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I remember this one hooker I dated several years back
GaGambler 389 reads

She was Korean, I met her at an AMP, but she didn't stay there and ended up working at one of the legal brothels in N Nevada. She was one of those "reluctant hookers" she was great at her job, but it was only a means to and end and she certainly didn't "love her job"  

One night we were talking shortly after we started dating and she told me how she wanted to quit doing sex work and do something part time so she could make "only" about ten grand or so a month. lol

She was the one who I took to Hawaii for ten of the worst days of my life, and I dumped her immediately after we got back home, but I can only imagine if I had stayed with her, She would have driven me completely mad I am sure.

Happy ending to her story though, she moved to Florida and opened an AMP of her own and I am confident that she did very well for herself.

cashorcredit3904 reads

What should I do? I figure Who better to ask than a provider

So I've been communicating with a provider, I would say 5 times a week developing a friendship with her. Over this time I've discovered that I have feelings for her, yeah she's drop dead gorgeous but what attracts me to her is her ability to make me laugh.

Should I tell her how I feel and risk ruining our friendship. I told her if she ever needs anything to let me know, surprisingly she hasn't asked me for any money OTC. Advice appreciated

you have been dating her on the outside without paying her?  Have you seen her yet as a customer?  Or has this only been a written friendship with emails?  The answer to these are going to give guidance as to what advice is appropriate.  More info needed.

cashorcredit497 reads

No to your first question. Yes to your second question  

OTC communication have been through phone, FaceTime and texts

I would ask her out on a regular outside date OTC.  If she goes, then there is the POSSIBILITY of more than just a customer-provider relationship here.  All you have so far is that you are her customer, maybe a regular customer, and she is "e-maintaining" you between appointments.  Many providers do that with their regulars.  If she's willing to go out on a RL date with you OTC, then maybe things have morphed into something more.  Maybe not.  If you pour your heart out at this stage and she says, "Dude, get a grip, you're my customer, this is not real, its a fantasy", you're going to feel awfully foolish.  

Shiksa386 reads

We are nice and flirt with our good clients because we want them to come back and see us.

What exactly is your (original poster's) intent with this young lady?

Do you want her to be your girlfriend?

Are you even single and available?

Are you HER type?  

Is she single?

Has she mentioned wanting to do things with you OTC like go to lunch, movies, or go on vacation with you?

Just some things to think about before you tell her you are falling for her... because once that cat is out of the bag....

cashorcredit405 reads

I don't know
She claims to be single  
She's mentioned wanting to go to DUBIA

Shiksa315 reads

You fit the "profile" of so many clients.

You're married.

Maybe not entirely happy in the marriage.

You see a provider a few times.  

She's gorgeous, sweet, and funny.  She texts, facetimes, and emails you flirty messages because you're a good client (fun, easy to be with, and you gave a nice donation.)

You can't stop thinking about her.  You fantasize about being single and being her boyfriend.

You really don't know anything about her.  You've never spent time with her without paying.

I think you should slow down, enjoy your relationship, but don't tell her you are falling for her.  She may react in a way that could really hurt your feelings and ruin the fantasy friendship.

cashorcredit394 reads

No not married  

But everything else 90% accurate. I spend days with her for a couple hundred bucks, when I'm with her I don't consider myself paying that's gas money to me. I've bought her gifts that cost more than the donation.

I value our friendship so I'm probably just going to keep quiet as I don't want to put her in a awkward position. Appreciate the advice

GaGambler471 reads

If she wants more, I am sure she'll let you know. In the meantime enjoy the ride and TRY not to fuck it up by becoming a love sick puppy dog. I would hate to have to "put you down" someday. lol

One thing to keep in mind, friendships can last forever, the expected life of an actual "We are in love" relationship is much shorter.

cashorcredit589 reads

Haha I probably should've come to you for advice before I posted, but you are 100% right about me fucking up a good thing.

