TER General Board

I prefer advance noticeregular_smile
blondeandbusty83 See my TER Reviews 343 reads

I have another job besides escorting, but even on my days off, I'm not all dolled up and ready to go at a moment's notice. When I'm not working, I like being comfortable and am often lounging around the house in sweats with no makeup on and my hair in a ponytail. lol Therefore, it takes me time to shower and get all prettied up. Not only that, but it could be that time of the month, I could have other plans, or I could be sick or tired. 24 hours in advance is always appreciated. It also gives me enough time to have your favorite beverage ready, music and outfits that you like, etc, which is hard to do with short notice.

spur of the moment (or sperm of the moment as some wags have suggested?)

Myself, I arrange about a week in advance, and more if it is a visiting gals.

The thread below seems to have some rumblings on this issue.

Gals:  I have to assume you prefer the guys who plan in advance, or is there something I'm overlooking there?

Always my approach as I only hobby while on the road on business so would have my travel plans in place and align play time with work time.  Any attempts at spur of the moment are rare and have failed.

In my home city, I usually ask for appointments at least a week ahead. That way I usually get to see who I want to see.  
 When I travel, I usually arrange two or three weeks ahead. So I can arrange my schedule to fit the ladies.

The furthest I have planned out was 3 weeks when I saw a provider that I really wanted to see was coming to my city.  Only once has that not worked out for a visiting provider, but that was due to her not receiving enough requests in the city and canceling her visit.  Whenever I visit family at home in Texas I try to plan out as soon as I know the dates.  Last time didn't work out so well as I booked with a couple of ladies over a month in advance.  Really just depends on the providers professionalism I suppose.  I would prefer on a whim, but the selection is not so great in my neck of the woods.  

Dates for when I land in Houston on the way to visit friends in family in Texas.

I need time to adjust my schedule to allow for it. I also want to know who might be touring. Once I decide on the who, then I will reach out to them.

I have a "wish list" already to work from so it makes things a bit easier.

set all three appointments for the coming week.  Howevver, sometimes when I'm out of my office and have a short-notice schedule change, AND if I happen to be near one of the three places in LA where the incalls are clustered, I will check CV for a girl that is "available now."  Sometimes, "available now" means three hours from now, so it doesn't always work out.  

Generally speaking, advance planning helps me to stay organized and achieve a balance between work and hobbying so neither one gets shorted.  

For booking with a weeks notice......   All providers appreciate at least a 24-48hrs advance notice, a lot do not realize there is a screening/verification process along with reference requests which not all providers/their assistants respond in minutes or even days... To speed up verification/screen it's always nice to have lots of reviews & white lists .....

The unexpected. I do like to plan a date in advance in terms of time and logistics but not the actual date itself. The last minute guys seem to cancel more often and expect you to bend over backwards to accommodate them.

Not only will you likely get your preferred time frame, it just makes it much easier for the girl. It takes time to screen snd prepare for a date with a new client. Even regulars, I always ask for at least a 24 hour notice. The sooner in advance you book, the better! Just please keep the appointment or if you need to cancel, try to do so as soon as you can. I've noticed my advanced bookings are more likely to have something come up, or their business trip to my city is suddenly "cancelled". Those are never fun.

GaGambler402 reads

You state your advanced bookings are the ones more likely to have something "come up", yet you state your preference for advanced bookings.  

I rarely book more than a day in advance just to be sure I don't have to cancel. I am perfectly aware of the fact that my schedule is almost impossible to predict and if I were to be booking appointments out a week in advance I'd probably end up cancelling 75% of them, and I don't want to be "that guy"  

Since most of my appointments are set only a few hours out, I doubt I cancel more than one time in a hundred, AND I am equally as unlikely to get canceled on as well. Yes, it does take a lot of women who ONLY take advanced appointments off the table for me, but if I started becoming a huge flake, these women would be off the table in short order anyhow, right?

I can't remember exactly, but when I was in Texas, I had someone once book like 8 months in advance.  He saw me then scheduled the next date that far ahead because he knew that he was in town in say, January and Sept of each year.  He actually kept the appointment too!

