TER General Board

I only have like another...$25 bucks to go....teeth_smile
hotplants 275 reads

It's tough out here jack.

I've been trying out a new provider.  Seen her 6 times in the past 4 months.  All were wonderful 2 hour sessions.  I last saw her 2 weeks ago.  Didn't notice any problems, verbal or non-verbal.

Recently, I requested a 3 hour session, 10 days in advance of the desired appointment.  I specified my desired date and time, and an alternate date and time.  She replied that she didn't have a 3 hour window available on either of the two dates.  But if anything changed, she would "let me know asap."  Ok, no problem.

Two days later, I see on her profile that she has a 2 hour window available - on the same date as my original request and during my requested 3 hour session.  Since all of our previous sessions were 2 hours in length, I didn't think this would be a problem.  I texted her my request (which was identical to my original request 2 days ago, just 1 hour shorter).  She replied that she had just filled it prior to my text.  

WTF?  Clearly, she didn't "let me know asap" - her words from 2 days prior.  If I'm making myself available to you for 3 hours (say, 5-8), then I'm certainly going to be available for 2 hours (say, 5-7 or 6-8).  Is this too much math?  What am I missing?

Of our 6 sessions, this is the 2nd schedule foul-up I've had with her.  It bugs me enough to not see her again.  Dampens the whole experience.  

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Frustrating you 1/3 of the time would cause me to look elsewhere but there are always other factors to consider if you are going to walk from a provider you otherwise enjoy.

It is quite possible she booked a better paying regular who sees her more often and lines her pocket more. I can tell you I have contacted many women who have told me they were unavailable for a certain day and time only to become available immediatley when I tell them I want a 4+ hour date.

Just like men think with the little head at times, some women determine their schedule based on their needs at the moment and maybe didn't consider the longer term ramifications.

The beauty about an open market as this little world of ours is that the girl has competition. I would advise you to touch base with that competition and see if you can find someone that you feel is more professional.

Posted By: AlwaysLookin
Recently, I requested a 3 hour session ...  I specified my desired date and time, and an alternate date and time.
3 Hours Requested
Posted By: AlwaysLookin
She replied that she didn't have a 3 hour window available on either of the two dates.
3 Hours Not Available
Posted By: AlwaysLookin
I see on her profile that she has a 2 hour window available - on the same date as my original request
3 Hours that YOU REQUESTED, still NOT available.  So you were ok with 2 hours if it were available, is she supposed to also be a mind-reader too?

Here is another thing to consider.  You see that she has a 2 hour window.  Are we to assume she is seeing someone before, and after?  Is she not allowed to provide herself with some cushion of time in between her visitors?  Are you even the one to be determining such things?

Posted By: AlwaysLookin
Is this too much math?  What am I missing?
You missed two very important facts: 1) No matter how hard you try, you simply cannot fit 3 hours, into 2 hours.  The math just cant get any simpler than this.  And 2) humans are not mind readers - you missed both the math and the science involved.
Posted By: AlwaysLookin
Of our 6 sessions, this is the 2nd schedule foul-up I've had with her.  It bugs me enough to not see her again.  Dampens the whole experience.
At this point, it's probably no picnic for her either.  This is not a scheduling "foul-up."  You were never on the schedule to begin with.  You simply didn't get what you wanted when you wanted it.  And now you want to blame her?

I don't get that math

GaGambler382 reads

It looks like her dance card fills up rather quickly. So he will be missing her a lot more than she will be missing him if he wants to keep pushing this issue. It makes me think her other "scheduling mix up" was his fault as well.

I hope she is reading this thread, if so the problem may just fix itself and she may permanently be "too busy" to see him in the future.

Afro-desiac460 reads

OK, you've seen her a few times.  But you don't own her.  She runs her biz.  Not you.  If you don't like how she runs it, move on.  But for shit's sake, don't whine about it.  Fuck.

WTF is the problem? You saw that she had a 2 hour window, but that's not what you asked for, and that's not what she told you she'd let you know ASAP about if anything changed.

Yeah she could have said, "I don't have any 3 hour Windows, but I have a 2 hour window, but she's not required to. She thought you wanted 3 hours because that is what you asked for. Why is she supposed to second guess you or read your mind? If you were ok with a shorter date, why didn't you reply "How about a 2 hour window?" when she told you she didn't have a 3 hour window? Why throw this all on her? Sounds like you are blowing a simple communication issue out of proportion.  