I have been with hundreds of woman and I am not sure how she was able to break through the wall that I usually keep up, but damn what a pup I've become.  

Thanks for talking some sense into me

GaGambler343 reads

I have dated a lot of hookers and the very best relationships were the ones where SHE was the one who made it official that we were now BF/GF. When she utters those words "I don't want your money anymore, I want you to be my boyfriend" that's when you know. I would strongly advice "hinting" too strongly that you want her to say this or even worse trying to put the words in her mouth, or even worse yet and probably the very worst thing you could do would be to declare your undying love for her without a clue as to how she feels about you.

Now come on in off that ledge and go back to enjoying what you have right now.

cashorcredit387 reads

I'll enjoy being in the friend zone until she says or hints otherwise

GaGambler380 reads

The "friend zone" with a hooker is GREAT because you are still getting laid. With the civvy, not so much. lol

Shiksa254 reads

My boyfriend began as a client.  

By our second session together, I started falling for HIM.  By our third session, I purposefully "forgot" his donation on the table.  

Soon after, I asked HIM out to lunch.  

Then there was a death in his family, so we lost contact for some time and I gave him space while he mourned.  6 months later, I reached out again just to say hi.

Soon after, he invited me to go on vacation....

A few months after that, I told him straight up that I wanted him to be my boyfriend.  He accepted.

Two years later... well, it's not exactly rainbows and sunshine.  Lots of drama at times... breakups, fights, ... but we are still together or friends, depending on the day.

The point is (as you know), there's really no ambiguity when the provider wants the client to be her boyfriend!

-- Modified on 3/28/2017 3:31:04 PM

But might be a little further along than you. I`m seeing a sweet one that`s 1/2 my age who`s not married and neither am I and all I get are green lights and more green lights from her. So I`m thinking that there might be something outside the box but I am scared. I don`t want to get hurt especially at my age. I`ve seen her 4 consecutive times and I don`t want to see anyone else. She says I make her laugh better than all the others and our connection, chemistry is terrific. Tells me I`m her ATF! What??
After our last tryst I asked her to go to dinner later OTC. Tells me she never does OTC. She said she had a 90 min client to see after me. I said I`d hang at the mall and come back and pick her up at 5 pm. Her reply, "OK". Picked her up and now she`s in boots and jeans lookin' so GND and off to a nice Mexican bistro we go. She holds my hand walking from the car to the bistro and I think my poor heart is going to explode and burst through my chest! I love it, this is potent juice like I haven`t felt in a loong time.
Sat at the bar and ate and drank for 2 1/2 hrs and she told me her life history, she didn`t want to leave but a big  snowstorm was forecast and we both had long drives home.. Holy shit! I can`t seem to find my brake pedal, don`t want to or it`s broken. What do I do? I so don`t want to fuck this up but being patient is not my strong point. HELP
When you`re finished with cashorcredit, talk some sense into me too please or tell me you think I got a shot, lol

GaGambler251 reads

It sounds like except for the fact she went out to dinner with you OTC, you are still paying full freight and are still very much a client. If you want to test the waters you might try this. Tell her you love hearing from her, but you don't want to make a pest of yourself when she is busy. Tell her you are't going to call/text/write to her first, but that you would love to her from her, and then wait. If she is into you, she will reach out, if you don't hear from her, you have your answer there too.

Shiksa315 reads

Have you considered the implications of dating a (current or former) provider?  Can you handle it for a year?  Two years?  Want to help her get her career and finances in order?  Ready to make a commitment to all this?

Just a few things to think of besides the great sex!

And yes the sex will be great.


GaGambler390 reads

She was Korean, I met her at an AMP, but she didn't stay there and ended up working at one of the legal brothels in N Nevada. She was one of those "reluctant hookers" she was great at her job, but it was only a means to and end and she certainly didn't "love her job"  

One night we were talking shortly after we started dating and she told me how she wanted to quit doing sex work and do something part time so she could make "only" about ten grand or so a month. lol

She was the one who I took to Hawaii for ten of the worst days of my life, and I dumped her immediately after we got back home, but I can only imagine if I had stayed with her, She would have driven me completely mad I am sure.