Anyway, I would accept an appointment maybe a few weeks or a month ahead of time now.  With humans, so many variables could come up forcing them to have to cancel.  What if she's on her period after you've booked her 2 months in advance?  :( Or what if you get sick?  

GaGambler382 reads

I can see a "normal" person booking a couple of weeks, or even a couple of months in advance if there is travel involved. Booking that far ahead for a local appointment just makes no sense to me.

I have been reading these boards for a very long time and the vast majority of the posts by both the guys and the girls alike that complain about NCNS or cancellations tend to start out with "I booked the appointment well in advance"  

So, are you ever coming back to Texas? If I recall correctly, I owe you a LOT of tequila when you do:)

new girls for the first time.  Regulars, assuming you are a customer they like to spend time with, are much more dependable in respecting the schedule you have both agreed on.  

Many agency bookers will not let newbie customers book anything but same day or 24-hours before until they get a track record of keeping their appointments and being on time.  For many bookers, they regard habitual tardiness as worse than an occasional cancellation.  

She got confused on that  
   p implies q
   p therefore not q  

It just always works out that way.  Because I am limited to setting aside $20 per week, I know quite a few months in advance when I'll be able to play again.  So by default, I wind up contacting a lady (or responding to one who's been chasing after me) at least a month in advance.

Dick_Enormis471 reads

If it's a touring provider, I'll plan something as soon as she announces her tour dates.  For local providers I'll usually plan within a couple of days.  

But I understand that sometimes you can't always do that. My problem is that I don't do this full time  and don't live near where I do incall so I'm not really able to do booking without out a few hours notice. The thing that makes me frustrated is the people who basically want Uber... call for a woman at whatever time you want ride her to your next destination and then get off at the end. It's really not that easy to be available 24/7 even if this is your main job.

A few times a month at most - typically once a month.  I typically (not always..) see ladies on Saturdays during the day.

When I first started -  a month out regardless.

Someone I haven't seen before - weekend before.  Need to allow for some "false starts".... so that I have someone booked by Tuesday before the Saturday.

Special Occasion/Doubles/Calendar restrictions - Three-four weeks out.

Semi Regular - beginning of the week for a Saturday following.  Longer if there are calendar issues/holidays involved.

I have NEVER cancelled a booked appointment - I have rescheduled though...

My schedule changes rapidly, so if I book more than a week ahead, I can all but guarantee it won't happen.  Usually I'm booking a few days ahead, or the next morning.  For a lady coming in from out of town, those I'll of course plan for that, but I just never know.  Thankfully I have a few ladies I see regularly enough that even same day can be an option.


Posted By: mrfisher
spur of the moment (or sperm of the moment as some wags have suggested?)  
 Myself, I arrange about a week in advance, and more if it is a visiting gals.  
 The thread below seems to have some rumblings on this issue.  
 Gals:  I have to assume you prefer the guys who plan in advance, or is there something I'm overlooking there?

Senator.Blutarsky410 reads

but always leave room in my schedule for unexpected opportunities... if you know what I mean. ๐Ÿ˜Ž

I have to quite literally set aside "play days" in advance to have any hope of meeting our lovely ladies. How far in advance depends upon the volume of work coming in (and sometimes the lady's schedule if she is coming from out of town). Right now, I am busy as hell and just scheduled a date a month out. Usually, I plan a week or two ahead.

Given the way my work schedule can change from week to week, I assume I could slip away for an hour or two more frequently, but I prefer longer dates and would rather save my time and money to enjoy a rendezvous in the manner I prefer.  

I've also been spending much more time civvy dating; I must say it is easier to have several women friends I can call and simply ask to dinner or lunch the next day than to try to coordinate a one hour tryst with a woman I have to drive an hour each way to see.

I like to plan ahead by a few days but some ladies take it way too far, expecting you to book several months in advance. How do I know I'm going to be horny a few months from now (well, of course I'll be horny but maybe not horny enough to spend big $ on a high class lady).

