble opinion

For those bogged down in semantics, let's play nice and allow someone to have more than one if they'd like. It doesn't hurt anyone if they do, right. But I guess you can be an asshole too if you'd like considering this is an open forum.  

And let's also assume most, if not everyone, understands this is p4

Over the past decade plus, I've known and loved several ladies who fit the term.  Several of them are on my review list, and though these were posted years ago, all are still active.  This list is not all inclusive, though...at this point, I don't need to review, and when I need for references, the list is far in excess.  P411 also helps in the reference game, and I have my bases covered there.

I don't have an ATF, but I have a lot of ATM girls. At The Moment. My definition of ATM is a hot 18-22 yo white chick, 120 lbs. or less, who lets me inseminate her cervix and her tonsils, and will keep doing so until the next ATM comes next, which usually doesn't take very long.

...and I find myself saying, "Too bad so'n'so'n'so ain't in town," then I know who is my all-time favorite.

Posted By: nothrofboston
For those bogged down in semantics, let's play nice and allow someone to have more than one if they'd like. It doesn't hurt anyone if they do, right. But I guess you can be an asshole too if you'd like considering this is an open forum.  
 And let's also assume most, if not everyone, understands this is p4p
ATF #1 was a non-GFE 7/8 and she taught me that  I don't need a perfect "10". Some perceived "flaw" doesn't matter when you feel a deeper connection to that person. She was a mind reader. I felt so safe and comfortable when I was with her, and that would be many, many times until she retired.

My 2nd ATF was 12/12! It was another incredible connection and mind reading-like abilities far beyond those of mortal women. She is also retired.  

Here's a way around the "10 One in a lifetime" issue (which is similar to but not the same as the ATF issue):

Revise the database so that every reviewer can have ONE and ONLY ONE "10 One in a lifetime" for Appearance and ONE and ONLY ONE "10 One in a lifetime" for Performance. A new "10" would automatically change any previous 10 to a 9.  

Starting with the current set of 1.348 million reviews, there would be a sudden, massive shockwave as most 10s were suddenly changed to 9s and average scores plummeted and only the most recent 10 from each reviewer remained.  

IMO, "All-Time" does not require a singular Favorite the way that "ONCE in a lifetime" does mean ONE

as you do about ATFs. But there are several ways a session can be a 10 that a previous 10 didn't. Case in point, my first time with a squirter. Or the gal who was also an ATF that schooled me in anal.
Or the 15 min. rolling orgasm from a gal that gave me the singular best BBBJ ever. Or the dynamo that could cum from a guy sucking her breasts. Or the gal with the best deep throat skills.

I could go on and I'm sure others might be able to add a few 10 moments too.  

I get the point that some people take Once in a Lifetime to mean something along the stricter, more literal definition you do. I guess it falls in the "it's all good" category. Btw, I hate that phrase. Lol

DTLover81 reads

Who was it that gave you the best deep throat ever? Looking for a replacement to the one I had who retired. At least Cathy Heaven is still out there.

PRS2005497 reads

For me, the only true "10" is Sophia Loren when she was about 30. But giving less than 10 to a provider who's just incredible messes up the system. Your idea would solve that problem.

I had two "ATF's" at the same time, but one retired and I stopped seeing the other. The term has lost a lot of meaning, just like the scores

imo the words accompanying the numerical scores are superfluous literary decoration, word groups that help qualify the numbers.  so to me, "once in a lifetime" is just hyperbole like when i say "this is the best burger i ever tasted!"  it may or may not be overall, but at that moment, it is.

many women i've been with have been once in a lifetime, at that moment in my lifetime.

imo there are only 3 valid ratings:  

1) yes, i'll see her again (and so should you)

2) no, i won't see her again (and neither should you)

3) i probably won't see her again, but ymmv

just my humble opinion

A favorite is just someone I want to see over and over again, which is what I do with almost all the gals I see.

I suppose when I'm at death's doorstep some day I'll be able to declare who my "all time" favorite was, but what's the point

GaGambler366 reads

If we were to call it my "current favorite" or even "favorite at the time" I could live with that, but for the very reason/s you have cited, ATF is one of those terms I despise and refuse to use.

a "favorite" is a "favorite"; the idea that there can only be one for "all time" is definitely untrue and pointless

see my tome above about "once in a lifetime."

same applies here imo

someone you feel sincerely and genuinely enjoys and looks forward to the time you spend together - as much as you look forward to it and enjoy it. The person you would choose to spend time with first, given all choices were equally available.  

I think an ATF has the right mix of attributes, in the sense that friendship, connection, passion, etc... are ALL present and persist beyond only a date or two

Says, "You're my boyfriend now, so you don't have to give a donation anymore."  It only happened twice, but lasted for months in both instances, so needless to say, only two ATF's  for me. I usually have a CF (current favorite) out of the girls I'm regular with.