Happy ending to her story though, she moved to Florida and opened an AMP of her own and I am confident that she did very well for herself.

Its going to blow up in your face because you are too infatuated with her.  It gives her complete control over you.  You feel LUCKY to be PAYING for her dinner, and I'm sure she knows it from your demeanor.  When I take a girl out OTC, I make sure I have set the stage so that they know THEY'RE the lucky one to be out with me because I have so many choices.  

cashorcredit363 reads

When I see her I don't book hourly session it's for the entire day.  

Her regular rate doesn't doesn't quite add up with her overnight rate for me but I won't argue with her math.

" but don't tell her you are falling for her."  
More that that -- you DON'T know who she really is. You're attached to a fantasy at this point so get control of your emotions.

As others have said, do a bit more feeling out of the reality of the relationship. If you get some OTC dates and start doing some normal things you'll have a clearer picture of who she is and what any relationship might be like.

Also, you need to be prepared to "share" if she's not read to quit working. Are you good with that in the relationship?

cashorcredit279 reads

I've come to the conclusion not to tell her instead let her initiate anything more. Financial I could support her if she quit working but that would be her call.

Posted By: cashorcredit
What should I do? I figure Who better to ask than a provider  
 So I've been communicating with a provider, I would say 5 times a week developing a friendship with her. Over this time I've discovered that I have feelings for her, yeah she's drop dead gorgeous but what attracts me to her is her ability to make me laugh.  
 Should I tell her how I feel and risk ruining our friendship. I told her if she ever needs anything to let me know, surprisingly she hasn't asked me for any money OTC. Advice appreciated

JakeFromStateFarm498 reads

Clearly you've kidnapped him and he's dictating messages to you.  But take the gag out of his mouth.

GaGambler424 reads

Only it's worded in "Fancyspeak" which is worse than I write with TWO bottles of tequila in me.

I like CoC, so I won't give him advice that might just ruin what appears to be a pretty good thing. If some douche bag had made the same post, that very well might have been my answer because it is the one way to find out for sure.

From my own experience, I'd tell him to proceed with caution. Been down this path and once was enough. Have no interest in going down it again.

"A couple of hundred bucks" and he's with her for days!?! Sounds like she may be sweet on him already.

Steph xoxo

-- Modified on 3/28/2017 9:07:59 AM

cashorcredit410 reads

She's not charging me at all, which I would probably feel guilty about because if she didn't need the money I don't think she would be escorting

I went through this exact scenario.  Started off just the same way and it continued to progress.  I had a million reasons to walk away, but there was always one reason I didn't.  I won't tell you how far they progressed for a lot of reasons.  But things ended and what I learned was absolutely disgusting.  

So my suggestion to you is to watch her behavior.  Fuck what she says, watch what she does.  Mine could look you dead in the eye and be so convincing about things.  Trust is hard to earn with me and sadly I put to much trust into her hands.  Don't make that mistake.  

cashorcredit462 reads

I already let my guard down with her but I've decided to lower my expectations and not fuck up the friendship I've developed with her.

I kept an open mind about it, especially knowing she was a provider.  I'm also not the jealous type.  

But I will tell you straight up, watch out because once you let that guard down and they know it, they could every easily play a game and some are really good at it.  

My biggest mistake was giving her the benefit of the doubt.  She had some really incredibly believable stories to go with it.  When I finally put the emotional aspect off to the side and played by the same rules she did, she was not thrilled at all.   The truth always comes out in the end and for some it can be a hard pill to swallow.  I'm fairly certain she's still struggling with that truth pill.  

I could not have said it better myself. I love it when you keep it real!

