TER General Board

I prefer two hours . . . . .
coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 348 reads

I have it down to a science after many years where I don't have to look at the clock.  First pop at 0:50, 20 minutes refractory period, then finish second pop at about 1:45, with enough time left for a shower and getting dressed.  I get all the connection I need during the 20 minute break.

If I am more than 2 hours with a girl, which happens monthly on average, I am cashing in OTC time that I am gifted by my regulars.

...just had my 4th 3 hr appt and just started thinking that that time frame might become my new minimum fav..really had a chance to connect/relax/taste/feel/and be completely satisfied--(HA! even was able to fill all 3 covers)...so i was wondering--what do u guys consider an ideal appt timeframe--i was always a 2 hr guy--does it matter?...i was never a QS or wham ,see ya---and an hr was never long enough...gals..does it matter 2 U? (beside the $)....

I have it down to a science after many years where I don't have to look at the clock.  First pop at 0:50, 20 minutes refractory period, then finish second pop at about 1:45, with enough time left for a shower and getting dressed.  I get all the connection I need during the 20 minute break.

If I am more than 2 hours with a girl, which happens monthly on average, I am cashing in OTC time that I am gifted by my regulars.

I have very limited time so I usually go with an hour, or an hour and a half tops. I make the most out of it and have been very happy so far.

GaGambler416 reads

I almost never do two hour appointments. An hour is long enough for great sex and I need several hours to have a "real date"  

I don't need 30 minutes of chit chat to get my motor running and I take too long to recharge to really make two hours worthwhile, so two hours is a waste for me. I would much rather have an hour session early in the day and then another hour with a different woman several hours later than spend two hours on one session.

I do have an hour rate but I find that an hour goes by so fast.Especially if I am with a gent who likes to talk first and relax in between things.
For that reason I do prefer 2hrs or longer

I prefer 2 hrs, since anything less feels too rushed.  I also like doing dinner and lunch dates which are usually 4 hrs.

It may sound cliche, but I really do enjoy getting to know people in a relaxing fashion. I like teasing and lingering...and really taking the time to find all the right buttons to push. It's just more fun to me when you don't have to rush things.

depending on the gal and what she charges, I like to go as long as I want including overnights which is the ultimate luxury because you can totally forget about the clock for a while at least

...and as much as schedule and $$$ allow. Overnights are a favorite for all the reasons stated above - the casual intimacy and relaxed feel really do it for me.

Sometimes I'm just looking for a "wham, bam, thank you ma'am" kinda thing.  In that case, 30 minutes is plenty.  Other times I want a true GFE.  For that, I've found that 90 minutes or 2 hours works well.  For me, since I'm usually trying to fit the appointment into my work schedule, 3 hours would be almost completely out of the question.  Another issue might be the number of reviews, if a provider only has a couple reviews, I prefer something on the short end.  That way, if I'm less than satisfied, at least I only wasted a little of my time/money.

I've found that to be a favorite in-between length for a companion who is visiting with me and may need to get on with their day, but still wants to really savor our experience together.

PRS2005466 reads

I've always scheduled two hours the first time I've seen a lady, and requested an option to go to three if things are going well. With repeat providers, I go three or four hours.

On two occasions I've booked three hours with providers I hadn't seen before and regretted it.  

If I'm enjoying it, two hours isn't enough.

Regardless of how hard you try, it is tough to squeeze the experience into an hour, or even 90 mins for that matter. There is always going to be a little chit-chat and some freshing up time that eats into the get together. 2 hours will allow everyone to be relaxed and let things flow. 3 hours is even better because then you know there will time in the middle to converse and reload for more fun.

That being said, there is still a place for fast food so we get that. Our preference is to enjoy a longer gourmet meal

are my preference.  Most of my home town sessions are nooners.  When I'm travelling stag for business or otherwise, I love dinner dates.  May try my first overnight on my next trip.

I have to stick to the one-hour appointments.  Gotta love my ATF, though...she generally stretches it out to an hour and a half, not to mention my grandfathered rate.

I mean, I can usually go twice in an hour to completion, sometimes I dont need to go twice if its a long drawn out session with lots of changes in speed and intensity while edging.  One hour is sufficient for my budget and satisfies me usually.  If I wanna cum quick twice in succession or if I want it drawn out.  Two hours is of course better, but budgetwise increases my time between visits.  Would rather have more encounters.

I like to relax, so I book 2 hours minimum. If I'm on the road I typically extend it to 3-4 hours, but when in town 3 hours is my max.

Zzbottom2299 reads

Don't want to be stuck. If I really enjoy someone maybe next time an hour.  I'm generally a one-shot wonder so anything longer than an hour is a waste for me. I can time my refractory time with a sun dial:) unless someone is amazing.

Since an injury when i turned 50, an hour is just too rushed for me. It puts too much pressure on getting that nut for me. We kind of have to cut all the fun stuff short and seems to be running through a menu.

90 minutes slows it down a bit and makes for a friendlier time. But, 2 to 3 hours just makes for a more GFE time. Exploration and trying new things. Sometimes some bondage for the first half and then some wild or gentle love making in the second half.  

Damn, i just got myself all worked up.

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