If you don't want to see her again, then don't. Plenty other providers out there. It's your choice of course, but if you saw her 6 times for 2 hours each (and wanted to book a longer date this time) there must be something about her you liked, and it seems silly to throw her to the curb over a communication issue that was more your fault than hers

re power to all you fellas that book for over an hour. I don't know and don't care the reason for it but, I will say this, I MOSTLY book for 1/2 hoursā€¦almost always. I've done several hours and countless of QVs but those girls who know me well know that I don't last INSIDE more than three minutes! I get in there and get out. No DATY, kissingā€¦cuddlingā€¦none of that.

3 whole minutes!? As long as you leave with a smile on your face and don't demand MSOGs.

Some of us view hookers as real women who deserve love and affection like anyone else.  Then there's those like you who just use them as cum receptacles...

FatVern293 reads

Posted By: perfectstorm
WTF is the problem? You saw that she had a 2 hour window, but that's not what you asked for, and that's not what she told you she'd let you know ASAP about if anything changed.  
 Yeah she could have said, "I don't have any 3 hour Windows, but I have a 2 hour window, but she's not required to. She thought you wanted 3 hours because that is what you asked for. Why is she supposed to second guess you or read your mind? If you were ok with a shorter date, why didn't you reply "How about a 2 hour window?" when she told you she didn't have a 3 hour window? Why throw this all on her? Sounds like you are blowing a simple communication issue out of proportion.  
 If you don't want to see her again, then don't. Plenty other providers out there. It's your choice of course, but if you saw her 6 times for 2 hours each (and wanted to book a longer date this time) there must be something about her you liked, and it seems silly to throw her to the curb over a communication issue that was more your fault than hers.  

She can stomach you for two hours...three is her cut off.  

Her offer to get back with was for three hours not 2. What is wrong with your math? She filled a TWO hour slot...you wanted three. If she reads this you won't need to stop seeing her, she will have kicked you to the curb already.

LasVegan539 reads

there are more than enough providers in your area who are willing to take your money.  Three hours would have earned her a tidy sum...........am guessing.........and still it was not important enough for her to see you...........no matter the circumstances.  This should tell you something, in itself.

Cut your losses and run as fast as you can............too many fish in the sea to be even remotely disappointed.

First you're asking for 2 hour sessions. Then 3 hours. Then you're back asking for 2 again.  

This is all very easy. Just ask her "When is the next date that you have 3 hours available? Let me know that day. And put me down for it."


Senator.Blutarsky432 reads

Now if you'll excuse me... I found a new playmate...

JustMyPOV295 reads

Who is this babe?!?

Posted By: Senator.Blutarsky
Now if you'll excuse me... I found a new playmate...

Unlike most replyers here, I get what you are saying. If she wanted to see you for a three hour appointment, she would have. The fact that she did not means she would rather not see you for 3 hours. If it were me, I would most definitely move on. There are many providers out there that would have given you your three hour request. Move on!

I don't think that that is necessarily true at all. If her schedule is booked, her schedule is booked. What should she do, move other appointments, or cancel other private plans. At this point I book a couple of weeks in advanced, and once I make an appointment, I am committed to it, even if the possibility of a longer appointment arises. (I only book one client per day, so once the day is filled, it's filled)

I also agree with others that if you requested a three hour appointment, and gave a couple of options for that, than I wouldn't call you up with the two hour window opening. I would have assumed that if you were willing to accept a shorter period of time, then you would have asked for it.  

Beyond the scheduling difficulties, has she given off any other clues that she might not be enjoying your company? Is she standoffish when you are together? Does she rush you out the door? If you aren't getting any other clues, then I would just assume that you should be more clear when communicating your desires around scheduling

I would beg for you to see me cutie.    Tell the other guy his window closed.   Lol.

Afro-desiac325 reads

Like a monger buddy of mine sez: I will beg for pussy and I will pay for pussy.  But I will not beg to pay for pussy.  Even this Ho has to agree with that!

Squeezetheorem269 reads

Otherwise, clients should assume she didn't really want to see them? You'd be cool with  an appointment you had made in advance being cancelled or rescheduled to accommodate a client who call later and wanted  a longer appointment than the schedule indicated was available?  

Maybe she likes him, maybe not. But it's possible she was booked and it had nothing to do with her "wanting" one thing over another.

-- Modified on 1/21/2016 12:14:34 PM

JustMyPOV372 reads

I like to see ladies that are beautiful and talented - and of course I have perspective on what each of those means. I also like 1 1/2 to 2 hour sessions and I have limited time slices. Often times there is some back and forth - even booking in advance - to set a mutually agreeable appointment. That's par for the course I like to play on.

If I wanted less - say a PV or FBSM or an agency, I would probably get more flexibility.

Another part of YMMMV is to have a great attitude.

This business is no different than scheduling any other appnt out there. Just lay out the parameters and more than not, most ladies here will try to abide by your wishes. I personally just don't have the time nor patience to go back and forth when it comes to scheduling. You either provide everything or you don't and then I will simply accommodate when and how I can. I then I simply chalk it up to the stars if we're to meet. If it's meant to be, it will be.... and with ease. It's only as complicated as you make it.  