You do not want to reveal these feelings; she is a provider for a reason.  This is all or part of her job.  You will drive her away.

And love springs eternal, but you might have to grow a pair.  I love meeting you ladies, I love chatting with you, you do make me laugh, keep me young, and some of you I truly love your mind.  But I've never confused flirtation with romantic interest.  You have not even met her in person.  At some point, she will write you off as a time waster because of the multiple e-mails, ignore you, and then someone else here will offer you some rope. See how it goes after you meet her.  

There's a reason 'Pretty Woman' was shot in LA.

cashorcredit318 reads

If you had you would know I've seen this provider several times for days, as I don't do hourly sessions with her.

I didn't see that you did.  However, my old eyes or the Scotch blurs my vision.  Please correct me if I am incorrect.

GaGambler375 reads

I am glad I was out golfing for the first several replies, but it you read the rest of his posts it's pretty clear he hasn't just seen her, but has been seeing her for extended dates, which puts a completely different spin on this.

My mistake.  However the 'Pretty Woman' comment remains.

VOO-doo430 reads

When I was newly independent and doing incall in NYC, I had a really cool client who booked 3-4 hours at a time, and became a regular. While I didn’t have romantic feelings for him, I enjoyed his company and found him to be a very endearing and awesome human being.  

Since I liked him, and also because his money was contributing to 30% of my rent per month (that might not sound like a lot, but my rent was literally in the several thousands), I really wanted to go out of my way to keep him around. So, I started letting him stay overtime, chatting. Nothing crazy, maybe about 1 hour.  

We went to our first lunch OTC at my suggestion. I’d been obligated to cut a date short (someone else needed to get into my incall). I told him in advance, but since he’d originally wanted more time, I felt that it would be a nice gesture to offer an OTC lunch to make up for it. He agreed, and we had a nice time.  

I continued to let him overstay a bit after sessions. He started emailing me… at first, every few days. Then every day. I worried that he was developing feelings, he kept squarely on “his” side of the fence. Still booked sessions. Also, he had an SO and was a longtime hobbyist. So I figured that things were OK… the emailing was a bit excessive, but I enjoyed it a bit and also figured it was part of the job.  

Things progressed, I went on a vacay and bought him a REALLY nice gift (to show appreciation for his company, and business both). He bought me a few gifts as well… small things but extremely personal. I still have them.  

So, he asked me on a ‘OTC’ lunch date, on a day when a session was not booked. He mentioned a restaurant I said I’d never tried, and we agreed to meet there one day right before I had to get my hair cut. I had to eat lunch anyway, and it seemed like a nice gesture to keep him loyal. We had a good time.  

I NEVER saw him as anything except as a cool guy… and, above all, a very good favorite client.  

How did it all fall apart? Basically, he lost his head and thought that the “relationship” couldn’t stay where it was… it had to either go forward, or end. So it ended.  

He was not only hurt, but I think he was very angry and felt used. I wasn’t trying to string him along. I just used bad judgment, and also trusted that things were, while VERY friendly/informal, still professional. Up until the end, he ALWAYS made sure never to cross the line. Sessions were booked, the L word was never even hinted at. He’d mentioned an SO to me several times. There was even talk of him sessioning with a friend of mine. So I just kind of naively figured that, we could maintain a good mutually beneficial and enjoyable relationship… I think it taught both of us a good lesson. Unfortunately, it ruined what had been a fun and happy 'friendship', and created bad memories and future hang-ups for BOTH of us.  

Take it for what it’s worth. While my situation seems similar (superficially), I can’t speak to YOUR friend’s feelings. And I was very young and new at the time.

GaGambler357 reads

CoC, unlike your client, knows he shouldn't be pushing this issue and to either let it develop by itself by HER initiating more rather than him doing what your ex client did.

