TER General Board

I prefer you keep things private....
GraceShepherd See my TER Reviews 379 reads

Many ladies will ask for reviews and mention them. I really prefer not to have any new ones. I think it is better to keep the details of an encounter private. I go to great lengths to assure your privacy and discretion and expect the same in return. I think anytime you put anything out for public consumption it makes you vulnerable to a certain amount of questioning by peers, rogue individuals, lookie Lou's etc.  

Isn't it enough just to confirm a good time was had?
Silence can be golden,

With recent revelations that hobbyists are soliciting providers for private information on clients they've seen, do you feel that posting a review makes you vulnerable to "back channel discussions" of your private information? Do you feel that this nullifies claims of "confidentiality" and "discretion?"

You can be asked many questions regarding tons of information, even about our personal life, it depends on her good judgement skills to be wise enough to not reveal such info and that goes both ways. I am sure some gals could possibly have a more profound friendship with the gentleman but for obvious reasons, he shouldn't reveal certain details about her either, in order to not compromise her safety, present and future endeavors. You never know the intentions or agenda of the party asking the questions.

-- Modified on 3/27/2014 6:49:09 AM

Many ladies will ask for reviews and mention them. I really prefer not to have any new ones. I think it is better to keep the details of an encounter private. I go to great lengths to assure your privacy and discretion and expect the same in return. I think anytime you put anything out for public consumption it makes you vulnerable to a certain amount of questioning by peers, rogue individuals, lookie Lou's etc.  

Isn't it enough just to confirm a good time was had?
Silence can be golden,

Wait at least a month to write the review.   Or review under alias, that is why that feature was created.  

Guys or providers taking board feuds off board is very rare, but it does happen - especially with the ones who take these boards way too seriously.  

This IS a review site.  The reviews are for the guys to do research, NOT for the women who are linked to them.  

-- Modified on 3/27/2014 8:11:43 AM

I realize that sometimes a review isn't necessary, but I find myself considering writing one anyway.

I seldom review, and I like to think that when I do it should serve some purpose.

If I have a very good experience with a provider who has low marks, giving her a higher score might be one such good reason. But I don't generally see providers who have less than stellar ratings.

Conversely, were I to have a very disappointing experience with a highly ranked escort, this might be a good reason to render an opposing opinion, but to date, that hadn't really happened. Giving 9's to a woman with a history of 10's doesn't count, surely, as such a grade reflects that I still found her delightfully well above average.

If with her we explored a variation such as a "bond-assage" or some other variation that the pervious reviews or her ads don't mention, that might be a reason for a review. But in such a case I would first want to clear it with the provider, as she might not want to have that on her regular menu.

Simply reviewing to echo the praise of previous reviews seems, IMO, unnecessary. An exception would be if she hadn't had a review in several months.

So, by using an alias the next time I review, and only reviewing when I can see some purpose for doing a review, the chances of having my association with her result in attacks from other hobbyists on either one of will be reduced.

This thread as been quite educational for me. I give it a 9.

GaGambler269 reads

but even so, it was a lot better than many others.

FWIW I think DC gives excellent advice on the subject.

is overblown. Plus, I think the ladies demonstrated that they respect certain lines with respect to discretion and trust. You'd be amazed at how much one can learn about another simply by reading a posting history... and that info gets back channelled all the time already.

As for reviews, I think that's a different story. You can alias reviews and such. Or you can simply review and accept that ladies will read them and judge you, as you may judge them in the same manner. I think that is a pretty good thing in finding a compatible "friend", although perhaps disappointing if someone happens to say "no, I don't like your reviews".  

I think that going forward, I will only write reviews:

     For new providers with no reviews, who need them for legitimacy;
     For established providers who do not have recent (3-4 mos) reviews;
     For any provider who requests a review for her own reasons;
     For any extraordinarily great session, with provider agreement;
     For any extraordinarily bad session, regardless of provider agreement

GreekDeprived266 reads

I've hit the point in life where I neither want nor need approval from others.

Do i believe posting a review make me "vulnerable" to "back channel discussions"??!! Never crossed my mind.

Do I believe it "nulifies" claims of "confidentiality" and "discression"?  Never crossed my mind.

this crossed my mind--I bought cement drill bit to bolt a tire changer to my garage floor so that I can mount anew front tire on my mc.  when I bought the bit I asked the person helping me if this was like drilling steel, veru small bit, followed by slightly larger working up to the desired hole--Nope.

