TER General Board

I once did 40 different ladies over a ten day period
cutehunkie 70 Reviews 1444 reads
1 / 35

Anyone experienced hobby fatigue recently?
I'm taking a break from the hobby for the Christmas season.  I guess after a while hobbyist needs a break.  I'm taking a break because of issues with my ATF.  Her quality of service went down and we fought over it, and some emotions were involved.   The emotional part is taxing, and feel like I need a break.  I feel like the intiative to try a new provider (which involves research, due diligence, and screening on my part) isn't there, so I think I'm experiencing hobby fatigue. Anyone feel that? LOL.

Valerie_International See my TER Reviews 435 reads
2 / 35

But I def experience provider fatigue sometimes!....As much as I tour and am constantly on the go! It's Bloody exhausting..

I suppose for you hobbyists it depends on how often you are seeing ladies?..

mrfisher 108 Reviews 203 reads
3 / 35

and you are suffering the effects of same.

Now if someone wants to set up an SO relationship with a gal, that's up to them.  But expect to have the good with the bad.

I've had favorites for years and years, and I never tire of them.

I've had a few favorites that things got too much like you describe, and I cut them out of my life.  I had a wife and I don't need another, at least not like that.

I do have one very good SO relationship, but that requires a lot of work, but I enjoy it as it is rewarding.

Hobbying is for fun, and when we make it about all kinds of relationship issues, it ceases to be pure fun and becomes something else.

Then, as others have point out, there is the financial problems of this day and age; and that is a drag on my hobbying, but I remeain thankful for what resources I still have.

slipperyfun 80 Reviews 323 reads
4 / 35

Posted By: cutehunkie
Anyone experienced hobby fatigue recently?
...bank account fatigue?  Yeah, I feel that.

Valerie_International See my TER Reviews 125 reads
5 / 35

Posted By: slipperyfun
Posted By: cutehunkie
Anyone experienced hobby fatigue recently?
...bank account fatigue?  Yeah, I feel that.

GaGamblerssmarterbrother 353 reads
6 / 35

That was "hobby fatigue" and definitely too much of a good thing. It's also something I am now probably physically incapable of doing again. lol

Crazy Diamond 12 Reviews 335 reads
7 / 35

Bragging about BBFS several months ago...not cool!  You should know better!

With disdain...

Mrs._OSP 136 reads
8 / 35
GaGamblerssmarterbrother 133 reads
9 / 35

but in your case it will probably take 30-40 years, and by that time, who will care? lol

-- Modified on 12/10/2010 9:57:23 AM

slipperyfun 80 Reviews 300 reads
10 / 35

You're responding to the OP, correct?

Susquehanna61 18 Reviews 241 reads
11 / 35

I only hobby when I travel (about once every couple months), I tend to play in bursts (so to speak).

2-3 sessions in a week's time, then a work-induced break.

buzzdog99 2 Reviews 156 reads
12 / 35

I would think that fatique would set in for a provider more than a hobbyist.  Some of the travel schedules that I read are totally exhausting!!!   I do and I don't understand why they do it!!!???!!!!!   I certainly understand that wallet fatigue, too!!!   I'm fairly selective and would like to find one or two favorites that I can relate to in the hopes that any "fatique" will be replaced by freindship.....

scoed 8 Reviews 232 reads
14 / 35

The OP seeks out BBFS or at leased did so once and posted about it under a flipped alias.

mrfisher 108 Reviews 127 reads
15 / 35


I kid because I love.

I hope both of you are getting along well, especially you after that nasty car accident.

SO relationships don't have to go bad; my point is only that if you are going to have one, you have to put a lot of psychic and emotional energy into it which can be tough to do; but the benefits can also be quite extraordinary.

On the other hand, the benefits of the hobby are easy and relaxing, but of necessity, not very far reaching, cosmically speaking anyways.