Did they end with a bang, or with a whimper?

Just being nosy

About six months because I would start sneaking sessions with other girls and they found out. Never underestimate the Kgirl network. It was completely my fault both times. When giving it to me for free, they expect exclusivity on my part.  Seems narrow-minded to me. I was only seeing someone else a couple times a month and I was seeing these girls three or four times a week, so it's clear I was ALMOST completely committed to them.

NoYellowEnvelope286 reads

When I talk with her, I know I'm talking with the actual person, not some put-on provider persona.  She has no pretense.   She's completely honest with me, and I with her.  We can talk about anything, because we trust each other completely. We know each other's likes and dislikes, so every "date" is fun because we focus on the likes and avoid the dislikes.

I feel extremely comfortable and safe with her, and her with me. If our lives permitted it, we could spend a week or more together and have a great time.  

She's the best kisser I've ever experienced.  Her other skills are top notch also--a solid 10.  Physically, I think she's very sexy and beautiful, an 8 at least, although some guys have given her as low as a 6 because she doesn't have a flawless face.  

She's cerebral and a great debater, which makes for stimulating pillow talk.  She's fun.  She's witty.  She can be sassy, in a good way.  She's kind.  She's industrious and hard-working, supporting her loved ones with multiple jobs.  

I've never met any provider quite like her. Which is why I consider her my ATF.

allsportstrophies329 reads

well put. being honest about dislikes and making feel like your talking to a real person . i had one provider who did this and was on way to becoming atf, but didn't

maybe if choosing someone who is the appropriate age is the key? can't tell about the mindset as everyone is different.
oh and i'm not sure about spending a week...

Posted By: NoYellowEnvelope
When I talk with her, I know I'm talking with the actual person, not some put-on provider persona.  She has no pretense.   She's completely honest with me, and I with her.  We can talk about anything, because we trust each other completely. We know each other's likes and dislikes, so every "date" is fun because we focus on the likes and avoid the dislikes.  
 I feel extremely comfortable and safe with her, and her with me. If our lives permitted it, we could spend a week or more together and have a great time.    
 She's the best kisser I've ever experienced.  Her other skills are top notch also--a solid 10.  Physically, I think she's very sexy and beautiful, an 8 at least, although some guys have given her as low as a 6 because she doesn't have a flawless face.    
 She's cerebral and a great debater, which makes for stimulating pillow talk.  She's fun.  She's witty.  She can be sassy, in a good way.  She's kind.  She's industrious and hard-working, supporting her loved ones with multiple jobs.  
 I've never met any provider quite like her. Which is why I consider her my ATF.  

KJ523349 reads

Shit with one of my current favorites I need an app to talk to her. Most everything else needs no words. But she is really sweet

although my definition is less "all time favorite" and more like "who i like to see more than twice."

i'm finding that the trick for a lady is not to get me to want to see her a second time, but to get me to want to see her again after every time i spend with her.

there's about 5 girls currently i would consider my atf's because, if and when i get the dough, i'm happy to set up sessions with them, even though i've seen each multiple times already.

actually very few women hold my interest past a second date.  

it was mentioned above that the feeling that she is honest with me, and not putting on a personae, and that she is enjoying her time with me as much as i am mine with her.

there are two women i have seen over the course of several years...would only see them 2 or 3 times a year.  but god, everytime i see them again, they both treat me like the first time i was with them, and like i am the best thing about their day.  maybe it's really really good acting on their parts (probably is) but it is the sort of attitude that makes me want to come back again.

it's rare.

aesthetic quality.

Posted By: nothrofboston
For those bogged down in semantics, let's play nice and allow someone to have more than one if they'd like. It doesn't hurt anyone if they do, right. But I guess you can be an asshole too if you'd like considering this is an open forum.  
 And let's also assume most, if not everyone, understands this is p4p  

NoYellowEnvelope231 reads

... re "ATF" with this joke, which was funny the first time someone used it but was worn out many threads ago. Surely you can think of a more original way to show your disdain for the idea of "all time favorite."

She is my ATF because she works for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives on the side.  

No disdain here. When I was young I met a cheap girl. We became friends and didn't even use condoms. We would spend hours inside that room to the disdain of the other cheap apt. girls. Then when her daughters became providers I went inside with one and there was a misunderstanding. I told her and the girl ask me, you told the lady I treated you bad? She said, you wanted to change me... like that's what happens. I went back later, didn't find them/her again.  
That was my ATF. There been other almost ATF but none like her.

That’s really all there is to it. Seen girls I thought were super hot and she did all the right things, but we just didn’t click. Seen average looking girls who didn’t do everything right, but we just clicked and I couldn’t wait to see them again. It all comes down to chemistry. And you’ll never know if you have it with someone until you meet.

It says automatic transmission fluid on the bottle. Then look up type in owners manual. Newer ones have a a sealed off system.

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