Or if he didn't know if before, he certainly knows it now. I sort of doubt his situation is going to end as badly as yours. Number one, he is already barely paying her a pittance compared to her normal rate at HER idea, not his. Number, both he and her are single and able to pursue a relationship unlike your ex client and Number three, although she is not asking for anything CoC is exhibiting the class to be buying her stuff and not simply "taking advantage of the situation"

I still agree he shouldn't push things, but I do believe he 'has a chance" and more than a "one in a million" chance. lol

cashorcredit283 reads

Hey a chance is a chance nonetheless lol.

Just because she said she's single doesn't mean a damn thing.  The only person who knows whether she is single or not is her.  He has no idea beyond what she claims or states.  

The moment any mention of $ comes up, he needs to bail.  Plain and simple.  

The only person who really knows anything is her.  As a provider, she has the perfect set-up to date anyone she wants and nobody is the wiser.  If she travels between locations/cities, you really don't know if she's got this same set-up with someone else.  

All it took for me was to confirm one lie and then I stepped backed, separated myself and started looking at things in a different light.  The stuff I learned was a bit overwhelming at first, but then I hardened myself to it. I became increasingly disgusted by the facts.  To say that she wasn't shocked/mortified when she saw what I learned would be an understatement.

VOO-doo281 reads

My friend, who'd been in the business for 8 years longer that I, sized the situation up immediately and accurately. She said that he was trying to get closer and closer by degrees. She thought I should turn him into an SD. But that wasn't what he wanted. He actually wanted a sub!!! Or something like that, never got into the specifics. (I've never been known as a BDSM provider.)  

I did date two clients. The first one was love at first kiss. He had a dopamine rush via coke, and I was just young and really stupid. We spent the night together (the appt was for 1 hour) and it was just understood that the 'envelope' was no longer in question. He was never a SD, and we barely ever left his apartment when he hung out. Basically, he used me. Ended up having two other girlfriends.  

The second... HE pushed. On the advice of a friend (see above), I actually gave him my personal number my first night in order to see him on my own (he was an agency client). (I've never told him that). He took it to mean that I was interested. He kept booty-calling me, so I said no. Then he called the agency and requested me at 1AM. I went, and ended up spending the night. I did like the guy, and I was lonely. Two days later he asked me on a real date, and I said OK.  

However, that was when I was REALLY new.  

(Also, modified to say that these were late-nite agency guys - a lot of them paid a, hourly rate ONCE by CC, which wasn't simple as we had to scratch the card numbers onto carbon-paper slips w/a lipstick tube. It was kind of like - after my paid hours were over, then whatever else happened was off the books, so to speak. There was no "extending." Well, I mean, we could always have asked. But usually when they asked us to stay longer, they meant for free).  

Guy #3 moved, but we still chat occasionally.

I'm quicker to cut things off now, but still not quick enough. It can be a tough call, and the madness of infatuation is a bit akin to trying to stop a catastrophic flood... water always seeps through someplace, no matter what you do. For instance, I put one guy in a month-long time out... he actually apologized for making me anxious w/his behavior, and told me that he'd thought about things and realized that a provider/client relationship was what he truly wanted. Of course, that was just a lie to get back in my good graces.

-- Modified on 3/28/2017 5:13:14 PM

The vast majority of guys looking for OTC time are secretly hoping that if the hooker just "gets to know what a great person he is" that she will fall in love with him.

Real mongers pay em to leave!

VOO-doo312 reads

Nearly 7 or 8 years now. I did say that I was VERY new.  

Now, OTC is pretty much off the table, aside from us chatting a bit post-session.  

I'm usually kind of blunt and direct (but in a nice way) when clients start to make I'm-in-love noises. But a LOT of guys get really manipulative, and think that by seeing me often (full-price), exactly what you said will end up happening. Or, that if I come for 1 hour they can somehow convince me to hang out all day/night, and/or become a kind of fuck buddy (I'll actually cancel if I get that vibe).  