Last night I grabbed the bit doug out my big drill and discovered the bit eas larger than the chuch would accept?!  wonder why that fellow didn't mention that?  I unmounted my drill press from the wotk bench, hauled it to wher I wanted to drill, lined everything up, and started drilling--nice an easy and smooth for 1/16 of an inch then the bit slows down as it has a tough times trying to go through the aggregate mixed into the cement in a garge floor.  

Its 2AM, no way to buy smaller bits, need to change the front tire so I start finding wood to make a platform to mount the changer to.  4AM I start screwing, glueing my make shift platform together and it isn't goinf smoothly cause I'm over tired running on caffeen!

I go out side for cool air, hit the button to open the garage door which catches on the motorcyle lift a shoved out of the wotk area. Rat-tat-tat the carrier the garage door attaches to the twisting spiral to open and close the door, starts jumping from its grooves!!

Perfect!! Now I have to fix the garage door!!

If you grew up in the 60s, you can picture alfred E Newman saying "What? Me worry about a woman tells someoen else about me?!!" Or, Jessy Ventura in the movie Predator--"I ain't got time to bleed (worry about that!!).


Hard to argue with you on the issue of what's really important... Or in this case, what's really annoying. Alfred E Newman was probably right. What? Me worry? Not having to drill through any concrete lately to rig a tire changer, so I guess this was the biggest issue on my mind this morning. You and Mr. Newman are right though. In the grand scheme of things it doesn't amount to a hill of beans.

That's easier to see after having a full meal today. Thanks, Greek, for helping me put things in proper perspective. I hope you get the right bit and manage to mount that thing without any more difficulty.

GreekDeprived263 reads

I have a different reference point, I hope, than most here. A baby-boomer; last three years of my wife's life she lived in constant pain, having to taking increasing doses of pain meds to numb it. I wound up taking care of her -thought it was ironic since I was afraid I'd fail as a father. Fortunatley we became very, very close even though were were each others constant companion 24-7. I did all the food shopping, cooking, drove her to every appointment, sat in on every appointment to insure what she want to go over was top priority, slept on the floor next to her gurney in ER rooms, in her hospital room, harrassed Dr's, office staff, pharmacies, testing facilities, insurence agencies, nurses, trying to stay on top of who was going to fail what they shud be ding--HIGH stress. I understood what drug addicts go through trying to stay in-stock with enough pain meds

I held her a she died in a hospital room when a Dr gave her pill to create explosive diaria but instead induced 6 hours of throwing up. she died because she threw up so much he body depleted electrolytes her muscels needed.

I lapsed into a deep, dark depression, for almost 8 years--still miss her very much.

after she died I never worried if I told her enough how much I loved her, I loved seeing the look on her face when I'd hug her and tell her that for no reason other than at times I look at her and feel so dam lucky she put up with me, and tell her I love you.

Hungry, lack of sleep, tired always distorts my perceptions, and decreases my coping ability.  Plus. I surpassed that stage in life when one swithes form outside approval to telling people I'm old enough now that I neither want nor need their approval. That last one took decade after decade after decade.......Whew..thank god for peace of mind now, finally! I'm lucky I've grown up a lot in my 50s and half of my 60s.

My wife taught me the value of saying thank you simply because I appreciate what some one has done.  

Family and friends know I value them, appreciate their kindness.  some women I meet aren't used to my openness and worry I'm looking to "date" them--not interest in dating at all.

Take care of your self, be kind to your self--happy hunting

Posted By: WickedBrut
Hard to argue with you on the issue of what's really important... Or in this case, what's really annoying. Alfred E Newman was probably right. What? Me worry? Not having to drill through any concrete lately to rig a tire changer, so I guess this was the biggest issue on my mind this morning. You and Mr. Newman are right though. In the grand scheme of things it doesn't amount to a hill of beans.  
 That's easier to see after having a full meal today. Thanks, Greek, for helping me put things in proper perspective. I hope you get the right bit and manage to mount that thing without any more difficulty.

I am not going to insult you by claiming that I "understand" the hollowness you must feel. I can't imagine such. I offer my condolences. That's all I can do. I hope the future provides some happiness for you. Thank you.

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