Posted By: mrfisher
spur of the moment (or sperm of the moment as some wags have suggested?)  
 Myself, I arrange about a week in advance, and more if it is a visiting gals.  
 The thread below seems to have some rumblings on this issue.  
 Gals:  I have to assume you prefer the guys who plan in advance, or is there something I'm overlooking there?

...I am still new and the last minutes stuff if very limited for me. The last minute stuff I have done have not been the best experiences - and I am looking more for the experience rather than the romp.

Is it your experience that the further out you plan the higher the price? Because the higher rate tend to know their schedule weeks in advance, whereas the last minute and lower rate tend to be gone in a few days.

However, even with higher rate I have learned that planning more than two weeks out is difficult.
I do have something quite special planned for a month out but that is an exception I believe.

And my limited referral contacts I am sure are mad at me because I am already planning something special for my birthday in May (don't know what yet but it will be a great experience). In order to do this I have to send many more booking forms than would be normally necessary because it's impossible for the women to know their schedules two months in advance.
I am re-booking with as many of my referral providers as possible to thank them in aiding my efforts in this adventure.

Finally, getting something set a couple weeks out lets me relax and get back to my real job ;)

When I'm headed to a different city I will submit appointment inquires well ahead . I'm pretty selective as to I see so I want to get on their calendar as soon as reasonably possible.

Locally I might not have the same control over my free time. I'll usually try to book a day or so prior to my ME time , but on occasion I'll find myself hoping for a same day encounter .

But as a general rule I'd say it's best for everyone to try to book a few days in advance .

GaGambler316 reads

I don't tell you how to book, why should you presume to tell me?

I've been on this board for a LONG time and I have yet to come on here whining about how I've ever had problems booking ladies.

As a "general rule" I would say do what works for you, and let me do what works for me.

Had no idea my thoughts had such an impact on you. I was simply responding to the question posed by the OP.  

My response is based on my personal experience. I'm sure your experience is very different. Probably not as important to book a couple days ahead when hooking up with exploited young women in third world countries.  

I was focusing my comment on those who might be visiting a major city in the USA with hopes of seeing a specific highly regarded Provider.  The more notice you can give enhances the possibility of her availability . Same thing will be true when thinking locally. Top ladies aren't always going to be available for last minute appointment request.

If making a snarky post makes your day.......well , glad I could be of service....lol.  

BTW , being on he board for a long time and actually engaging in the life is two different things. I've never seen any evidence that you are anything more than a frequent poster.

JakeFromStateFarm348 reads

But riddle me this: if he's a total fraud, who the fuck was it I was hanging out with in a couple of notorious Costa Rican whorehouses?  And who in hell was it buying numerous shots of Patron in all those bars?  And what about that time in LV with those insanely hot hooker/strippers from Quebec?  Who the fuck was that?
Oh, right, I'm only a worthless alias so feel free to ignore everything I just said.  But, while you're at it, please take your head out of your ass.
I fucking hate defending the guy but I hate you more for making me do it.  You fucking fucker.  LOL!

A last minute date is what you seek.
However, for a brief moment, put oneself
in our shoes....
I give priority and appreciation to guests  
whom plan in advance!  

For some of us, this is not our solo endeavor.
I for one, am not lounging in my lair,
coiffured, and waiting with bated breath for
a paramour to ring.

I'm doing "life" and partaking in a multitude
of responsibilities, which indeed, are keenly

When a guest whom is new, requests a visit,
last minute, it is joyous!  
I adore the interest.
However, I become aware they've not read my  
website, nor have they procured required references.
Thus, I cannot rendezvous with them, at that instant.

Verifying references takes time.  
Most reputable references are also busy  
"doing life", and not addressing referrals.

If I've met you previously, a last minute
date would be enjoyed if the stars align,
however, it rarely does.

Please plan well in-advance, thus assuring
a wonderful engagement!
(Most of us truly appreciate it)

Bebesitos ๐Ÿ’‹
Angelina Jones

CV invented the "available now" icon for the ads.  A guy is driving down the road, looks down and sees he has boner, so he can go somewhere close by and get it taken care of.  Its sort of like a drive through car wash.

๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ Though it is a hilarious thought,  
          (I'm not being facecious),
          this is exactly the ultimate reason
          I cannot procure last-minute meetings.

         If I was a guy, I'd have a constant boner!
          (No "blue pill" enhancement needed!)
        The "drive-thru" aspect is not something
          I desire to test my neighbors with.
          Nor do I encourage that mechanical  
          "assembly line" encounter.
         Discretion is paramount for both my  
          guests, and I.

         However, I do love the "available now"
          feature, as you mentioned, CDL on the
          "other venue".

๐Ÿ’‹Angelina Jones

It is preferred for me and the provider as well.  

I just did this today because I have a lot of free time coming up around the 20th. It also gives time for both parties if something comes up that would delay or postpone such meeting and I still have plenty of time to schedule elsewhere.  

Just my 0.02...  

I don't mind last minute appointments.  If I'm not busy, and you are looking for company, great.  Except for the fact that I need to screen you and that does take time.
So I do welcome pre-screening.  That way I can verify you and you can request last minute in the near future.  

I do appreciate pre-planning but as others have mentioned the advance bookings do seem to have a higher cancellation rate.

I don't see any local women (nothing against local women, it's just something I haven't done, but I do plan to change soon) but touring ladies, as soon as I see a touring lady that I am interested in coming to DC, I'll schedule an appointment if I am free.

When I'm on vacation, I usually try and start planning a month out. I like the anticipation and as soon as the date and details are confirmed, I stop bugging her

...so I ALWAYS plan ahead.  

Aside from it just being my nature, I haven't had the opportunity to see a last-minute provider, as I live in a small rural community with no verifiable providers (believe me, I've looked) within a 2 1/2 hour drive.

So I must plan my playtime -- my next meeting has been planned for better than 3 weeks. A plane ticket, hotel reservation, nice restaurant reservation and a 24-hour date.  

Yes, there's always the possibility of a last-minute SNAFU messing up the carefully laid plans -- asi es la vida (such is life).  

Being a planer with an appreciation of these possibilities, there's always a Plan B.

But it would be nice to be able to be spontaneous -- I'm alway spontaneous, every other Tuesday from 2:30 to 4 PM.

Posted By: mrfisher
spur of the moment (or sperm of the moment as some wags have suggested?)  
 Myself, I arrange about a week in advance, and more if it is a visiting gals.  
 The thread below seems to have some rumblings on this issue.  
 Gals:  I have to assume you prefer the guys who plan in advance, or is there something I'm overlooking there?

Advance planning is appreciated by the ladies, but I also hate scrambling at the last minute wondering whether it will work out.
I also like preparing myself mentally, building anticipation.   For me it makes a better experience if I think about her and desire her for a few days ahead of time.  

For spur of the moment, you are better off using an agency.  

I have another job besides escorting, but even on my days off, I'm not all dolled up and ready to go at a moment's notice. When I'm not working, I like being comfortable and am often lounging around the house in sweats with no makeup on and my hair in a ponytail. lol Therefore, it takes me time to shower and get all prettied up. Not only that, but it could be that time of the month, I could have other plans, or I could be sick or tired. 24 hours in advance is always appreciated. It also gives me enough time to have your favorite beverage ready, music and outfits that you like, etc, which is hard to do with short notice.

Sometimes, though, if the window of opportunity is less...

Yes, I love advance notice as that gives me time to plan ahead and make sure I have nothing going on for that time slot the client wants. Plus, it is very courteous to do that as well. Just makes it easier especially if you have a reference and need to contact her to make sure the client is safe. Advance notice is the best. Last minute can be very difficult if the provider is busy or has other things going on. At times we can't drop everything just for a appointment. Although, I wish I could at times.

I like to plan ahead, most of the time one or two weeks but on a couple of occasions three months.  Both were with providers in my top three favorites.  One of them I knew was going to be touring in a city that is a little closer to me from where I normally see her,  The other is a special lady I only get to see once or twice a year in a city that is a long days drive for me or a plane ride.  I like to plan dinner dates with her well in advance because she is flirtatious and very feminine in public and an absolute tigress when its time for dessert.  

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