It's nice to be able to let your guard down, but too often, I'll get taken advantage of. Or boundaries get muddled, as in my story above. So I do prefer to stick hard to my own terms, and if he goes... he was going to go anyway.

cashorcredit282 reads

Thanks for sharing you experiences. From everyone's thoughts letting the provider take the initiative seems like the approach to take.

Your client put you in a awkward position which I don't want to do and fuck up a good thing.

Shiksa213 reads

When a married man falls in "love" with a provider, what exactly is he wanting the outcome to be?  He wants her to fall in love too... And then what?

Is this just an ego thing?  He wants her to fall in love so she'll sleep with him for free?  But what can he offer her in terms of a relationship and long term companionship?  I don't quite understand what's in it for you.

GaGambler369 reads

If a woman meets a man as the "other woman" with whom he is cheating on his wife, and then she succeeds in "stealing" this man away from said man's wife. If won't be long before he is cheating on her and the cycle will repeat.

I won't sleep with a cheating wife for that very reason and any woman who thinks she is "stealing" another woman's man is getting no prize herself

VOO-doo261 reads

(I'm not actually sure he was married... he always just said 'significant other.' So I'm not sure what the relationship was. He never spoke about her beyond that, and definitely never discussed being unhappy or leaving that relationship at any time.)

I think this dude actually convinced himself that the emails, OTC, etc. signified chemistry on my end. And he seemed to want some sort of sub-type thing from me... not sure exactly what. So I guess he thought I'd be into that. NO idea why.

TheDogfather258 reads

Met with a provider I've been trying to meet for some time over the weekend. She emails me she's running late. I wait it out and finally get the nod to come up, 30 minutes after scheduled meeting time.

Scheduled a two-hour session starting at 10 am and I had someplace to be about an hour afterward, so I made sure I had time to be where I needed to be. She's fantastic - hot, funny, great conversation. But then the phone rings at 12 and it's the front desk asking why she hasn't checked out yet. She tells them she thought she paid for late checkout. She says she'll be leaving momentarily. So we're done.  

So my two-hour session turns into 90 minutes. She later emails me and asks if i'd like a whitelist from her, and says I can write a review if I feel the urge. I want to write a review, but I'd need to add the lateness and the fact that I asked and paid for two hours and only got 90 minutes. I don't want to be a dick, but I didn't get what I paid for. Should I just reach out to her and let her know? Or tell it like it is in the review?

Shiksa292 reads

She should've acknowledged that you didn't get your full time.  She knows it's not ok.  Usually the session goes over a bit.  Never under.

Since she didn't, go ahead and write her a little email and just tell her you were dissapointed that you didn't get the entire two hours with her.

She'll probably say "Oh so sowwy!  Next time, I'll make it up."

If she's worth it, let her make it up to you.

If you don't want to see her again, or if she blows it off as "oh well" then I would just let it go.  Don't write it in the review.  Sometimes you win, and sometimes you lose.  Hobby karma will have the next girl stay an extra 30 min over bc she's having so much fun.  😄

TheDogfather265 reads

Still waiting for her response...I'm predicting crickets.

TheDogfather213 reads

Finally heard back from her yesterday. She said she was out of town and just got the email. She also wrote she completely understands where I'm coming from and is "so, so sorry." And she said if I choose to meet her again, the first hour is on her.  

There's a meet and greet here in Philly on Thursday night and she's supposed to be there. I guess I'll say hello and see what happens.

None of us have the context to be able to tell you what to do here.  How have you been communicating with her?  Through e-mail and IM?  Or via the phone?  What is the length of her responses?  Could she craft them in minutes or did they take hours to write?  Or have you been talking to her on the phone for hours?  Who is initiating the contact?

Those are the factors that I would consider.  I have had multiple providers indicate to me that they are off the next day and would like to go out to dinner or see a movie or just see the area.  Generally speaking (perhaps overwhelmingly), I have preferred to keep things separate.  No need to complicate things.  