Ghost.of.GTM 254 reads
16 / 35

which for me has been the pursuit of variety for its own sake. This no longer interests me. I am very content to see a very few regulars with only rarely occasional new acquaintances.  It takes a great deal any more to interest me in meeting someone new.

casinostocks 7 Reviews 173 reads
17 / 35

Let's name a few (not in any particular order) and then feel free to add you own, if you so wish:

- Mental
- Physical
- Biological
- Financial
- Choice/Selection
- Geographical
- Logistical

Some of the above can have sub-categories such as: Emotional, behavioral & Chemical fatigues. The 4F's can be very tiresome if that is what one uses as the Hobby moto ;)

Mrs._OSP 124 reads
18 / 35

I can't wait 30-40 years to take over
my inheritance! ;-)
He will be..........oh hell, yuck!

Mrs._OSP 108 reads
19 / 35

He plans to call you shortly. That information can't be shared here.

Mrs._OSP 119 reads
20 / 35

OSP will call you shortly. Thanks sweety for your concern.

The Planner 2 Reviews 160 reads
21 / 35

Sometimes you can have too much of a good thing.

anon65331122 88 Reviews 198 reads
22 / 35


I hope you aren't too fatigued during your DC visit ;)

Posted By: Valerie_International
But I def experience provider fatigue sometimes!....As much as I tour and am constantly on the go! It's Bloody exhausting..

I suppose for you hobbyists it depends on how often you are seeing ladies?..

ziggy440 84 Reviews 175 reads
23 / 35

a fellow hobbyist, slightly more experienced than me, that the average hobbyist on TER lasts about 6 months, and then either goes off the grid, focusing just on girls, or a girl, he knows, or just quits, and that the average provider works for about two years.

I have no idea where he got these statistics. Anyone else here this?

If the one about hobbyists is true, then it would be more rare to not suffer hobby burnout than to suffer it.

In any case, in addition to showing bad form with the BBFS crap (good catch on that), the OP also sounds more like he is suffering drama fatigue. I have had a little of that lately - everything being so much more complicated than it needs to be. Not in this for drama, ladies, just fun. Thought that was the goal for all of us, but for some that is def not the case.


Valerie_International See my TER Reviews 173 reads
24 / 35

I've been resting up  this week just so I'm not ;)

Valerie_International See my TER Reviews 153 reads
25 / 35

Posted By: The Planner
Sometimes you can have too much of a good thing.
Yes but is it possible to have too much of a naughty thing ;)

scoed 8 Reviews 121 reads
26 / 35

I have tired of my wife from time to time. Every relationship has a down side and that can get old quick, but It is possible to rekindle the relationship so it is new and fresh. I can honestly say I love my wife more now than I did when I married her. Of coarse we have only been married for almost six years, maybe the real fatigue comes later, what do I know.

How are you healing? Have the doctors given you a time frame before you are going to be as good as new?

Claudius42310 13 Reviews 129 reads
28 / 35

as client who tends to repeat, but who has only humble charms and limited social skills i find that my favorites tend to become fatigued. then i catch the disease. ah well. fortunately there is a cure and it is never terminal. ;-)

cutehunkie 70 Reviews 189 reads
29 / 35

A lot of people here talk and joke about BBFS and Cameltoe slides - same thing.  You can do a search.  Just so happens the Mods don't like me and singled me out.  So why bring it up, this is another topic of discussion.  Stick to the discussion.

cutehunkie 70 Reviews 138 reads
30 / 35

Just contacted a very reliable agency with a new lady.
Hobby & Provider burn-out or fatigue happens. LOL.

keystonekid 114 Reviews 143 reads
31 / 35

get tired of only eating those entrees.  There is such a thing as too much of a good thing; as in hot women.  Sometimes I need a break to re-charge the batteries.

scoed 8 Reviews 146 reads
32 / 35

OK I understand I wish you well. Hope you have a speedy recovery.

ImCallingBullshit 128 reads
33 / 35
GaGamblerssmarterbrother 152 reads
34 / 35

You were just revealed for who you are, the membership simply made up their own mind as to their opinion of you.

Whether the mods like you or not is irrelevent, if anyone else puts up a post like yours, you can bet it is going to get flipped as well.

and "hate" is such a strong word, how about "severly dislike" instead. lmao

mbassett09 See my TER Reviews 185 reads
35 / 35

LOL!  So sad, happens to the best of us!

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