Gia xo

Posted By: AlwaysLookin
I've been trying out a new provider.  Seen her 6 times in the past 4 months.  All were wonderful 2 hour sessions.  I last saw her 2 weeks ago.  Didn't notice any problems, verbal or non-verbal.  
 Recently, I requested a 3 hour session, 10 days in advance of the desired appointment.  I specified my desired date and time, and an alternate date and time.  She replied that she didn't have a 3 hour window available on either of the two dates.  But if anything changed, she would "let me know asap."  Ok, no problem.  
 Two days later, I see on her profile that she has a 2 hour window available - on the same date as my original request and during my requested 3 hour session.  Since all of our previous sessions were 2 hours in length, I didn't think this would be a problem.  I texted her my request (which was identical to my original request 2 days ago, just 1 hour shorter).  She replied that she had just filled it prior to my text.    
 WTF?  Clearly, she didn't "let me know asap" - her words from 2 days prior.  If I'm making myself available to you for 3 hours (say, 5-8), then I'm certainly going to be available for 2 hours (say, 5-7 or 6-8).  Is this too much math?  What am I missing?  
 Of our 6 sessions, this is the 2nd schedule foul-up I've had with her.  It bugs me enough to not see her again.  Dampens the whole experience.    
 -- Modified on 1/20/2016 7:45:56 PM  
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-- Modified on 1/20/2016 7:52:01 PM

My 1st guess is that she really wanted to make the 3hr work and didn't offer up the 2hr due to that. The analytical part of me however, won't let me stop thinking there.  

In reality, Escort Calendar Management can be a very manual process. No 2 days are the same. One day everything works perfectly, the next day you're sending emails all day long (or posting ads all day long or at the beauty salon all day long) and drop the ball on prioritizing. We are occasionally beat to the punch by the gent in these situations. Its almost never personal, but we lose when that isn't understood and I won't begin to say how mentally draining that can be with a regular that you obviously hit it off with. Its almost like a boyfriend dumping you in real life because you forgot one thing.

I have to give your lady friend a round of applause for developing a system that shows availability. She could be in the process of making a system that prevents these glitches. You know? Maybe its still in Beta mode and not perfect yet.

Given the amount of great time you two have spent, I would like to see you embrace that and not let one glitch (can't call it an error or anything personal) bring bad energy to what is already good

admitted that her scheduling is unorganized at times.  Maybe veteran providers can give her helpful tips.

hotplants350 reads

You ask for a 3 hr window and you give her 2 diff days as options. She doesnā€™t have a 2 hr window available on either day, but says sheā€™ll contact you when a THREE hr comes up. Later, you see she has a 2 hr window available on the same day you originally asked about. But, since she didnā€™t contact you ā€œASAPā€ to let you know about that TWO hr window, youā€™re bitching about her customer service?  

In fact, this was so annoying to you that you decided you couldnā€™t see her anymore?  

Ya know, you could have just taken the 2 hr window she had available when you were asking for the 3 hr window. But, when you specifically request a 3 hr window you donā€™t get to publically call HER out for having bad CS skills because she didnā€™t contact you about a 2 hr window; because, really, why would she since you clearly specified you wanted 3 hrs?

Not to mention how extra DB-y and overly creepy entitled it is, of you, to post this on a public board in the first place. Have you reviewed her?.... because, if you have, anyone who reads your reviews can guess who she is. There is a good reason the alias of an alias option exists here.  

Now, after reading this thread, she has a 3 window availableā€¦. just for you.  Fantastic.  

But instead finding even a small amount of humility and letting this go, you publically post that she:  ā€œadmitted that her scheduling is unorganized at times.  Maybe veteran providers can give her helpful tipsā€.  

What an ass.  

Ehemā€¦*you* created this communication problem in the first place. Way to go dude. Enjoy that 3 hr session.  


Posted By: AlwaysLookin
admitted that her scheduling is unorganized at times.  Maybe veteran providers can give her helpful tips.

hotplants331 reads

but another 50-60 bucks would get us..like..another 10 mins...combined. Every little bit...lol...

I am a very patient man. I won't stalk you anymore on this but it would be nice to pm with you at some point, if you felt comfortable doing so.

Peace, Jack.

If the appointment actually exists. I have my doubts as this dick seems to want to be right and after the drubbing he got here, this is his attempt at saving face.

but somehow you assumed she would let you know when she has a 2 hour opening so you can book your 3 hour?

I'm confused.

But once you start becoming Mr. Clandestine, you're going to start freaking someone out. That would freak me out lol

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