On a few occasions, I have told a provider that I would like to get to know her better or tested the waters.  Two times they basically said that they wanted separation between business and personal lives.  I respect that and was fine with it.  Once I went out with the lady a few times.  And finally, a few times I enjoyed their company so much (just being around them), that I paid them (not their hourly rate) a reasonable sum of money to take them out.  

A provider who connects with you and makes you feel good about yourself is an excellent provider.  But she is just that -- a provider who is providing a quality service.  So I think that your "default" has to be to continue to look at her as a provider unless there is a very compelling reason to think otherwise.  

A compelling reason in my mind would be if she is the one who is initiating hour long + phone conversations.  You should always do your best to encourage open and honest communication, but respect that it is a business and livelihood for them and do your best not to place them in an awkward position or make them feel uncomfortable.  

My two cents.    

DatyRookie311 reads

Good news...you are human and not the first, last or only client to develop feelings for her. If you do not tell her she will eventually find out anyway. How you treat her, talk to her, thank her and do small things or small gifts will be a dead give away.  

You should tell her and be upfront.  See what she says.  

I recommend taking a break from her. NO CONTACT at all for a few months. See what happens.  See a few other ladies in the process.  

Bottom line, you developing feelings is normal and human. Learn from this experience and reassess why you are in the hobby. I think you may want things that a provider should not be expected tonprovide, like an emotional connection. If you two go down that road great. But youb should tell her and make a plan on how to deal with it.

Posted By: cashorcredit
What should I do? I figure Who better to ask than a provider  
 So I've been communicating with a provider, I would say 5 times a week developing a friendship with her. Over this time I've discovered that I have feelings for her, yeah she's drop dead gorgeous but what attracts me to her is her ability to make me laugh.  
 Should I tell her how I feel and risk ruining our friendship. I told her if she ever needs anything to let me know, surprisingly she hasn't asked me for any money OTC. Advice appreciated

cashorcredit314 reads

Jockingly I suppose, She told I had better not see any other escorts besides her, not that it has swayed me from seeing other woman but I would like to see where this goes.

I've been a sales person since 1968 and yes, there are some customers who you really like and look forward to seeing. It starts out that they spend some money, take your advice and things work out well -- lather, rinse, repeat.  

Sometimes, it works so well that they become regulars and start special projects with special needs. They can be high-maintenance but you're usually compensated for the extra effort that a good sales person puts into that kind of project/customer. There's a lot of time spent together, going over details, lots of communication and it feels good to actually complete a high-stakes project like that. I would actually get a tingle down my spine when that deal closed and the payment cleared.

Every once in a great while, you actually become friends with a customer -- have lunches with them, talk about your families, how the kids are doing, get into each other's lives in a detailed way. I've been on hunting trips with clients that took us into the wilderness for 10 days at a time and you mos' def' bond during an experience like that.

I have NEVER dated or become romantically involved with a customer/client, although there have been opportunities along the way. I've always observed the rule about not defecating where you eat (although I have dated a co-worker within a company where it wasn't prohibited).

I recognize the signs, having experienced my first "feelings for a provider," back in 1992 and it got to the point where she was smart enough to recognize it and cut it off. I was new to the p4p world and in the aftermath of a divorce, so I was not emotionally prepared for romantic involvement with anyone. I am still thankful to her for her insight and honesty, 25 years later.

I'm using that lesson on myself right now, as I've gotten to the point where I've started getting that "tingle" with a provider that I saw just this past weekend on an overnight. She's 38 years younger than myself and going through some stuff (yep, bit of a "rescuer" myself) -- so I'm going to cool it for a while and see how she responds. She's 400 miles away and it's a bit of a "push" for me to do the grand gesture of an overnight, so I'm going to ease off and see how things settle out.

You know the old saying about "If it's meant to be, it will happen." I'm going to see if it's meant to be, but she will have to be the one to broach the subject.

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